ServiceMax Mappings

ServiceMax Equipment Records Mappings

The following tables contain the list of ServiceMax fields that populate the fields in the Equipment records created in Predix Essentials when you use the ServiceMax Equipment Adapter.

ServiceMax to Predix Essentials Mappings

All of these fields belong to the Predix Essentials Equipment family (ID: MI_EQUIP000).

ServiceMax TableServiceMax AttributeServiceMax Adapter Label Predix Essentials Field Caption Predix Essentials Field IDComments
SVMXC__Installed_ProductIdInstalled product IDEquipment IDMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_CThis is a Predix Essentials key field.
SVMXC__Installed_Product__c.SVMXC__Serial_Lot_Number__c-SVMXC__Installed_Product__c.idIdInstalled product IDUnique IDMI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CThe value of this field is populated by Predix Essentials unless you specified a Unique ID value when you create the record in ServiceMax. In this case, the value of Unique ID from ServiceMax is used.
SVMXC__Company__rNameAccount NameSite Reference NameMI_SITE_NAMENone
SVMXC__Product__cNameProduct nameEquipment Short DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_SHRT_DESC_CNone
SVMXC__Product__cDescriptionProduct descriptionEquipment Long DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_LNG_DESC_TNone
SVMXC__Site__cIdLocation IDFunctional LocationMI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_CNone
SVMXC__Site__cNameLocation NameFunctional Location DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_DESC_CNone
SVMXC__Installed_Product__cSVMXC__Serial_Lot_Number__cInstalled product serial/lot #Equipment Serial NumberMI_EQUIP000_SN_CNone
SVMXC__Installed_Product__cSVMXC__Status__cInstalled product statusSystem StatusMI_EQUIP000_SYS_ST_CNone
SVMXC__Product__cProductCodeProduct codeEquipment TypeMI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_CNone
SVMXC__Product__cNameProduct nameEquipment Type DescriptionMI_EQUIP000_OBJ_TYP_DESC_CNone
SVMXC__Installed_Product__cLastModifiedDateLast modified dateCMMS Last Changed DateMI_EQUIP000_CHANGE_DATENone
SVMXC__Installed_Product__cCreatedDateCreation dateCMMS Creation DateMI_EQUIP000_CREATE_DATENone
SVMXC__Installed_Product__c SVMXC__Warranty_End_Date__cWarranty End DateEAM Reference Warranty Expiration DateMI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_WRNTY_EXPR_DT_CThe equipment warranty expiration date as specified in the source system.
OrganizationIdOrg IDCMMS SystemMI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_CThis is a Predix Essentials key field.

Predix Essentials to ServiceMax Mappings

All ServiceMax fields are in the SVMXC__Installed_Product__c object.

Predix Essentials Field ID Predix Essentials Field CaptionServiceMax AttributeServiceMax Adapter LabelComments
MI_EQUIP000_MI_EQUIP000_SN_CEquipment Serial NumberSVMXC__Serial_Lot_Number__c Serial Lot NumberThe serial number of the installed equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_EAM_REF_WRNTY_EXPR_DT_CEAM Reference Warranty Expiration DateSVMXC__Warranty_End_Date__cWarranty End DateThe date the warranty for the equipment expires.
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_LNG_DESC_TEquipment Long DescriptionSVMXC__Installation_Notes__cInstallation NotesThis is the equipment description as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_SHRT_DESC_CEquipment Short DescriptionNameNameThe serial number of the equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_CEquipment Technical NumberSVMXC__Asset_Tag__c Asset TagThe technical number assigned to the equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_SYS_ST_CEquipment StatusSVMXC__Status__cStatusThe installation status for the equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CUnique IDSVMXC__SM_External_ID__c IDThis field is the unique ID of the equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_UNIQUE_ID_CUnique ID of parent in the hierarchySVMXC__SM_External_Parent__cParentThis field is the ID of the parent equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_C & "-" & MI_EQUIP000_FNC_LOC_CUnique ID of functional locationSVMXC__SM_External_Site__cSiteThis field is the unique functional location of the equipement as it exists in Predix Essentials. For example, if this equipment is recorded in SystemB at functional location ROA3, the value would be SystemB-ROA3.
MI_EQUIP000_SITE_CSiteSVMXC__SM_External_Company__cCompanyThis field is the site associated with the equipment as it exists in Predix Essentials.
MI_EQUIP000_CONSTN_TYP_CConstruction TypeSVMXC__SM_External_Product__cProductThis field associates the installed equipment in Predix Essentials to the product catalogue configured in ServiceMax

ServiceMax Functional Location Mappings

The following tables contain the list of ServiceMax fields that populate the fields in the Functional Location records created in Predix Essentials when you use the ServiceMax Equipment Adapter.

ServiceMax to Predix Essentials Mappings

All of these fields belong to the Predix Essentials Functional Location family (ID: MI_FNCLOC000).

ServiceMax TableServiceMax AttributeServiceMax Adapter Label Predix Essentials Field ID Predix Essentials Field CaptionComments
SVMXC__Site__cIdLocation IDMI_FNCLOC00_INTERNAL_ID_CFunctional Location Internal IDNone
SVMXC__Site__cIdLocation IDMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_CFunctional LocationThis is a Predix Essentials key field.
SVMXC__Site__c.Name-SVMXC__Site__c.idIdLocation IDMI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CUnique IDThe value of this field is populated by Predix Essentials unless you specified a Unique ID value when you create the record in ServiceMax. In this case, the value of Unique ID from ServiceMax is used.
SVMXC__Company__rNameAccount nameMI_SITE_NAMESite Reference NameNone
SVMXC__Site__cNameLocation nameMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_DESC_CFunctional Location DescriptionNone
SVMXC__Site__cNameLocation nameMI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_LNG_DESC_CFunctional Location Long DescriptionNone
SVMXC__Site__cSVMXC__Location_Type__cLocation TypeMI_FNCLOC00_CATEG_CCategoryNone
SVMXC__Site__cSVMXC__Parent__cParent functional locationMI_FNCLOC00_SUPR_FNC_LOC_CSuperior Function LocationNone
OrganizationIdOrg IDMI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_CCMMS SystemThis is a Predix Essentials key field.

Predix Essentials to ServiceMax Mappings

All ServiceMax fields are in the SVMXC__Site__c object.

Predix Essentials Field ID Predix Essentials Field CaptionServiceMax AttributeServiceMax Adapter LabelComments
MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_CUnique IDSVMXC__SM_External_ID__cExternal IDThis is the external ID ServiceMax uses to associate a location with a funtional location in Predix Essentials.
MI_FNCLOC00_UNIQUE_ID_C Unique ID of Superior LocationSVMXC__SM_External_Parent__cExternal Parent IDThis is the immediate parent location of this functional location.
MI_FNCLOC00_SITE_CSiteSVMXC__SM_External_Company__cExternal Company Id
MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_DESC_CFunctional Location DescriptionNameLocation nameThis is the description of the functional location from Predix Essentials.
MI_FNCLOC00_TYPE_CLocation TypeSVMXC__Location_Type__cLocation nameThe type associated with the functional location as it exists in Predix Essentials. The default value is FLOC.

ServiceMax Work History Mappings

The following table contains the list of Predix Essentials Family ID fields in the Work History records created in Predix Essentials that are populated by the ServiceMax Work History Adapter.

ServiceMax Object NameServiceMax Field IDServiceMax Caption Predix Essentials Family ID Predix Essentials Field ID Predix Essentials Field CaptionBehavior
SVMXC__Service_Order__c  SVMXC__Purpose_of_Visit__cPurpose of Visit MI_EVWKHIST  MI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PM_ACT_CActivity Type The value of this field is the reason for the service visit, for example, Repair.
SVMXC__Service_Order__c SVMXC__Total_Work_Order_Cost__c Total Work Order Amount MI_EVWKHIST MI_EVWKHIST_ACT_SERV_COST_N  Actual Service CostThe value of this field is the actual cost for this service visit, for example, 100. 
 SVMXC__Service_Order__c SVMXC__Customer_Down__c Customer DownMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_BRKDN_IND_F Breakdown Indicator The value of this field indicates whether this service request was generated because the customer was disabled, for example, TRUE. 
SVMXC__Service_Contract__rNameService Contract MI_EVWKHIST MI_EVWKHIST_CNTRCT_NMR_CContract Number The value of this field, if specified, is the service contract number associated with this request. 
SVMXC__Service_Group__r Name Service Team MI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_CREW_ID_C Crew IDThis field, if specified, contains the name of the service team assigned to this request, for example, My Techs. 

SVMXC__Component__r, if the source record is a work order.

SVMXC__Serial_Number__r, if the source record is a service request.

id Component MI_EVENTMI_EVENT_ASST_ID_CHREquipment IDThis is a key field. 

This field identifies the asset associated with this service request, for example, a0N1I0000030QZl.

SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Total_Estimate__c  Total EstimateMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_EST_SERV_COST_N Estimated Service CostThe value of this field is the estimated cost of the service to be performed, for example, 9000. 
 SVMXC__Service_Order__c and Service_Request__rConcatenation of WH-Service_request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c.NAME Work OrderMI_EVENTMI_EVENT_IDEvent IDThis is a key field.

The value in this field identifies the work order associated with this service request For example, WH-SR-00000341-WO-00000025.

If there is no service request, the field would have the format WH-WO-00000025.

If there is no work order present, the field would have the format WH-SR-00000341

SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Problem_Description__cProblem DescriptionMI_EVENTMI_EVENT_SHRT_DSC_CHREvent Short DescriptionThe value in this field is a brief description of the problem that generated the service request, for example, Burning smell coming from equipment.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cCreatedDateCreate ByMI_EVENTMI_EVENT_STRT_DTEvent Start DateThe value in this field is the UTC creation date and time of the service request, for example, 2018-03-27T20:16:35.000+0000.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Order_Status__cStatusMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_STATUS_CEvent StatusThe value in this field is the current status of the service request, for example, Closed.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Order_Type__cOrder TypeMI_EVENTMI_EVENT_TYP_CHREvent TypeThe value in this field is the type of service request, for example, Field Service.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Failure_Location__cFailure LocationMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_CD_CFailure Mode The value in this field identifies the location where the failure occurred.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Failed_Assembly__cFailed AssemblyMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_FAILR_MODE_DESC_CFailure Mode DescriptionThe value in this field identifies the equipment that failed.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Customer_Failure_Feedback__cCustomer Failure FeedbackMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_FAILURE_REM_TFailure RemarksThis field contains pertinent information from the customer to the service technician.

SVMXC__Component__r, if the source record is a work order.

SVMXC__Serial_Number__r, if the source record is a service request.

SVMXC__Site__cLocationMI_EVENTMI_EVENT_LOC_ID_CHRLocation IDThe value in this field identifies the location of the equipment to be serviced.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cCreatedDateCreate ByMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CRT_DT_DOrder Creation DateThe value in this field is the UTC creation date and time of the work order, for example, 2018-03-27T20:16:35.000+0000.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Problem_Description__cProblem Description.MI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_DESC_COrder DescriptionThe value in this field describes the problem addressed by this work order.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cNameWork OrderMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_ID_COrder IDThe value in this field identifies the work order associated with this service request.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cLastModifiedDateLast Modified ByMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_CHNG_DT_DOrder Last Change DateThe value in this field is the UTC date and time the work order was updated, for example, 2018-04-01T16:46:52.000+0000.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Priority__cPriorityMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_PRTY_COrder PriorityThis is the priority associated with the work order, for example, Medium.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Order_Type__cOrder StatusMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_SYS_STAT_COrder System StatusThe value in this field is the current status of the work order, for example, Closed.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Order_Type__cOrder TypeMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_ORDR_TYP_CD_COrder TypeThe value in this field identifies the type of work order, for example, Field Service.
SVMXC__PM_Plan__rNamePreventive Maintenance PlanMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_PM_NBR_CPM NumberThe value in this field identifies the maintenance plan associated with this work order, for example, PM Test.
Service_Request__rCreatedDateCreate ByMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CRT_DT_DRequest Creation DateThe value in this field is the UTC date and time this service request was created, for example, 2018-03-27T12:02:38.000+0000.
Service_Request__rSVMXC__Subject__c and SVMXC__Problem_Description__cProblem DescriptionMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_DESC_CRequest DescriptionThe value in this field identifies the problem associated with this service request, for example, Normal preventative maintenance.
Service_Request__rNameService RequestMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_ID_CRequest IDThis is a key field.

The value in this field identifies the service request associated with this work order.

Service_Request__rLastModifiedDateLast Modified ByMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_CHNG_DT_DRequest Last Change DateThe value in this field is the UTC date and time the service request was changed, for example, 2018-04-01T14:16:49.000+0000.
Service_Request__rSVMXC__Priority__cPriorityMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_PRTY_CRequest PriorityThe value in this field identifies the priority associated with this service request, for example, High.
Service_Request__rSVMXC__Status__cStatusMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_SYS_STAT_CRequest System StatusThe value in this field identifies the status of the service request, for example, CREATED.
Service_Request__rSVMXC__Type__cTypeMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_RQST_TYP_CD_CRequest TypeThe value in this field identifies the type of service request, for example, GENERAL.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Preferred_End_Time__cPreferred End TimeMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_TARGET_COMPL_DTarget Completion DateThe value in this field is the UTC date and time work should be completed on this service request, for example, 2018-03-31T22:57:00.000+0000.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Preferred_Start_Time__cPreferred Start TimeMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_TARGET_START_DTarget Start DateThe value in this field is the UTC date and time work should start on this service request, for example, 2018-04-05T22:57:00.000+0000.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Service_Duration__cService DurationMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_TIME_TO_REPR_NTime To Repair (TTR)The value in this field is the amount of time, in minutes, it took to complete the service, for example, 3600.
SVMXC__Service_Order__cSVMXC__Total_Work_Order_Cost__cMI_EVWKHISTMI_EVWKHIST_TOTL_CST_NTotal CostThe value in this field is the actual cost to perform the work identified on the work order, for example, 1000.

ServiceMax Work History Detail Mappings

The following table contains the list of ServiceMax fields that populate the fields in the Work History Detail records created in Predix Essentials when you use the ServiceMax Work History Detail Adapter.

All of the fields belong to the Predix Essentials MI_DTWKHIST family.

Predix Essentials Field ID Predix Essentials Field CaptionServiceMax Object NameServiceMax Field IDServiceMax CaptionBehavior
MI_DTWKHIST_ASST_ID_C  Equipment ID SVMXC__Service_SVMXC__Serial_Number__rid Equipment ID  This is a key field.
 MI_DTWKHIST_LOC_ID_CLocation ID  SVMXC__Service_SVMXC__Serial_Number__rSVMXC__Site_c Location  This is a key field.
 MI_DTWKHIST_ORDER_ID_COrder ID   SVMXC__Service_Order__rName Work Order Number This is a key field. 
MI_DTWKHIST_ RQST_ID_CRequest ID  SVMXC__Service_Order_rService_Request__c Service Request Number This is a key field. 
MI_DTWKHIST_EVNT_DTL_DESC_C Work History Detail Description  SVMXC__Service_ Order_Line__cSee comments.  MultipleIf this field is not null, the value could be any of the following:
  • Activity: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Activity_Type__c
  • Cost Category: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Cost_Category__c
  • Expense Type: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Expense_Type__c
  • Status: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Line_Status__c
  • Type: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Line_Type__c
  • Description: SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.SVMXC__Work_Description__c
  • Part:
 MI_DTWKHIST_EVNT_DTL_ID_CWork History Detail ID SVMXC__Service_Order__c and Service_Request__rConcatenation of WH-Service_Request__r.Name+SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAME Work OrderThe value of this field identifies the associated work order. For example, WH-SR-00000341-WO-00000025. If there is no service request, the field has the format WH-WO-00000025.
MI_DTWKHIST_WRK_HISTRY_ID_CWork History IDSVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c, SVMXC__Service_Order__c and Service_Request__rConcatenation of WHD-Service_Request__r.Name+SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAME+SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.NameWork Detail NumberThe value in this field identifies the record that contains the details of work performed. For example, WHD-SR-00000341-WO-00000025-WL-0000123. If there is no service request, the field has the format WHD-WO-00000025-WL-0000123.

ServiceMax Work History Estimates

Work History records contain information received from ServiceMax about the estimates of time and resources required to perform required work for an asset.

All of these fields belong to the Predix Essentials FSM Estimate family (ID: MI_FSM_EST_WHD).

ServiceMax FieldServiceMax Adapter LabelPredix Essentials Field IDPredix Essentials Family Field CaptionComments
Concatenation of WH-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAMEN/AMI_FSM_EST_WHD_EVNT_DTL_ID_CWork History Detail ID

This is a key field.

If both service request and work order are present, this field has the format WH-SR-00000341-WO-00000025.

If no service request is present, then this field has the format WH-WO-00000025.

Concatenation of WHD-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAME and SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.NameN/AMI_FSM_EST_WHD_WRK_HIST_ID_CWork History ID

This is a key field. This field has the format WHD-SR-00000341-WO-00000025-WL-0000042.


This is a key field.

The value of this field is the Work Order Number in ServiceMax.

NameWLMI_FSM_EST_WHD_DTL_ID_CDetail IDThe value of this field is the Work Detail Number in ServiceMax.
NameRecord TypeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_REC_TP_CRecord TypeThe value of this field is the Record Type in ServiceMax.
SVMXC__Line_Type__cLine TypeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_DTL_TP_CLine TypeThe value of this field is the Line Type in ServiceMax. This value can be Parts, Labor, or Expenses.
SVMXC__Activity_Type__cActivity TypeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_ACT_TP_CActivity TypeThe value of this field is the Activity Type in ServiceMax. The value is usually present for labor line types.
SVMXC__Product__cPartMI_FSM_EST_WHD_PART_ID_CPart Record IDThe value of this field is the product estimated as defined in a Salesforce product record.
SVMXC__Estimated_Quantity2__cEstimated QuantityMI_FSM_EST_WHD_QTY_NEstimated QuantityThe value of this field is the Estimated Quantity in ServiceMax. The value is context-sensitive. For example, the quantity for travel expenses would be in miles.
SVMXC__Use_Price_From_Pricebook__cUse PricebookMI_FSM_EST_WHD_PRICEBOOK_LUse PricebookThe value of this field specifies whether to use the default price defined in a price book for the estimate. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
SVMXC__Estimated_Price2__cEstimated Unit PriceMI_FSM_EST_WHD_UNIT_PRICE_NEstimated Unit PriceThe value of this field is the total estimated price for this line item, whether it is for parts, labor, or expense.
SVMXC__Discount__cDiscount PercentageMI_FSM_EST_WHD_DISC_NDiscount PercentageThe value of this field is the percent discount applied to this line item.
SVMXC__Include_in_Quote__cIncluded in QuoteMI_FSM_EST_WHD_IN_QUOTE_LIncluded in QuoteThe value of this field specifies whether this expense is covered by a warranty or contract. The valid values are:
  • TRUE - Include this expense in a quote for approval by a customer.
  • FALSE - The expense is covered by a warranty or contract and should not be included in a quote.
SVMXC__Cost_Category__cCost CategoryMI_FSM_EST_WHD_COST_CAT_CCost CategoryThe value of this field is the Cost Category in ServiceMax that is applied to this line item.
SVMXC__Expense_Type__cExpense TypeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_EXP_TP_CExpense TypeThe value of this field is the Expense Type in ServiceMax.
SVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__cStart TimeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_START_DT_DStart Time

The value of this field is the estimated date and time to begin the activity is this is a Labor Line Type.

The value of this field has the format YYYY-MO-DDTHH:MN:SS.ttt+OOOO, where:
  • YYYY is the 4-digit year.
  • MO is the 2-digit month.
  • DD is the 2-digit day.
  • HH is the 2-digit hour in 24-hour time.
  • MN is the 2-digit minute.
  • SS is the 2-digit second.
  • ttt is the 3 digit thousandths of a second.
  • OOOO is the 4-digit offset from UTC.
SVMXC__End_Date_and_Time__cEnd TimeMI_FSM_EST_WHD_END_DT_DEnd Time

The value of this field is the estimated date and time to end the activity is this is a Labor Line Type.

The value of this field has the format YYYY-MO-DDTHH:MN:SS.ttt+OOOO, where:
  • YYYY is the 4-digit year.
  • MO is the 2-digit month.
  • DD is the 2-digit day.
  • HH is the 2-digit hour in 24-hour time.
  • MN is the 2-digit minute.
  • SS is the 2-digit second.
  • ttt is the 3 digit thousandths of a second.
  • OOOO is the 4-digit offset from UTC.
SVMXC__Work_Description__cWork DescriptionMI_FSM_EST_WHD_DTL_DESC_TXWork DescriptionThis field specifies an assessment of the work or additional details about the line item.
SVMXC__Total_Estimated_Price__cTotal Estimated PriceMI_FSM_EST_WHD_TTL_PRICE_NTotal Estimated PriceThe value of this field is the Total Estimated Price which is calculated using the values of the Estimated Quantity and Estimated Unit Price (Estimated Quantity x Estimated Unit Price).
DescriptionRecord Type MI_FSM_EST_WHD_REC_TP_DESC_CRecord Type DescriptionThe value of this field is a description of the Record Type.
NamePart NameMI_FSM_EST_WHD_PART_NM_CPart NameThe value of this field is the product estimated as defined in a Salesforce product record.
SVMXC__Line_Status__cLine StatusMI_FSM_EST_WHD_DTL_STATUS_CLine StatusThe value of this field is the current status of this line item.

ServiceMax Work History Request/Receipt

Work History records contain information received from ServiceMax about the work requested for an asset and any acknowledgements that the request has been received.

The following table describes the fields that belong to the Predix Essentials FSM Request/Receipt family (ID: MI_FSM_RR_WHD).

ServiceMax FieldServiceMax Adapter LabelPredix Essentials Field IDPredix Essentials Family Field CaptionComments
Concatenation of WH-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAMEWork OrderMI_FSM_RR_WHD_EVNT_DTL_ID_CWork History Detail ID

This is a key field.

If both service request and work order are present, this field has the format WH-SR-00000341-WO-00000025.

If no service request is present, then this field has the format WH-WO-00000025.

Concatenation of WHD-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAME and SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.NameWork Detail NumberMI_FSM_RR_WHD_WRK_HIST_ID_CWork History ID

This is a key field.

This field has the format WHD-SR-00000341-WO-00000025-WL-0000042.


This is a key field.

The value of this field is the Work Order Number in ServiceMax.

NameWork LineMI_FSM_RR_WHD_DTL_ID_CDetail IDThe value of this field is the Work Detail Number in ServiceMax.
NameRecord TypeMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REC_TP_CRecord TypeThe value of this field is the Record Type in ServiceMax.
SVMXC__Product__cPartMI_FSM_RR_WHD_PART_ID_CPart Record IDThe value of this field is the product requested as defined in a Salesforce product record.
SVMXC__Requested_Quantity2__cRequested QuantityMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_QTY_NRequested QuantityThe value of this field is the number of uits required for this location.
SVMXC__Date_Requested__cDate RequiredMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_DT_DDate RequiredThe value of this field is the date the part is required at this location. The format of this field is MM/DD/YYYY.
SVMXC__From_Location__cFrom LocationMI_FSM_RR_WHD_FROM_LOC_CFrom LocationThe value of this field is the ID of the location from which parts are required.
NameFrom Location NameMI_FSM_RR_WHD_FROM_LOC_NM_CFrom Location NameThe value of this field is the name of the location from which parts are required.
SVMXC__Requested_Location__cTo LocationMI_FSM_RR_WHD_TO_LOC_CTo LocationThe value of this field is the ID of the requesting location.
NameTo Location Name[MI_FSM_RR_WHD_TO_LOC_NM_CTo Location NameThe value of this field is the name of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Requested_Street__cRequested StreetMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_ST_CRequested StreetThe value of this field is the street address of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Requested_City__cRequested CityMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_CITY_CRequested CityThe value of this field is the city of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Requested_State__cRequested StateMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_STATE_CRequested StateThe value of this field is the state of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Requested_Country__cRequested CountryMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_COUNTRY_CRequested CountryThe value of this field is the country of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Requested_Zip__cRequesting ZipMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REQ_ZIP_CRequesting ZipThe value of this field is the postal code of the requesting location.
SVMXC__Received_Quantity2__cReceived QuantityMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REC_QTY_NReceived QuantityThe value of this field is the current quantity of parts received.
SVMXC__Date_Received__cDate ReceivedMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REC_DT_DDate ReceivedThe value of this field is the most recent date on which parts were received.
NamePart NameMI_FSM_RR_WHD_PART_NM_CPart NameThe value of this field is the product requested as defined in a Salesforce product record.
SVMXC__Line_Status__cLine StatusMI_FSM_RR_WHD_DTL_STATUS_CLine StatusThe value of this field is the current status of this line item.
DescriptionRecord Type DescriptionMI_FSM_RR_WHD_REC_TP_DESC_CRecord Type DescriptionThe value of this field is an assessment of the work to be performed or additional details about this line item.
SVMXC__Line_Type__cLine TypeMI_FSM_RR_WHD_DTL_TP_CLine TypeThe value of this field is the type of this line item. Valid values are Parts, Labor, or Expenses.

ServiceMax Work History Usage/Consumption

Work History records contain information received from ServiceMax about the actual resources used to complete the work requested for an asset.

All of these fields belong to the Predix Essentials FSM Usage/Consumption family (ID: MI_FSM_USG_WHD).

Predix Essentials Field IDPredix Essentials Family Field CaptionServiceMax FieldServiceMax Adapter LabelComments
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_EVNT_DTL_ID_CWork History Detail IDConcatenation of WH-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAMEWork Order

This is a key field.

If both service request and work order are present, this field has the format WH-SR-00000341-WO-00000025.

f no service request is present, then this field has the format WH-WO-00000025.

MI_FSM_USG_WHD_WRK_HIST_ID_CWork History IDConcatenation of WHD-Service_Request__r.Name and SVMXC__Service_Order__c .NAME and SVMXC__Service_Order_Line__c.NameWork Detail Number

This is a key field.

This field has the format WHD-SR-00000341-WO-00000025-WL-0000042.


This is a key field. The value of this field is the Work Order Number in ServiceMax.

MI_FSM_USG_WHD_DTL_ID_CDetail IDNameWLThe value of this field is the Work Detail Number in ServiceMax.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_REC_TP_CRecord TypeNameRecord TypeThe value of this field is the Record Type in ServiceMax.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_DTL_TP_CLine TypeSVMXC__Line_Type__cLine TypeThe value of this field is the Line Type in ServiceMax. Valid values are Parts, Labor, or Expenses.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_ACT_TP_CActivity TypeSVMXC__Activity_Type__cActivity TypeThe value of this field is the Activity Type in ServiceMax. The value is usually present for labor line types.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_PART_ID_CPart Record IDSVMXC__Product__cPartThe value of this field is the product used as defined in a Salesforce product record.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_QTY_NLine QuantityMI_FSM_USG_WHD_QTY_NLine QuantityThe value of this field is the actual units used. The value is context sensitive. For example, the quantity for travel expenses would be miles.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_PRICEBOOK_LUse PricebookSVMXC__Use_Price_From_Pricebook__cUse PricebookThe value of this field specifies whether to use the default price defined in a price book. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_UNIT_PRICE_NLine Unit PriceSVMXC__Actual_Price2__cLine Unit PriceThe value of this field is the actual price of this line item, whether it is for parts, labor, or expenses.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_IS_BILL_LBillableSVMXC__Is_Billable__cIs BillableThe value of this field specifies whether this line item is billable to the customer. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_COST_CAT_CCost CategorySVMXC__Cost_Category__cCost CategoryThe value of this field is the Cost Category in ServiceMax that is applied to this line item.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_EXP_TP_CExpense TypeSVMXC__Expense_Type__cExpense TypeThe value of this field is the Expense Type in ServiceMax.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_START_DT_DStart TimeSVMXC__Start_Date_and_Time__cStart Time

The value of this field is the actual start date and time of the work.

The value of this field has the format YYYY-MO-DDTHH:MN:SS.ttt+OOOO, where:
  • YYYY is the 4-digit year.
  • MO is the 2-digit month.
  • DD is the 2-digit day.
  • HH is the 2-digit hour in 24-hour time.
  • MN is the 2-digit minute.
  • SS is the 2-digit second.
  • ttt is the 3 digit thousandths of a second.
  • OOOO is the 4-digit offset from UTC.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_END_DT_DEnd TimeSVMXC__End_Date_and_Time__cEnd Time

The value of this field is the actual end date and time of the work.

The value of this field has the format YYYY-MO-DDTHH:MN:SS.ttt+OOOO, where:
  • YYYY is the 4-digit year.
  • MO is the 2-digit month.
  • DD is the 2-digit day.
  • HH is the 2-digit hour in 24-hour time.
  • MN is the 2-digit minute.
  • SS is the 2-digit second.
  • ttt is the 3 digit thousandths of a second.
  • OOOO is the 4-digit offset from UTC.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_DTL_REF_TXReference InformationSVMXC__Reference_Information__cReference InformationThe value of this field is additional information about the completed work. For example, a travel ticket number.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_TTL_PRICE_NTotal Line PriceSVMXC__Total_Line_Price__cTotal Line PriceThe value of this field is the actual total price of this line item.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_REC_TP_DESC_CRecord Type DescriptionDescriptionRecord Type DescriptionThe value of this field is a description of the Record Type.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_PART_NM_CPart NameNamePart NameThe value of this field is the part name as defined in a Salesforce product record.
MI_FSM_USG_WHD_DTL_STATUS_CLine StatusSVMXC__Line_Status__cLine StatusThe value of this field is the current status of the service order.

ServiceMax Recommendation Mappings

The following table explains the Predix Essentials Recommendation fields that are used to populate ServiceMax Service Request records when using the ServiceMax Adapter.

All of these fields belong to the Predix Essentials Recommendation family (ID: MI_REC).

ServiceMax Field

ServiceMax Label

Predix Essentials Field

SVMXC__Subject__cProduct descriptionMI_REC_SHORT_DESCR_CHR
SVMXC__Problem_Description__cProblem descriptionMI_REC_LONG_DESCR_TX
SVMXC__Type__cAlert typeMI_REC_TYPE_CHR
SVMXC__Status__cStatus of the service requestMI_REC_STATU_CHR
SVMXC__Preferred_start_Time__cStart time for the service requestEVNT_START_DT
SVMXC__Service_Request_Source__cThe source of the service requestAPM

The request comes from the Predix Essentials system.

Record_IDService record IdMI_REC_EAM_SERVICE_REQ_ID_C
Equipment_ID__cEquipment IDEquipment ID