
NY Prize was part of a statewide endeavor to modernize New York State’s electric grid, spurring innovation and community partnerships with utilities, local governments, and private sector.

The challenge

A first-in-the-nation $40 million competition is planned to help communities create microgrids—standalone energy systems that can operate independently in the event of a power outage.

The solution

NY Prize covered three stages for the development of resilient and stand-alone microgrids that can function in both gridconnected and islanded mode and provide uninterrupted power to critical facilities and load within the microgrid:

  • Stage 1: feasibility studies,
  • Stage 2: audit-grade engineering design and business planning, and
  • Stage 3: project build-out and post-operational monitoring. 

Of the 150 state-wide applicants, including many towns and villages across the state, 83 were selected for the Stage 1 microgrid feasibility studies. GE Vernova’s Consulting Services was selected to perform the feasibility study for 10 of the awarded communities. 

Stage 1

Working as a subcontractor to its partners, GE Vernova's Consulting Services team worked with ten (10) communities and five (5) utilities to perform microgrid feasibility assessments and develop conceptual designs in Stage 1. As a part of the feasibility assessment, GE worked with other contractors to perform a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed projects.

Principle tasks in Stage 1:

  • Task 1: Description of Microgrid Capabilities
  • Task 2: Develop Preliminary Technical Design Costs and Configuration
  • Task 3: Assessment of Microgrid’s Commercial and Financial Feasibility
  • Task 4: Develop Information for Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Task 5: Final Written Documentation 

After completion of Stage 1, each of these projects were submitted for selection in Stage 2 of NY Prize. All the microgrid feasibility studies included operational and economic evaluation of the operation of the microgrid DER resources under different retail rates and ISO prices. 

Stage 2

GE Vernova's Consulting Services team worked with four communities (4) and three (3) utilities to perform detailed engineering analysis, economic and financial assessments to produce audit grade designs for selected projects. The projects were:

  • Albany University Heights Community (working with LaBella Associates)
  • City of Binghamton, NY (Working Gravity Renewables in Stage 1)
  • City of Freeport, Long Island
  • City of Syracuse, NY

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