Tabular Layout

Create Tabular Layout Section in a Datasheet


  1. Add a section to a Custom Form datasheet.
  2. Name the Datasheet section.
  3. Select .
    The tabular layout table is added to the datasheet.
  4. Select Save.
    Note: The section with the tabular layout will be available for you in Family Management, whereas to access the section with the tabular layout from other modules, you must log out and log in to APM. For other users who are being logged in to APM, the section with the tabular layout will be available only when they log in to the application again.


  • The structure for the tabular layout datasheet section is now in place.

What To Do Next

Add or Remove Columns in a Tabular Layout Section

Columns can be added or removed in a tabular layout.


  • Add a column:
    1. Create a datasheet section with tabular layout.
    2. In the blank workspace for the section you created, select .
      A column is added to the datasheet table structure.
      Note: You may add up to five columns to a tabular layout datasheet.
    3. Select Save.
  • Delete a column:
    1. In the workspace for the section, select the column that you want to delete.
    2. Select .
      The column is removed from the datasheet table structure.
    3. Select Save.

Add or Delete Rows in a Tabular Layout Section

About This Task

Rows can be added or deleted in a tabular layout section.


  • Add a row:
    1. Create a datasheet section with tabular layout.
    2. In the blank workspace for the section you created, select .
      A row is added to the datasheet table structure.
    3. Select Save.
  • Delete a row:
    1. In the workspace for the section, select the row that you want to delete.
    2. Select .
      The row is removed from the datasheet table structure.
    3. Select Save.

Add or Delete Fields in a Tabular Layout Section

About This Task

Fields can be added or deleted in a tabular layout section.


  • Add fields in a datasheet:
    1. On the Datasheet Builder page for the datasheet to which you want to add fields, add the columns and rows that you need for your datasheet.
    2. In the Available Items pane, drag and drop the fields you want to add to the row where you want them.

  • Delete fields from a datasheet:
    1. On the Datasheet Builder page for the datasheet to which you want to delete fields, add the columns and rows that you need for your datasheet.
    2. Drag and drop fields from the datasheet back to the Available Items pane as needed.