General Reference

RCM Data Model

The following diagram shows how the families used in RCM are related to one another.

Note: In the diagram, boxes represent entity families and arrows represent relationship families that are configured in the baseline database. You can determine the direction of the each relationship definition from the direction of the arrow head: the box from which the arrow originates is the predecessor, and the box to which the arrow head points is the successor.

In the preceding diagram:

  • The RCM FMEA Asset box represents a single RCM FMEA Asset record within an analysis. The RCM FMEA Analysis record can be linked to multiple RCM FMEA Asset records, each of which can be linked to an Equipment or Functional Location record.
  • The Equipment or Functional Location box represents the Equipment or Functional Location family for which the Is RCM FMEA Asset, Has Recommendations, and Has Tasks have been defined between that family and the specified predecessor or successor.
  • When an RCM FMEA Recommendation record is created for the analysis, the Recommendation record is linked to the Equipment or Functional Location record to which the RCM FMEA Asset record is linked.
  • When an RCM FMEA Recommendation record is promoted to an Action record, the Action record will be linked to a Proposed Strategy record and associated with the Equipment or Functional Location record. For details, see the ASM Help.

Entity and Relationship Families used in RCM

The following table provides a summary of the entity families and relationship families that are used to develop an RCM Analysis.

Records in this entity family:

...Can be linked to records in this entity family:

...Through a relationship definition on this relationship family: 

RCM FMEA Analysis

RCM Function

Has RCM Function

RCM Function

RCM Functional Failure

Has RCM Functional Failure

RCM Functional Failure

RCM FMEA Failure Mode

Has RCM FMEA Failure Mode

RCM FMEA Failure Mode

RCM FMEA Failure Effect

Has RCM FMEA Failure Effect

RCM FMEA Failure Effect

RCM FMEA Recommendation

Has RCM FMEA Recommendation

In addition, the following families and relationships are used by RCM by not within the analysis tree itself.

Records in this entity family: ...Can be linked to records in this entity family: ...Through this relationship: Purpose
RCM FMEA Analysis Human Resource Has RCM FMEA Team Member Facilitates the construction of the RCM Analysis Team Members list. Through this relationship, Human Resource records are linked directly to the RCM FMEA Analysis record.
RCM FMEA Analysis RCM FMEA Asset Has RCM FMEA Asset Facilitates the construction of the RCM equipment list. In this way, the RCM FMEA Asset records are linked directly to the RCM FMEA Analysis record. Note, however, that RCM FMEA Asset records do not appear in the analysis tree of an RCM Analysis.
RCM FMEA Analysis RCM FMEA Task Has Tasks Allows Task records generated from Recommendation records to be linked to the RCM FMEA Analysis record for which the recommendation was created. Note that in the current version of GE Digital APM, RCM FMEA Task records cannot be created from RCM FMEA Recommendation records. Instead, RCM FMEA Recommendation records can be used to create Action records in ASM. This relationship still exists, however, to support legacy RCM FMEA Task records.
RCM FMEA Recommendation RCM FMEA Task Has Tasks Allows RCM FMEA Recommendation records to be linked to RCM FMEA Task records that are generated from those recommendations. Note that in the current version of GE Digital APM, RCM FMEA Task records cannot be created from RCM FMEA Recommendation records. Instead, RCM FMEA Recommendation records can be used to create Action records in ASM. This relationship still exists, however, to support legacy RCM FMEA Task records.
RCM FMEA Asset Asset Strategy Template Has Strategy Facilitates the promotion of RCM FMEA Asset records to Asset Strategy records via Recommendation Management. This link is established when an RCM FMEA Analysis is linked to a physical or "virtual" piece of equipment or location for which you have defined Recommendation records.
RCM FMEA Asset RCM FMEA Task Has Tasks

Allows RCM FMEA Asset records to be linked to RCM FMEA Task records. This link is established only when a Task record is generated from a recommendation where the related RCM FMEA Asset record (i.e., the RCM FMEA Asset record that is linked to the RCM FMEA Analysis record) is not linked to an Equipment or Functional Location record.

Note that in the current version of GE Digital APM, RCM FMEA Task records cannot be created from RCM FMEA Recommendation records. Instead, RCM FMEA Recommendation records can be used to create Action records in ASM. This relationship still exists, however, to support legacy RCM FMEA Task records.

RCM FMEA Asset Task History Has Task History Facilitates the rejection of RCM FMEA Task records that are linked to RCM FMEA Asset records. When you reject an RCM FMEA Task record, a Task History record is created and linked to the RCM FMEA Asset record through the Has Task History relationship.
RCM FMEA Asset Task History Has Task History Facilitates the rejection of RCM FMEA Task records that are linked to RCM FMEA Asset records. When you reject an RCM FMEA Task record, a Task History record is created and linked to the RCM FMEA Asset record through the Has Task History relationship.
RCM FMEA Analysis RCM FMEA Template Has TemplatesFacilitates the creation of RCM Templates.
RCM FMEA Asset RCM FMEA Template Has TemplatesFacilitates the creation of RCM Templates.
RCM Function RCM FMEA Template Has TemplatesFacilitates the creation of RCM Templates.
RCM Functional Failure RCM FMEA Template Has TemplatesFacilitates the creation of RCM Templates.
RCM FMEA Failure Mode RCM FMEA Template Has TemplatesFacilitates the creation of RCM Templates.
RCM FMEA Recommendation Mitigates Risk Risk Assessment Allows you to determine how a recommendation mitigates a risk.

RCM Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles


MI Strategy Admin

MI Strategy Power

MI Strategy User

MI RCM Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Strategy Admin

MI Strategy Power

MI Strategy User

Associating RCM Analyses with a Specific Site

Some companies that use the GE Digital APM software have facilities at multiple sites, or locations, where each site contains unique equipment and locations. If desired, you can define the sites in your organization and associate equipment and locations with the site to which they belong. When you create RCM Analyses for those pieces of equipment and locations, you will need to select the appropriate site on the Analysis datasheet of the RCM Analysis.

To help streamline the analysis-creation process, after you select a site on the Analysis datasheet, the GE Digital APM system will allow you to add Equipment and Functional Location records to the RCM Analysis only if those pieces of equipment and locations belong to that site.

You can also associate Risk Matrices with specific sites. If a Risk Matrix is associated with a site and an RCM Analysis is associated with the same site, when you define the unmitigated risk for a failure effect, rather than seeing the default Risk Matrix, you will see the Risk Matrix that is associated with that site.

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

Family Caption


MI RCM Viewer

Entity families





Asset Criticality Analysis System



Consequence Definition



Decision Tree Consequence



Decision Tree Response



Decision Tree Structure



Human Resource

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Mitigates Risk

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Probability Definition



Protection Level



RCM FMEA Analysis

View, Update, Insert, Delete



View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM Function

View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM Functional Failure

View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM FMEA Failure Mode

View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM FMEA Failure Effect

View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM FMEA Recommendation

View, Update, Insert, Delete


RCM FMEA Template

View, Update, Insert, Delete



View, Update, Insert, Delete


Reference Documents

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Risk Assessment

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Risk Category



Risk Matrix



Risk Rank

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Risk Threshold



Site Reference



Task History

Note: The Task History relationship family is inactive in the baseline GE Digital APM database.

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Relationship Families


Has Associated Recommendation



Has Consolidated Recommendations



Has Driving Recommendation



Has RCM FMEA Team Member

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM FMEA Analysis

View, Insert, Delete


Has RCM FMEA Asset

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM Function

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM Functional Failure

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM FMEA Failure Mode

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM FMEA Failure Effect

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has RCM FMEA Recommendation

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Reference Values



Has Recommendations

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Reference Documents

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Risk



Has Risk Category

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Site Reference



Has Superseded Recommendations



Has Task History

Note: The Has Task History relationship family is inactive in the baseline GE Digital APM database.

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Tasks

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Has Templates

View, Update, Insert, Delete


Is Based on RCM FMEA Failure Effect




View, Update, Insert, Delete


With these privileges, any user who is a member of the MI RCM User Security Group will have access to ALL records involved in RCM Analyses. In addition to these baseline privileges, which you can grant by assigning users to the MI RCM User Security Group, you will need to grant RCM users permission to the Equipment or Functional Location family if it is related to the RCM FMEA Asset family through the Is RCM FMEA Asset relationship.

Note: You may also want to grant some users permission to modify the items in the following Catalog folders: \\Public\Meridium\Modules\RCM.

RCM System Code Tables

The following System Code Tables are used by RCM.

Table ID Table Description Function


Function Sub Types

Used to populate the Sub Function list in RCM Function records.


Function Type

Used to populate the Function Type list in RCM Function records.


Recommended Resource

Used to populate the Recommended Resource list in RCM FMEA Recommendation records.


There are two URL routes associated with RCM: rcm/overview and strategy/rcm. The following table describes the various paths that build on the routes, and the elements that you can specify for each.



Accepted Value(s)


rcm/overview: Displays the RCM Overview page.

strategy/rcm/analysis/<EntityKey>: Displays a specific analysis based on the entity key.

<EntityKey>Specifies the analysis that you want to access.Any numeric Entity Key that corresponds to an existing analysis.Displays the specified analysis in a new tab.

strategy/rcm/template/<EntityKey>: Displays a specific template based on the entity key.

<EntityKey> Specifies the template that you want to access.Any numeric Entity Key that corresponds to an existing template.Displays the specified template in a new tab.

Example URLs

Example URLDestination
rcm/overview The RCM Overview page.
strategy/rcm/analysis/64251519679 The RCM analysis record with Entity Key 64251519679.
strategy/rcm/template/64251519341 The RCM template record with Entity Key 64251519341.

About Values Mapped From an RCM Template to Asset Strategy Template

When you promote an RCM template to an ASM template, several fields in the Asset Strategy Template family are populated with the fields that are mapped from RCM FMEA Template family.

Note: Some of the fields listed in the table are not available on any of the datasheets that are configured for the RCM FMEA Template and Asset Strategy Template family.

The following table lists the field mappings:

This field in RCM FMEA Template family:...populates this field in Asset Strategy Template family
Template Long DescriptionDescription
Template NotesTemplate Notes
Template Short DescriptionTemplate Name
Template CategoryTemplate Category

Failure Finding Activity in RCM Recommended Actions

When you define an RCM recommendation and specify the Action Type as Failure Finding, you can use the Failure Finding Activity cells to calculate the failure finding task interval (FFI).

The following equation is used to calculate FFI:

FFI = MTIVE x [(n + 1)(MTED)/MMF]1/n

Note that the information used for the FFI calculation is based upon the concepts in SAE Standard JA1012, "A Guide to the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Standard." The process and terminology used in the FFI calculation are described in more detail in this standards document. To use the Failure Finding Activity cells effectively, you will need to be familiar with this standard.

In addition, the FFI calculation is based upon information in the book "Reliability-Centered Maintenance" by John Moubray.

The following table describes the Failure Finding Activity cells in the GE Digital APM Framework.



Stores the mean time between multiple failures.

For example, a 1 in 1,000,000 probability of a multiple failure in one year implies a mean time between failures of 1,000,000 years.

The probability of multiple failures occurring in any one year is 1/MMF.


Stores the mean time between failures of the protective device.


Stores the mean time between failures of the protected function.

For example, if the demand rate of the protected function is once in 200 years, this equals a probability of failure for the protected function of 1 in 200 in any one year, or a mean time between failures of the protected function of 200 years.

The probability of failure of the protected function in any one year is 1/MTED.


The number of protective devices.

RCM Site Filtering

RCM Analyses

Site filtering is applied to RCM analysis records by setting the site on the datasheet or by linking an asset with an existing site assignment to a global analysis. If you assign a site to an RCM analysis by linking an existing asset, then all of the records associated with the analysis inherit the same site. After the site is set for an analysis, you can only link assets with that same site assignment.

RCM Analysis Templates

When you create a new analysis template, you can use the Site control to set the site for the template, which then gets populated through all of the records associated with an analysis. You can apply any viewable template to any viewable analysis, regardless of the site assignment, as long as the risk matrices match.


Consider an organization that has two sites, Site X and Site Y, and then consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: User assigned to Site X and Site Y applies a template to an analysis

Template A is assigned to Site X. Analysis 1 is assigned to Site Y. The user applies Template A to Analysis 1, even though they have separate site assignments, as long as there are no conflicts between the risk matrices.

Scenario 2: User assigned to Site X and Site Y links an asset to an analysis

Equipment 1 is assigned to Site X and Equipment 2 is assigned to Site Y. Analysis 1 is assigned to Site Y. The user links Equipment 2 to Analysis 1, because they share the same site (Site Y).

The user is unable to link Equipment 1 to Analysis 1, because Equipment 1 would not appear in the list of available assets to link there due to site incompatibility. So, even though this multi-site user can view both Equipment 1 and Equipment 2, they cannot link an equipment to an analysis with an incompatible site assignment.