Data Loader
About the Hazards Data Loader
Using the Hazards Data Loader, you can implement HAZOP Analysis when you have data in a legacy system. To import data using the Hazards Data Loader, GE Digital APM provides an Excel workbook, Hazards.xlsx, which supports baseline Hazards Analysis in GE Digital APM. You must export your legacy system so that the data can be used to populate the workbook. The data from the workbook will then be imported into GE Digital APM using the Hazards Data Loader.
The data loader workbook can be used in the following scenario:
- Loading existing legacy HAZOP analysis data into GE Digital APM so that you can retain visibility into previous HAZOP analyses, view the risk mitigation graph and re-validation schedules.
After importing the data, the Hazards Data Loader creates the following records in GE Digital APM:
- Hazards Analysis
- Hazards Analysis System/Node
- Hazards Analysis Deviation
- Hazards Analysis Cause
- Hazards Analysis Consequence
- Hazards Analysis Safeguard
- Independent Layer of Protection
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Recommendation
- Human Resource
About the Hazards Data Loader Requirements
Before importing data using the data loader workbook, you must have completed the deployment of the Hazards Analysis module. You must also have populated the Equipment and Functional Location to establish relationship with the families in Hazards Analysis, and have entered a valid Equipment entity key and Functional Location entity key into the data loader workbook. To do this, the Equipment and Functional Locations must exist in the GE Digital APM database.
Security Settings
The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role.
About the Hazards Data Loader General Loading Strategy
The imported data must load in a specific sequence in order to successfully populate fields, to create records, and to link them to the predecessor and/or successor records.
Best Practices
When importing data using the data loader workbook, you must use the following best practices:
- ID fields (Row 2 of each worksheet) must not include special characters (other than underscores) or spaces.
- Columns (including columns representing custom fields) in the worksheets should be formatted as Text.
- You should not try to create and update a component in the same data loader workbook.
- You must consider the rules described in the Workbook Layout and Use section of this document while using the Hazards Data Loader.
Load Sequence
When importing data using the data loader workbook, you must use the following workflow:
- Download the data loader workbook provided by GE Digital APM
- Identify the data requirements for exporting the data in to the data loader workbook.
- Extract data from legacy applications to populate the data loader workbook.
- Import data into GE Digital APM.
- Monitor the status of the data load, and verify the results in the log.
- Conduct tests in GE Digital APM to ensure that the imported data loaded accurately.
For each row in the data loader workbook, the Hazards Loader creates a new record in GE Digital APM. However, if records have already been created and you reimport the data, the existing records will be updated.
About the Hazards Data Loader Load Verification
About This Task
About the Hazards Data Loader Data Model
The following data model illustrates the records that the Data Loader supports.
About the Hazards Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use
To import Hazards Analysis data, GE Digital APM provides the data loader workbook (Hazards.xlsx). This workbook supports baseline Hazards Analysis in GE Digital APM. You can modify the workbook to include custom fields used by your organization.
The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the data loader workbook.
Worksheet | Description |
MI_HAZANANA | This worksheet is used to define the Hazards Analysis records. |
MI_HAZANNOD | This worksheet is used to define Hazards Analysis System/Node records. |
Node_Assets | This worksheet is used to identify Equipment and Functional Location records. |
MI_HAZOPDEV | This worksheet is used to define HAZOP Deviation records. |
MI_HAZANCAU | This worksheet is used to define Hazards Analysis Cause records. |
MI_HAZANCON | This worksheet is used to define Hazards Analysis Consequence records. |
MI_HAZANSAF | This worksheet is used to define Hazards Analysis Safeguard records. |
MI_IPL_CHEC | This worksheet is used to define IPL Checklist records |
MI_RISKASSE | This worksheet is used to define Risk Assessment records. |
MI_RSKASREC | This worksheet is used to define Risk Assessment Recommendation records. |
MI_Human_Resource | This worksheet is used to define Human Resource records. |
The Hazards Data Loader has the following limitations:
- You can import data related to HAZOP Analysis only.
- You must use the data loader workbook. If you modify the format of the values in columns in any of the worksheets, you will not be able to import data.
- The values that you enter in the data loader workbook are case-sensitive.
If you reimport data, the records that were created by the Hazards Data Loader will be updated. Therefore, while reimporting data related to a record, if you remove the data for a field in the data loader workbook, the value for the corresponding field in GE Digital APM will be blank.
The MI_HAZANANA worksheet stores the details of the Hazards Analysis records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must be unique. This value identifies the Hazards Analysis. |
Site Reference Name | MI_SITE_NAME | Character (50) |
This field is required and must match an existing Site name. Note: If you want to set the site reference to be a Global Site Reference, in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet, enter the constant *Global*.
Unit Description |
Character (255) |
None |
Unit ID |
Character (50) |
None |
Process Type |
Character (50) |
None |
Process Description |
Text |
None |
Text |
None |
Last Modified By |
Character (255) |
None |
Last Modified Date |
Date |
None |
State |
Character (50) |
None |
State Owner |
Character (255) |
None |
Revision Number | MI_HAZANANA_REVIS_NUMBE_C | Character (50) | None |
Revision Date | MI_HAZANANA_REVIS_DATE_D | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
MI_SM_STATE_ENTERED_D | MI_SM_STATE_ENTERED_D | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Analysis Purpose | MI_HAZANANA_ANALY_PURPO_T | Text | None |
Analysis Scope | MI_HAZANANA_ANALY_SCOPE_T | Text | None |
Analysis Objective | MI_HAZANANA_ANALY_OBJEC_T | Text | None |
Analysis End Date | MI_AN_ANALY_END_DATE_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Analysis Start Date | MI_AN_ANALY_START_DATE_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Process Life Cycle Phase | MI_HAZANANA_PROCE_LIFE_CYCLE_C | Character (255) |
By default, in GE Digital APM system, this field may contain one of the following System Code IDs:
The list in this field is populated by the MI_HAZARDS_ANALYSIS_LIFE_CYCLE_PHASE System Code Table. If the system code table has been modified, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the MI_HAZARDS_ANALYSIS_LIFE_CYCLE_PHASE System Code Table. |
Analysis Description | MI_AN_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Is Deleted | MI_HAZANANA_IS_DELET_L | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Reevaluation Interval | MI_HAZANANA_ANALY_REEV_N | Numeric | None |
Analysis Type | MI_AN_ANALY_TYPE_CHR | Character (59) |
By default, in GE Digital APM system, this fields may contain one of the following values:
Next Reevaluation Date | MI_HAZANANA_NEXT_REEVA_DATE_D | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Production Unit Key | MI_ANLY_PROD_UNIT_KEY_N | Numeric | None |
State Key TEST | MI_SM_STATE_KEY_N | Numeric | None |
Visual Attributes | MI_AN_VISUA_ATTRI_TX | Character | None |
The MI_HAZANNOD worksheet stores the details of the Hazards Analysis System/Node records.
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
Character (255) | A value is required and must be unique. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Systems/Nodes in a Hazards Analysis, then the values in this column for the three Systems/Nodes must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Modified By | MI_TST_EQUIP_HIST_DATE_C | Character (255) |
None |
Modified Date | MI_HAZANNOD_MODIF_BY_C | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Reference Drawing | MI_HAZANNOD_MODIF_DATE_D | Character (255) | None |
System/Node Description | MI_HAZANNOD_REFER_DRAWI_C | Text | None |
System/Node Equipment Type | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_DESCR_T | Character (255) | None |
System/Node Process Type | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_EQUIP_TYPE_C | Character (255) | None |
System/Node Comments | MI_HAZANNOD_COMME_T | Text | None |
Node_Assets Worksheet
The Node_Assets worksheet identifies the Equipment and Functional Location records, and links them to each Hazards Analysis.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node ID | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required and must match the ID of a System/Node that exists in GE Digital APM or one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match the value in the System/Node Number field of the System/Node whose ID you have provided in the System/Node ID column. |
Equipment Technical Number |
Character (255) |
None |
Function Location ID |
Character (255) |
None |
The MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet stores the details of the HAZOP Deviation records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the System/Node Number field, in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Deviations in a System/Node, then the values in this column for the three Deviations must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Deviation/Guideword |
Character (255) |
None |
The MI_HAZANCAU worksheet stores details of the Hazards Analysis Cause records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Causes for a Deviation, then the values in this column for the three Causes must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Cause ID | MI_HAZANCAU_CAUSE_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Functional Location ID | MI_HAZANCAU_FUNCT_LOCAT_ID_C | Character (255) | None |
Equipment Technical Number |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Character (255) | None |
Cause Comment | MI_HAZANCAU_CAUSE_COMME_T | Text | None |
Cause Description | MI_HAZANCAU_CAUSE_DESCR_T | Text | None |
Cause Type | MI_HAZANCAU_CAUSE_TYPE_CHR | Character (100) | In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell is the CCPS Cause Type field and may contain is populated by the value in the Initiating Event ID field of the Initiating Event records. The Cause Frequency (per year) field is populated with the default value of frequency specified in the Initiating Event record based on your selection in the CCPS Cause Type field. For more information, refer to the Initiating Events section of the documentation. |
The MI_HAZANCON worksheet stores details of the Hazards Analysis Consequence records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCAU worksheet. |
Consequence ID | MI_HAZANCON_CONSE_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Consequence Sequence Number | MI_HAZANCON_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Consequences for a Cause, then the values in this column for the three Consequences must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Consequence Description | MI_HAZANCON_CONSE_DESCR_T | Text | None |
Consequence Comment | MI_HAZANCON_CONSE_COMME_T | Text | None |
Consequence Type |
Character (100) |
None |
The MI_HAZANSAF worksheet stores details of the Hazards Analysis Safeguard records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCAU worksheet. |
Consequence Sequence Number | MI_HAZANCON_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Consequences for a Cause, then the values in this column for the three Consequences must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Safeguard ID | MI_HAZANSAF_SAFEG_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Safeguard Sequence Number | MI_HAZANSAF_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Safeguards for a Consequence, then the values in this column for the three Safeguards must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Functional Location ID | MI_HAZANSAF_FUNCT_LOCAT_ID_C | Character (255) | Enter a value that matches the value in the Functional Location ID field of a Functional Location that exists in the database. |
Equipment Technical Number |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Character (255) | Enter a value that matches the value in the Equipment Technical Number field of an Equipment that exists in the database. |
Safeguard Comment | MI_HAZANSAF_SAFEG_COMME_T | Character | None |
Safeguard Type | MI_HAZANSAF_SAFEG_TYPE_C | Character (100) | None |
Safeguard Description | MI_HAZANSAF_SAFEG_DESCR_T | Text | None |
IF ID | MI_HAZANSAF_PIF_ID_C | Character (255) | You must enter a value that matches the value in the PIF ID field of an Instrumented Function that exists in the database. |
Is the IPL independent of the initiating cause of the hazardous scenario? | MI_HAZANSAF_IS_IPL_INDEP_L | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Is the IPL specific in that it has the ability to detect the hazardous scenario? | MI_HAZANSAF_IS_IPL_SPCFC_L | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Is the IPL auditable with applicable industry standard? | MI_HAZANSAF_IS_IPL_ADTBL_L | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Is the IPL capable with respect to its availability? | MI_HAZANSAF_IS_IPL_CPBL_L | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
IPL Type | MI_HAZANSAF_IPL_TYPE_C | Character (50) |
In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain one of the following System Code IDs:
The list in this field is populated by the MI_HAZOP_IPL_TYPE System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, using Configuration Manager, access and verify with the appropriate System Code table. |
IPL Credits | MI_HAZANSAF_IPL_CREDI_N | Numeric | In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain a value between 1 and 10. |
Type | MI_HAZANSAF_TYPE_C | Character (50) |
This field is stored only if the values for all the IPL Criteria associated with the Safeguard is TRUE. In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain one of the following System Code IDs:
The list in this field is populated by the MI_IPL_TYPES_SAFEGUARD System Code Table. If the System Code Table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, using Configuration Manager, access and verify with the MI_IPL_TYPES_SAFEGUARD System Code Table. |
IPL Sub Type | MI_HAZANSAF_IPL_SUB_TYPE_C | Character (250) |
This field is stored only if the values for all the IPL Criteria associated with the Safeguard is TRUE. In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain System Codes from one of the following System Code Tables:
To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, using Configuration Manager, access and verify with the appropriate System Code Table. |
This field is stored only if the values for all the IPL Criteria associated with the Safeguard is TRUE. The default value for the PFD field for each IPL Sub Type is provided in the following records:
For more information, refer to the Layers of Protection Analysis section of the documentation. To verify which value is acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, using Record Manager, access and verify with the appropriate record. For more information, refer to the Manage Records section of the documentation. |
MI_IPL_CHEC Worksheet
The MI_IPL_CHEC worksheet stores details of the IPL Checklist records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCAU worksheet. |
Consequence Sequence Number | MI_HAZANCON_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Consequences for a Cause, then the values in this column for the three Consequences must be 1, 2, and 3. |
Safeguard ID | MI_HAZANSAF_SAFEG_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Safeguard Sequence Number | MI_HAZANSAF_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must follow a sequence. For example, if there are three Safeguards for a Consequence, then the values in this column for the three Safeguards must be 1, 2, and 3. |
IPL Criteria | MI_IPL_CHEC_IPL_CRIT_C | Character (250) |
In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain one of the following values:
The list in this field is populated by the Asset Safety Preferences records. If the records have been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable access the administrative settings for LOPA, to view the list of criteria configured in your GE Digital APM system. |
IPL Criteria Value | MI_IPL_CHEC_IPL_CRIT_VALU_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
The MI_RISKASSE worksheet stores details of the Risk Assessment records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
Numeric |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCAU worksheet. |
Consequence Sequence Number | MI_HAZANCON_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCON worksheet. |
Safeguard Sequence Number | MI_HAZANSAF_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Character (10) | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANSAF worksheet. |
(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence | ENVIRONMENT|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Probability | ENVIRONMENT|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(ENVIRONMENT) Protection Level | ENVIRONMENT|MI_PROT_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Consequence | FINANCIAL|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_MAIN_COST_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Probability | FINANCIAL|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Production Loss | FINANCIAL|MI_RISK_PROD_LOSS_N | Numeric | None |
(FINANCIAL) Protection level | FINANCIAL|MI_PROT_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) consequence | OPERATIONS|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Probability | OPERATIONS|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
(OPERATIONS) Protection Level | OPERATIONS|MI_PROT_N | Numeric |
Enter TRUE or FALSE.
(SAFETY) Consequence | SAFETY|MI_CONSE_N | Numeric | None |
(SAFETY) Probability | SAFETY|MI_PROB_N | Numeric | None |
The MI_RSKASREC worksheet stores details of the Risk Assessment Recommendation records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
System/Node Number | MI_HAZANNOD_NODE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANNOD worksheet. |
Deviation Sequence Number |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZOPDEV worksheet. |
Cause Sequence Number |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCAU worksheet. |
Consequence Sequence Number | MI_HAZANCON_SEQUE_NUMBE_N | Numeric | A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANCON worksheet. |
Recommendation ID | MI_REC_ID | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Target Completion Date | MI_REC_TARGE_COMPL_DATE_DT | Date | A value is required. Enter the value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Status | MI_REC_STATU_CHR | Character (50) |
In the baseline GE Digital APM system, this cell may contain one of the following System Code IDs:
The list in this field is populated by the MI_STATUS System Code Table. If the system code table has been customized, the valid values could be different. To verify which options are acceptable in your GE Digital APM system, via Configuration Manager, refer to the appropriate table. |
Equipment Technical Number |
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Character (255) | None |
Days Before Due Date to be Notified | MI_REC_DAYS_BEF_DUE_DT_NOT_NBR | Numeric | None |
Reevaluate? | MI_REC_REEVAL_FLG | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Reevaluation Notification List | MI_REC_REEVAL_NOTIF_LIST_CHR | Character (2000) | None |
Work Request Reference | MI_REC_WK_REQ_REF_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Work Order Number | MI_REC_WORK_ORDER_NUMB_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Generate Work Request | MI_REC_WO_INTERFACE_FLAG_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Meridium Task ID | MI_REC_WO_INTERFACE_FLAG_F | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Reviewer ID | MI_REC_REVIE_CHR | Character (255) |
Enter TRUE or FALSE.
Alert Assignee When Due? | MI_REC_NOTIFY_RP_FLG | Boolean | None |
Reevaluation Date | MI_REC_REEVAL_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Implementation Alert Text | MI_REC_NOTIF_EMAIL_TEXT_CHR | Text | None |
Required Equipment Status | MI_REC_REQUI_EQUIP_STATU_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Business Impact | MI_REC_IMPAC_CHR | Character (100) | None |
Published Flag | MI_REC_PUB_FLAG_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Final Approver ID | MI_REC_FINAL_APPRO_ID_C | Character (255) | None |
Associated Reference | MI_REC_EVNTREF_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Generate Meridium Task | MI_REC_GENERATE_MERID_TASK_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Final Approver Name | MI_REC_FINAL_APPROVE_NAME_C | Character (255) | None |
Reviewer Name | MI_REC_REVIE_NM_CHR | Character | None |
Reevaluation Alert Body Text | MI_REC_REEVAL_EMAIL_TX | Text | None |
Final State Lock | MI_REC_FINAL_STATE_LOCK_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Completed Date | MI_REC_COMPL_DATE_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Recommendation Priority | MI_REC_PRIORITY_C | Character (50) | None |
Recommendation Description | MI_REC_LONG_DESCR_TX | Text | None |
Recommendation Headline | MI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Frequency of Alert After Due Date | MI_REC_NOTIF_AFTER_DD_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Recommendation Basis | MI_REC_BASIS | Character (255) | None |
Author Lock | MI_REC_AUTHOR_LOCK_F | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Author Name | MI_REC_AUTHO_NM_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Assigned To Name | MI_REC_ASSIG_NM_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Author User ID | MI_REC_AUTHO_CHR | Character (255) | None |
State | MI_SM_STATE_ID_C | Character | None |
Mandatory Date | MI_SM_STATE_ID_C | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
State Owner | MI_SM_STATE_OWNER_ID_C | Character | None |
State Entered | MI_SM_STATE_ENTERED_D | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Analysis ID | MI_REC_ANALY_ID_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Create Work Request? | MI_REC_CREATE_SAP_NOTIF_FLG | Boolean | Enter TRUE or FALSE. |
Work Request Functional Location | MI_REC_WR_LOC_C | Character (255) | None |
Work Request Equipment | MI_REC_WR_EQUIP_C | Character (255) | None |
Notification Type | MI_REC_NOTIF_TYPE_C | Character (2) | None |
Assigned To User ID | MI_REC_ASSIG_TO_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Recommendation Type | MI_REC_TYPE_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Completion Comments | MI_REC_CLOSE_COMME_TX | Text | None |
Functional Location Key | MI_RSKASREC_FUNCT_LOCAT_KEY_N | Numeric | None |
Functional Location ID | MI_REC_LOC_ID_CHR | Character (2000) | None |
Recommendation Closure Date | MI_REC_CLOSE_DATE_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Last Change Date | MI_REC_LAST_CHANG_DATE_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
Last Changed By | MI_REC_LAST_CHANG_BY_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Technical Number | MI_REC_TECHNICAL_NUM_C | Character (50) | None |
Asset Description | MI_REC_ASSET_DESCR_C | Character (255) | None |
Action Interval Units | MI_RSKASREC_INTER_UNITS_C | Character (50) | None |
Action Interval | MI_RSKASREC_INTER_UNITS_C | Numeric | None |
State Key | MI_SM_STATE_KEY_N | Numeric | None |
MI_Human_Resource Worksheet
The MI_Human_Resource worksheet stores details of the Human Resource records.
Field Caption |
Field ID |
Data Type (Length) |
Comments |
Analysis ID |
Character (255) |
A value is required and must match one of the values that you enter in the MI_HAZANANA worksheet. Additionally, all the records that are linked to one another must contain the same Analysis ID. |
First Name | MI_HR_FIRST_NAME_CHR | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Last Name | MI_HR_LAST_NAME_CHR | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Resource ID | MI_RES_ID_CHR | Character (255) | A value is required. |
Badge Id | MI_HR_BADGE_ID | Character (20) | None |
Company Id | MI_HR_COMPANY_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Department | MI_HR_DEPT_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Address1 | MI_HR_ADDR1_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Address2 | MI_HR_ADDR2_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Area of Responsibility | MI_HR_AREA_RESPONSIBILITY_TX | Character (100) | None |
Facility | MI_HR_AREA_RESPONSIBILITY_TX | Character (50) | None |
Business Unit | MI_HR_BUSINESS_UNIT_TX | Character (50) | None |
Domain | MI_HR_DOMAIN_TX | Character (50) | None |
Culture | MI_HR_CULTURE_ID | Character (10) | None |
City | MI_HR_CITY_CHR | Character (255) | None |
State | MI_HR_STATE_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Postal Code | MI_HR_POSTCODE_CHR | Character (100) | None |
Country | MI_HR_COUNTRY_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Phone1 | MI_HR_PHONE1_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Phone2 | MI_HR_PHONE2_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Fax | MI_HR_FAX_CHR | Character (50) | None |
Email Address | MI_HR_EMAIL_TX | Character (500) | None |
Comments | MI_HR_COMMENTS_TX | Text | None |
Available? | MI_HR_AVAIL_CHR | Character (10) | None |
Site Code | MI_SITE_CD_CHR | Character (20) | None |