Data Loaders

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders

The following Data Loaders are available in Inspection Management:

  • Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader
  • Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader

Throughout the documentation, these Data Loaders are collectively called the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders. You can use them to implement Inspection Management when you have inspection data in a legacy system. To import data using these Data Loaders, GE Digital APM provides the following Excel templates:

  • Inspection Management (IM) Assets.xlsx: Using this Data Loader, you can create or update Inspections and related records that are linked to Equipment records.
  • Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location.xlsx: Using this Data Loader, you can create or update Inspections and related records that are linked to Functional Location records.

The data from the templates will be imported into GE Digital APM using the corresponding Data Loaders.

  • The Excel templates are referred to throughout this documentation as the data loader workbooks.

You can use the data loader workbooks to create or update records in the following Inspection families:

  • Inspection Confidence Evaluation
  • Inspection Profile
  • Inspection Method
  • Inspection Task
  • Inspection (i.e., Bundle Inspection, Full Inspection, General Inspection, Pressure Test Inspection, and all types of Checklists)
  • General Finding
  • Bundle Sub-Inspection
  • Pressure Test Sub-Inspection
  • Inspection Recommendation
  • Reference Document

Using the data loader workbooks, you can also create:

  • Records that represent archived Inspections (i.e., inspections that have been completed and approved in the past). Since archived Inspections will be locked after creation, they cannot be updated using the data loader workbooks.
  • Records of a custom sub inspection family that you may have created.

The data on the (Picklist) worksheet is not loaded when you load data.

Note: A data load for Inspection Management is intended to be completed by an individual in your organization who has been designated as being responsible for importing and maintaining Inspections in GE Digital APM, usually an Inspector.

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Requirements

This documentation assumes that your organization has fully completed the deployment of the Inspection Management module. The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders should only be used after the Inspection Management module has been implemented, and you have defined Site References, Functional Locations, and assets (Equipment records) for your organization.

Human Resources and Resource Roles

The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders expect that individuals in your organization who will be performing and reviewing Inspections have one or more of the following Resource Role records linked to their Human Resource records:

  • Inspection Supervisor
  • Inspector

Certain privileges are required to complete a data load based on to whether inspections are (Active or Archived and the Status of the inspection Draft, Pending Approval, or Approved). Persons belonging to either the MI Inspection or the Data Loader User Security Group must:

... have the following Resource Role(s):...with inspections that are:...and inspections in the following Status:Notes
Inspector or Contract Inspector
Note: The Contract Inspector must be assigned as a Team Member to request approval on the Inspection Report by updating the Status field.
ActivePending ApprovalNone
Inspector and Inspection Supervisor ArchivedApprovedThe Inspection Lock and the Final Inspection Lock are set to true.

Security Settings

The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role, and must also be associated with the MI Inspection Security Group, or a Security Role that is associated with this Security Group.

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Inspection Types

The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders can be used to load two different types of Inspections:

  • Active Inspections: Inspections that are still in the process of being completed or reviewed. After you load data, you can use the Inspection Management Bulk Approval feature to approve active inspections.
    • If an inspection is currently downloaded for Inspection Field Data Collection, it cannot be updated through the data loader until it has been synced back.
    • If the Use State Management for Inspection Recommendations check box in Application Settings is selected, Active Inspection Recommendations are loaded in the Proposed state. If it is cleared, Active Inspection Recommendations are loaded in the Created status.
  • Archived Inspections: Inspections that have been reviewed, locked, and archived. Because of the nature of approving archived inspections, it is best for one person to perform this function. In the data loader workbooks, archived Inspections are those that have both the Inspection Lock and Final Inspection Lock fields set to True, and the Inspection Document Status field set to Approved. When an archived Inspection is loaded, the Inspection Report Owner and Reviewer’s Name fields will be set to the name of the user performing the data load.
    Note: If the Use State Management for Inspection Recommendations check box in Application Settings is selected, Archived Inspection Recommendations are loaded in the Completed state. If it is cleared, Archived Inspection Recommendations are loaded in the Implemented status.
Important: When you transition the state of a loaded recommendation to the Completed state, if the state is unavailable, an error appears in the data loader log, stating an error occurred while attempting to set the state for the archived recommendation to MI_COMPLETED. Also, the recommendation will remain in the Proposed state.

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Data Model

This topic has been intentionally excluded from the GE Digital APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the GE Digital APM system.

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders General Loading Strategy


  • For Oracle databases, valid cell values are case-sensitive.
  • The data loader workbook contains sample data in each column. It is only for your reference. You must remove this data before using the data loader workbook.

Best Practices

When importing data using the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders, you must use the following best practices:

  • ID fields (the second row on each worksheet) must not include special characters or spaces.
  • Columns (including columns representing custom fields) on the worksheets should be formatted as Text.
  • When loading archived Inspections, you do not need to set values for the Inspection Report Owner and Reviewer’s Name cells. These fields will be set automatically to the name of the user who loads the data.

  • The supported date formats, time zone, and units of measure will be based on the user's settings.
  • When creating ID numbers for loading inspection data, choose unique values.
  • The value in the Inspection Reference field must be unique.

Load Sequence

The Inspection Management data load is performed in a specific sequence in order to create all necessary relationships between records:

  1. The first step of the load sequence differs based on whether you are using the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader or the Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader.

    If using the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader, the Assets worksheet is processed. An existing asset will be looked up based on values in the Equipment ID (MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C), CMMS System (MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_C), and, if provided, Equipment Technical Number (MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C) cells.

    If using the Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader, the Functional_Location worksheet is processed. An existing Functional Location will be looked up based on values in the Functional Location ID (MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C) and CMMS System (MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_C) cells.

    If an Asset or Functional Location specified on the respective worksheets does not exist, it will be skipped, along with all entries in the subsequent worksheets corresponding to that Asset or Functional Location.

  2. The Inspection_Profile worksheet is processed. For each row based on the cells specified in step 1, an Inspection Profile is looked up. If the Asset or Functional Location does not have a corresponding Inspection Profile, a new record will be created and linked.
  3. The Inspection_Method worksheet is processed. The assets or Functional Locations from step 1 and the Inspection Profiles from step 2 are considered, in addition to the following columns on the worksheet: Item Category (MI_PROFINSP_ITEM_CAT_C), Item ID (MI_PROFINSP_ITEM_ID_C), Method Category (MI_INSPMETH_ITEM_CAT_C), Method ID (MI_INSPMETH_ITEM_ID_C), and (only for assets) RBI Degradation Mechanism (MI_INSPMETH_DAMAGE_MECH_C).
  4. If a corresponding Inspection Method is not found, a new Inspection Method record will be created. Otherwise, the record will be updated The Inspection_Task worksheet is processed. The assets or Functional Locations from step 1 are considered as well as the following columns on the worksheet: Task ID (MI_TASK_ID), Reoccurring (MI_TASK_REOCC_FLG), and Override Interval (MI_TASK_OVERRIDE_INTER_F).

    If the Reoccurring cell is set to True, the Next Date cell cannot be specified because the task is reoccurring. As a result, the Next Date value will be automatically calculated.

    If the Override Interval cell is set to False, the setting of the Desired Interval cell by the data loader will not occur and the Desired Interval will be set to 0. Therefore, the Override Interval cell cannot be set to False.

    If the Override Interval cell is set to False, but the value in the Desired Interval cell is less than the value in the Minimum Interval cell, the Desired Interval will be set to the value of Minimum Interval.

    If the Reoccurring cell of the task is set to False, the Last Date and the Desired Interval cells cannot be specified. For tasks that are not set to reoccur, the following cells will not be copied from the data loader spreadsheet and they will have the following default settings:

    • The Last Date cell will be empty.
    • The Desired Interval cell will be set to 0.

    If logical cells (i.e. Override Interval, Reoccurring) do not have values, they will be set to True by default.

  5. The Inspections worksheet is processed. For each row based on the cells specified in step 1, as well as the Inspection Reference (MI_EVENT_ID) column, an Inspection. If no corresponding Inspection record is found, then a new record is created. Otherwise, the record will be updated.

    If the Inspection Document Status (MI_INSP_001_STATUS_INSP_C) cell is set to Approved and the Final Inspection Lock (MI_INSP_001_LOCK_FINAL_L) cell is set to True, the record will be considered an Archived Inspection. The Reviewer and Inspection Owner fields are automatically set to the user performing the data load.

    If the Inspection Task Complete field has been added as a column to the worksheet, and if values have been provided, an error message will be added to the log, and data in the columns will be skipped.

    If an existing Inspection is being updated via the data load, but the Inspection Lock field for the record is set to True, and:

    • are not the user designated in the Inspection Report Owner field, an error message will be added to the log and the Inspection will not be updated.


    • are the user designated in the Inspection Report Owner field, but the data being loaded via the Excel workbook does not set the corresponding Inspection Lock cell to False, an error message will be added to the log and the Inspection will not be updated.

  6. The General_Finding worksheet is processed. Based on the fields in steps 1 and 5, and the Inspection Profile and Method, a General Finding record will be looked up. If the record is not found, then a new record is created. Otherwise, the record will be updated.
  7. The Inspection_Recommendation worksheet is processed. Based on the fields in steps 1 and 5, and the Recommendation ID (MI_REC_ID) column, an Inspection Recommendation is looked up. If a corresponding Inspection Recommendation is not found, then a new record is created. Otherwise, the record will be updated.

    If the Inspection Recommendation record is associated with an Archived Inspection, then the Author Name and Reviewer Name fields for the Inspection Recommendation record will be set to the user performing the data load.

  8. The Reference_Document worksheet is processed. Based on the field in step 5, and the Reference Document ID (CTIT_ID) column, a Reference Document is looked up. If a corresponding Reference Document is not found, then a new record is created. Otherwise, the record will be updated.
  9. The Bundle_Sub_Inspection, the Pres_Test_Sub_Inspection, and the Inspection_Confidence Worksheets are processed. Based on the field in step 5, and the Inspection Reference (MI_EVENT_SUB_INSP_ID) column, the related inspection is looked up. If a corresponding related sub-inspection record is not found, a new record will be created.

    Currently, the sub-inspection families that are supported by the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders are the Bundle Sub-Inspection and Pressure Test Sub-Inspection families.

    For the Bundle Sub-Inspection family, there are several combinations of column values which you cannot load and the combination of these column values will result in an error:

    • An error will be issued in the log if the value of the Action This Inspection column is set to NO ACTION and any of the following columns have a value:

      • Tubes Plugged During This Inspection
      • Tubes (Plugged At Start) Replaced
      • Tubes (Not Previously Plugged) Replaced

    • An error will be issued in the log if the value in the Action This Inspection cell is set to TUBES PLUGGED, TOTAL RETUBE, or BUNDLE REPLACED and any of the following columns are set to:

      • Tubes (Plugged At Start) Replaced

      • Tubes (Not Previously Plugged) Replaced

        • The column header for the sub-inspection Reference value will be different for each sub-inspection family, but will be similar to <Sub-Inspection Family Name> Reference.
        • The value in the sub-inspection reference column will be stored in the Inspection Reference column of each created Sub-Inspection record. That column will be used for lookup when performing further loads.
        • The sub-inspection will be updated with the data given from the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Template.

    • Since a relationship definition does not exist between the Bundle Sub-Inspection family and the General Inspection family, an error will be issued.

      Note: If the relationship definition is added between the Bundle Sub-Inspection family and the General Inspection family, the Bundle Sub Inspection family will load.

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Workbook Layout and Use

To import data using the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders, GE Digital APM provides the following Excel workbooks:
  • Inspection Management (IM) Assets.xlsx (for Inspections related to Equipment records)
  • Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location.xlsx (for Inspections related to Functional Location records)

You must use these workbooks to load the data. You can modify the Excel workbooks to include custom fields used by your organization. Generally, your organization will use one of the two workbooks, but not both.

Note: The Excel workbooks are referred to throughout this documentation as the data loader workbooks.

The following table provides a list of worksheets that are included in the data loader workbooks. Unless otherwise specified, the worksheets appear in both the workbooks.

AssetsThis worksheet is used to specify existing Equipment records to which Inspections and related records will be linked. This worksheet appears only in the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader workbook.
Functional_LocationThis worksheet is used to specify existing Functional Location records to which Inspections and related records will be linked. This worksheet appears only in the Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader workbook.
Inspection_ProfileThis worksheet is used to specify Inspection Profile records that you want to create or update.
Inspection_MethodThis worksheet is used to specify Inspection Method records that you want to create or update.
Inspection_TaskThis worksheet is used to specify Inspection Task records that you want to create or update.
InspectionsThis worksheet is used to specify the following records:
  • Bundle Inspection
  • Full Inspection
  • General Inspection
  • Pressure Test Inspection
  • All types of Checklists
Inspection_Confidence_EvalThis worksheet is used to specify Inspection Confidence Evaluation records that you want to create or update.
Bundle_Sub_InspectionThis worksheet is used to specify Bundle Sub-Inspection records that you want to create or update.
Press_Test_Sub_InspectionThis worksheet is used to specify Pressure Test Sub-Inspection records that you want to create or update.
General_FindingThis worksheet is used to specify General Finding records that you want to create or update.
Custom_Sub_InspectionIf you have created a custom sub inspection family, this worksheet is used to specify the custom sub inspection records that you want to create or update.
Inspection_RecommendationThis worksheet is used to specify Inspection Recommendation records that you want to create or update.
Reference_DocumentThis worksheet is used to specify Reference Document records that you want to create or update.
(Picklist)This worksheet contains a list of valid values that you can enter in each column (as applicable) in the aforementioned worksheets. When you load data using the data loader, the data on this worksheet is not loaded.

Color Coding

Certain columns on the worksheets have different functions and requirements. To illustrate this, certain columns are color-coded. The following table lists the colors and what they represent.

GreyLookup FieldsIndicates columns that contain values that are used by the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders to look up and create records. If these columns are removed from the worksheets, the data load will fail. While the worksheets require that these columns be present, values are not necessarily required in these columns.
RedFields Required for Saving RecordsIndicates columns that contain values that are required to save the record.
BlueRecommended FieldsIndicates columns that, according to GE Digital APM Best Practice for Inspection Management, should contain values.
GreenCustom FieldsIndicates columns in which you can specify custom fields.


The Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders have the following limitations:

  • The values that you enter in the data loader workbooks are case-sensitive.
  • When you use the data loader to update Inspection Management families:

    • If a cell contains data, the value in the corresponding field will be updated in the database.

    • If a cell is blank, the value in the corresponding field will not be updated with a blank value in the database. The value that previously existed in the field is retained.

  • If you reimport data, the records that have been created by the Data Loaders will be updated. Therefore, while reimporting data, if you remove the data for a field in the data loader workbooks, the value for the corresponding field in GE Digital APM will be either a default value or blank.

    Tip: If you do not want to update a field value, you can remove the corresponding column from the data loader workbooks. You cannot, however, remove columns that correspond to required fields.

Assets Worksheet

On the Assets worksheet, you can specify assets to which you want to link Inspections and related records. The columns that appear on this worksheet also appear on every subsequent worksheet, and are used to identify the records that will be linked, directly or indirectly, to the assets. This worksheet only appears in the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader workbook.

Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique asset. You should not include the same asset more than once.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)A value is required in at least one cell.
CMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)If the Equipment record for an asset has a value in the CMMS System field, you must enter that value in this column.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)If the CMMS System column contains a value, and the Equipment record for the asset has a value in the Equipment Technical Number field, you must enter that value in this column.

If the CMMS System column does not contain a value, this column can be blank, even if the Equipment record contains a value for the Equipment Technical Number field.

Functional_Location Worksheet

On the Functional_Location worksheet, you can specify Functional Location records to which you want to link Inspections and related records. The columns that appear on this worksheet also appear on every subsequent worksheet, and are used to identify the records that will be linked, directly or indirectly, to the Functional Locations. This worksheet appears only in the Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader workbook.

Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique Functional Location. You should not include the same Functional Location more than once.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)A value is required in at least one cell.
CMMS SystemMI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)If the CMMS System field in the Functional Location record contains a value, you must enter that value in this column.

Inspection_Profile Worksheet

On the Inspection_Profile worksheet, you can specify Inspection Profile records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same asset.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Item CategoryMI_PROFINSP_ITEM_CAT_CCharacter (50)A value is required. The combination of values in the Item Category and Item ID columns must be unique per asset.

This column must only contain System Code IDs from the MI_INSPECTION_PROFILE_CATEGORY System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Item IDMI_PROFINSP_ITEM_ID_CCharacter (255)A value is required.

The combination of values in the Item Category and Item ID columns must be unique per asset.

Item DescriptionMI_PROFINSP_ITEM_DESC_CTextNone
RBI ComponentMI_PROFINSP_COMPONENT_CCharacter (250)This column must only contain the Entity ID of an existing Criticality RBI Component record that is linked to the same asset or Functional Location as the Inspection Profile.
RBI Component FamilyMI_PROFINSP_COMP_FAM_CCharacter (100)This column must only contain the Family name of the Criticality RBI Component specified in the RBI Component column (e.g., Criticality RBI Component - Piping).

This column appears only in the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader workbook.


Inspection_Method Worksheet

On the Inspection_Method worksheet, you can specify Inspection Method records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Inspection Profile.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Item CategoryMI_PROFINSP_ITEM_CAT_CCharacter (50)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Inspection_Profile worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same Inspection Profile.
Item IDMI_PROFINSP_ITEM_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Inspection_Profile worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same Inspection Profile.
Method CategoryMI_INSPMETH_ITEM_CAT_CCharacter (100)A value is required. The combination of values in the Method Category, Method ID, and RBI Degradation Mechanism columns must be unique per Inspection Profile.

This column must only contain one of the System Code IDs from the MI_INSPECTION_METHOD_CATEGORY System Code Table. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Method IDMI_INSPMETH_ITEM_ID_CCharacter (255)A value is required.

The combination of values in the Method Category, Method ID, and RBI Degradation Mechanism columns must be unique per Inspection Profile.

RBI Degradation MechanismMI_INSPMETH_DAMAGE_MECH_CCharacter (255)A value is required.

This column must only contain the Entity ID of a Potential Degradation Mechanism that is linked to the Criticality RBI Component specified in the corresponding RBI Component column on the Inspection_Profile worksheet.

The combination of values in the Method Category, Method ID, and RBI Degradation Mechanism columns must be unique per Inspection Profile.

Important: This column appears only in the Inspection Management (IM) Assets Data Loader workbook, and should not be included in the Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location Data Loader workbook.
DescriptionMI_INSPMETH_ITEM_DESC_CCharacter (1000)None

Inspection_Task Worksheet

On the Inspection_Task worksheet, you can specify Inspection Task records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Inspection Profile.
For Inspection Task, the following fields will always be skipped as they are output fields:
  • Compliance Max Date
  • Compliance Min Date
  • Inspection Documentation Completion Date
  • Inspection Grace Due Date

Grace Period field will be skipped, if you have not set the Grace Period Basis field to User Defined.

Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Task ID MI_TASK_IDNumericA value is required and must be unique. This value identifies the Inspection Task.
Task Type MI_TASK_TASK_TYPE_CHR Character (255)None
Task DescriptionMI_TASK_DESC_TX TextNone
Task DetailsMI_TASK_DETAILS_T TextNone
Last DateMI_TASK_LAST_DATE_DT DateEnter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Override IntervalMI_TASK_OVERRIDE_INTER_F BooleanEnter True or False.
Desired IntervalMI_TASK_DESIR_INTER_NBRNumericNone
Next DateMI_TASK_NEXT_DATE_DT DateEnter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Next Date BasisMI_TASK_NEXT_DATE_BASIS_C Character (1000)None
CoverageMI_TASK_COVER_NBR NumericNone
Task Assigned ToMI_TASK_ASSGN_TO_C Character (50)None
ReoccurringMI_TASK_REOCC_FLG BooleanEnter True or False.

You can enter a value in this column only if you want to create an Inspection Task. If, however, you want to modify an Inspection Task using the data loader workbook, you cannot modify the value in this column.

Unconstrain Min/Max DatesMI_TASK_UNCONSTR_MN_MX_DT_FLG BooleanEnter True or False.
Min Interval MI_TASK_MIN_INTER_NBR NumericNone
Max IntervalMI_TASK_MAX_INTER_NBR NumericNone
Inspection Document TypeMI_TASK_INSP_INSPTYPE_FMLYID_C Character (50)None

Inspections Worksheet

On the Inspections worksheet, you can specify the following types of Inspections that you want to create or update:

  • Bundle Inspection
  • All types of Checklists (e.g., API 510 External Checklist, ILI Checklist)
  • Full Inspection
  • General Inspection
  • Pressure Test Inspection
Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same asset or Functional Location.
Important: If you have created a custom Inspection, and if you want to create or update records of that family using the data loader workbooks, ensure that the custom inspection family is linked to the Equipment or Functional Location family using the Has Inspections relationship definition.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)A value is required.

If the value in the Use System Generated ID column is False (or if the column is blank), then the value in this column must be unique.

If the value in the Use System Generated ID column is True, then, after you load data, the value in this column is not used to populate the Inspection Reference field in the Inspection. Instead, a system-generated value is used to populate the field. In this case, the value in this column is used only to identify the records that must be linked to the Inspection.

Use System Generated IDMI_SYS_GEN_IDLogicalEnter True or False.

If you enter False (or leave this column blank), after you load data, the value in the Inspection Reference column is used to populate the Inspection Reference field in the Inspection. The default value is False.

If you enter True, after you load data, the value in the Inspection Reference field in the Inspection is populated with a system-generated value. In this case, even if you enter a value in the Inspection Reference column, it is not used to populate the field.

If you want to use the data loader workbooks to modify an Inspection, the value in this column must be False (or you can leave this column blank). If, however, the value in this column is True, then, after you load data, the Inspection is not modified. Instead, a new Inspection is created.

Family IDFMLY_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column are used to identify the type of the Inspection record that you want to create or update.

In addition to the values specified on the (Picklist) worksheet, if you want to enter the family ID of a custom inspection family that you created, ensure that the family is linked to the Equipment or Functional Location family using the Has Inspections relationship family.

Inspection HeadlineMI_EVENT_SHRT_DSC_CHRCharacter (255)None
Commencement DateMI_EVENT_STRT_DTDateEnter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Completion DateMI_EVENT_END_DTDateEnter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Tasks AddressedMI_EVENT_TASKKEYS_CCharacter (1000)Enter a list of Entity Keys or Task IDs of Inspection Tasks, separated by commas. You can enter up to 20 values in each cell.
Equipment Operating StateMI_INSP_001_STATE_EQUIP_OP_CCharacter (50)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_EQUIP_OP_STATE System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Reason for InspectionMI_INSP_001_REASON_CCharacter (50)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
Inspection SummaryMI_EVENT_LNG_DSC_TXTextNone
Inspection Report OwnerMI_INSP_001_NAME_INSPECTOR_CCharacter (255)The value in this column must match an existing Security User who is assigned the Inspector Resource Role.

Enter value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>

Inspection Document StatusMI_INSP_001_STATUS_INSP_CCharacter (50)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
Inspection LockMI_INSP_001_LOCK_INSP_LBooleanEnter True or False.

If the value in this column is True, and the Final Inspection Lock column is blank or False, the value in the Inspection Report Owner column must match the Security User who is loading the data. 

Reviewers NameMI_INSP_001_NAME_REVIEWER_CCharacter (255)The value in this column must match an existing Security User who is assigned the Inspection Supervisor Resource Role.

Enter value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>

Reviewers CommentsMI_INSP_001_COMMENTS_REVIEW_TTextNone
Final Inspection LockMI_INSP_001_LOCK_FINAL_LBooleanEnter True or False.

If the value in this column and the Inspection Lock column is True, the Inspection Report Owner and Reviewer's Name fields for the record will be populated with the name of the user who is loading the data.

PublishedMI_INSP_001_PUBLISHED_LBooleanEnter True or False.
Inspection Confidence Evaluation ReviewedMI_INSP_001_ICE_COMP_FBooleanEnter True of False.

If the value in this column is True, the Inspection Confidence Evaluation records are locked.

You can update this field only if:
  • You have the Risk Analyst resource role assigned to you.
  • The Allow Risk Analyst to Lock Inspection Confidence Evaluation Records check box is selected in the Application Configurations section of the Inspection Configuration workspace.
Note: This column is not a part of the baseline data loader template. If required, you can add this column to the Inspections worksheet.

Inspection_Confidence_Eval Worksheet

On the Inspection_Confidence_Eval Worksheet, you can specify Inspection Confidence Evaluation records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Inspection Profile.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location ID MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.
CMMS System (only for Asset load)MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Equipment Technical Number MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Value in this column must match the value in the Inspection Reference column of the parent inspection specified on the Inspections worksheet.
Inspection Confidence IDMI_EVENT_SUB_INSP_IDCharacter (255)Enter a unique value in the following format: <Inspection Reference>-<Sequence Number>
RBI ComponentMI_INSCONFEV_RBI_COMP_NNumericEnter the Component field value of an existing RBI Component.

The value in this field should be a valid RBI Component for the Asset that the Inspection is related to.

Note: This column is not a part of the baseline data loader template. If required, you can add this column to the Inspection_Confidence_Eval worksheet.
Filter DMMI_INSCONFEV_FILT_DM_FBooleanEnter True or False.

This field is required if the RBI Component field has a value. If the RBI Component field is blank, this field is ignored during loading.

If the value in this column is True, and an RBI Component is specified, the degradation mechanism must belong to the specified RBI Component.

Note: This column is not a part of the baseline data loader template. If required, you can add this column to the Inspection_Confidence_Eval worksheet.
Degradation MechanismMI_INSP_001_DEG_MECH_CCharacter (100)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the DEGRADATION_MECHANISM_TYPES System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Type of InspectionMI_INSP_001_TYPE_CCharacter (255)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
ExtentMI_INSP_001_EXTENT_CCharacter (1000)This column must only contain System Code IDs from the MI_MI_INSPECTION_EXTENT System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Bundle_Sub_Inspection Worksheet

On the Bundle_Sub_Inspection worksheet, you can specify Bundle Sub-Inspection records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Inspection Profile.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the Inspection Reference of the parent inspection specified on the Inspections worksheet.
Bundle Sub Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_SUB_INSP_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column are used to uniquely identify the Bundle Sub-Inspection. This field does not appear on the datasheet; however, it is used to uniquely identify the Bundle Sub-Inspection.
Bundle TagMI_EVENT_ASST_ID_CHRCharacter (255)None
Bundle TypeMI_INSPBUND_BUNDLE_TYPE_CCharacter (50)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
Total Number of Tubes In BundleMI_INSPBUND_TUBES01_NNumericNone
Action This InspectionMI_INSPBUND_ACTION_THIS_INSP_CCharacter (50)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
Tubes Plugged At Inspection StartMI_INSPBUND_TUBES02_NNumericNone
Tubes Plugged During This InspectionMI_INSPBUND_TUBES07_NNumericThis column is not applicable if the value in the Action This Inspection column is NO ACTION.
Tubes (Plugged At Start) ReplacedMI_INSPBUND_TUBES03_NNumericThis column is not applicable if the Action This Inspection column contains one of the following values:
Tubes (Not Previously Plugged) ReplacedMI_INSPBUND_TUBES04_NNumericThis column is not applicable if the Action This Inspection column contains one of the following values:
Bundle Inspection Summary MI_EVENT_LNG_DSC_TXTextNone

Press_Test_Sub_Inspection Worksheet

On the Press_Test_Sub_Inspection worksheet, you can specify Pressure Test Sub-Inspection records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same parent Inspection Record.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the Inspection Reference of the parent inspection specified on the Inspections worksheet.
Pressure Test Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_SUB_INSP_IDCharacter (255)Enter a unique value. Values in this column are used to identify the Pressure Test Sub-Inspection.
Test Media - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_MEDIA_TEST_SH_CCharacter (50)None
Test Media - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_MEDIA_TEST_TB_CCharacter (50)None
Test Pressure -Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_PRESS_TEST_SH_NNumericNone
Test Pressure - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_PRESS_TEST_TB_NNumericNone
Test Duration - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_DURATION_TEST_SH_NNumericNone
Test Duration - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_DURATION_TEST_TB_NNumericNone
Test Media Temperature - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_MEDIA_TEMP_SH_NNumericNone
Test Media Temperature - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_MEDIA_TEMP_TB_NNumericNone
No. of Gauges Used - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_NO_GAUGE_USED_SH_NNumericNone
No. of Gauges Used - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_NO_GAUGE_USED_TB_NNumericNone
Witnessed By - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_WITNESS_BY_SH_CCharacter (255)Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>
Witnessed By - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_WITNESS_BY_TB_CCharacter (255)Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>
SRV Set Pressure - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_SRV_SET_PRESS_SH_NNumericNone
SRV Set Pressure - Tube SideMI_INSPPTST_SRV_SET_PRESS_TB_NNumericNone
Test Comments - Shell SideMI_INSPPTST_COMMENTS_TEST_SH_TTextNone
Test Comments - Tube Side MI_INSPPTST_COMMENTS_TEST_TB_TTextNone

General_Finding Worksheet

On the General_Finding worksheet, you can specify General Finding records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Full Inspection.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Inspections worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same Inspection.
Inspection Profile CategoryMI_FIND_001_ITEM_PROFILE_CAT_CCharacter (100)A value is required.

This column must only contain System Code IDs from the MI_INSPECTION_PROFILE_CATEGORY System Code Table. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

The combination of values in the Inspection Profile Category, Inspection Profile Item, and Inspection Method Item columns must be unique.

Inspection Profile ItemMI_FIND_001_ITEM_PROFILE_CCharacter (100)A value is required.

The combination of values in the Inspection Profile Category, Inspection Profile Item, and Inspection Method Item columns must be unique.

Inspection Method ItemMI_FIND_001_ITEM_METHOD_CCharacter (100)A value is required for each row.

This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_INSPECTION_METHOD_CATEGORY System Code Table. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

The combination of values in the Inspection Profile Category, Inspection Profile Item, and Inspection Method Item columns must be unique.

Location DetailsMI_FIND_001_LOCATION_DETAILS_CTextNone
HeadlineMI_FIND_001_HEADLINE_CCharacter (50)None
Finding SummaryMI_FIND_001_SUMMARY_TTextNone
TypeMI_FIND_001_TYPE_CCharacter (100)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_FINDING_TYPE System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

As Found Degradation Mechanism


Character (100)

This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_DAMAGE_MECHANISM System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Damage ModeMI_FIND_001_MODE_DET_CCharacter (100)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_DAMAGE_MODE System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Action Taken CodeMI_FIND_001_ACT_TAKEN_CODE_CCharacter (100)Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.
Action Taken DescriptionMI_FIND_001_ACT_TAKEN_DESC_TTextNone
PredictableMI_FIND_001_PREDICTABLE_CCharacter (3)In the baseline GE Digital APM system, This column must only contain the following System Code IDs:
  • Y
  • N

The list in this field is populated by the MI_YES_NO System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table.

Custom_Sub_Inspection Worksheet

If you have created a custom sub inspection family, on the Custom_Sub_Inspection worksheet, you can specify the custom sub inspection records that you want to create or update.

Important: Ensure that the custom sub inspection family that you have created is linked to the Inspections family using the Has Sub Inspections relationship definition.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.
CMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CMI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered for the parent Inspection on the Inspections worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Inspection.
Sub Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_SUB_INSP_IDCharacter (255)A value is required and must be unique. Values in this column are used to identify the custom sub inspection record.
Family IDFMLY_IDCharacter (255)A value is required and must match the value entered for the parent Inspection family on the Inspections worksheet.

Inspection_Recommendation Worksheet

On the Inspection_Recommendation worksheet, you can specify Inspection Recommendation records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Full Inspection.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Inspections worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same Full Inspection.
Recommendation IDMI_REC_IDCharacter (255)A value is required and must be unique.
Target Completion DateMI_REC_TARGE_COMPL_DATE_DTDateA value is required. Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss


Recommendation HeadlineMI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHRCharacter (255)None
Recommendation DescriptionMI_REC_LONG_DESCR_TXTextNone
Recommendation PriorityMI_REC_PRIORITY_CCharacter (50)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_PRIORITY System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Required Equipment StatusMI_REC_REQUI_EQUIP_STATU_CHRCharacter (50)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_EQUIP_OP_STATE System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Business ImpactMI_REC_IMPAC_CHRCharacter (100)This column must only contain the System Code IDs from the MI_BUSINESS_IMPACT System Code Table.

Refer to the (Picklist) worksheet for a list of values that you can enter in this column.

Mandatory DateMI_REC_MANDA_DATE_DT DateEnter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Assigned To NameMI_REC_ASSIG_NM_CHRCharacter (255)Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>
Author NameMI_REC_AUTHO_NM_CHRCharacter (255)The value in this column must match an existing Security User who is assigned the Inspector, Inspection Administrator, or Inspection Supervisor Resource Role.

Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>

Note: If the Use State Management for Inspection Recommendations check box in Application Settings is selected, GE Digital recommends removing this field from the worksheet.
Reviewer NameMI_REC_REVIE_NM_CHRCharacter (255)The value in this column must match an existing Security User who is assigned the Inspection Supervisor Resource Role.

Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>

Note: If the Use State Management for Inspection Recommendations check box in Application Settings is selected, GE Digital recommends removing this field from the worksheet.
Final Approver NameMI_REC_FINAL_APPROVE_NAME_CCharacter (255)Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>
Implemented DateMI_REC_COMPL_DATE_DTDateEnter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID>

Reference_Document Worksheet

On the Reference_Document worksheet, you can specify Reference Document records that you want to create or update.

Note: Each row represents a unique record, though multiple records may be related to the same Full Inspection.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Equipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Functional Location IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Functional_Location worksheet. You can link multiple records to the same Functional Location.


Character (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets or Functional_Location worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset or Functional Location.
Equipment Technical NumberMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Assets worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same asset.
Inspection ReferenceMI_EVENT_IDCharacter (255)Values in this column must match the values entered on the Inspections worksheet, if they exist. You can link multiple records to the same Full Inspection.
Reference Document IDCTIT_IDCharacter (255)A value is required and must be unique.
DescriptionCTIT_DESC_TXCharacter (255)None
Document PathMIRD_DOC_PATH_CHRCharacter (1023)None

About the Inspection Management (IM) Data Loaders Load Verification

Following a data load, you should perform the following steps in GE Digital APM to confirm the integrity and accuracy of the data imported from the data loader workbooks:

  • Access the details of the import job. These details will indicate if any errors, minor or otherwise, were encountered during the import job. The log may help account for any records that are unexpectedly absent after the data load.
  • In Inspection Management or Record Manager, access the assets or Functional Locations specified in the data loader workbooks, and then verify that the expected Inspection Profiles, Inspection Methods, and Inspections are present or updated, and that any associated records that you expected to be created are also present in the database.