Troubleshooting Scenarios

Enable ComponentSpace SAML trace


Enable ComponentSpace SAML trace for troubleshooting SSO issues




Perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\api
  2. Access Nlog.config
  3. In the <Targets> section, add the following line of code: <target xsi:type="File" name="spFile" fileName="c:\ProgramData\Meridium\Logs\sp.log" layout="${liteLayout}" />
  4. In the <Rules> section, add the following line of code: <logger name="ComponentSpace.*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="spFile" />

    As shown below:

The ComponentSpace SAML trace is enabled.

IIS reset and Redis restart are not required after this change. You must refresh the browser and complete the SSO workflow. This will create a file, sp.log in the C:\ProgramData\Meridium\Logs folder and write the SAML trace to it.
Note: It is recommended to disable the SAML trace after the troubleshooting is complete as it may impact performance of the production system.