Family Field Descriptions

Consequence Evaluation Records

Consequence Evaluation records are used to determine the consequence of failure while performing an RBI analysis. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Consequence Evaluation family, whose records store information that is used to determine the probability and cost of failure. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Criticality Consequence Evaluation

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Consequence CharacterThe outcome of an event or situation expressed qualitatively or quantitatively. This can be a loss, injury, a disadvantage or a gain.None
Detection Time NumericThe time it takes to detect that a loss of containment has occurred.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Flexible Calculation Policies UsedCharacterThe list of policies that were used in flexible calculation.None
Flexible Calculation UsedBooleanIndicates whether flexible or baseline calculation is used.None
Initial Fluid Phase CharacterThe phase that the representative fluid is in while under current operating conditions and under containment in the asset.

The value in this cell must be one of the following System Codes stored in the FLUID TYPES System Code table:

  • Liquid
  • Gas
Inspection Interval NumericThe interval that the inspector or risk analyst has set for the asset.Required for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.
Inventory NumericThe volume of the asset that could potentially be released in the event of a failure.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Inventory Group CharacterThe volume of the asset and its interconnected assets that could potentially be released in the event of a failure.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Isolation Time NumericThe time it takes to isolate a loss of containment.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Lost Production Category NumericThe Product Leak Consequence Category is determined based on the financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or perform necessary inspections.

Lost Product Value is determined using letters that represent the following scale:

  • A: Indicates any amount greater than $10,000,000.
  • B: Indicates an amount that is less than $10,000,000 and greater than $1,000,000.
  • C: Indicates an amount that is less than $1,000,000 and greater than $100,000.
  • D: Indicates an amount that is less than $100,000 greater than $10,000.
  • E: Indicates any amount less than $10,000.
Percent Toxic NumericThe percentage by volume of toxic substances in the process stream.None
Tank Fill Height NumericThe liquid level of an asset under normal operating conditions.None
Toxic Consequence Category CharacterThe toxic risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to the risk matrix.None
Toxic Fluid CharacterThe fluid that represents the greatest toxic volume of the asset. In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.None
Toxic Mixture BooleanIndicates whether or not the process stream contains toxic substances.None
Use Calculated Inventory BooleanIndicates that the analyst has decided to use the inventory based on the dimensions of the asset rather than an estimated value.None
Flammable Consequence
Flammable Consequence Category CharacterFlammable risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to the risk matrix.For inert and reactive leaking fluids, if the Flammable Leak Type is utility leak into HC system, the flammable consequence category can be either D or E based on the leak rate category. If the Leak Rate Category is Major, the consequence category is D, and if the Leak Rate Category is Minor, the consequence category is E.
Near Ignition Source BooleanIndicates whether or not the asset is near a possible ignition source.The value in this field impacts the calculation.
Tank Bottom - Env Consequence
Bottom Thickness NumericThe thickness of the asset bottom.None
Diked Area NumericThe square footage of the containment dikes around the asset.The value in this field impacts the calculation.
Diked? BooleanIndicates whether or not a dike is present.None
Environmental Consequence Category CharacterThe environmental risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to the risk matrix.None
Foundation Type CharacterDescribes the foundation on which an asset is sitting. The selections here will impact the Consequence of Failure (CoF) calculations.None
Leak Effect CharacterDetermines the impact of a loss of containment.None
Persistent Fluid? BooleanA fluid that will remain in a liquid form once it has been released from a storage tank.None
Underside Corrosion Rate NumericThe corrosion rate on the underside most portion of the bottom of an asset.None
Unit Cleanup Cost NumericThe expected costs that may be incurred in the event of loss of containment.None
Tube Bundle Consequence
Corrosion Rate Channel Side NumericThe corrosion rate on the channel side of an exchanger.None
Corrosion Rate Shell Side NumericThe corrosion rate on the shell side of an exchanger.None
Flammable Leak Type CharacterDetermines if the bundle will leak flammable liquid into the process streams.Required for the RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle and Leaking Fluid is flammable.
Initial State Shell CharacterDetermines if the shell side contains gas or liquid prior to loss of containment.None
Operating Pressure Shell Side NumericInternal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Operating Temperature Shell Side NumericTemperature of the asset under normal operating conditions.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Percent Toxic Shell BooleanThe amount of toxic substances in the process stream by volume.None
Product Leak Category CharacterThe Product Leak Consequence Category is determined based on the financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or perform necessary inspections.

Lost Product Value is determined using letters that represent the following scale:

  • A: Indicates any amount greater than $10,000,000.
  • B: Indicates an amount that is less than $10,000,000 and greater than $1,000,000.
  • C: Indicates an amount that is less than $1,000,000 and greater than $100,000.
  • D: Indicates an amount that is less than $100,000 greater than $10,000.
  • E: Indicates any amount less than $10,000.
Product Unit Value NumericThe cost-per-pound of the product in the asset.Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.
Rep Fluid Shell Side CharacterThe fluid that represents the greatest volume of the asset. In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.None
Toxic Fluid Shell Side BooleanThe fluid that represents or makes up the greatest toxic volume of the asset. In some cases the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.None
Toxic Leak Type CharacterIndicates if the toxic leak would be major or minor.Required for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle and Leaking Fluid is toxic.
Toxic Mixture Shell NumericIndicates whether or not the process stream contains toxic substances.None
Pipeline - Env Consequence
Additional Penalties/Fines NumericDescription of the other fines that may be levied in the event of a loss of containment.None
Adjusted Leak Quality - Hole NumericDetermines how much product may be lost in the event of a leak failure resulting from a hole.None
Adjusted Leak Quality - Rupture NumericDetermines how much product may be lost in the event of a leak failure resulting from a rupture.None
Combined Consequence - Hole CharacterThe combined consequence category for a failure resulting from a hole is calculated by comparing the consequence categories and assigning the combined consequence category the same value as the most severe.None
Combined Consequence - Rupture CharacterThe combined consequence category for rupture is calculated by comparing the consequence categories and assigning the combined consequence category the same value as the most severe.None
Detection Time - Hole CharacterThe time required to detect that a loss of containment has occurred resulting from a hole.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Detection Time - Rupture NumericThe time required to detect that a loss of containment has occurred resulting from a rupture.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Environment Consequence Category - Hole CharacterThe environmental risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with hole failure.None
Environment Consequence Category - Rupture CharacterThe environmental risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with rupture failure.None
High Value Area CharacterAny locations where a pipeline spill might have significant financial impacts.

Meridium’s definition follows those outlined in:

Muhlbauer, W. Kent, Pipeline Risk Management Manual, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 2004.

High Value Area Factor NumericThe value used in the calculation based on the data entered into the High Value Area field.None
Impact Clean Up Cost - Hole NumericThe expected costs that may be incurred in the event of a loss of containment resulting from a hole.None
Impact Clean Up Cost - Rupture NumericThe expected costs that may be incurred in the event of a loss of containment resulting from a rupture.None
Isolation Time - Hole NumericThe time it takes to isolate a loss of containment resulting from a hole.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Isolation Time - Rupture NumericTime it takes to isolate a loss of containment resulting from a rupture.You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.
Lost Production Category - Rupture CharacterThe financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or to perform necessary inspections.None
Override Clean Up Cost - Hole BooleanIndicates whether or not the risk analyst has decided to override the cleanup costs for a hole failure.None
Override Clean Up Cost - Rupture BooleanIndicates whether or not the risk analyst has decided to override the cleanup costs for a rupture failure.None
Soil Type CharacterThe type of soil in the vicinity of the spill will be used to make an adjustment in the release quantity to account for the differences in fluid velocity and retention for various soil types.None
Soil Type Factor NumericThe value used in the calculation based on the selection of soil type.None
Suggested Clean Up CharacterThe recommended methodology to mitigate the loss of containment.None
Suggested Clean Up Cost NumericThe expected costs that may be incurred in the event of loss of containment.None
Pipeline - Safety Consequence
Adjusted FAA - Hole NumericThe Adjusted Flammable Affected Area (FAA) for a hole failure is a calculated value represented in square feet.None
Adjusted FAA - Rupture NumericThe Adjusted Flammable Affected Area (FAA) for a rupture failure is a calculated value in square feet.None
Adjusted TAA - Hole NumericThe Adjusted Toxic Affected Area (TAA) for a hole failure is a calculated value in square feet.None
Boiling Point NumericThe normal boiling point of the representative fluid.None
DOT Factor NumericThe adjustment factor for the population density.This is a numeric range from 0.5-2.0.
Flammable Affected Area - Hole NumericThe dimensions that represent an area where the expected consequences may be realized for a flammable hole failure.None
Flammable Affected Area - Rupture NumericThe dimensions that represent an area where the expected consequences may be realized for a flammable rupture failure.None
Flammable Consequence - Hole CharacterThe flammable risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with hole failure.None
Flammable Consequence - Rupture CharacterThe flammable risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with rupture failure.None
High Consequence Area CharacterHigh Consequence Areas (HCA) are locations where a pipeline spill might have significant adverse impacts to population, the environment or to commercial navigation.HCAs are defined under CFR 49 part 195.450.
High Consequence Area Factor NumericThe value used in the calculation based on the selection made in the High Consequence Area field.None
Population Density Adjustment CharacterThe adjustment factor for the population density.This is a numeric range from 0.5-2.0.
Toxic Consequence - Hole CharacterThe toxic risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with hole failure.None
Toxic Consequence - Rupture CharacterThe toxic risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with rupture failure.None
Intermediate Output
Average Leak Rate NumericThe fluid leak rate is a function of the physical properties of the leaking fluid, the pressure of the fluid, and the effective leak size in the floor.None
Cleanup Cost NumericThe expected costs that may be incurred in the event of loss of containment.None
Corrosion Category Character

The combined corrosion rate is equal to the sum of the Internal Corrosion Rate and the External Corrosion Rate:

  • If the combined corrosion rate < 0.005 ipy, the Corrosion Category is "Low";
  • If the combined corrosion rate is > = 0.005 and < 0.010 ipy, the Corrosion Category is "Medium";
  • If the combined corrosion rate is > = 0.010 ipy, the Corrosion Category is "High."
Deinventory Time NumericThe time needed in a leak scenario to empty the contents of the asset.None
Delta Pressure NumericThe absolute value of the smaller of the shell or channel operating pressure subtracted from the larger of the two pressures.None
Discharge Rate - Hole NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset in the event of a hole failure.None
Discharge Rate - Rupture NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset in the event of a rupture failure.None
Distance to End Affect NumericThe linear distance in which the Consequence of Failure (CoF) could be experienced.None
Estimated Leak Quantity NumericThe amount of fluid that would be released in the event of a failure.None
Estimated Release Rate NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset.None
Final Phase CharacterThe phase of the contents upon release.None
Final Phase Shell Side CharacterThe phase of the shell side contents upon release.None
Flammable Affected Area NumericThe dimensions that represent an area where the expected consequences may be realized.None
Flammable Leak Rate Category CharacterDetermines whether the leak rate is minor or major.None
Initial Leak Rate NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset.None
Leak Area - Hole NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset after a hole failure.None
Leak Area - Rupture NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset after a rupture failure.None
Leak Direction CharacterIndicates if a failure in a tube bundle would result in a leak into the shell side or a leak into the channel side.None
Leak Quantity - Hole NumericThe amount of fluid that would be released in the event of a hole leak failure.None
Leak Quantity - Rupture NumericThe amount of fluid that would be released in the event of a rupture leak failure.None
Leak Size NumericThe size of the opening though which the contents would escape.None
Lost Product Value Numeric

A value based on the financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or to perform necessary inspections.

Lost Product Value is determined using letters that represent the following scale:

  • A: Indicates any amount greater than $10,000,000.
  • B: Indicates an amount that is less than $10,000,000 and greater than $1,000,000.
  • C: Indicates an amount that is less than $1,000,000 and greater than $100,000.
  • D: Indicates an amount that is less than $100,000 greater than $10,000.
  • E: Indicates any amount less than $10,000.
Pool Area NumericThe distance that a pool may spread when a liquid is released from a piece of equipment or pipeline, a liquid pool may form. None
Probability of Ignition NumericThe likelihood of the released substances igniting.None
Release Duration NumericThe time that the leak is expected to last.None
Toxic Duration NumericThe time that the toxic leak is expected to last.None
Toxic Leak Rate Category CharacterDetermines whether the toxic leak rate is minor or majorNone
Toxic Mixed Release Rate NumericThe rate at which the contents will escape the asset.None
Toxicity Area NumericWhen a toxic fluid is released from a piece of equipment or pipeline, this field captures the distance that this toxic substance may spread.None

PRD Consequence Evaluation


Data Type


Behavior and Usage



The consequence risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix.


Consequence for Protected Assets


The consequence risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix associated with protected assets.


Cost of Fluid


Cost-per-pound of fluid contained in the asset.


Days to Repair


Indicates repair time for the asset.


Environment Cost


Cost of cleaning up a potential spill.


Leak Consequence Category


The leak risk categories (High, Medium High, Medium, and Low) assigned to risk matrix.


Tolerate Leak


Indicates how capable the process is of maintaining operations in the event of a leak.


Unit Production Margin


The Production Margins are determined based on the financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or perform necessary inspections.

A value based on the financial impact of having the facility shutdown to make necessary repairs or to perform necessary inspections

  • A = Any amount greater than $10,000,000.
  • B = An amount that is less than $10,000,000 and greater than $1,000,000.
  • C = An amount that is less than $1,000,000 and greater than $100,000.
  • D = An amount that is less than $100,000 greater than $10,000.
  • E = Any amount less than $10,000.

Criticality Calculator RBI Components Records

Criticality Calculator RBI Component records store information about the component on which you will perform an RBI 581 Risk Criticality Analysis.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Criticality Calculator RBI Components family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. If the component type is Exchanger Bundle, then, for each field on the RBI Component, there are two fields on the datasheet - one for the channel, and the other for the shell.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Criticality Calculator RBI Components


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

The ID Section



Identifies the RBI Component.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with a value in the following format:

RBICOMP-<Equipment>-<Component Type>-<Number>


  • <Equipment> is the value in the Equipment field.
  • <Component Type> is a value based on the type of the component, defined as follows:
    • CS: Cylindrical Shell
    • EB: Exchanger Bundle
    • HD: Exchanger Header
    • ET: Exchanger Tube
    • PP: Piping
    • TB: Tank Bottom
    • RV: Relief Valves
    • RD: Rupture Disks
    • PC: Pump Compressor Casing
  • <Number> is the sequence number of the component.

Component Comments


Comments about the component.


Component Date in Service


The date on which the component was first put into service.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date.

Component Description


A description used to identify the Component.


Component Status


Indicates whether a component is active or inactive.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value Active.

Component Type


Identifies which part of the asset the component represents.

The value in this field must be stored in the Criticality Item Type field in one of the Equipment Types records delivered in the GE Digital APM database.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.



Identifies the asset.

This field is populated automatically.

Equipment Family


Identifies the asset family.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.

Functional Location


Identifies the Functional Location of the asset.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.

Operating and Process Section

Area Humidity


A value based on the geographical location in which the asset is operated.

This field applies only to RBI Components that are linked to one or more Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records. This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_Area_Humidity System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Calculated Inventory


A calculated value based on process fluid properties and dimensions of the component.

This field is disabled and populated automatically. This value is derived from asset dimensions that have been entered in the system instead of an estimated volume.

CUI Inspection Priority Changed

BooleanIndicates whether the Inspection Priority on the Criticality Calculator External Corrosion Degradation Mechanism for the related RBI Analysis has changed.If an active RBI Analysis exists, and a new RBI Analysis is moved to the Risk Completed state and activated, the system verifies whether the Inspection Priority on the associated degradation mechanism has changed, and sets the value in this field to True. When an Inspection Group is activated, the value in this field is set to False for all RBI Components within the Inspection Group.

Detection Time


The time, in minutes, that is required to detect loss of containment.


Fluid Valid for 581 Analysis


Indicates whether the process fluid is valid for an RBI 581 Risk Analysis.

This check box is disabled and selected if the fluid that you have selected in the Process Fluid field is valid for RBI 581.

If this check box is cleared, and you perform an RBI 581 Risk Analysis, you will not be able to calculate the analysis.

Foundation Type CharacterIf the component is a storage tank, then specify the foundation type of the tank.

The value in this field is used to calculate an analysis if the component type is Storage Tank.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the FOUNDATION TYPES System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Clay
  • Concrete
  • Double Floor
  • Gravel
  • Sand
  • Silt

Initial Fluid Phase


The phase that the representative fluid is in while under containment in current operating conditions.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the FLUID TYPES System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Liquid
  • Gas
Int. Corr. Inspection Priority Changed


Indicates whether the Inspection Priority on the Criticality Calculator Internal Corrosion Degradation Mechanism for the related RBI Analysis has changed.If an active RBI Analysis exists, and a new RBI Analysis is moved to the Risk Completed state and activated, the system verifies whether the Inspection Priority on the associated degradation mechanism has changed, and sets the value in this field to True. When an Inspection Group is activated, the value in this field is set to False for all RBI Components within the Inspection Group.



The volume of the asset that could potentially be released in the event of a failure.

The value in this field is used to populate the Inventory Component Mass field in the RBI Consequence Evaluation that is linked to an analysis performed on this component.

Inventory Group Character

The name of the inventory group to which the component is linked.

This field is disabled and blank.

Isolation Time


The time, in minutes, that is required to isolate loss of containment.


Operating Pressure


The internal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

The value in this field is used to populate the Operating Pressure field in the associated analysis.

Operating Temperature


The temperature of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

The value in this field is used to populate the Operating Temperature field in the associated analysis.

Percent Toxic


The amount of toxic substances by volume in the process stream.

This field is enabled only if the Toxic Mixture check box is selected.

Process Fluid


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset. In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest cause of failure may be selected.

Important: If you are going to perform an RBI Criticality Analysis, you must select a fluid that is valid for RBI 580. Similarly, if you are going to perform an RBI 581 Risk Analysis, you must select a fluid that is valid for RBI 581.

The value in this field must be stored in the Fluid field in one of the Representative Fluids records in the GE Digital APM database.

Toxic Fluid


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest toxic volume of the asset. In some cases, the fluid that contributes to the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.

This field is enabled only if the Toxic Mixture check box is selected.

The value in this field must be stored in the Process Fluid field in one of the Representative Fluids records delivered in the GE Digital APM baseline database.

Toxic Fluid Valid for 581 Analysis Boolean

Indicates whether the toxic fluid is valid for an RBI 581 Risk Analysis.

This check box is disabled and selected if the fluid that you have selected in the Toxic Model field is valid for RBI 581.

Toxic Mixture


Indicates whether or not the process stream contains toxic substances.

If you select this check box, the Toxic Fluid and Percent Fluid boxes are enabled.

Design Details Section

Code Year


The year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field must be stored in the Code Year field in the GE Digital APM Reference Table that corresponds to the value in the Stress Lookup Table field in the RBI Component record.

The value in this field is used to populate the Code Year field on the datasheet of the associated analysis.

Construction Code CharacterThe code to which the component was originally constructed.

The value in this field is used to populate the Construction Code field on the datasheet of the associated analysis.

Design Pressure


The pressure at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

The value in this field is used to populate the Design Pressure field in the associated analysis.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

Design Temperature


The temperature at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

The value in this field is used to populate the Design Temperature field in the associated analysis.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

Inside Diameter


The measurement of the inner diameter of a circular or cylindrical asset, in inches.

The value in this field is used to:

  • Populate the Diameter field of the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
  • Calculate Inventory for an RBI Criticality Analysis.



Indicates whether or not the component is insulated.

If you select or clear this check box, the Insulated check box on the datasheet of an associated RBI Analysis is selected or cleared accordingly.

Insulation Type


Identifies the insulating material used in the component.

This field is enabled only if the Insulated? check box is selected. The value in this field is used to populate the Insulation Type field on an associated RBI Criticality Analysis datasheet.

This field must contain one of the following values:

  • Asbestos
  • Calcium Silicate (Cl Free)
  • Calcium Silicate (Not Cl Free)
  • Foam/Cellular Glass
  • Mineral Wool/Fiber Glass
  • Pearlite
  • Unknown

Is Entry Possible?


Indicates whether it is possible to physically enter an asset for the purposes of performing an inspection.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_YES_NO System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Yes (Y)
  • No (N)



The total length, in inches, of an asset measured in a straight line from head seam to head seam.

This value is used to calculate inventory for Component types other than Piping in an RBI Criticality Analysis.

Material Grade


Identifies the grade of the material of the component provided by the manufacturer. You can find it on the nameplate or the U1 Form.

The value in this field must be stored in the Material Grade field in the GE Digital APM Reference Table that corresponds with the value the Stress Lookup Table field in the RBI Component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Grade field on the datasheet of the associated analysis.

Material Spec


Identifies the material of the component that is provided by the manufacturer. You can find it on the nameplate or the U1 Form.

The value in this field must be stored in the Material Spec field in the GE Digital APM Reference Table that corresponds with the value the Stress Lookup Table field in the RBI Component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Spec field on the datasheet of the associated analysis.

Nominal Thickness


An estimated or measured thickness used as the starting point for thickness based Remaining Life calculations.

The value in this field is used to populate the Nominal Thickness field on the datasheet of an associated RBI Criticality Analysis.



Indicates whether or not Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) has been performed to relieve residual stresses from the construction of the asset.


Stress Lookup Table


Identifies the type of asset being assessed so that the appropriate design codes are used.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_STRESS_LOOKUP_TABLE System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Piping
  • Pressure Vessels
  • Tanks

The value in this field is used to populate the Stress Lookup Table field on the datasheet of the associated analysis.

Weld Joint Efficiency


Indicates the type of inspection used to ensure the quality of welds and the type of weld joints used during construction.

This field is used to populate the Joint Efficiency field on the datasheet of an RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain one of the following values:

  • 0.35
  • 0.4
  • 0.45
  • 0.5
  • 0.55
  • 0.6
  • 0.65
  • 0.7
  • 0.75
  • 0.8
  • 0.85
  • 0.9
  • 0.95
  • 1.0

Corrosion Data Section

Corrosion Type


The type of corrosion to which equipment is susceptible.

You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.

Corrosive Product


Identifies the elements in the process stream that are responsible for the most aggressive corrosion.


Estimated External Corrosion Rate


The rate of external degradation given by the subject matter expert during the corrosion study. This value is used in the absence of quality data from the field.

The value in this field is used to populate the Estimated Rate field on an associated Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. datasheet.

Estimated Internal Corrosion Rate


The rate of internal degradation provided by the subject matter expert during the corrosion study. This value is used in the absence of quality data from the field.

The value in this field is used to populate the Estimated Rate field on an associated Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. datasheet.

Internal Corrosion Type


Used in inspection planning to drive different activities for localized and general thinning mechanisms.

This field contains the descriptions of all the System Codes in the CORROSION TYPES System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • General
  • Localized
  • Pitting

Measured External Corrosion Rate


The corrosion rate, in inches per year, identified by Ultrasonic Thickness or Profile Radiography in the field.


Predictable Corr. Location


Indicates whether or not it is known where the most aggressive corrosion is happening in the asset.


Predictable Int. Corr. Location


Indicates whether or not it is known where the most aggressive internal corrosion is happening in the asset.


Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate


The source of the Thickness Monitoring Calculated Corrosion Rate.

The value in this field is used while integrating this module with Thickness Monitoring. This field contains the descriptions of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_CALC_CORRO_SRC System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Asset
  • Component
  • Manual Entry

The following table provides the behavior of the Controlling Corrosion Rate, Short Term Corrosion Rate, and Long Term Corrosion Rate fields in the associated RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Evaluation or Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. based on your selection in this field.

Source of Calculated Corrosion Rate Controlling Corrosion Rate Long Term Avg Corr Rate Short Term Avg Corr Rate
Asset Disabled and populated based on the value in the Controlling Corrosion Rate field in the associated Asset Corrosion AnalysisDisabled and calculated Disabled and calculated
Component Disabled and populated based on the highest value in the Controlling Corrosion Rate fields in the associated Asset Corrosion Analyses linked to the TML Groups.Disabled and calculated Disabled and calculated
Manual Entry Disabled and blankEnabledEnabled

Criticality Calculator PRD Components - Relief Valve and Rupture Disk


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Design Details

Inlet Size


The flange size on the inlet or upstream side of a pressure relief device.

Relief Valve Only

Rated Capacity


The capacity used as the basis for the application of a pressure relief device. This capacity is determined in accordance with the applicable code or regulation and is provided by the manufacturer.

Relief Valve Only

Set Pressure


The inlet gauge pressure at which a pressure relief valve is set to open under service conditions.

Relief Valve Only

Spring Loaded


Indicates whether or not a direct spring-loaded pressure relief valve is actuated by the static pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by rapid opening or pop action.

Relief Valve Only

Criticality RBI Pipeline Segment


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Above Ground Facilities


Indicates that sections of the pipeline are above ground and are susceptible to specific modes of damage.


Activity Level


Indicates the level of human activity in the vicinity of the asset.

Increased activity increases the likelihood that damage may occur.

Below Bottom of Waterway


For pipeline segments that are submerged at a water crossing, credit is given for the depth that they are submerged below the bottom of the waterway.


Below Water Surface


A measurement of the depth below the water's surface that the pipeline segment resides.


Component Description


A brief description of the component.


Component Status


Indicates whether a component is active or inactive.

Once an RBI component is set to inactive, it cannot be reactivated.

Component Type


Identifies the segment of the pipeline that is being assessed.

The value in this field must be stored in the Criticality Item Type field in one of the Equipment Types records delivered in the GE Digital APM baseline database.

Date Built


The original date of construction.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the pipeline segment was built.

Mechanical Pipe Protection


A type of mechanical protection that can shield a pipeline segment from third-party damage by coating the pipe with reinforced concrete, encasing the pipe, or placing a reinforced concrete slab over (but not in contact with) the pipe.


Minimal Depth of Cover


The depth of coverage at its most shallow point for the pipeline segment.

The average depth of coverage for a pipeline segment directly influences the probability of a loss of containment due to third-party damage.

One-Call System


A one-call system is a service that receives calls regarding upcoming excavation activities and relays the information to the affected utilities.

A line locating program is central in avoiding third-party damage.

Patrol Frequency


An indicator of how often the pipeline is patrolled.

 Patrolling the pipeline is a proven method of reducing third-party intrusions. The patrols are a means to identify impending threats to the pipeline (e.g., construction activities).

Pipeline Marker Tape (Warning Mesh)


 Marker tape or warning mesh installed above a pipeline is an additional measure to protect against third-party damage.

The brightly colored tape or mesh installed above the pipeline may help avert damage to the pipeline.

Previous Damage


 Indicates whether or not damage was observed during prior inspection activities.


Public Education


The programs put in place to warn those who live or work near pipeline assets.

Public education programs are thought to play a significant role in reducing third-party damage to pipelines.

Right-Of-Way Condition


Pipeline Right-Of-Way is a set of defined parcels of land where pipelines and related equipment are installed both underground and above ground.

A clearly marked, easily recognized Right-Of-Way reduces susceptibility to third-party damage.

Submerged at Water Crossing


Indicates whether or not the pipeline segment is underwater at the point of crossing.


Operating and Process

Defects Reported


Identifies any inspection findings from previous inspection events.

Having this data allows the inspector to follow up on these indications.

Flow Rate


Indicates the amount of fluid flowing at any given time.

This data impacts corrosion characteristics.

High Consequence Area


Locations where a pipeline spill might have significant adverse impacts to population, the environment, or commercial navigation.

 High consequence areas are defined under CFR 49 part 195.450.

High Value Area


Locations where a pipeline spill might have significant financial impacts.

GE Digital APM follows the Pipeline Risk Management Manual model to determine high value area.


Muhlbauer, W. Kent. Pipeline Risk Management Manual. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 2004.



Land Movement Potential Adjustment (LMPA) is a value that describes the possibility of land movements based on the geographical region.

GE Digital APM follows the Pipeline Risk Management Manual model to determine LMPA.

Muhlbauer, W. Kent. Pipeline Risk Management Manual. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 2004.

Representative Fluid


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset. In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.




The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) refers to the transmission of pipeline operational data at sufficient points along the pipeline.

This allows monitoring of the -pipeline from a single location.

Segment Length


The total length of the segment being assessed.


Soil Type


The type of soil in the vicinity of the pipeline.

This value is used to make an adjustment in the release quantity to account for the differences in fluid velocity and retention for various soil types. 



Surge Pressure Adjustment (SPA) is a value attributed to calculate the changes in the velocity or flow of a pipeline system.


Suggested Clean Up


The means by which a potential spill will be cleaned.

This data will impact the financial impact of the spill.

Design Details

Construction Code


The code to which the asset was originally constructed.

The design code associated with the component.

Design Flow Rate


The flow rate the pipeline was designed to support.


Is CP System Present?


Indicates whether or not the asset has Cathodic Protection


Is Piggable?


Indicates whether the asset is designed in such a way that it may be inspected using a PIG.

This data will drive the inspection recommendations generated for this asset.

Segment Type


Describes the segment being assessed.


Wall Thickness


The wall thickness at the time of analysis.

This data is used to derive the remaining life calculations.

Criticality Degradation Mechanism Evaluation Records

RBI Degradation Mechanism Evaluation records are used to determine degradation mechanisms that affect Equipment and Functional Locations. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Degradation Mechanism Evaluation (DME) family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Criticality Degradation Mech, Evaluation table lists common fields shared across several DMEs. Fields that are unique to a specific component type can be viewed by expanding the appropriate drop-down list box in the heading.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Custom Calculation Policies Used CharacterA list of custom policies that are used to calculate the DME. The value in this field must be 500 characters or less.
Custom Calculations Used Boolean Indicates whether or not the Degradation Mechanism Evaluation was calculated using the method specified in the Custom DME Configuration. None

Damage Mechanism


A process that induces deleterious micro and/or macro material changes over time that are harmful to the material condition or mechanical properties.

Probability CategoryCharacterExtent to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale of 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.None

Probability Category Description


Category to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


Input Fields

Date in Service


Indicates the date on which the asset was exposed to the environment, making it susceptible to this Degradation Mechanism.

This date is used as the basis for all the calculations for each Degradation Mechanism.

Equivalent Number of Inspections


A value that represents the summation of averaging a group of inspections over a period of time.

This approach is used only with the semi-quantitative risk model in GE Digital APM.

Estimated Rate


The corrosion rate given by the subject matter expert for the asset.

Should be used in the absence of quality ultrasonic thickness (UT) data.

Inspection Confidence


Describes how effective the prior inspections were at correctly identifying the presence and extent of internal corrosion.

An input from the following categories:

  • Very High (VH)
  • High (H)
  • Medium (M)
  • Low (L)
Inspection Date DateThe date on which the inspection was performed on the component.None

Selected Corrosion Rate


Indicates which corrosion rate the risk analyst has chosen as the basis of the analysis.

Used for all remaining life calculations in RBI.

Use Combined Confidence


Indicates whether or not the risk analyst has chosen to use the Rule of Threes.


Wall Thickness Loss


Indicates how much of the original wall thickness has been lost at the time of analysis.


Intermediate Output



Damage Factor (DF) is a calculated value that quantifies the extent of damage from this Degradation Mechanism at the time of the analysis.


Estimated Half Life


Half of the calculated remaining life.

The value in this field is the result of the following calculation:

((Initial Wall Thickness) – (Ext. Est. Wall Loss) – (Ext. Est. Min. Thickness)) / (2 * (Ext Corr. Rate))

This value will be used to cap the inspection interval.

Estimated Wall Loss


Estimates how much of the original wall thickness has been lost at the time of analysis.


Failure Frequency


A Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the PoF.

Fractional Wall Loss


The Fractional Wall Loss is calculated by dividing the estimated internal wall loss by the original wall thickness.


Wall Ratio


The estimated remaining wall divided by the required minimum wall thickness.

Used as a tool to validate the data used in the assessment.

Years in Service


The number of years an equipment item has been in service. This time frame is measured from the initial date in its current service to the time the Probability of Failure Analysis is performed.


Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Input Fields



Indicates whether or not cyanides are present.


Damage at Last Inspection


Indicates whether Wet H2S damage was found at the last inspection.


Date in Service


Indicates the date on which the asset was exposed to the environment, making it susceptible to this Degradation Mechanism.

The date in this field must be earlier than or equal to the date in the Inspection Date field.

This date is used as the basis for all the calculations for the Degradation Mechanism.

Env. Cracking Higher Levels


Allows the risk analyst to add an additional factor if they believe that the likelihood of cracking is much higher.

This affects the results of the cracking assessment by an order of magnitude.

Free Water


Water that is available to react with a cracking agent.


H2S Content


The percentage of H2S in the process stream.


Initial Potential


The potential for cracking based only on material and environmental criteria and not on inspection history.


Inspection Date DateThe date on which the inspection was performed on the component.

This field is populated by the value in the Completion Date field for the Inspection. If there is more than one linked Inspection, the latest date is used. If there are no linked Inspections, this field will be blank. You can also enter a value in this field manually.

Is Entry Possible?


Indicates whether or not it is possible to physically enter an asset for the purposes of performing an inspection.


PT or MT Access?


Indicates whether or not it is possible to physically enter an asset from a Penetrant Testing (PT) point or a Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) point for the purposes of performing an Inspection.




Indicates whether or not Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) has been performed to relieve residual stresses from construction of the asset.


Intermediate Output

Adjusted Env. DF


Calculated value for the years in service.


Adjusted Years Last Inspection


The adjusted number of years since the last inspection. This time is measured from the most recent inspection to the time the Probability of Failure (PoF) Analysis.

This is a calculated value.

Updated Potential


The updated potential for damage is based on the number of prior inspections, their respective confidence levels, and whether or not damage was found during the last inspection.

This is a calculated value.

Years Last Inspection


The number of years since the last inspection. This time is measured from the last inspection to the time the Probability of Failure (PoF) Analysis is conducted.

This is a calculated value.

Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Input Fields

Coating Quality


The type of coating applied to the equipment before insulating.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_Coating_Quality System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Best
  • Average
  • None

The value in this field is used for calculating the value in the Coating Factor field.

Date in Service


Indicates the date on which the asset was exposed to the environment, making it susceptible to this Degradation Mechanism.

The date in this field must be earlier than or equal to the date in the Inspection Date field.

This date is used as the basis for all the calculations for the Degradation Mechanism.

Inspection Date DateThe date on which the inspection was performed on the component.

This field is populated by the value in the Completion Date field for the Inspection. If there is more than one linked Inspection, the latest date is used. If there are no linked Inspections, this field will be blank. You can also enter a value in this field manually.

Insulation Condition


The condition of the insulation.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_Insulation_Condition System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Near Cooling Tower?


Indicates whether or not the equipment is located near a cooling tower.


Number of Penetrations NumericIndicates the number of places in the piping circuit where the pipe penetrates the surrounding structure via an insulating cover.

By default, this field contains the value 0.

If the DME is associated with a piping component, the value in this field is used in calculating the complexity of the piping circuit, which impacts the value in the Age field.

Number of Terminations NumericIndicates the number of places in the piping circuit where the insulation starts or stops exposing the pipe to the atmosphere.

By default, this field contains the value 0.

If the DME is associated with a piping component, the value in this field is used in calculating the complexity of the piping circuit, which impacts the value in the Age field.

Number of Vertical Runs NumericIndicates the number of places in the piping circuit where the insulated pipe is oriented vertically for more than six feet.

By default, this field contains the value 0.

If the DME is associated with a piping component, the value in this field is used in calculating the complexity of the piping circuit, which impacts the value in the Age field.

Intermediate Output

Adjusted ECDF


The adjusted value of the External Corrosion Damage Factor.

This field is used for RBI Pipeline analyses.



Indicated the external age of the component and is measured from the date the equipment item was renewed to a like-new condition.

The external age of a piece of equipment differs from its years in service. External age is measured from the date of the last painting or coating of the equipment.

This field is disabled. The value in this field is calculated as follows:

Age = Years in Service – (Coating factor x 5)

For a piping component, the value in the Age field is based on the Coating Factor and the complexity of the piping circuit. Circuit Complexity is calculated as follows:

Circuit Complexity = (Number of Penetrations + Number of Terminations + Number of Vertical Runs) / Piping Circuit Length

Based on the Circuit Complexity and the value in the Coating Factor field, the value in the Age field of the piping component is calculated as follows:

  • If the Circuit Complexity > 0.05, then:

    Age = Years in Service – (Coating factor x 5)

  • If the Circuit Complexity <= 0.05 and >=0.01, then:

    Age = Years in Service – (Coating factor x 5) – 5

  • If the Circuit Complexity < 0.01, then:

    Age = Years in Service – (Coating factor x 5) – 10

Piping Circuit complexity has a default value of N/A. There will be no age reduction for Circuit Complexity value N/A and a value > 0.05

Circuit ComplexityComplexity Category
<0.01Low=Reduced External Age 10 Years
<=0.05Medium= Reduced External Age 5 Years
>0.05High=No Age Reduction
N/A (Default)No Age Reduction

Area Humidity Factor


Should be set based on the humanity of the geographical region in which the asset is operated.


Calculated Corrosion Rate


The Calculated Corrosion Rate for Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is the product of the external corrosion rate and the humidity factor.


Coating Factor


That factor that results from the selection made in the Coating Quality field.

The value in the Coating Factor filed is calculated as follows:

  • If you selected Coating Quality as None, then:

    Coating Factor= 0.2

  • If you selected Coating Quality as Average, then:

    Coating Factor= 1

  • If you selected Coating Quality as Best, then:

    Coating Factor= 2

The value in this field impacts the calculation of the value in the Age field.

Corrosion Factor


That factor that results from the selection made in the Corrosion field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Estimated Minimum Thickness


A user-defined minimum thickness.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Insulation Condition Factor


The factor that results from the selection made in the Insulation Condition field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Insulation Type Factor


 The factor that results from the selection made in the Insulation Type field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Input Fields

Controlling Corrosion Rate NumericThe controlling corrosion rate, in inches per year, of the Asset or the TML Group that is associated with the component.

This is the most conservative Controlling Corrosion Rate field on the Asset Corrosion Analysis family from all the TML Groups mapped to RBI Component.

This field is disabled. If the value in the Source of Calculated Corrosion Rates field in the associated Component is:

  • Asset, then this field is populated based on the value in the Controlling Corrosion Rate field in the associated Asset Corrosion Analysis in Thickness Monitoring.
  • Component, then this field is populated based on the highest value in the Controlling Corrosion Rate fields in the associated Asset Corrosion Analyses linked to the TML Groups.
  • Manual Entry, then this field is blank because controlling corrosion rate is always specified in Thickness Monitoring. You cannot enter a value in this field.


  • TML Group 1 – CCR - .3 MIL/Yr
  • TML Group 2 – CCR - .45 MIL/Yr
  • TML Group 3 – CCR - .33 MIL-Yr

RBI Component is mapped to:

  • TML Group 1 and
  • TML Group 2

Resulting CCR on Internal DME : 00045 Inches/Yr

Note: The value in the Controlling Corrosion Rate field in the Asset Corrosion Analysis is in mils per year. This value is converted to inches per year, and then used to populate this field.

When you copy the analysis without copying the Recommendations, the value in this field is not copied. It is updated based on the Asset or TML Group that is linked to the component. When you copy the analysis along with the Recommendations, then the value in this field is copied.

Date in Service


Indicates the date on which the asset was exposed to the environment, making it susceptible to this Degradation Mechanism.

The date in this field must be earlier than or equal to the date in the Inspection Date field.

This date is used as the basis for all the calculations for the Degradation Mechanism.

Inspection Date DateThe date on which the inspection was performed on the component.

This field is populated by the value in the Completion Date field for the Inspection. If there is more than one linked Inspection, the latest date is used. If there are no linked Inspections, this field will be blank. You can also enter a value in this field manually.



Indicates whether or not it is known where the most aggressive corrosion is happening in the asset.


Thinning Type


Indicates what type of wall loss is occ

urring in the asset.


Intermediate Output

Adjusted ICDF


The adjusted value of the Internal Corrosion Damage Factor.

This field is used for RBI Pipeline analyses.

Estimated Wall Remaining


The estimated remaining wall thickness.

This is a calculated value.

Non-Intrusive Requirement Met Boolean Indicates whether you can perform intrusive or non-intrusive inspection on the component. This check box is disabled and populated automatically.

Criticality Leak Deg. Mech. Eval.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Probability Category – Current IntervalCharacterThe categorical representation of the Probability of Leak at the current interval. The Probability Category is based on the Probability of Leak field calculated using duration between the calculation date of the PRD analysis and the next inspection date. Next Inspection date is captured at the PRD analysis level.None
Probability Category – RBI IntervalCharacterThe categorical representation of the Probability of Leak field. This is based on the RBI recommended interval calculated as a result of PRD analysis.
Input Fields

Piping Vibration


Indicates whether or not the asset is susceptible to piping vibration.


Pulsating/Cycling Service


Indicates whether or not the asset has a Pulsating/Cycling service.  


Service Severity - Leak


Defines the consequences inherent to the particular process in which the devices operate.


Soft Seat


Indicates whether or not the asset has a Soft Seat.


Intermediate Output

Final Inspection Interval


The inspection interval that used for this device.

This is a calculated value.

Operation Ratio


The ratio of the maximum system operating pressure to the set pressure.


Probability of Leak- RBI Interval NumericThe data associated with the probability of leakage in failures per year. This is based on the RBI recommended interval calculated as a result of PRD analysis.This is a calculated value.
Probability of Leak – Current Risk IntervalNumericExtent to which a leak is likely to occur within the time frame of the current interval in failures per year. The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.This is a calculated value.

Weibull Updated Characteristic Life


A parameter modified to account for:

  • Installation factors
  • Design features
  • Overpressure factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Years


Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage




Damage Factor (DF) is a calculated value that quantifies the extent of damage from this Damage Mechanism at the time of analysis.

This is a calculated value.

Failure Frequency


The Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the Probability of Failure (PoF).

Criticality Over Pressure Deg, Mech. Eval.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Probability Category – Current IntervalCharacterThe categorical representation of the Probability of Loss of Containment at the current interval.

The Probability Category is based on the Probability of Lost of Containment- Current Interval field calculated using duration between the calculation date and the next inspection date.

This is a calculated value.
Probability Category – RBI Interval Character

The categorical representation of the Probability of Loss of Containment.

This is a calculated value

Intermediate Output

Consequence of Failure at OverpressureCharacterThe Consequence of Failure (CoF) for an overpressure degradation mechanism.None

Failure Frequency of Protected Equipment


The Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the Probability of Failure (PoF) for the asset.

Final Inspection Interval


The inspection interval that will be used for this device.

This is a calculated value.

Modified Characteristic Life


A parameter modified to account for:

  • Installation factors
  • Design features
  • Overpressure
  • Environmental factors
  • Years




Events that can cause failure of the equipment protected by the device, leading to a loss of containment.


Overpressure Factor (Fo)


The factor that results from the selection made in the Overpressure field.


Probability of Failure on Demand – RBI Interval


The extent to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. This is based on the RBI recommended interval calculated as a result of PRD analysis. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number on the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.

This is a calculated value.

Probability of Failure on Demand – Current IntervalNumericExtent to which a failure is likely to occur within the time frame of the current interval. The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.This is a calculated value.

Probability of Loss of Containment - RBI Interval


 Extent to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. This is based on the RBI recommended interval calculated as a result of PRD analysis. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.

This is a calculated value.

Probability of Loss of Containment – Current IntervalNumericExtent to which a loss of containment is likely to occur within the time frame of the current interval. The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.This is a calculated value.

Weibull Updated Characteristic Life Parameter


A parameter modified to account for:

  • Installation factors
  • Design features
  • Overpressure
  • Environmental factors
  • Years

This is a calculated value.

Criticality Third Party Deg. Mech. Eval.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Input Fields

Above Ground Facilities


Indicates that sections of the pipeline are above ground and are susceptible to specific modes of damage.


Activity Level


Indicates the level of human activity in the vicinity of the asset.

Increased activity increases the likelihood that damage may occur.

Below Bottom of Waterway


In the case of pipeline segments that are submerged at a water crossing, credit is given for depth below water surface and for depth below bottom of waterway.


Below Water Surface


The depth below the water's surface.


Concrete Coating


A protective coating around the pipeline to prevent damage.


Mechanical Pipe Protection


Mechanical protection that shields the pipe from third-party damage by one of the following methods:

  • Coating the pipe with reinforced concrete.
  • Encasing the pipe.
  • Placing a reinforced concrete slab over, but not in contact with, the pipe.


Minimal Depth of Cover


The depth of coverage at the shallowest point for a pipeline segment.

The average depth of cover for a pipeline segment directly influences the probability of a release due to third-party damage.

One-Call System


A one-call system is a service that receives calls regarding upcoming excavation activities and relays the information to the affected utilities.

A line locating program is central in avoiding third-party damage.

Patrol Frequency


Describes how often the pipeline is patrolled.

Patrolling the pipeline is a proven method of reducing third party intrusions. The patrols are a means to identify impending threats to the pipeline (e.g. construction activities).

Pipeline Market Tape (Warning Mesh)


Marker tape or warning mesh installed above a pipeline is an additional measure to protect against third party damage.

The brightly colored tape or mesh installed above the pipeline may help avert damage to the pipeline.

Previous Damage


 Indicates whether or not damage was observed during prior inspection activities.


Public Education


The programs put in place to warn those who live or work near pipeline assets.

Public education programs are thought to play a significant role in reducing third-party damage to pipelines.

Right-Of-Way Condition


 Pipeline rights of way are defined parcels of land where pipelines and related equipment are installed underground and above ground.

A clearly marked, easily recognized Right-of-Way reduces the susceptibility to third-party damage.

Submerged at Water Crossing


Indicates whether or not the pipeline segment is underwater at the point of crossing.


Intermediate Output

Above Ground


Indicates that sections of the pipeline are above ground and are susceptible to specific modes of damage.


Activity Level Points


The points awarded for the selection made in the Activity Level field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Depth of Cover Points


The points awarded for the selection made in the Depth of Cover field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

One-Call System Points


The points awarded for the selection made in the One-Call System field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Patrol Frequency Points


The points awarded for the selection made in the Patrol Frequency field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Previous Damage Points


That points awarded for the selection made in the Previous Damage field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Probability of Failure


The extent to which a Probability of Failure (PoF) event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


Probability of Failure - TPD


The extent to which Third Party Damage (TPD) event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


Public Education Points


The points awarded for the selection made in Public Education field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Right-Of-Way Condition Points


 The points awarded for the selection made in Right-Of-Way (RoW) field.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Total Points (TPD)


The summation of all points resulting from the data used in the analysis.

The value in this field impacts the calculation.

Flexible RBI Methodology Records

Flexible RBI Methodology records store the configuration details for configured calculations and validations. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the following families and their corresponding datasheets:

  • RBI Flexible Calculation Configuration
  • RBI Flexible Calculation Configuration Details
  • RBI Flexible Calculation Validation
  • RBI Flexible Calculation Validation Details

The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

These families are enabled for site filtering, which means that records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges.

Tip: For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
RBI Flexible Calculation Configuration and RBI Flexible Calculation Validation
ActionCharacterA list of available actions for flexible calculation and validation.A value is required. The values are populated from the MI_CONF_VAL_ACTIONS or MI_CONF_CALC_ACTIONS system code table.
Action FamilyCharacterThe family ID of the family that will use the flexible calculation or validation.A value is required. This field contains a list of all families that can be configured for the flexible calculation or validation..
Analysis FamilyCharacterA list of available families that support Flexible RBI Methodology preferences. By default, this field is populated with the value RBI Criticality Analysis. You cannot modify this value.
Policy LinkCharacterA link that points to the policy selected for flexible calculation or validation.The link is populated automatically when you select a policy in the Policy Name field. The policy opens in the Policy Designer workspace.
Policy NameCharacterThe name of the policy used for flexible calculation or validation. A value is required. This field contains a list of all policies in the MI_POLICY family. When you select the policy, a link to the policy is populated in the Policy Link field.
Sequence Numeric Defines the order in which the policies associated with this flexible methodology should be fired.

The value in this field must be a numeric value, which is equal to or greater than 1.

RBI Flexible Calculation Configuration Details and RBI Flexible Calculation Validation Details
Input Entity FamilyCharacterThe family of the Entity type of the policy that creates the flexible calculation or validation. The value in this field will be from the RBI Flexible Calculation Configuration family.

This field contains a list of:

  • All DME families configured with the Has RBI Degradation Mechanism Evaluation Relationship Definition to the Analysis family.
  • All Consequence Evaluation families that are configured with the Has Consequence Evaluation Relationship Definition to the Analysis family.
  • The Analysis family.
Policy Node NameCharacterThe name of the node in the policy to which the Entity is mapped. A value is required.

Grouping Element Records

Grouping Element records store information about the RBI Components included in an Inspection Group. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of fields that exist in the Grouping Element family. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Analysis Numeric Stores the entity key of the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Analysis ID field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.

Asset Numeric Stores the entity key of the Equipment record associated with the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Equipment ID field from the Equipment record associated with the RBI Component.
Component Numeric Stores the entity key of the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Component ID field from the Criticality Calculator RBI Components record associated with the Inspection Group.
Design Pressure Numeric Stores the Design Pressure associated with the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Design Pressure field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Design Temperature Numeric Stores the Design Temperature associated with the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Design Temperature field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Excluded from Group Boolean Indicates whether the RBI Component should be excluded from the associated Inspection Group. Components excluded from the group cannot have representative inspections.

This field is disabled.

If you select this check box, the RBI Component is excluded from the associated Inspection Group.
Exists In Higher Risk Category Boolean Indicates whether or not the Equipment record associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group is associated with another Inspection Group that has a higher Risk Category.This field is disabled and populated automatically when you create an Inspection Group.

When this field is set to True, it indicates that the Component will not be identified as a Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group.

When this field is set to False, it indicates that the RBI Component can be selected as a Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group.

Final Fluid PhaseCharacterStores the Final Phase value taken from the Criticality Consequence Evaluation record associated with the RBI Analysis.This field is disabled.
Initial Fluid PhaseCharacterStores the Initial Fluid Phase value taken from the Criticality Consequence Evaluation record associated with the RBI Analysis.This field is disabled.
Initial Wall Thickness Numeric Stores the Initial Wall Thickness associated with the RBI Component that meets the grouping criteria. It is measured in Inches.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Nominal Thickness field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Inspection Priority Numeric Stores the Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) field from the RBI Degradation Mechanisms record related to the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Material GradeCharacter The material grade of the component.This field is populated with the value in the Material Grade field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis record.
Material SpecCharacter Stores the Material Spec associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Material Spec field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Operating Pressure Numeric Stores the Operating Pressure associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Operating Pressure field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Operating Temperature Numeric Stores the Operating Temperature associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Operating Temperature field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Representative Fluid Character Stores the Representative Fluid associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Representative Fluid field from the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component.
Selected for InspectionBoolean Indicates whether or not the RBI Component should be inspected. This field is populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created.

When this field is set to True, it indicates that the RBI Component is selected as the Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group.

When this field is set to False, it indicates that the RBI Component is not selected as the Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group.

This field is enabled only when the associated Inspection Group record is in the Proposed state.

Selection BasisCharacterIndicates the basis for which, the Grouping Element record is selected for Inspection. This field is populated with one of the following values:
  • Selected By Engine
  • Temperature/Pressure Criteria
  • User Selected
This field is populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created or modified. This field is populated by the MI_GROUPING_SEL_BASIS System Code Table.
System SelectedBoolean Indicates whether the RBI Component is automatically selected for inspection by the system or manually selected for inspection by a user.This field is disabled and populated automatically when you create an Inspection Group.

When this field is set to True, it indicates that the RBI Component is automatically selected as the Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group by the system.

When this field is set to False, it indicates that the RBI Component is manually selected as the Representative RBI Component for the Inspection Group by a user.

This field does not appear on the Grouping Element datasheet.

Thinning Type Character Stores the Thinning Type associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group. This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Thinning Type field from either of the following records related to the RBI Criticality Analysis record associated with the RBI Component:
  • Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. if the corrosion type is CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation).
  • Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. if the corrosion type is ICPC (Internal Corrosion).

This field is populated with a system code description stored in the CORROSION TYPES system code table.

Wall Ratio Numeric Stores the Wall Ratio associated with the RBI Component included in the Inspection Group.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Wall Ratio field from either of the following records associated with the RBI Component:

  • Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. if the corrosion type is CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation).
  • Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. if the corrosion type is ICPC (Internal Corrosion).
The values up to four decimal places are displayed in the WALL RATIO column.

Inspection Group Records

Inspection Group records store information about the Inspection Groups that you create for RBI Components that meet certain criteria. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of fields that exist in the Inspection Group family.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Corrosion Type CharacterStores the type of corrosion, the RBI Components in the Inspection Group are susceptible to.This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GROUPING_CORR_TYPE system code table.
Creation Date Date Stores the date on which the Inspection Group was created.This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created.
Current Percentage SelectionNumeric Indicates the actual percentage of the elements selected for inspection by the system and the additional selections made by the user.This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created or modified.
Description CharacterStores the description used to identify the Inspection Group. This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created. This field is enabled only when the Inspection Group record is in the Proposed state.
Grouping Equipment Type CharacterStores the type of equipment associated with the Inspection Group.This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GROUPING_EQP_TYPE system code table when an Inspection Group is created.
Material Spec CharacterIdentifies the material of the RBI Components in the Inspection Group.This field is disabled and populated only if the Corrosion Type of the group is ICPC.
Name Character Stores the name of the associated Inspection Group.This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created.
Operating Temperature Range Character Stores the operating temperature range for the Inspection Group. This field is populated only if the Corrosion Type of the group is CUI. This field is populated with <Operating Temperature Range Lower Bound> - <Operating Temperature Range Upper Bound>.
Operating Temperature Range Lower Bound Numeric Stores the lower bound value of the operating temperature range. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.This field is populated only if the Corrosion Type of the group is CUI.
Operating Temperature Range Upper Bound Numeric Stores the upper bound value of the operating temperature range. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.This field is populated only if the Corrosion Type of the group is CUI.
Percentage Selection Numeric Indicates the selection percentage for Representative RBI Components based on the risk category.This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created.
Process Fluid Character Identifies the process fluid used in the RBI Components in the Inspection Group.This field is disabled and populated only if the Corrosion Type of the group is ICPC.
Risk Category Character Stores the risk level associated with the RBI Components in the Inspection Group.This field is disabled and populated by the MI_RBI_RISK_CATEGORY system code table when an Inspection Group is created.
Sub GroupCharacter Stores the subgroups for CUI and ICPC Inspection Groups.If the corrosion type of the Inspection Group is ICPC, this field is populated with <Process Fluid> | <Material Spec>. If the corrosion type of the Inspection Group is CUI, this field is populated with <Operating Temperature Range Lower Bound> - <Operating Temperature Range Upper Bound>.
Unit Character Stores the Functional Location linked to the Inspection Group record.This field is disabled and populated automatically when an Inspection Group is created.

Piping Stress Records

Records in the Piping Stress family make up the Piping Stress reference table, which GE Digital APM uses to locate the appropriate Allowable Stress value for RBI Criticality Analyses that are linked to RBI Components whose Stress Lookup Table field contains the value Piping. These values are used to calculate Pressure T-min values in RBI and Thickness Monitoring.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Piping Stress family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Material Type, Minimum Tensile Strength, and Minimum Tensile Yield fields exist in the Piping Stress family, but they are not used to determine the Allowable Stress value.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Allowable Stress Override NumericThe maximum amount of pressure that can a component can safely withstand.

This value in this field, in addition to the following other Piping Stress fields, is used to determine the value that is populated in the Allowable Stress field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis:

  • Code Year
  • Construction Code
  • Design Temperature
  • Material Grade
  • Material Spec
  • Stress Lookup Table
Code Year CharacterThe year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field is used to populate the Code Year field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis:

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Spec list in the Piping Stress record.
The options in this field are populated based on the value that you select in the Design Code field. The table below describes the options available in the Design Code field and corresponding values in the Code Year field.
Design CodeCode Year
Design Code CharacterThe design code associated with the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Construction Code field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress Reference table.

Material Grade CharacterThe material grade of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Grade field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress Reference table.

If there is no material grade value in the specification, then this field is populated with the value NS, which implies not specified.

For Construction Code B31.3 or B31.1 and Code Year 2014, if two or more Piping Stress records have the same values for Material Specification and Material Grade, then the value in this field is populated with a value in the following format: <Material Grade>-<Class>-<Size>-<Notes>

Material Specification CharacterThe material specification of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Spec field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Grade list in the Piping Stress record.

Metal Temperature

NumericThe temperature of the metal of which the component is made.

The value in this field is used to populate the Design Temperature field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.

PV Stress Records

Records in the PV Stress family make up the PV Stress reference table, which GE Digital APM uses to locate the appropriate Allowable Stress value for RBI Criticality Analyses that are linked to RBI Components whose Stress Lookup Table field contains the value Pressure Vessel.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the PV Stress family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Material Type, Minimum Tensile Strength, and Minimum Tensile Yield fields exist in the PV Stress family, but they are not used to determine the Allowable Stress value.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Allowable Stress NumericThe maximum amount of pressure that can safely be withstood by a component.

This value in this field, in addition to the following other PV Stress fields, is used to determine the value that is populated in the Allowable Stress field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis:

  • Code Year
  • Construction Code
  • Design Temperature
  • Material Grade
  • Material Spec
  • Stress Lookup Table
Code Year CharacterThe year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field is used to populate the Code Year field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis:

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the PV Stress record from the PV Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Spec list in the PV Stress record.
The options in this field are populated based on the value that you select in the Design Code field. The table below describes the options available in the Design Code field and corresponding values in the Code Year field.
Design CodeCode Year
Design Code CharacterThe design code associated with the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Construction Code field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the PV Stress record from the PV Stress Reference table.

Material Grade CharacterThe material grade of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Grade field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the PV Stress record from the PV Stress Reference table.

Material Specification CharacterThe material specification of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Spec field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the PV Stress record from the PV Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Grade list in the PV Stress record.
Metal Temperature NumericThe temperature of the metal of which the component is made.

The value in this field is used to populate the Design Temperature field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

This field must contain a value in order for GE Digital APM to retrieve the value in the Allowable Stress field in the PV Stress record from the PV Stress reference table.

Minimum Tensile Strength NumericThe minimum tensile strength of the material of the component. 
Minimum Yield Strength NumericThe minimum yield strength of the material of the component. 

RBI Criticality Analysis Records

RBI Criticality Analysis records are used to determine the results of RBI Analyses. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Criticality Analysis family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Criticality Analysis and What-If Analysis table lists common fields shared across several analysis types. Fields that are unique to a specific component type can be viewed by expanding the proper drop-down heading.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

RBI Criticality Analysis and What-If Analysis


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Analysis ID


Specifies the Record ID of the Equipment or Functional Location Record.

When you create an analysis through the RBI Workflow, the GE Digital APM system automatically populates this field.

For a What-If Analysis, the value in this field is in the following format:

W <Analysis ID of the main analysis> <Number>

...where <Number> is the sequential number of the What-If Analysis.

Analysis Start Date


The date on which the analysis began.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the analysis began.

This field is required.

Criticality Item Type


Describes the type of component being assessed.

This data will be used to select which elements are required to calculate risk.

Date Criticality Calculated


The date on which the Criticality Analysis was calculated.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the analysis was calculated.

Effective Date for Risk Analysis


A designated future date at which time the risk data becomes valid.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which you want to access future risk.

Event TypeCharacterIndicates whether the analysis is a What-If Analysis.

For a What-If Analysis, this field is populated with the value W. For other types of analyses, this field is blank.

This field does not appear on the datasheet.

Generic Failure Frequency


A Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the PoF.

Evergreen Batch IDCharacterThe ID for the evergreening batch during which the analysis was created.This field does not appear on the datasheet.
Evergreen CopyCharacterThe entity key of the child analysis that was created while evergreening.This field does not appear on the datasheet.

Location ID


Identifies the functional location.


Scenario ID


Identifies a particular set of data or activities.

May be used to query data in GE Digital APM that is all related to a common activity or data set.

Scenario Reference Date


The date on which the scenario occurred.

May be used to query data in GE Digital APM that is all related to a common activity or data set.

Process Data

Operating Pressure


The internal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

A value is required in this field.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Pressure field.

If the value in the Design Pressure field is greater than or equal to zero, the value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Pressure field.

If the value in the Design Pressure field is less than zero, you can calculate the analysis with any value in this field.

Operating Temperature


The temperature of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

A value is required in this field.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Temperature field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

If the value in the Design Temperature field is greater than or equal to zero, the value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Temperature field.

If the value in the Design Temperature field is less than zero, you can calculate the analysis with any value in this field.

Representative Fluid


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset.

In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected. 

Tube Nominal Thickness


The manufactured thickness of the tube wall.


Tube Operating Press Channel


The normal operating pressure for a Tube Bundle.

Required only for RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle. The value in this field is compared with the value in the Operating Pressure Shell Side field in the Consequence Evaluation family to determine the leaking fluid.

Tube Operating Temp Channel


The normal operating temperature for a Tube Bundle.


Tube Rep Fluid Channel


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset.

In some cases the fluid that represents the greatest Consequence of Failure (CoF) may be selected.

Design Data

Allowable Stress


The maximum amount of pressure that can a component can safely withstand.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is selected, then this field is enabled, and you can enter a value manually. Otherwise, this field is disabled and populated automatically.

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. or Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Allowable Stress Override


Identifies whether or not a user can enter his or her own allowable stress value.

If this check box is selected, then the Allowable Stress field is enabled.

Area Humidity


A value that based on the humidity of the geographical region in which the asset is operated.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record that is linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records. This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_Area_Humidity System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Code Year


The year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field is used to populate the Code Year field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis record.

This field must contain a value in order for the GE Digital APM system to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Spec list in the Piping Stress record.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared and whose Criticality Item Type is not Storage Tank.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Code Year field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Construction Code


The code to which the asset was originally constructed.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Design Code field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Course Number


Identifies which shell course on an asset is being assessed. The course number will impact how the allowable stressed data is used.

For Tanks, the value in this field is used to calculate the value in the Allowable Stress field.

Design Pressure


The pressure at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Pressure field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.

If the value in this field is greater than or equal to zero, the value in the Operating Pressure field must be less than or equal to the value in this field.

If the value in this field is less than zero, you can calculate the analysis with any value in the Operating Pressure field.

Design Temperature


The temperature at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Temperature Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Temperature field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.

If the value in this field is greater than or equal to zero, the value in the Operating Temperature field must be less than or equal to the value in this field.

If the value in this field is less than zero, you can calculate the analysis with any value in the Operating Temperature field.



The width of a circular or cylindrical Asset measured in a straight line.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank


  • Whose Diameter is null or > 200 (Feet)


  • That is linked to a Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. record whose Estimated Minimum Thickness Override? check box is not selected.

The value in this field is used to calculate the value in the Calculated Inventory field.



Indicates whether or not an asset is insulated.

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Insulation Type


Identifies the insulating material.

The value in this field must be stored in the Insulation Type field in one of the Insulation Type records delivered in the GE Digital APM baseline database

Joint Efficiency


Indicates the extent of inspection used to ensure the quality of welds and the type of weld joints used during construction.

This field must contain one of the following values:

  • 0.35
  • 0.4
  • 0.45
  • 0.5
  • 0.55
  • 0.6
  • 0.65
  • 0.7
  • 0.75
  • 0.8
  • 0.85
  • 0.9
  • 0.95
  • 1.0

Material Grade


The material grade of the component.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Material Grade field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Material Spec


The material specification of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Spec field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis record.

This field must contain a value in order for the GE Digital APM system to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Grade list in the Piping Stress record.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Material Specification field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Minimum Required Thickness


The minimum thickness that is used as a flagging thickness.

This is a calculated value. This field value is used in calculation if the Override Minimum Required Thickness check box is cleared.

Minimum Thickness - Pressure


The minimum required wall thickness to withstand internal pressure.

This is a calculated value.

Nominal Thickness


An estimated or measured thickness used as the starting point for thickness based remaining life calculations.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Override Minimum Required Thickness


Indicates whether you want to override the Calculated T-min value with the Specified T-min value.

If you select this check box, the Specified Tmin field is required and the value is used in calculation.

Piping Circuit Length NumericIndicates the total length of the piping circuit.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Piping Circuit Length field in the associated Criticality RBI Component – Piping record.

The value in this field is used in calculating the complexity of the piping circuit, which impacts the value in the Age field in the Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval record.

The value this field is used to calculate inventory for a RBI Component Type Piping. The UOM will be specified in feet.

Specified Tmin


Minimum thickness of the component that is specified by the user.

This field is required if the Override Minimum Required Thickness check box is selected.

This field is populated with the value in the Specified Tmin field in the associated component.

Stress Lookup Table


Identifies the type of asset being assessed so that the proper design codes are used.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_STRESS_LOOKUP_TABLE System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Piping
  • Vessels
  • Tanks
Structural Minimum Thickness


The minimum required wall thickness to withstand the structural design of the asset.

The values are obtained from the Equipment Type reference table.
Equipment TypeDefault Minimum Thickness
Pressure Vessels 0.125
Heat Exchanger/Fin-Fan Tubes0.035
Piping: 1 ½ “or less0.062
Piping: 2-8"0.094
Piping: 8” or greater0.125
Susceptible to CUI


Indicates if a component is susceptible to CUI.

The value in this field must be set to Yes if the component is made of carbon steel and is insulated.

Analysis Results

Driving CoF


The highest cause of failure identified on the asset.


Driving Inspection Priority(Unmitigated Risk)


The highest Inspection Priority identified on the asset.

The value in this field is used to drive the inspection recommendations on the asset

Driving PoF


The highest Probability of Failure (PoF) identified on the asset.


Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) Rolled Up


The highest Inspection Priority identified on the asset.

For a multi-component asset, the highest Inspection Priority will be used

Risk Category


 The range of Risk for the asset.


RBI PRD Criticality Analysis


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Driving Component


Identifies the RBI Component protected by the PRD device that represents the highest Consequence of Failure (CoF).

The CoF data from this asset will be used to calculate the CoF of the devices.


Damage Factor Class


A scale from None to Severe that describes the potential damage that a device may be exposed to based on its operating environment.

This value is a factor ranging from 1 - 2000.

Downstream of PD Pump


Indicates whether or not the device is downstream of a positive displacement pump.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Fired Heat Source


Indicates whether or not the device is downstream of a fired heat source

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

History of Chatter


Indicates whether or not the device has had a history of chatter.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

History of Excessive Activation


Indicates whether or not the device has had a history of excessive activation.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.



The Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) of the device.


Multiple PRDs


Indicates whether or not the asset is protected by a single device or if multiple devices have been installed to facilitate the necessary relieving capacity.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Next Inspection Date


The date on which the next inspection for PRD is scheduled.

This field is required for calculating PRD Analyses with either Protected Components or Protected Assets.

Operating Pressure


The internal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in pounds per square inch.

You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.

Operating Temperature


The temperature of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

You can specify a value for this field using the datasheet.

PRD Discharge Location


Indicates whether or not the device relieves to atmosphere or to a closed header.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

PRD Relief Area


The total relieving capacity of a single device.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Protected Equipment Type


Defines the type of asset that the device protects.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Service Severity


Defines the consequences inherent to the particular process in which the devices operate.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Total PRD Relief Area


The total combined relieving capacity of all devices are installed.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Analysis Results

Driving CoF – Current IntervalCharacter

The Consequence of Failure of the damage mechanism with the highest risk for the current interval identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.

The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.
This is a calculated value.
Driving Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) – Current IntervalCharacter

The Inspection Priority of the damage mechanism with the highest risk for the current interval identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.

The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.
This is a calculated value.
Driving PoF – Current IntervalCharacterThe Probability of Failure of the damage mechanism with the highest risk for the current interval identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.This is a calculated value.
Recommended Inspection Interval – Current IntervalNumeric

The Recommended Inspection Interval of the damage mechanism with the highest risk for the current interval identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.

The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.
This is a calculated value.
Risk Category – Current IntervalCharacter

The Risk Category of the damage mechanism with the highest risk for the current interval identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority

The current interval is calculated by taking the difference of the calculation date and the Next Inspection Date field.
This is a calculated value.
Driving CoF – RBI IntervalCharacterThe Consequence of Failure of the damage mechanism with the highest risk identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.This is a calculated value.
Driving Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) – RBI IntervalCharacterThe Inspection Priority of the damage mechanism with the highest risk identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.This is a calculated value.
Driving PoF – RBI IntervalCharacterThe Probability of Failure of the damage mechanism with the highest risk identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.This is a calculated value.

Recommended Inspection Interval – RBI Interval


The Recommended Inspection Interval of the damage mechanism with the highest risk identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.

This is a calculated value.
Risk Category – RBI IntervalCharacterThe Risk Category of the damage mechanism with the highest risk identified on the asset. This is determined based on Inspection Priority.This is a calculated value.

RBI Pipeline Analysis


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Date Calculated


Date on which the analysis was performed.


Process Data

Flow Rate


The amount of fluid flowing at any given time for a pipeline segment.

The data in this field impacts corrosion characteristics.

Operating Pressure


The internal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Pressure field.

Operating Temperature


The temperature of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Temperature field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Temperature field.

Segment Length


The total length of the pipeline segment being assessed.


Design Data

Defects Reported


Identifies inspection findings from previous inspection events.

This data allows the inspector to follow up on previously reported defects.

Design Pressure


The pressure at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Pressure field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.

Design Temperature


The temperature at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Temperature Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Temperature field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.



The Fabrication Defect Adjustment (FDA) provides any defect information provided by the manufacturer.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Is CP System Present?


Indicates whether or not the asset has Cathodic Protection (CP).


Is Piggable?


Indicates whether or not the asset is designed in such a way that it may be inspected using a PIG.

This data will drive the inspection recommendations generated for this asset.



Land Movement Potential Adjustment (LMPA) is a value that describes the possibility of land movements based on the geographical region.

GE Digital APM follows the Pipeline Risk Management Manual model to determine LMPA.

Muhlbauer, W. Kent. Pipeline Risk Management Manual. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 2004.

LMPA Factor


That factor that results from the selection made in LMPA field.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

Pipeline Segment Type


Describes the type of pipeline segment being assessed.


SCADA Factor


That factor that results from the selection made in the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) field.

The value in this field impacts the analysis calculation.

RBI Corrosion Loop Records

RBI Corrosion Loop records are used to identify the components contained in a Corrosion Loop. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Corrosion Loop family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage



Details about the corrosion loop.


Created By


The name of the user who created the RBI Corrosion Loop.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the name of the person logged in to GE Digital APM.

Created On


The date on which the RBI Corrosion Loop was created.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.

Last Updated By


The first and last name of the most recent user to update the RBI Corrosion Loop.

This field is disabled and populated automatically with the name of the person logged in to GE Digital APM while modifying the record.

Last Updated On


The date on which the most recent update was made to the RBI Corrosion Loop.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.

RBI Corrosion Loop Description


Information about the purpose and contents of the corrosion loop.


RBI Corrosion Loop From


The origin designation of the corrosion loop.

This field identifies the asset or feed source of the corrosion loop.

RBI Corrosion Loop ID


A unique value that identifies the RBI Corrosion Loop.

This field is disabled and populated automatically.

RBI Corrosion Loop To


The termination designation of the RBI Corrosion Loop.

This field identifies the asset or landmark at which the corrosion loop ends.

RBI Degradation Mechanisms (DMs) Records

RBI Degradation Mechanisms records are used to determine the corrosion rate and damage factor caused on the component because of a particular DM. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Degradation Mechanisms family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Combined Consequence


The category of the combined consequence of failure.

The value in this field is calculated by comparing the four consequence categories, and assigning the combined consequence category the same value as the most severe of the four. The value A indicates the most severe consequence category, and the value E indicates the least severe.
Deg Mech Comments CharacterComments about the DM.None

Degradation Mechanism


A process that induces deleterious micro and macro material changes over time that are harmful to the material condition or mechanical properties.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_DEGRADATION_MECHANISM_TYPES System Code Table.

Degradation Mechanism Description CharacterA short description of the degradation mechanism.None

Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk)


A value that represents the location of the asset on the risk matrix.

This number is between 1 and 25 and will drive the inspection planning results.

Probability of Failure


Extent to which an event is likely to occur within the time frame under consideration. The mathematical definition of probability is a real number in the scale 0 to 1 and is attached to a random event.


RBI Recommendation Records

RBI Recommendation records store information about the recommended actions to mitigate the risk. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Recommendation family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Analysis ID CharacterThe ID of the RBI Criticality Analysis that is linked to the RBI Recommendation. This field is populated with the value in the Analysis ID field of the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Author Name CharacterThe name of the user who created the RBI Recommendation.This field is populated with the last and first names of the Security User that you represent.
Completion Comments TextComments about the completion of an RBI Recommendation. This field is required when superseding the RBI Recommendation.
Create Task? BooleanIndicates whether or not you want to create a task for the RBI Component.None
Damage Mechanism CharacterA process that induces deleterious micro or macro material changes over time that are harmful to the material condition or mechanical properties.This field is populated with the Degradation Mechanism that is linked to the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Functional Location CharacterThe ID of the Functional Location that the RBI Component belongs to.This field is populated with the value in the Equipment ID field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Inspection Confidence CharacterA value that indicates how effective prior inspections were at identifying the degradation mechanism and the rate of degradation.This field does not appear on the datasheet. The value in this field appears on the Asset Risk Report.
Inspection Strategy IDCharacterThe unique ID of the Inspection Strategy.This field does not appear on the datasheet. This field is used to map the RBI Recommendation with the Inspection Strategy.
Nonrecurring BooleanIndicates whether the inspection task that you create for the recommendation is recurring.This check box is cleared by default.
Originating Reference CharacterThe ID of the RBI Criticality Analysis that is linked to the RBI Recommendation.When you generate an RBI Recommendation, this field is populated with the ID of the RBI Criticality Analysis.
RBI Component CharacterThe description of the component that is associated with the RBI Recommendation.This field is populated with the value in the Component Description field of the associated RBI Component.
RBI Recommendation Methodology CharacterIndicates the methodology that is used to generate the RBI Recommendation.This field is populated with the value RBI 580.
Recommendation Basis CharacterDefines what is driving the RBI Recommendation.When you generate an RBI Recommendation, this field is populated with the value in the Inspection Strategy Description field in the associated Inspection Strategy.
Recommendation Headline CharacterIdentifies the purpose of the recommendation.This field is populated with a value in the following format:

<RBI Component ID>-<Damage Mechanism>


  • <RBI Component ID> is the Record ID of the associated RBI Component.
  • <Damage Mechanism> is the value in the Damage Mechanism field in the RBI Recommendation.
Recommended Interval Scope NumericDefines what should be done during this inspection event.When you generate an RBI Recommendation, this field is populated with the value in the Recommendation Inspection Scope field in the associated Inspection Strategy.
Recommended Interval TextDefines the time period between inspection events.When you generate an RBI Recommendation, this field is populated with one of the following values:
  • When the Use Calculated Data field in the Inspection Strategy is set to False, the value in the Recommended Inspection Interval field is used.
  • When the Use Calculated Data field in the Inspection Strategy is set to True:
    • For RBI Criticality Analyses, the value in the Estimated Half Life field is used.
    • For RBI PRD Analyses, the value in the Recommended Inspection Interval on the analysis is used.
Status CharacterDefines the status of the recommendation in the process flow.This field is populated with the value Created.
Superseded By Recommendation Number CharacterIdentifies the recommendation that will be performed and tracked rather than the selected recommendation.When you supersede this RBI Recommendation with another one, this field is populated with the ID of the latter.
Task Type CharacterDefines the inspection methodology used.When you generate an RBI Recommendation, this field is populated with the value in the Inspection Task Type field in the associated Inspection Strategy.

Recommendation Revision Records

The Recommendation Revision family stores information from the related RBI and Compliance Recommendation records and their related Inspection Tasks. These records store information when an Inspection Plan that is in the Approved state is moved to the Modified state.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Recommendation Revision family and appear in the Recommendation Revision datasheet unless otherwise specified. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Damage MechanismCharacter (50)Stores the Damage Mechanism of the original Recommendation.This field is disabled.
Inspection Strategy IDCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the Inspection Strategy record from which the original Recommendation was generated.This field is disabled.
Inspection Task TypeCharacter (255)Stores the Task Type from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Non Recurring?BooleanIndicates whether the Recommendation is to recur.This field is disabled.
RBI Recommendation MethodologyCharacter (255)Indicates the methodology used to create the Recommendation.
  • For RBI Recommendations, the value in this field can be RBI 580 or RBI 581.
  • For Compliance, the value in this field is set to the name of the Compliance Strategy Template.
Recommendation IDCharacter (255)Indicates the unique ID that is assigned to the Recommendation. This field is populated by automatically by business rules.

This field is disabled.

Recommended Inspection ScopeTextStores the Inspection Scope that populated the original Recommendation. This field is disabled.
StateCharacter (255)Stores the State ID of the original Recommendation.This field is populated by the caption of the state.

The field is disabled and does not appear in the datasheet.

Task DescriptionTextStores the description from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Desired IntervalNumericStores the Desired Interval field value from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Desired Interval BasisCharacter (1000)Stores the Desired Interval Basis from the related Inspection Task.The value in this field is the description of the corresponding system code from the INSM System Code Table.

The field is disabled.

Task Desired Interval UOMCharacter (50)Stores the Desired Interval UOM from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task DetailsTextStores the details from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task IDCharacter (255)Stores the Task ID from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Last DateDateStores the Last Date from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Override IntervalBooleanStores the Override Interval from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Next DateDateStores the Next Date from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task ReoccurringBooleanStores the Reoccurring flag value from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.

Tank Stress Records

Tank Stress records are used in the Tank Stress reference table, which is used to determine the Allowable Stress value for RBI Criticality Analyses linked to storage tank components (i.e., RBI Components whose Stress Lookup Table field contains the value Tank). This topic provides a list and description of the fields that exist in the Tank Stress family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Allowable Stress NumericThe maximum amount of pressure that the component can withstand.

The value in this field is calculated using the following fields:

  • Stress Lookup Table
  • Construction Code
  • Code Year
  • Material Spec
  • Material Grade
  • Course Number
  • Tensile Strength
  • Yeild Strength

The value in this field is used to populate the Allowable Stress field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.

Code Year CharacterThe year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field is used to:

  • Determine the value in the Allowable Stress field.
  • Filter the list of values in the Material Specification field.
  • Populate the Code Year field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
The options in this field are populated based on the value that you select in the Design Code field. The table below describes the options available in the Design Code field and corresponding values in the Code Year field.
Design CodeCode Year
API 6502008
API 6532008
Design Code CharacterThe design code associated with the component.

The value in this field is used to:

  • Determine the value in the Allowable Stress field.
  • Populate the Construction Code field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Material Grade CharacterThe material grade of the component.

The value in this field is used to:

  • Determine the value in the Allowable Stress field.
  • Populate the Material Grade field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Material Specification CharacterThe material specification of the component.

The value in this field is used to:

  • Determine the value in the Allowable Stress field.
  • Filter the list of values in the Material Grade field.
  • Populate the Material Spec field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis.
Minimum Tensile Strength NumericThe minimum tensile strength of the material of the component.None
Minimum Yield Strength NumericThe minimum yield strength of the material of the component.None