Automated Calibration Settings

Automated Calibration Settings

The Automated Calibration Settings are used to control the Automated Calibration workflows and user experience. This section contains the settings for the following Calibrator types:

Fluke Settings

Enable Fluke Tasks Management: This setting is used to activate or deactivate the functionality of the enhanced Automated Calibration workflow for the following Calibrator devices:

  • Fluke 74x – 75x
  • Fluke 729 FC

By default, this check box is not selected. To use the enhanced workflow, select this check box and then select Save.

CMX Settings

Calibration data is transferred between GE Digital APM and CMX Calibration Management Software using XML file formats. There are two ways of sending and receiving calibration data to the CMX software.

  • File Polling: You can specify the folder paths that would contain the XML files that are sent and received. When you send data to CMX calibrator, the following two XML files are created:
    • Equipment Data XML File: Contains the details of the Asset that is calibrated. This file is saved in the folder path specified in the Equipment Import Directory field in the CMX Settings section.
    • Work Order XML File: Contains the details of the Calibration Task and Calibration Template. This file is saved in the folder path specified in the Work Order Import Directory field in the CMX Settings section.
    These folders are regularly monitored by the Beamex Business Bridge (B3) software and whenever a new XML file is saved in these folders, a corresponding work order is created in the CMX software. Based on whether the calibration data was sent to CMX software successfully or not, the XML files for Equipment data and Work Order data are moved to a subfolder, \Done or \Error, within the import folder paths specified in CMX settings.

    After the calibration is performed, the CMX software saves an XML file containing calibration data, in the folder path specified in the Work Order Export Directory field in the CMX Settings section. When you receive calibration data from CMX Software, the Meridium Device Service utility picks up the work orders from this folder and transfers them to GE Digital APM. In GE Digital APM you can select the work orders that you want to save. Based on whether the Calibration Events for the selected work orders was successfully created or not, the Meridium Device Service will move the work order XML file to the subfolder, \Done or \Error, within the export folder path specified in CMX settings .

  • Web Services: You can specify a web service address for communicating with the CMX software via Beamex Business Bridge (B3) software. GE Digital APM uses the address specified in the Import Address field for sending Equipment Data XML file and Work Order XML file to the CMX software. Similarly, CMX software uses the address specified in the Export Address field for sending XML file containing the calibrated data to GE Digital APM.

Configure CMX Settings

About This Task

This topic describes how to configure file sharing settings for performing automated calibration using CMX software.


  1. Access the Calibration Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the pane, select the CMX Settings tab.

    The CMX Settings workspace appears, displaying a list of folder path settings for the CMX software.

  3. In the File Poller section, set the following folder paths that are used to perform calibration using CMX software:
    Note: The fields in the File Poller subsection are required fields.
    Important: The folder paths that you specify in the File Poller subsection must be the same folder paths that is set in the Data Transfer settings in the Beamex Business Bridge services.
    • Equipment Import Directory: Enter the folder path where you want the Equipment data .XML file to be saved when you send calibration data from GE Digital APM to CMX software. This .XML file contains data about the Asset to be calibrated.
    • Work Order Import Directory: Enter the folder path where you want the work order .XML file to be saved when you send calibration data from GE Digital APM to CMX software. This .XML file contains the work order details for the calibration.
    • Work Order Export Directory: Enter the folder path where you want the completed work order .XML file to be saved when you receive calibration data from CMX software.
  4. In the Web Services section, set the following web service addresses that can be used to perform calibration using CMX software:
    Important: The URLs that you specify in the Web Services subsection must be the same URLs that is set in the Data Transfer settings in the Beamex Business Bridge services.
    • Import Address: Enter the Web Services address that the CMX software will use to receive XML files for calibration.
    • Export Address: Enter the Web Services address that the CMX software will use to send the XML files after calibration.
  5. In the CMX Settings workspace, select Save.
    The CMX settings are configured.

Default Configurations

About This Task

The Default Configurations workspace allows you to set the default values in certain Calibration Template family fields in Calibration Management.


  1. Access the Calibration Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the pane, select Default Configurations.

    The Default Configurations workspace appears, displaying the Template Setup Defaults datasheet.

    Note: As needed, you can modify the values in the required fields, and then select to save your changes. A value that has been modified in this section will be reflected in the respective Calibration Template datasheet.