Install and Configure Local Atom

Pre-deployment Checklist

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete prior to deploying and configuring Atom for the first time.

1Sign in to the Boomi Platform Account provisioned by GE Vernova.
2Verify system availability for Atom installation, ensuring all necessary configurations are correctly set up.
3Validate access and permissions for both the source and destination systems:
  • Conduct connectivity checks for the Boomi platform.
  • Ensure access to the PLSAP folder.
  • Validate user permissions.
4Install PostgreSQL database and make required configuration change in the pg_hba.conf file. For more information, refer to Configure PostgreSQL.

Set up your environment

About This Task

Follow these steps to create a test and production environment.


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Integration Platform account.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Atom Management.
    The Environment page is displayed.
  3. On the left navigation panel, select New, and then select Environment.
    The Add Environment window appears.
  4. Enter a name for your environment in the Name field.
  5. From the Environment Classification list, select Test as the environment type.
  6. Select Save.
    A new Test environment is created, visible in the left navigation pane.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 to create a Production environment, selecting Production as the Environment Classification.


Two new environments, one for testing and one for production, are created in the left navigation panel with the names you provided.

Download Atom Installer


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Integration Platform account on the machine where you want to install Atom.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Atom Management.
  3. Select New in the left navigation panel, then select Atom.
    The Atom Setup window is displayed.
  4. In Setup Preference, select Local as the preference and select the appropriate operating system in Operating System.
  5. Optional: Expand Security Options to generate an installer token, required during Atom installation.
  6. Select the validity duration for the token from the Token Valid For list.
  7. Select Generate Token to create a unique installer token. Copy and save the token for later use during Atom installation.
  8. Select Close.
  9. Select Download Installer and then select Save File.
    The installation file is downloaded to your computer.

Install Atom on Windows


  1. Sign in as a user with administrative privileges on the computer where you plan to install Atom.
  2. Locate the folder containing the downloaded Atom installer file.
    Note: Boomi recommends not running anti-virus tools or scans on the Atom installation folder. This is because for Boomi to operate normally, it needs access to the Atom installation folder, where Boomi moves files and modifies them. For more information, refer to the Boomi documentation.
  3. Run the installer with administrative privileges.
    A prompt appears, requesting permission to make changes to your computer.
  4. Select Yes.
    The Setup – Atom window appears.
  5. Select Next.
    The User Information page appears.
  6. Select one of the following authentication methods for the Platform to authenticate Atom:
    • User Name and Password: Enter your Platform username and password
    • Token: Enter the installer token generated in Step 5.
  7. Enter a name for the Atom in the Atom Name field.
  8. Optional: If your local computer uses a proxy to connect to the internet, select Use Proxy Settings and enter the required details, provided by your network team.
  9. Select Next.
    The Accounts page appears.
  10. Select your account and select Next.
    The Environment page appears.
  11. Select the environment created in the Set up your environment step and select Next.
    The Information page appears.
  12. Review the installation details and select Next.
    The Select Destination Directory screen appears.
  13. Select Browse to navigate to the desired installation directory and select Next.
    The Select Start Menu Folder page appears.
  14. Select Create a Start Menu folder checkbox and select Next.
    The installation process begins.
    Note: If you receive an error message regarding a JRE file download error during installation, ignore the error and proceed with the installation.
  15. Select Finish to complete the setup.

What To Do Next

Validate that Atom is installed on your computer:
  • Open Services.msc and validate that the Atom service is installed.
  • You can view the Atom status by selecting Manage > Atom Management
Note: For more details on the Atom configuration options, refer to the Boomi Documentation available in the Remote Management platform.

Install Integration Pack


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Integration Platform account.
  2. Navigate to Deploy > Integration Packs.
  3. Select the Browse Integration Packs button.
    The Browse Integration Packs window appears, displaying a list of Releases assigned to your account.
  4. Select View for the release that you want to install.
    The details about the release appear.
  5. Select Install.
  6. Optionally, in the Choose New Process Name (optional) field, provide either the baseline release number or a custom name for your project.
  7. Select Complete Installation.
  8. After the Integration Pack installation is complete, select Close.


The Integration Pack is now installed on your computer.

Attach Environment to an Integration Pack


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Integration Platform account.
  2. Navigate to Deploy>Integration Packs.
    The Integration Packs page appears.
  3. Select the previously installed Integration pack.
  4. From the Attached Environments and Unattached Environments fields, select the test environment from the Unattached Environment list.
  5. Select <<Attach Selected button to move the selected Integration pack from left Unattached Environment list to Attached Environment list. The Integration pack is attached to your selected Environment.
    The selected environment now appears on the Attached Environment list for the Integration pack.

Configure Connection Settings


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Platform Integration account
  2. Navigate to Manage > Atom Management.
    In the left pane, your environment (Test) with the attached atom is displayed.
  3. Select your Test environment and select Environment Extension. The Extensions window appears.
    1. In the Process Type dropdown list, select Multi Installation Integration Packs.

    2. Select Process and then select the search button to navigate to the Integration pack artifact in the navigation tree. (Integration packRelease_*[Main] Extraction Wrapper). For example, the following image shows the navigation tree for release

    3. Select Connection Settings. In the Connection dropdown list, select the appropriate connection, as shown in the following screenshot.

        • URL : Enter http://{APM_API_APP_SERVER}
        • Connect Timeout
        • Read Timeout
        • Use Basic Authentication
        • User: APM_USERID
        • Password: APM_PASSWORD
        • Use Client Authorization
        • Client SSL Certificate
        • Use Trusted SSL Certificate
        • Trust SSL Server Certificate
        • User : IR_USERID
        • Password :IR_PASSWORD
        • Connection URL : the URL will be: jdbc:postgresql://{IR_HOST}:{IR_PORT}/{IR_DATABASE}
        • Enable Pooling
        • Maximum Connections
        • Maximum Idle Time (sec)
        • Connection Type : select APPLICATION SEVER HOST
        • User Name : SAP_USERID
        • Password :SAP_PASSWORD
        • Server : SAP_HOST
        • Client : Enter SAP_CLIENT
        • System Number : SAP_SYSTEM_NUMBER
        • Group Name
        • Maximum Idle Connections
        • Maximum Active Connections
        • Idle Time
        • Gateway Host
        • Gateway Service
        • Enable Low Latency Logging
        • Additional Connection Settings
          SAP-PI has the below additional extension parameters:
          • URL
          • Connect Timeout
          • Read Timeout
          • Use Basic Authentication
          • User
          • Password
    4. Select Process Properties and enter values for the following parameters:
      1. SYSTEM_TO_RUN : Context file folder name (typically CMMS_ID)
      2. CONFIG_FILE_DIR : Directory path to the folder where the context file resides
      4. RUN_FLOC : Select TRUE/FALSE
      8. RUN_FLOC_TC : Select TRUE/FALSE
      9. RUN_WMI : Select TRUE/FALSE
      10. RUN_PWORK : Select TRUE/FALSE
      11. RUN_ASI_DATA : Select TRUE/FALSE

      Note: Ensure that you have only one file under one cmms_id folder and all the above details match with your APM Connect context files.
  4. Select OK.
    A notification appears indicating that your extension is saved.
  5. Additional APM V5 configurations for new components:
    1. For V5 tenant context file, enable <ENABLE_G2DL_INGESTION>true</ENABLE_G2DL_INGESTION>
    2. Update MAX_FILE_WAIT_SEC to 10 seconds: <MAX_FILE_WAIT_SEC>10</MAX_FILE_WAIT_SEC>
    3. Navigate to the Atom installation directory and complete the following steps:
      1. Open file {Atom installation dir}\bin\atom.vmoptions in text editor:
        • Update Xmx512m to -Xmx16G
        • Add Dfile.encoding=utf-8
    Note: Each time you add a new Integration pack, set up the extension property against it.

Configure the Context File

Before You Begin

You should have imported the audit job.

About This Task

The context file provides the audit job with the information it needs to connect to ActiveMQ, IR, and APM.


  1. Navigate to the following folder: C:\APMConnect\Config\<system>.
  2. Modify ContextFile.xml to indicate the values for your system.


ParameterDescriptionDefault or Recommended Value
CONFIG_FILE_PATHThe path to the context file used for extraction.Enter your unique value (for example, C:\APMConnect\Config\ContextFile.xml).
IR_HOSTIntermediary Repository host name.Enter your unique value.
IR_DATABASEDatabase for the dinoloader job.Enter your unique value.
IR_USERIDIntermediary Repository username.Enter your unique value.
IR_PASSWORDIntermediary Repository password.Enter your unique value.
IR_SCHEMAThe schema in which the IR database will be created.The default value is public.
IR_PORTIntermediate Repository port.Default value is 5432.
APM_USERIDThe APM user ID.Enter your unique value.
APM_PASSWORDThe APM password.Enter your unique value.
APM_DATASOURCEThe name of the APM data source to which the data will be exported.This is a required parameter.

Enter your unique value.

APM_API_APP_SERVERThe name of the APM API server.This is a required parameter.

Enter your unique value.

APM_APP_SERVERThe name of the APM server.This is a required parameter.

Enter your unique value.

TRUSTSTORE_FILEThe directory path to the dinoloader SSL configuration file.Enter your unique value.
TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDThe password for the keystore files.Enter your unique value.
USE_SSLDetermines if SSL is used.

True: will use SSL.

False: will not use SSL.

QUEUE_HOSTThe host name of the APM ActiveMQ.Enter your unique value.
QUEUE_PORTAPM ActiveMQ port.Default port is 61616.
QUEUE_USERAPM ActiveMQ user.Enter your unique value.
QUEUE_PASSWORDAPM ActiveMQ password.Enter your unique value.
CMMS_IDEnter your EAM system IDEnter your unique value.

Configure PostgreSQL

To allow connections from the APM server to APM Connect, you must update the PostgreSQL networking configuration. This topic describes how to perform the configuration update.


  1. On the machine in which you installed APM Connect, navigate to your PostgreSQL installation files. By default, PostgreSQL is installed at the following location:
    <root:>\Program Files\Postgres\11\data.
  2. Locate the configuration file pg_hba.conf, and then right-click the file and open it in a text editor.
  3. Navigate to the end of the document and locate the following line of text:
    host all all md5
  4. Add the following line of code, as shown in the image.
    host all all IP address of the APM Server md5

  5. Save and close the file.
    Note: For better security posture, we recommend that you restrict the PostgreSQL access to the APM server only.


PostgreSQL is now configured to open the connection from the APM server.

Execute a Process Manually


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Platform Integration account.
  2. Select Manage > Process Reporting.
    The Process Reporting page opens.
  3. Select Execute Process and select your Atom from the dropdown menu under the appropriate environment.
  4. In the Process field, select the desired process from your installed Integration Packs, and then select the Execute button.
  5. Select the File icon to either view or save the logs.

Schedule a Process


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Platform Integration page.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Atom Management.
    The Atom Management page appears.
  3. Select the Atom under your Environment and select Deployed Processes.
  4. Open the dropdown list of any deployed process and select Edit Schedules.
    The Scheduling window appears.
  5. Select the Add button.
  6. Modify the schedule as required and select OK.
    A Scheduled Saved notification appears.
  7. Navigate to the Process reporting page to view an entry for your scheduled run.

Stop a Schedule


  1. Sign in to your Boomi Platform Integration page.
  2. Select Manage and select Atom management.
  3. Select your Atom and select Deployed Processes.
  4. Select the dropdown arrow next to the intended process and select Stop Schedules.