Resize a Field

About This Task

This topic assumes you have added a new Custom Layout section to your datasheet.


  • Configure a Custom Layout datasheet field in a double-column configuration:
    1. From the Available Items pane, add a field to your datasheet section.
    2. In the datasheet workspace, select the field that you want to resize, and then select .
      The field is resized.
      Note: You can configure the Datasheets to accommodate four columns in the Custom Layout.
  • Change a Custom Layout datasheet field configuration from multi-column to single column:
    1. Select the field that you want to resize.
      Note: If you have more than one field on the same row, you must first select and drag all the fields back to the Available Items pane, except the field that you want to resize.
    2. Select .
      The field is resized to take up its entire row (i.e., a single-column configuration).