
About Security Users

A Security User is an individual in your organization who has a user account for accessing GE Digital APM. A GE Digital APM Security User account stores the ID and password for the user, which are used to authenticate the Security User when he or she logs in, and identifying information including the name, contact information, and job details.

Creating Security User accounts is the first step in configuring system security. After you have created Security Users, you can assign those Security Users to Security Groups, organizing Security Users according to their roles within the system.

After you set up Security Users and Groups, you can assign data permissions for those Security Users and Groups.

Each Security User account is actually a record that belongs to the Security User family. When you create a Security User, three things happen:
  • A Security User record is created.
  • A corresponding Human Resource record is created.
  • A link between the Security User record and the Human Resource record is created using the Is a User relationship family.

Because Security User records are actual records in GE Digital APM, they can be searched, queried, viewed, and modified just like any other type of record.

Access the Security Users Page


In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
The Security Users page appears.

Create a Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select .
    The New User workspace appears, displaying a blank Security User datasheet.
  3. If you want the Security User to be prompted to change password after login, select the Must Change Password check box.
  4. If you want the Security User to have access to all GE Digital APM features and functionality, select the Super User check box.
  5. In the workspace for the new Security User, select the Sites tab.
    The Sites section appears.
  6. In the Sites section, select .
    The Assign Sites window appears, displaying the available sites.
  7. Beside each site to which you want to assign the Security User, select the check box, and then select Update.
    Note: You can assign multiple sites to a Security User.
    The updated Security User properties are saved, the Assign Sites window closes, and the assigned sites appear in the Sites section.
  8. Select the Details tab.
    The Details section appears.
  9. As needed, enter values in the available fields.

    After the appropriate sites have been assigned to the Security User, one site must be selected as the default site. In the Details section for the Security User, ensure that you have selected the appropriate option in the Default Site box.

  10. Select .
    The Security User is saved, and added automatically to the Everyone Security Group.
    Note: If you want to include an image for the new Security User, you can do so using the Upload Photo button that appears after you save the user.

Security User Records

A Security User record contains information related to each user who has been granted access to GE Digital APM. The table describes the baseline state and behavior of the fields.

FieldData Type Description Behavior and Usage
ActiveBooleanThe field indicates whether the Security User account is active.If selected, the Security User account is active.
AddressCharacterThe address of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Area of ResponsibilityCharacterThe area of responsibility assigned to the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Business UnitCharacterThe business unit to which the Security User belongs.You can enter text to define this value manually.
CityCharacterThe city where the Security User resides.You can enter text to define this value manually.
CommentCharacterAdditional information on the user, if any.You can enter text to define this value manually.
CompanyCharacterThe company to which the Security User belongs.You can enter text to define this value manually.
CountryCharacterThe country where the Security User resides.You can enter text to define this value manually.
CultureCharacterThe field identifies the preferred culture of the Security User. This setting determines the time zone and number formats that are displayed when the user logs in to GE Digital APM.While creating the user account for a Security User, by default, the Culture drop-down list box displays the value that is selected in the Default Culture drop-down list box of the User Defaults page. You can change the default culture setting by selecting one of the options available in the Culture drop-down list box.
Default SiteCharacterThe default site assigned to the Security User.

While creating the user account for a Security User, by default, the Default Site drop-down list box displays the value that is selected in the Default Site drop-down list box of the User Defaults page. You can change the default site by selecting one of the options available in the Default Site drop-down list box.

Important: A default site must be selected. For more information, see the Assign Sites to a Security User topic.
DepartmentCharacterThe department to which the Security User belongs.You can enter text to define this value manually.
DomainCharacterThe domain associated with the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
EmailCharacterThe Email ID of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
FacilityCharacterThe facility to which the Security User belongs.You can enter text to define this value manually.
FaxNumericThe fax number of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
First NameCharacterThe first name of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Job TitleCharacterThe job title given to the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
LanguageCharacterThe field identifies the preferred language of the Security User. This setting determines the language that is displayed when the user logs in to GE Digital APM.While creating the user account for a Security User, by default, the Language drop-down list box displays the value that is selected in the Default Language drop-down list box of the User Defaults page. You can change the default language by selecting one of the options available in the Language drop-down list box.

Last Name

CharacterThe last name of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
LockedBooleanIndicates whether the Security User account is locked. If a Security User account is locked, the Security User will not be able to log in.
Note: If a Security User account is created when the LDAP synchronization process is run, the Locked check box does not appear in the corresponding Security User record.
If a Security User account is locked, the Security User will not be able to log in. If a Security User repeatedly attempts to log in using an incorrect password, the user account of the Security User is locked. The account will be unlocked automatically after 20 minutes. If needed, an administrative user can manually unlock an account by clearing the Locked check box.
Middle InitialCharacterThe middle name or initial of the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Must Change PasswordBooleanIndicates whether the password for the Security User account must be changed before the Security User can log in.If selected, the password for the Security User account must be changed before the Security User can log in.
PasswordCharacter Must meet the criteria that is defined in the password policy. This field is required, and the value must be unique among GE Digital APM Security Users. You will be asked to confirm your password.
Phone NumericThe phone number for the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Postal CodeNumericThe postal code for the Security User.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Query PrivilegeCharacterSpecifies restrictions that apply when this user is working with queries.

This field is disabled when the user is a Super User and the query privilege is set to unrestricted.

You can select from the following options:

  • Unrestricted: The Security User can save new or modified queries without restriction.
  • Restricted By Timeout Limit: The Security User can save new and modified queries only if the query results are returned within a specified amount of time.
  • Execute Only: The Security User cannot create or modify queries. Instead, he or she can only view the result of existing queries.
StateCharacterThe state where the Security User resides.You can enter text to define this value manually.
Super UserBooleanIndicates whether the Security User has Super User privileges.If selected, the Security User has Super User privileges.
TimezoneCharacterThe time zone the user expects to see in the GE Digital APM. It is the time zone set up on the user record in the database. Note that this is not the browser or server time zone.

You can select any available time zone.

UOM Conversion SetCharacterIndicates the units associated with the value(s) stored in that field.

While creating the user account for a Security User, by default, the UOM Conversion Set drop-down list box displays the value that is selected in the Default UOM Conversion Set drop-down list box of the User Defaults page. You can change the default UOM conversion set by selecting one of the options available in the UOM Conversion Set drop-down list box.

The following Units of Measurement (UOM) conversion sets are available for the user:

  • None: Default Conversion Set.
  • API RBI Connector: API RBI Connector Conversion set for API RBI Metric Users.
  • Metric: Metric conversion set.
User IDCharacterThe ID for the Security User.This field is required, and the value must be unique.

Copy an Existing Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User that you want to copy.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears, displaying the corresponding Security User form.
  3. In the workspace heading, select .
    The Security User is copied, and the properties for the new Security User appear in a form. The new Security User belongs to all Security Groups to which the template Security User belongs.
    All values from the template Security User are copied to the new Security User, except the following:
    • First Name
    • User ID
    • Middle Initial
    • Password
    • Last Name
    • Email
  4. Enter or modify the values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The Security User is saved.

Modify Security User Properties


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User whose properties you want to modify.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears, displaying the corresponding Security User form.
  3. As needed, modify the available values, and then select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.

Activate or Deactivate a Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User that you want to activate or deactivate.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears, displaying the corresponding Security User form.
  3. Select or clear the Active check box as necessary, and then select .
    Depending on your selection, the Security User is activated or deactivated.

Assign Groups to a Security User

About This Task

This topic describes how to assign multiple Security Groups to a Security User on the Security Users page. You can also assign a Security Group to multiple Security Users on the Security Groups page.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User that you want to add to the Security Group.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Groups tab.
    The Groups section appears.
  4. Select .
    The Assign Groups window appears, displaying the available Security Groups.
  5. Beside each Security Group to which you want to assign the Security User, select the check box.
  6. Select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.

Remove Groups from a Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User whose Security Groups you want to remove.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Groups tab.
    The Groups section appears.
  4. Beside each Security Group that you want to remove, select the check box.
  5. Select .
    The Security Group is no longer assigned to the Security User.
  6. Select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.

Assign Sites to a Security User

Before You Begin

About This Task

This topic describes how to assign multiple sites to a Security User on the Security Users page. You can assign a site to multiple Security Users on the Configuration Manager Sites page.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User to whom you want to assign sites.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears, displaying the Details section.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Sites tab.
    The Sites section appears.
  4. Select .
    The Assign Sites window appears, displaying the available sites.
  5. Beside each site to which you want to assign the Security User, select the check box, and then select Update.
    Note: You can assign multiple sites to a Security User.

    The updated Security User properties are saved, the Assign Sites window closes, and the assigned sites appear in the Sites section.


    After the appropriate sites have been assigned to the Security User, one site must be selected as the default site. In the Details section for the Security User, ensure that you have selected the appropriate option in the Default Site box.

Remove Sites from a Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User for which you want to remove sites.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Sites tab.
    The Sites section appears.
  4. Beside each site that you want to remove from the Security User, select the check box.
  5. Select .
    The site is removed from the Security User.
  6. Select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.

Assign Roles to a Security User

About This Task

This topic describes how to assign multiple Security Roles to a Security User on the Security Users page. You can assign a Security Role to multiple Security Users on the Security Roles page.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User to whom you want to assign the Security Role.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Roles tab.
    The Roles section appears.
  4. Select .
    The Assign Roles window appears, displaying the available Security Roles.
  5. Beside each Security Role that you want to assign to the Security User, select the check box.
  6. Select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.

Remove Roles from a Security User


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Security Manager > Users.
  2. In the left pane, select the Security User for which you want to remove Security Roles.
    The workspace for the selected Security User appears.
  3. In the workspace for the selected Security User, select the Roles tab.
    The Roles section appears.
  4. Beside each Security Role that you want to remove, select the check box.
  5. Select .
    The selected Security Roles are removed.
  6. Select .
    The updated Security User properties are saved.