
Deploy Inspection Management

The checklists in this section of the documentation contain all the steps necessary for deploying and configuring this module whether you are deploying the module for the first time or upgrading from a previous version.

Deploy Inspection Management for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. GE Digital recommends, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

If you are deploying this module in APM Now, before you begin completing these tasks, review the system requirements for this module to identify the supported features for this module in APM Now. Unless noted, all deployment tasks in the following table are applicable for the deployment of this module in APM Now.


1Review the Inspection Management data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment and location families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed. This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.
2 Configure GE Digital APM to create Task Revision records.This step is required only if you want Task Revision records to be created every time you create or update a task. These records are used to track historical data related to a task.

Assign Security Users to one or more of the Security Roles used in IM.

This step is required.

Security Users will need permissions to the Inspection Management families before they can use the Inspection Management features.

4Assign Resource Roles to users.

This step is required to define the users who can perform Inspection workflows as Inspectors, supervisors, administrators, contract inspectors, and risk analysts in Inspection Management.

5Modify baseline Application Configuration settings.This step is required only if you want to modify Application Configurations. The following Application Configurations are defined in the baseline database: Asset Query Path; Associated Relationship Family; Published Query Path; Summary Query Path; Alerts Query Path; Asset Is Successor; Profile Configuration; Method Configuration; Strategy Rule Configuration.
6 Define the Inspection Profile for each piece of equipment that you will inspect.This step is required only if you plan to create Inspection records in baseline families other than the Checklists subfamilies.
7Modify the baseline Asset query. This step is required only if you want Inspection records to be linked to records in a family other than the Equipment family.
8 Define Event Configurations for any new Inspection families that you have created.This step is required only if you have created custom Inspection families that you want to use within Inspection Management.
9Create a Checklist Configuration Template for custom inspections.This step is optional.
10Define Taxonomy Configurations for Inspection Families and Checklist Configurations.This step is required only if you want to link Inspection Families and Checklist Configurations to assets using equipment taxonomy.
11 Assign certifications to users.This step is optional.
12 Group inspection work into Work Packs.This step is optional.

Upgrade or Update Inspection Management to V4.

Before You Begin

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V4. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic GE Digital APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

Note: If you are using Inspection Field Data Collection for Offline Inspections, please follow the upgrade steps to install the latest app on mobile devices used for Inspection Field Data Collection.

After you upgrade:

A new Human Resource role, Contract Inspector (ID: CONTRACT INSPECTOR) is now available in MI_RESOURCE_ROLE system code table. This is to facilitate the enhancement where a Contract Inspector can now update the Status field in Inspection records to Pending Approval without being the user defined in the Inspection Report Owner field if they are also a Team Member in the associated Inspection record.


  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Revert the following Inspection Management queries to baseline:
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/ Overview Queries/All Inspection Assets with Inspection Or Task for Unit
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/ Overview Queries/All Inspections for Asset
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/Compliance/Queries/Active Recommendations of Plan for Unit
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/Compliance/Queries/All Inspection Plans for Unit
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/Compliance/Queries/Assets with Inspection Plans
    • Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/ Report Queries/MI_INSPHIST_ASSETDTL
    This step is required only if you have modified the following queries:
    • All Inspection Assets with Inspection Or Task for Unit
    • All Inspections for Asset
    • Active Recommendations of Plan for Unit
    • All Inspection Plans for Unit
    • Assets with Inspection Plans
  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Update the approval work process of Inspection Recommendations to use the new state management.A new state configuration has been developed for the Inspection Recommendation approval work process. This state configuration includes some new states and the existing states are updated. This step is required only if:
    • You are using customized state configuration for the approval workflow and want to use the new state configuration.
    • You have a customized state configuration for the approval workflow, but using the recommendation status for the approval workflow, and want to use the new state configuration.
    In both the cases, you must run the Revert to Baseline utility to map the existing states to the new states.
    2Add WHERE criteria to the following queries to accommodate date filters:
    • The Underlying Inspection Tasks query:
      • Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Overview Queries\All Tasks for Unit
    • The Underlying Recommendations query:
      • Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Overview Queries\Open Inspection Recommendations for Unit
    • The Overdue Inspection Recommendations query:
      • Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Overview Queries\Overdue Inspection Recommendations for Unit
    This step is required only if you have previously modified the queries. You can add the WHERE criteria by following the instructions in V4 How to change IM queries to include new WHERE criteria (V4. KBA 6215.

    If you have not modified your queries, you do not need to follow this step. This step will be completed automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture.

    3Update the datasheets for Inspection families supported in Inspection Field Data Collection:
    • Full Inspection
    • General Inspection
    • API 510 External Checklist
    • API 510 Internal Checklist
    • API 510 Internal Exchanger Checklist
    • API 570 External Checklist
    • API 653 External Checklist
    • API 653 Internal Checklist
    • External PRD Checklist
    • PRD Pop Test Checklist
    • Checklist Inspection Template
    If you have customized the default datasheet for any of these families and want to see the download data for Inspection Field Data Collection, you must do one of the following:
    • Using Family Management, edit the default datasheet of each family. Add a new section, Download Information with the following fields:
      • Downloaded
      • Last Downloaded By
      • Last Downloaded Date
      • Last Synced Back By
      • Last Synced Date
  • Upgrade from any version V4.2.0.0 through V4.

    Revert the My Open Inspections Query to baseline.

    This step is required only if you have modified the My Open Inspections query. If you have, you will not have the ability to download inspections from the My Open Inspections section of the Inspections page until you revert the My Open Inspections query to baseline for the offline functionality to be enabled.
    Note: If you want to modify this query, you must have both the Inspection Lock and the Entity Key fields as selected fields in the customized query.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.1.0.0 through V4.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.0.0.0 through V4.0.1.0

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.1 through V3.

    This module will be upgraded to V4. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic GE Digital APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 SP1 LP through V3.
    1Define Time-Based Inspection settingsThis step is optional.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 through V3.
    1Define Time-Based Inspection settingsThis step is optional.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.4.5 through V3.
    1Create Task Types records representing those task types, and then set the value in the Reference field to Inspection.This step is required only if you have added System Codes to the MI_INSPECTION_TYPE System Code table.
    2Define Time-Based Inspection settingsThis step is optional.

Revert Inspection Management Queries to Baseline

This action is required only if you have modified certain Inspection Management queries.

About This Task

If you have modified the following Inspection Management queries, perform the steps to revert these queries to baseline.
  • All Inspection Assets with Inspection Or Task for Unit
  • All Inspections for Asset
  • Active Recommendations of Plan for Unit
  • All Inspection Plans for Unit
  • Assets with Inspection Plans


  1. Access the Catalog page.
  2. Navigate to the Public folder for the query that you want to revert.
    The queries that you want to revert are stored in the following sub-folders within the Public/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/ folder.
    • Overview Queries
    • Compliance/Queries
    • Report Queries
  3. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Confirm Delete window appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the selected query.
  4. Select OK.
    The selected query is deleted.
  5. Navigate to the Baseline folder for queries.
    The baseline queries for the queries that you want to revert are stored in the following sub-folders within the Baseline/Meridium/Modules/Inspection/ folder.
    • Overview Queries
    • Compliance/Queries
    • Report Queries
  6. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Catalog Folder Browser window appears.
  7. Navigate to the folder containing the public query that you deleted in step 3.
  8. Select OK.
    A success message appears indicating that the selected Item has been copied successfully.
  9. Repeat Steps 2-8 for each query that you want to revert to baseline.

Inspection Datasheets - Revert to Baseline

About This Task

The default datasheets on Inspection families supported for Inspection Field Data Collection have been updated to include fields to track download information:
FamilyFamily IDDatasheet Updated (Default)
Full InspectionMI_INSPFULLFull Visual Inspection
General InspectionMI_INSP_GENGeneral Inspection - Default
API 510 External ChecklistMI_API510EXT_CHECKAPI 510 External Checklist - Default
API 510 Internal ChecklistMI_API510INT_CHECKAPI 510 Internal Checklist - Default
API 510 Internal Exchanger ChecklistMI_API510IEX_CHECKAPI 510 Internal Exchanger Checklist - Default
API 570 External ChecklistMI_API570EXT_CHECKAPI 570 External Checklist - Default
API 653 External ChecklistMI_API653EXT_CHECKAPI 653 External Checklist – Default
API 653 Internal ChecklistMI_API653INT_CHECKAPI 653 Internal Checklist - Default
External PRD ChecklistMI_EXTNL_PRD_CHECKExternal PRD Checklist
PRD Pop Test ChecklistMI_PRD_PT_CHECKPRD Pop Test Checklist
Checklist Inspection TemplateMI_GEN_INSP_TMPChecklist Inspection Template
If you have customized the default datasheet for any of these families and want to see the download data for Inspection Field Data Collection must do one of the following:
  • Using Family Management, edit the default datasheet of each family. Add a new section, Download Information with the following fields:
    • Downloaded
    • Last Downloaded By
    • Last Downloaded Date
    • Last Synced Back By
    • Last Synced Date
  • Run Revert to Baseline for each family.
Important: Running this utility overwrites your current datasheet and replaces it with the baseline version. You must be a super user in GE Digital APM to run the Revert to Baseline utility.


  1. Log in to the server where GE Digital APM is installed.
  2. Navigate to <Installation Directory>\Meridium\Upgrade\DBUpgrade.
  3. Run the RevertToBaselineApp.exe file as administrator.
    The Revert To Baseline Login window appears.

  4. In the Meridium Data Source box, enter the data source name that you want to access.
  5. Enter your login credentials, and then select Next.
    The available families that can be reverted to baseline appear.
  6. Select the Inspection family that you want to update, and then select Revert to Baseline.
    The Various Options For Revert window appears.

  7. Select Datasheets.
    Select the Default Datasheet from the drop-down, and then select Ok.
  8. Repeat steps 6-7 for each Inspection Family.

Inspection Recommendation State Management - Revert to Baseline

About This Task

The Inspection Recommendation state management is now available with a new state configuration for the approval workflow. This state configuration allows Inspection Recommendation approval workflow to use the State field, instead of the Status field. For more information about the new state configuration, refer to the Inspection Management State Management topic. If you are using a customized state configuration for the approval workflow and want to use the functionality of the new state management without impacting the current approval workflow, you must map the existing states to the new states using the Revert to Baseline utility. You can run this utility in any of the following conditions:
  • You are using customized state configuration for the approval workflow and want to use the new state configuration.
  • You have a customized state configuration for the approval workflow, but using the recommendation status for the approval workflow, and want to use the new state configuration.
Important: Running this utility overrites your current state configuration. After you transition to the new state configuration, you cannot revert to the old state configuration.

Before You Begin

  • You must be a super user in GE Digital APM.
  • The State Configuration for Inspection Recommendation must be enabled.


  1. Log in to the server where GE Digital APM is installed.
  2. Navigate to <Installation Directory>\Meridium\Upgrade\DBUpgrade.
  3. Run the RevertToBaselineApp.exe file as administrator.
    The Revert To Baseline Login window appears.

  4. In the Meridium Data Source box, enter the data source name that you want to access.
  5. Enter your login credentials, and then select Next.
    The available families that can be reverted to baseline appear.

  6. Select the Inspection Recommendation family, and then select Revert to Baseline.
    The Various Options For Revert window appears.

  7. Select State Management, and then select Ok.
    The State Management Mapper window appears.

  8. In the Entity Families pane, select Inspection Recommendation.
    The State Management Baseline Mapping table appears and contains the following columns:
    • Custom Source: Contains all the existing states that are available for mapping to the new states.
    • Select Target: Allows you to select the new states that you want to map to the existing states.
    • Baseline Target: Displays the newly mapped states corresponding to the existing states.
  9. Using the Select Target column, select the state that you want to map to the existing state.
    Note: You can use the Auto Map button to automatically map the existing states to the new states based on the state name.
  10. Repeat step 9 for all the existing states.
  11. Select Save Mapping.
  12. Browse for the path where you want to save the mapping file, and then select Save.
    A .xml file containing the state mappings is saved.
  13. Select Revert Single Family.
  14. Select the state mapping file that you saved in step 12, and then select OK.
    The mapping operation starts. After the operation is successfully completed, a success message appears.
  15. Select Exit.
    The Revert to Baseline utility is closed.

Configure GE Digital APM to Create Task Revisions

About This Task

You can configure GE Digital APM to create records that track changes to Task record values, so that you can keep a historical record of Task data on a given date and time. Throughout this documentation, GE Digital refers to these revision-tracking records as Task Revision records. The family caption, however, is not necessarily Task Revision.

GE Digital APM provides the following Task Revision families, but you can create your own:

  • Task Revision
  • Inspection Task Revision

GE Digital assumes that you do not want a Task Revision record to be created when you create a new Task record or update an existing Task record. If, however, you want these Task Revision records to be created, you will need to perform the following step.


Configure the Has Task Revision relationship to include the Task family as the predecessor and its Task Revision subfamily as the successor.


When you create or modify a task, a Task Revision is created and linked to the task.

About Configuring the Has Task Revision Relationship

The Has Task Revision relationship family is used to link Task Revisions to Tasks. If a relationship definition exists between a Task family and its Task Revision subfamily, when you create a Task record in that family, the GE Digital APM system will automatically create a Task Revision and link it to the Task. The Task Revision serves as a historical record of the Task data on a given date and time. If you later update the Task, a new Task Revision will be created.

GE Digital assumes that you do not want a Task Revision to be created when you create a new Task or update an existing Task. If, however, you do want these Task Revisions to be created, you will need to configure the Has Task Revision relationship to include the required families. No relationship definitions are configured for this family in the baseline GE Digital APM database.

The following table provides an example of a relationship definition that you might configure for the Has Task Revision relationship if you are using the root Task family.

TaskTask RevisionOne to Many

Inspection Task Revision

GE Digital assumes that you do not want an Inspection Task Revision to be created when you create a new Inspection Task or update an existing Inspection Task. If, however, you do want these Inspection Task Revisions to be created, you will need to configure the Has Task Revision relationship to include the required families. No relationship definitions are configured for this family in the baseline Inspection Management product.

The following table provides an example of a relationship definition that you might configure for the Has Task Revision relationship if you are using the Inspection Task family.

Inspection TaskInspection Task RevisionOne to Many

Inspection Management Security Groups and Roles

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI Inspection

MI Mechanical Integrity Administrator

MI Mechanical Integrity Power

MI Mechanical Integrity User

MI Inspection Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI Mechanical Integrity Viewer

The following roles can be assigned to a group or user:
  • Inspector
  • Inspection Supervisor
  • SC Recommendations Implementer
  • SC Recommendations Reviewer

These roles are used in State Management.

FamilyMI Inspection MI Inspection Viewer
Entity Families
AlertView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
CertificationView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Checklist FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Conditional AlertsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
CorrosionView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
EquipmentView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
EventView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Human ResourceViewView
Inspection MethodView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inspection ProfileView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inspection Team MemberView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Inventory Group ConfigurationViewView
Potential Degradation MechanismsViewView
RBI Degradation MechanismsViewView
RBI Inspection Auto-Selection CriteriaViewView
RecommendationView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Reference DocumentView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Resource RoleView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
SAP SystemViewView
Security UserViewView
StrategyView, UpdateView
TaskView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Taxonomy ReferencesViewView
Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Time Based Inspection SettingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Work PackView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Relationship Families
Belongs to a UnitView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Checklist Has FindingView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has CertificationsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Degradation MechanismsViewView
Has FindingsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection MethodView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection ProfileView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Inspection ScopeView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has InspectionsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Potential Degradation MechanismsViewView
Has RecommendationsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Reference DocumentsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has RolesView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Sub-InspectionsView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has TasksView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Task HistoryView, InsertView
Has Task RevisionView, InsertView
Has Team MemberView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Taxonomy Hierarchy ElementViewView
Has Taxonomy MappingViewView
Has Time Based Inspection IntervalView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Has Work PackView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Is a UserViewView
Is Planned ByView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Is Executed ByView, Insert, Update, DeleteView
Note: Security privileges for all modules and catalog folders can be found in the APM documentation.

Note that:

  • The family-level privileges granted to the following families are also spread to all of their subfamilies:
    • Event
    • Taxonomy References
  • The Has Task History relationship family is inactive in the baseline GE Digital APM database.
  • In addition to the families listed in the preceding table, members of the MI Inspection Security Group have View privileges to additional families to facilitate integration with the Risk Based Inspection module. Since these families are not used elsewhere in Inspection Management, they are not listed in this table.
Note: As part of implementing Inspection Management, you will decide whether you want to link Inspection records to Equipment records, Functional Location records, or both. If you want to link Inspection records to Functional Location records, you will need to grant members of the MI Inspection Security Group at least View privileges to the Functional Location family and the Functional Location Has Equipment relationship family. All new users are automatically assigned to the Everyone user group.