Setting the Output Level

About this task

Webspace offers the following log output levels:

Level Description
0 No output
1 Errors
2 Errors and Events (Default Setting)
3 Errors, Events and Warnings
4 Errors, Events, Warnings, and Diagnostic Messages
5, 6 Errors, Events, Warnings, Diagnostic Messages, and Trace Messages


  1. From the Webspace Admin Console, on the server list, select the desired server.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Host Options. The Host Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click Log tab.
  4. In the Output level edit box, enter one of the above numeric values.
    Important: Setting the log output value to 5 or 6 may adversely affect Webspace performance. These output levels yield very large files, and should only be used in a controlled environment – preferably when only one client is accessing the Webspace Server. The default value for the Output level is 2.
    Important: Changes to the Output Level are applied to Webspace sessions that are started after the change.