Filter Parameters

About Filter Parameters

Filter parameters determine what data will be transferred from the EAM source systems to Predix Essentials, and are applied to the extraction job in the context file. There are two types of filter parameters: configuration parameters and adapter filter parameters. Each adapter has specific filters that apply only to that adapter. Additionally, there are some filter parameters that are common to all of the SAP adapters. When an adapter job executes, it will apply all common filters and those unique to the specific adapter job. This topic provides an overview of the adapter filter parameters for the following adapters:

  • Equipment

  • Functional Location

  • Work History

  • Technical Characteristics

  • Work Management

Scope of the Filter Parameters

By entering a value into the parameter, you limit the scope of the extraction to the values in the parameter. If no value is entered into a parameter, all data for that parameter will be transferred from the EAM system source into Predix Essentials.

Additionally, changes made in the context file will change the scope of all jobs connected to that context file. For example, if you changed the FLOC_CLASS value in the context file, all Functional Location jobs in the APM Connect Administration Center, associated with that context file, will change accordingly. However, you can use more than one context file for multiple SAP systems.

How Times and Dates are Used

There are certain conditions that apply to some of the common filter parameters, as shown in the following table:


Expect Result


If the start date parameter is empty

The start date defaults to 1/1/1900.


If the end date parameter is empty

The end date defaults to the current date.


If the start time parameter is empty

The start time defaults to 00:00:00.

This only applies to the Work History Adapter, and only if the start and end dates are the same.

If the end time parameter is empty

The end time defaults to the current time. 

This only applies to the Work History Adapter.

If a date range is not entered

The Job defaults to the date of the last successful run.


If it is the very first execution and no dates are specified

Records for all dates will be extracted.


Using Multiple Values

Important: If you are using multiple values, you should not exceed 500 values.

Multiple values can be entered into the parameters using comma separated values. For example, if you wanted to extract data from Equipment Classes M, S, and A, the equipment class parameter would look like the following: <EQUIPMENT_CLASS> M,S,A </EQUIPMENT_CLASS>. Comma separated values can be used with the following parameters:

  • Plants
  • Equipment numbers
  • Equipment categories
  • Equipment classes
  • Equipment Types
  • Functional Location Numbers
  • Functional Location Categories
  • Function Location Classes
  • Function Location Types
  • Order System Status
  • Order user statuses
  • Notification system statuses
  • Notification user statuses
  • Notification Numbers
  • Notification type
  • Work Order type
  • Work Order numbers
  • Maintenance Plans

Apply Common Filter Parameters

There are common filter parameters in the context file that operate in the same manner, no matter which adapter you are using to extract data. This topic describes how to configure the common filter parameters.

Before You Begin

Before you can transfer data with an adapter, you must import an adapter job to which filters can be applied.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>APMConnect\Config.
    Note: If you are using multiple SAP systems, there will be multiple context files to which you will need to apply the filter parameters.
  2. Right-click on the <System>_context.xml file, and then select Edit.
    The context file opens.
  3. As necessary, configure the following common parameters in the table:
    Common Filter Parameters Description Value RequirementsRequired, Optional
    CHANGE_DATE_START Date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or after the specified date.Dates must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.Optional
    CHANGE_DATE_END Date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or before the specified date.Dates must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.Optional
    CREATE_DATE_START Date value that will limits the data extracted to records created on or after the specified date.Dates must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.Optional
    CREATE_DATE_END Date value that limits the data extracted to records created on or before the specified date.Dates must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.Optional
    LANGUAGE The SAP code that represents the language.Must be a single character.Required
    MAINT_PLANT ID(s) of the Maintenance Plant whose data you want to extract.Plant values cannot exceed four characters.Optional
  4. Save the changes to the context file.


When Jobs are executed in the APM Connect Administration Center, APM Connect will use the common filters in the context file to determine the scope of the extraction required by that job. Now, you can configure the filter parameters specific to the adapter job that you would like to run.

Using the Common Filters

To extract English records created between January 1st and December 31, 2000, and changed between January 1st and December 31st, 2012, from maintenance plant 1000:

  1. In the CREATE_DATE_START field, enter the following to reflect January 01, 2000: 20000101.
  2. In the CREATE_DATE_END field, enter the following to reflect December 31, 2000: 20001231.
  3. In the CHANGE_DATE_START field, enter the following to reflect January 01, 2012: 20120101.
  4. In the CHANGE_DATE_END field, enter the following to reflect December 31, 2012: 20121231.
  5. In the LANGUAGE field, enter the following SAP code for English: E.
  6. In the <MAINT_PLANT> field, enter the following maintenance plant ID: 1000.
    The necessary filter parameters are entered into the context file, as shown in the following image:

  7. Save the context file.

    Only records with English descriptions created in 2000 and changed in 2012 from maintenance plant 1000 will be extracted when an Adapter is run in the APM Connect Administration Center.

What To Do Next

Apply Equipment Filter Parameters

In the context file, there are filter parameters that apply specifically to the Equipment Adapter Jobs. These filter parameters determine which Equipment data will be transferred from the EAM source system into Predix Essentials. This topic outlines the functions of Equipment-specific filters, and how to apply them.

Before You Begin

Before you can manipulate the Equipment Adapter data, you must first complete the following:

  • Import the Equipment Adapter Job into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
    Note: If you are using multiple SAP systems, there will be multiple context files to which you will need to apply the filter parameters.
  2. Right-click the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.

    The context file opens.

  3. As needed, configure the Common Filters.
  4. As needed, configure the following Equipment Filter parameters in the table:
    Equipment Filter ParametersDescriptionValue RequirementsRequired or Optional
    EQUIPMENT_NO Equipment that you want to extract.The Equipment number should not exceed 18 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Equipment numbers. Optional
    EQUIPMENT_CATEGORY ID of the Equipment Category that will limit the Equipment extracted The Equipment Category should not exceed one character. Optional
    EQUIPMENT_TYPE ID of the Equipment Type that will limit the Equipment extracted.The Equipment Type should not exceed 10 characters. Optional
    EQUIPMENT_CLASS ID of the Equipment Classification that will limit the Equipment extracted.

    The Equipment Class should not exceed 18 characters.

    If an Equipment has multiple classifications, as long as you specify one of those classifications, the Equipment record will be extracted.

  5. Save the changes to the context file.


The Equipment filter parameters are configured, and the Equipment Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the job will look to the context files for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Equipment records will be extracted.

SAP Equipment Data Extraction

To extract Equipment records created between December 2009 and December 2010 with Equipment numbers 1001273-1001277:

  1. In the CREATE_DATE_START field, enter the following to reflect the date December 1, 2009: 20091201.
  2. In the CREATE_DATE_END field, enter the following to reflect the date December 31, 2010: 20101231.

  3. In the EQUIPMENT_NO field enter the following Equipment identification numbers: 000000000001001273, 000000000001001274,000000000001001275,000000000001001276,000000000001001277.

    The necessary filter parameters are entered in the context file, as shown in the following image:

  4. Save the context file.

    Only Equipment records with the IDs 1001273-1001277 created between December 2009 and December 2010 are extracted when the Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center.

What To Do Next

After you have applied the filters in the context file, you can run the associated job in the APM Connect Administration Center.

Apply Functional Location Filter Parameters

In the context file, there are filter parameters that apply specifically to the Functional Location Adapter. These filter parameters determine which Functional Location data will be transferred from the EAM source system into Predix Essentials. This topic outlines the functions of Functional Location-specific filters, and how to apply them.

Before You Begin

Before you can manipulate the Functional Location data, you must first import the functional location adapter job into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
    Note: If you are using multiple SAP systems, there will be multiple context files to which you will need to apply the filter parameters.
  2. Right-click the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.
    The context file opens.
  3. As necessary, configure the Common Filters.
  4. As necessary, configure the following Functional Location Filter parameters in the table:
    Functional Location ParametersDescriptionValue RequirementsRequired or Optional
    FLOC_NO Number that identifies the Functional Location record you want to extract.The Functional Location number should not exceed 40 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Functional Location numbers. Optional
    FLOC_CATEGORY ID of the Functional Location Category that will limit the Functional Locations extracted. The Functional Location Category should not exceed one character. Optional
    FLOC_CLASS ID of the Functional Location Classification that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.The Functional Location Class should not exceed 18 characters. Optional
    FLOC_TYPE ID of the Functional Location Type that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.The Functional Location Type should not exceed ten characters. Optional
    TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_ENABLED Determines whether technical characteristics are extracted during the static data job. Setting the value to False removes these records and improves performance.True or FalseRequired
  5. Save the changes to the context file.


The Functional Location filters parameters are configured, and the Functional Location Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the Job will reference the context files for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Functional Location records will be extracted.

SAP Functional Location Extraction

To extract Functional Location records changed between January 1 and December 31, 2013, with the Functional Location class WCM:

  1. In the CHANGE_DATE_START field, enter 20130101.
  2. In the CHANGE_DATE_END field, enter 20131231.
  3. In the FLOC_CLASS field, enter WCM to limit records extracted to those with the Functional Location class of WCM, as shown in the following image:

  4.  Save the context file.

    Only Functional Location records with the Functional Location class WCM that were modified between January 1 and December 31, 2013, are extracted when the Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center.

What To Do Next

After you have applied the filters in the context file, you can run the associated job in the APM Connect Administration Center.

Apply Work History Filter Parameters

There are filter parameters in the context file that specifically apply to the Work History Adapter. The filter parameters determine which Work History data will be transferred from SAP into Predix Essentials. This topic describes the functions of Work History-specific filters, and how to apply them.

Before You Begin

Before you can manipulate the Work History data, you must import the work history adapter job into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
  2. Right-click the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.
    The context file opens.
  3. As necessary, configure the Common Filters.
  4. As necessary, configure the following Work History parameters in the context file:
    Work History ParametersDescriptionValue Requirements
    CHANGE_TIME_START Time value. Retrieves records changed at or after the specified time.Time values must be entered in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CHANGE_TIME_END Time value. Retrieves records changed at or before the specified time.Time values must be entered in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CREATE_TIME_START Time value. Retrieves records created at or after the specified time.Time values must be entered in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CREATE_TIME_END Time value. Retrieves records created at or before the specified time.Time values must be entered in the following format: HHMMSS.
    WORK_ORDER_SYSTEM_STATUS Work Order system status that limits the work orders you will extract.Work Order System Status should not exceed four characters.
    WORK_ORDER_USER_STATUS Work Order user status that limits the work orders you will extract.Work Order User Status should not exceed four characters.
    NOTIFICATION_SYSTEM_STATUS Notification system status that limits the notifications you will extract.Notification system status should not exceed four characters.
    NOTIFICATION_USER_STATUS Notification user status that limits the notifications you will extract.User status should not exceed four characters.
    NOTIFICATION_NO Number that identifies the Notification record.Notification Number should not exceed 12 characters.
    WORK_ORDER_NO Number that identifies the Work Order record.Work Order Number should not exceed 12 characters.
    NOTIFICATION_TYPE Order type that limits the orders you will extract.Notification type should not exceed two characters.
    WORK_ORDER_TYPE ID of the work order that limits the orders you will extract.Work Order type should not exceed four characters.
    EQUIPMENT_CATEGORY ID of the Equipment category that limits the Equipment data extracted.Equipment category should not exceed one character.
    EQUIPMENT_CLASS ID of the Equipment class that limits the Equipment data extracted.Equipment class should not exceed 18 characters.
    EQUIPMENT_TYPE ID of the Equipment Type that will limit the Equipment extracted.Equipment type should not exceed 10 characters.
    FLOC_CATEGORY ID of the Functional Location Category that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.Functional Location category should not exceed one character.
    FLOC_CLASS ID of the Functional Location Classification that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.Functional Location class should not exceed 18 characters.
    FLOC_TYPE ID of the Functional Location Type that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.Functional Location type should not exceed 10 characters.


The context file is configured, and the Work History Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the job will look to the context files for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Work History records for work orders and notifications will be extracted.

SAP Work History Extraction

To extract Work History records created in 2014 between October 1-31st, changed between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., with the Work Order type maintenance orders, with the Equipment Type mobile cranes:

  1. In the CREATE_DATE_START field, enter the following to reflect October 1, 2014: 20141001.
  2. In the CREATE_DATE_END field, enter the following to reflect October 31, 2014: 20141031.
  3. In the CHANGE_TIME_START field, enter the following to reflect 8:00 A.M.: 080000.
  4. In the CREATE_TIME_END field, enter the following to reflect 5:00 P.M.: 170000.
  5. In the WORK_ORDER_TYPE field, enter the following SAP code for Maintenance order: PAM.
  6. In the EQUIPMENT_TYPE field, enter the following SAP code for Mobile Cranes: 007.

    The necessary parameters are in the context file, as shown in the following image:

  7. Save the context file.

    Only Work History records that are Maintenance Orders for Mobile Cranes created in October 2014, changed between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., will be extracted when the Work History Job is run in APM Connect Administration Center.

What To Do Next

After you have applied the filters in the context file, you can run the associated job in the APM Connect Administration Center.

Apply Technical Characteristics Filters

In the context file, there are filter parameters that apply specifically to the Technical Characteristics Adapter jobs. These filter parameters determine which Technical Characteristics data will be transferred from the EAM source system into Predix Essentials.

Before You Begin

Before you can manipulate the Technical Characteristics Adapter data, you must import the Technical Characteristics Adapter job into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  • To configure filter parameters for the Functional Location Technical Characteristics Adapter:
    1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
    2. Right-click on the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.
      The context file opens.
    3. As necessary, configure the Common Filters.
    4. As needed, configure the following Functional Location Technical Characteristics filter parameters in the table:
      Functional Location ParametersDescriptionValue RequirementsRequired/ Default or Optional
      EQUIPMENT_NO Equipment number that defines the Equipment that you want to extract.The Equipment number should not exceed 18 characters.Optional
      EQUIPMENT_CATEGORYID of the Equipment Category that will limit the Equipment extracted.The Equipment Category should not exceed one character.Optional
      EQUIPMENT_CLASSID of the Equipment Classification that will limit the Equipment extracted. If an Equipment has multiple classifications, as long as you specify one of those classifications, the Equipment record will be extracted.
      Note: When Technical Characteristic classifications are updated in Predix Essentials, they will override any changes made to the EQUIPMENT_CLASS parameter in the context file.
      The Equipment Class should not exceed 18 characters. Optional
      EQUIPMENT_TYPE ID of the Equipment Type that will limit the Equipment extracted.The Equipment Type should not exceed 10 characters. Optional
      TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_ENABLEDDetermines whether technical characteristics and functional characteristics are gathered during static data. Setting the value to False removes these records and improves performance.True or FalseRequired
    5. Save the changes to the context file.

    The Equipment Technical Characteristics filter parameters are configured, and the Equipment Technical Characteristics Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the Job will look to the context files for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Equipment Technical Characteristics records will be extracted.

  • To configure filter parameters for the Functional Location Technical Characteristics Adapter:
    1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
    2. Right-click on the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.
      The context file opens.
    3. As necessary, configure the Common Filters.
    4. As needed, configure the following Functional Location Technical Characteristics filter parameters in the table:
      Functional Location ParametersDescriptionValue RequirementsRequired/ Default or Optional
      FLOC_NOFunctional Location number that defines the Functional Location that you want to extract.The Functional Location number should not exceed 40 characters.Optional
      FLOC_CATEGORYID of the Functional Location Category that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.The Functional Location Category should not exceed one character.Optional
      FLOC_CLASSID of the Functional Location Classification that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.The Functional Location Class should not exceed 18 characters.Optional
      FLOC_TYPEID of the Functional Location Type that will limit the Functional Locations extracted.The Functional Location Type should not exceed 10 characters.Optional
    5. Save the changes to the context file.

    The Functional Location Technical Characteristics filters parameters are configured, and the Technical Characteristics Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the Job will look to the context files for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Technical Characteristics records will be extracted.

What To Do Next

After you have applied the filters in the context file, you can run the associated job in the APM Connect Administration Center.

Apply Work Management Filters

There is a filter parameter in the context file that applies specifically to the Work Management Adapter. The filter parameter determines which Work Management data will be transferred from SAP into Predix Essentials.

Before You Begin

Before you can apply Work Management filters, you must import the Work Management Job into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to <root:\\>\APMConnect\Config.
  2. Right-click the file <System>_context.xml, and then select Edit.
    The context file opens.
  3. As needed, configure the Common Filters.
  4. As needed, configure the Work Management filter parameter in the table:
    Important: If you change any of the required parameters after loading data, you must rerun the Work Management job.
    Work Management Filter ParameterDescriptionValue RequirementsRequired/ Default or Optional
    MAINTENANCE_PLAN Maintenance Plan ID number that defines the Work Management data that you want to extract.The Maintenance Plan ID is 12 characters.Optional
    INSPECTION_FAMILYDetermines to which family the Inspection records are associated.To use the default association, enter the value MI_TASKINSP.


    INSPECTION_CONDITIONDetermines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Inspection records. The parameter requires specific syntax as follows: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>, <Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI1'.

    CALIBRATION_FAMILYDetermines to which family the Calibration records are associated.To use the default configuration enter the value MI_TASKCALB.Required
    CALIBRATION_CONDITIONDetermines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Calibration records. The parameter requires specific syntax as follows: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>, <Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI2'.


    For Inspection_Condition and Calibration_Condition you can only use the PLPO, PLAS, and PLKO SAP tables. The valid comparison operators are:

    • EQ: Equal to.
    • GE: Greater than or equal to.
    • LE: Less than or equal to.
    • LT: Less than.
    • GT: Greater than.
    • NE: Not equal to.


The context file is configured, and the Work Management Adapter Job can be run in the APM Connect Administration Center. When a Job is run in the APM Connect Administration Center, the Job will look to the context file for the parameters of the extraction. If no filters are entered to limit the records extracted, all Work Management records will be extracted.


Example 1: Configure Work Management to use Non-default Control Keys

Suppose you want to use the SAP field STEUS with the control keys PM01 and PM02 to trigger Calibration task records. Additionally, suppose you want to use the control keys QM01 and QM02. In this case, you should configure the context file as follows:

  1. In the INSPECTION_FAMILY parameter, enter MI_TASKINSP.
  2. In the INSPECTION_CONDITION parameter, enter PLPO-STEUS EQ 'QM01,QM02'.
  3. In the CALIBRATION_FAMILY parameter, enter MI_TASKCALB.
  4. In the CALIBRATION_CONDITION parameter enter, PLPO-STEUS EQ 'PM01,PM02'.

    The Work Management parameters are configured.

Example 2: Configure Work Management to use Non-default Control Keys

Suppose you want to use the SAP field USROO from the PLPO table, the control key values PM01 or PM02 for Calibration Task, and the control key QM01 or QM02 for Inspection Tasks.

  1. In the INSPECTION_FAMILY parameter, enter MI_TASKINSP.
  2. In the INSPECTION_CONDITION parameter, enter PLPO-USR00 EQ 'QM01,QM02'.
  3. In the CALIBRATION_FAMILY parameter, enter MI_TASKCALB.
  4. In the CALIBRATION_CONDITION parameter enter PLPO-USR00 EQ 'PM01,PM02'.

    The Work Management parameters are configured.


The conditions follow standard SAP select query filtering rules.

Consider the following example:

          PLKO-AENNR EQ '1234 , '4587' OR PLKO-AENNR EQ '5678' ) AND ( PLAS-TECHV EQ 'A1234' AND
          PLAS-TECHV EQ 'B1234' ) OR ( PLPO-AEDAT GE '20171218' ) OR ( PLPO-STEUS NE 'QM01' )

What To Do Next

After you have applied the filters in the context file, you can run the associated job in the APM Connect Administration Center.