Data Loader
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader
The Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader allows a user to load a full RCM Analysis from data in a fixed format Excel workbook. The Excel file provides worksheets that contain data to populate various nodes/records in the data model. These include RCM Analysis, Function, Functional Failure, Failure Mode, Failure Effects, Recommendations, mitigated and unmitigated risks, and Team members.
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader Requirements
The following data must be present prior to loading RCM data:
- Equipment Taxonomy
- Equipment and Functional Location records
- Team Member records
The Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader maps the datasheet columns in the Excel workbook to fields in GE Digital APM families by position. The captions may be changed as needed, but the column positions should not be moved.
Security Settings
The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role as well as the MI Strategy Admin role or MI Strategy User role.
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader Data Model
The data for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) families is loaded from a single Excel workbook containing multiple worksheets. This includes Analyses, Team Members, Functions, Functional Failures, Failure Modes, Failure Effects, and Recommendations.
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader General Loading Strategy
This section describes any prerequisites to loading the data and the order in which the data will be loaded.
Load Sequence
The RCM data load must be performed in a specific sequence to successfully populate fields, create records, and link them to the predecessor and/or successor records:
- Create/Update RCM FMEA Analysis of type RCM.
- Link the Existing Team Members to the Analysis. Team members exist in the Human Resource family and must exist prior to the load.
- Create/Update an RCM FMEA Asset and link it to the analysis.
- Locate the physical asset (Equipment or FLOC) and link it to the RCM/FMEA Asset.
- Create/Update RCM Function to the Analysis.
- Create/Update RCM Functional Failure to the Function.
- Create/Update a RCM FMEA Failure Mode to the Functional Failure.
- Create/Update a Failure Effect and link it to the Failure Mode.
- Create the Unmitigated Risk Assessment and Risk Rank Records and link it to the Failure Effect.
- Create/Update the RCM FMEA Recommendation and link it to the associated Failure Effect.
- Create the Mitigated Risk Assessment and Risk Rank Records and link it to the Failure Effect.
- Create/Update RCM FMEA Secondary Actions and link it to the associated Recommendation.
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader Risk Assessment Management and Web Service
FMEA and RCM have mitigated and unmitigated risk assessments for Failure Effects and Recommendations respectively. Each Risk Assessment has related Risk Rank records which is in essence a sub-model. The FMEA loader uses the Risk Assessment service to manage the Risk Assessment and underlying Risk Rank records. Any changes here should be reflected in the Strategy FMEA Mappings Document.
Failure Effect
The Failure Effect also acts as the Risk Assessment record. Review the Failure Effect web service and you will see that the manage operation creates a Risk Ranks collection. There is no need to create an additional Risk Assessment record linked to the Failure Effect.
RCM FMEA Recommendation
The Recommendation will need to have a linked Risk Assessment record if there are mitigated values in the worksheet. The data loader should locate the Risk Assessment record linked to the Recommendation. If one exists, then update it.
If one does not exist, then use the Risk Assessment web service to create it and use the relationship Mitigates Risk [MIR_MITRISK] to relate it to the Recommendation.
Risk Assessment ID Field
You can use any combination of fields to uniquely identify the record, you are not limited to ID. The ID on the Risk Assessment record has no purpose but the Web Service requires it.
If the service requires an ID, then auto-generate is used with the understanding that it will not be used to do a lookup.
There are two entities and each has two scenarios with regards to the Risk Assessment. None of them require an ID since no attempt is being made to find a risk assessment by ID.
Entity | Scenario | Processing Assumptions | Additional Validation and Integrity Logic |
Failure Effect | Unmitigated (Create new assessment) | Since the Failure Effect is the Risk Assessment, there is no need to create a Risk Assessment record. |
The unmitigated fields on the Failure Effect Record should not be null if the user is loading RCM FMEA recommendations that have a mitigated risk rank. When created through the UI, the recommendation always inherits the unmitigated Risk Assessment from the failure effect and thus we could be creating a situation where there are Mitigated Risks without corresponding Unmitigated Risks. Conversely, a recommendation cannot have a Risk Assessment whose Failure Effect does not have one Risk Assessment, or else an out of sync condition will be created. |
Failure Effect | Unmitigated (Update - assessment Exists) | Update the unmitigated risk fields on the failure effect | |
RCM FMEA Recommendation | Mitigated (Create new assessment) | Check if there is an existing mitigated Risk Assessment linked to the Recommendation. There can only be one. If none exists, then one is created. | |
RCM FMEA Recommendation | Mitigated (Update - assessment Exists) | Check if there is an existing mitigated risk assessment linked to the Failure Effect. If one does exist then update the Risk Assessment. |
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use
This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed.
In order to import data using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader, GE Digital APM provides an Excel workbook, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM).xlsx, which supports baseline data loading RCM analysis in GE Digital APM.
The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loader workbook.
Worksheet | Description |
Configuration | This worksheet allows you to configure and group the fields which make family records unique when performing data loads. |
Analysis |
The analysis is the root record in the data model and is created first. Links to other records are established after the child record is created. |
Team Members |
This worksheet is used to load data into the team members for the analysis. Team members are linked to the FMEA Analysis through the Has RCM FMEA Team Member relationship. Note: If the user wants to add team members, the individuals must already have an entry in GE Digital APM.
Functions |
This worksheet is used to load data into the Functions for the analysis. |
Functional Failures |
This worksheet is used to load data into the Function Failures for the analysis. |
Failure Modes |
This worksheet is used to load data into the Failure Mode family node. The FMEA failure mode is linked directly to the virtual asset. |
Failure Effects |
This worksheet is used to load data into the Failure Effect family node. The failure effect is linked to both the Failure Mode and the associated recommendation. See the recommendation section for its relationship. |
Recommendations |
This worksheet is used to load data into the Recommendations. RCM Recommendations are linked to the associated Failure Effects. A Failure Effect can have multiple recommendations but each one must be unique. |
Secondary Actions | This worksheet is used to load data into the Secondary Actions. Secondary Actions are linked to the associated Recommendations. |
Analysis Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Analysis Long Description |
Character (255) |
None |
Start Date |
Date |
None |
End Date |
Date |
None |
Re-Evaluation Date |
Date |
None |
Team Members Worksheet
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
User ID |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Predecessor |
Relationship |
Successor |
MI Human Resource |
Functions Worksheet
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Function Name |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Function Type |
Character (40) |
None |
Sub Function |
Character (50) |
None |
Function Long Description |
Text |
None |
Function Performance Parameters |
Text |
None |
Predecessor |
Relationship |
Successor |
Functional Failures Worksheet
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Function Name |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. Used to locate the Function ID for the Analysis. |
Function Failure Name |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Functional Long Description |
Text |
None |
Failure Modes Worksheet
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Failure Name |
Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name |
Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Asset ID Value | ASSET_ID_CHR | Character (50) | This is a key field. |
Asset ID Field | ASSET_FIELD_ID | Character | This is a key field. |
Asset Family ID | ASSET_FAMILY_ID | Character | This is a key field. |
CMMS ID | ASSET_CMMS_ID | Character |
None |
CMMS Value | ASSET_CMMS_VALUE | Character (50) |
None |
Long Description |
Text | None |
Maintainable Item | MI_RCMFMODE_MAINT_ITEM_C | Character (50) | None |
Damage Code | MI_RCMFMODE_CONDI_DAMA_C | Character (50) | None |
Failure Pattern |
Character (40) |
None |
PF Interval |
Numeric |
None |
PF Interval Units |
Character (40) |
None |
Predecessor |
Relationship |
Successor |
Comment |
Links to Equipment RCM FMEA Asset |
Links Failure Mode to RCM Function |
Failure Effects Worksheet
Source Field Name |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Effect Name |
Character (255) |
None |
Effect Long Description |
Text |
None |
Effect Impact |
Character (40) |
None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence |
None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Probability |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Consequence |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_MAIN_COST_N | Numeric |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Probability | FINANCIAL|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
None |
(OPERATIONS) Consequence | OPERATIONS|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric |
None |
(OPERATIONS) Probability | OPERATIONS|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
(SAFETY) Consequence | SAFETY|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric |
None |
(SAFETY) Probability | SAFETY|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
Basis for Assessment | MI_RCMFEFFT_BASIS_T | Text | None |
Predecessor |
Relationship |
Successor |
Recommendations Worksheet
Source Field Name |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis Short Description |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Functional Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Name |
Character (255) |
This is a key field. |
Headline |
Character (255) |
None |
Description |
Text |
None |
Business Impact |
Character (100) |
None |
Shutdown Required? |
Boolean |
None |
Target Completion Date |
Date |
None |
Action Type |
Character (5) |
None |
Interval |
Numeric |
None |
Interval Units |
Character (50) |
None |
Nonrecurring |
Defaults to False when no value. |
Performance Interval |
Numeric |
None |
Performance Interval Units |
Character (50) |
None |
Estimated Cost |
Numeric |
None |
Estimated Cost Basis |
Character (255) |
None |
Recommended Resource |
Character |
Must match a resource configured in the system picklist for this field. |
(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence |
None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Probability |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Consequence |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_MAIN_COST_N | Numeric |
None |
(FINANCIAL) Probability | FINANCIAL|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
None |
(OPERATIONS) Consequence | OPERATIONS|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric |
None |
(OPERATIONS) Probability | OPERATIONS|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
(SAFETY) Consequence | SAFETY|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric |
None |
(SAFETY) Probability | SAFETY|MI_PROB_N | Numeric |
None |
Basis for Assessment | MI_RCMFEFFT_BASIS_T | Text | None |
Predecessor | Relationship | Successor |
Secondary Actions Worksheet
Source Field Name | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Functional Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Name | MI_RCMFEFFT_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Recommendation Headline | MI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Name | MI_ACTION_SHORT_DESC_C | Character (255) | None |
Description | MI_ACTION_DESCRIPTION_T | Character (255) | None |
Basis | MI_ACTION_BASIS_C | Character (255) | None |
Type | MI_ACTION_TYPE_C | Character (255) | None |
Condition Monitoring Type | MI_ACTION_CM_TYPE_C | Character(50) | None |
Interval | MI_ACTION_INTV_N | Numeric | None |
Interval Units | MI_ACTION_INTV_UNITS_C | Character(50) | None |
Resource Cost | MI_ACTION_RESOURCE_COST_N | Numeric | None |
Shutdown Required | MI_ACTION_SHUTDOWN_L | Boolean | None |
Predecessor | Relationship | Successor |
About the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Analysis Template Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use
This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed.
The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the RCM Analysis Template workbook.
Worksheet | Description |
Templates | This worksheet is used to load data into the templates. |
Analyses | The analyses are the root records in the data model and are created first. Links to other records are established after the child records are created. |
Team Members | This worksheet is used to load data into the team members for the analysis. Team members are linked to the RCM Analysis through the Has RCM FMEA Team Member relationship. Note: If the user wants to add team members, the individuals must already have an entry in GE Digital APM. |
Functions | This worksheet is used to load data into the Functions for the analysis template. |
Functional Failures | This worksheet is used to load data into the Function Failures for the analysis template. |
Failure Modes | This worksheet is used to load data into the Failure Mode family node. |
Failure Effects | This worksheet is used to load data into the Failure Effect family node. The failure effect is linked to both the Failure Mode and the associated recommendation. See the recommendation section for its relationship. |
Recommendations | This worksheet is used to load data into the Recommendations. RCM Recommendations are linked to the associated Failure Effects. A Failure Effect can have multiple recommendations but each one must be unique. |
Secondary Actions | This worksheet is used to load data into the Secondary Actions. Secondary Actions are linked to the associated Recommendations. |
Templates Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify a template. |
Site Reference Name | MI_SITEREF_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Template Short Description | MI_TM000000_SHRT_DSC_C | Character (255) | None |
Template Long Description | MI_TM000000_LNG_DSC_T | Text | None |
Analyses Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Analysis Long Description | MI_AN_LONG_DESCR_TX | Text | None |
Start Date | MI_AN_ANALY_START_DATE_DT | Date | None |
End Date | MI_AN_ANALY_END_DATE_DT | Date | None |
Re-Evaluation Date | MI_RCMANALY_ANALY_REEV_D | Date | None |
Team Members Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
User ID | SEUS_ID | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Functions Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Type | MI_RCMFUNCN_TYPE_C | Character (40) | None |
Sub Function | MI_RCMFUNCN_SUB_FUNCT_C | Character (50) | None |
Function Long Description | MI_RCMFUNCN_LNG_DESC_T | Text | None |
Function Performance Parameters | MI_RCMFUNCN_PRI_VAR_T | Text | None |
Predecessor | Relationship | Successor |
Functional Failures Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. This is used to identify the Function ID for the Analysis. |
Function Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Functional Long Description | MI_RCMFFAIL_LNG_DESC_T | Text | None |
Failure Modes Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Asset ID | MI_RCMEQPMT_EQUIP_ID_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Asset Description | MI_RCMEQPMT_SHORT_DESC_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Long Description | MI_RCMFMODE_LNG_DESC_T | Text | None |
Maintainable Item | MI_RCMFMODE_MAINT_ITEM_C | Character (50) | None |
Damage Code | MI_RCMFMODE_CONDI_DAMA_C | Character (50) | None |
Failure Pattern | MI_RCMFMODE_FAIL_SHP_FACT_C | Character (40) | None |
PF Interval | MI_RCMFMODE_PF_INTER_N | Numeric | None |
PF Interval Units | MI_RCMFMODE_PF_INTER_UNITS_C | Character (40) | None |
Failure Effects Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Name | MI_RCMFEFFT_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Long Description | MI_RCMFEFFT_LNG_DESC_T | Text | None |
Effect Impact | MI_RCMFEFFT_EFF_IMPACT_C | Character (40) | None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence | ENVIRONMENT|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Probability | ENVIRONMENT|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Consequence | FINANCIAL|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_MAIN_COST_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Probability | FINANCIAL|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Production Loss | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_PROD_LOSS_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Consequence | OPERATIONS|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Probability | OPERATIONS|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(SAFETY) Consequence | SAFETY|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(SAFETY) Probability | SAFETY|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
Basis for Assessment | MI_RCMFEFFT_BASIS_T | Text | None |
Recommendations Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Name | MI_RCMFEFFT_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Headline | MI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Description | MI_REC_LONG_DESCR_TX | Text | None |
Business Impact | MI_REC_IMPAC_CHR | Character (100) | None |
Shutdown Required? | MI_RECRCM_SYS_SHUTDN_REQ_L | Boolean | None |
Target Completion Date | MI_REC_TARGE_COMPL_DATE_DT | Date | None |
Action Type | MI_RECRCM_ACTIO_TYPE_C | Character (5) | None |
Interval | MI_RECRCM_INTER_N | Numeric | None |
Interval Units | MI_RECRCM_INTER_UNITS_C | Character (50) | None |
Nonrecurring | MI_RECRCM_NONRE_L | Logical |
Defaults to False when no value. |
Performance Interval | MI_RECRCM_PERFO_INTER_N | Numeric | None |
Performance Interval Units | MI_RECRCM_PERFO_INTER_UNITS_C | Character (50) | None |
Estimated Cost | MI_RECRCM_ESTIM_COST_N | Numeric | None |
Estimated Cost Basis | MI_RECRCM_COST_BASIS_C | Character (255) | None |
Recommended Resource | MI_RECRCM_RECOMM_RSRC_C | Character | Must match a resource configured in the system picklist for this field. |
(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence | ENVIRONMENT|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Probability | ENVIRONMENT|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Consequence |
FINANCIAL|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_MAIN_COST_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Probability | FINANCIAL|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Production Loss | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_PROD_LOSS_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Consequence | OPERATIONS|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Probability | OPERATIONS|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(SAFETY) Consequence | SAFETY|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(SAFETY) Probability | SAFETY|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
Basis for Assessment | MI_RCMFEFFT_BASIS_T | Text | None |
Secondary Actions Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Template ID | MI_TM000000_ID | Character (255) | This is used to identify the template. |
Analysis Short Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Function Name | MI_RCMFUNCN_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Functional Failure Name | MI_RCMFFAIL_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Failure Mode Name | MI_RCMFMODE_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Effect Name | MI_RCMFEFFT_NAME_C | Character (255) | This is a key field. |
Recommendation Headline | MI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Name | MI_ACTION_SHORT_DESC_C | Character (255) | None |
Description | MI_ACTION_DESCRIPTION_T | Character (255) | None |
Basis | MI_ACTION_BASIS_C | Character (255) | None |
Type | MI_ACTION_TYPE_C | Character (255) | None |
Condition Monitoring Type | MI_ACTION_CM_TYPE_C | Character(50) | None |
Interval | MI_ACTION_INTV_N | Numeric | None |
Interval Units | MI_ACTION_INTV_UNITS_C | Character(50) | None |
Resource Cost | MI_ACTION_RESOURCE_COST_N | Numeric | None |
Shutdown Required | MI_ACTION_SHUTDOWN_L | Boolean | None |
Predecessor | Relationship | Successor |