Family Field Descriptions
Consequence Records
Consequence records determine the consequence levels available within a Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Consequence family and appear on the Consequence Definition datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field |
Data Type |
Description |
Behavior and Usage |
Alias | Character | An alias for the consequence. |
When the Use Aliases? check box is selected in the associated Risk Matrix record, the value in the Alias field in the Consequence record appears in the column heading along with the consequence name. In addition, if the Alias Format Mask field in the associated Risk Matrix record contains the value {c}, the value in the Alias field in the Consequence record will be displayed in the cell in the Risk Matrix (according to the complete template that is defined in the Alias Format Mask field). |
Color Code | Character | The HEX or RGB code for the specific colors used in Risk Matrix | None |
Consequence | Numeric | A numeric value representing the severity of the consequence. |
This value appears on the column heading in the risk matrix. After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it. |
Description | Character | A description of the severity of consequence. |
This field is populated automatically based upon the value in the Name field. It is populated with a System Code in the MI_RISK_CONSEQUENCE_DESC System Code Table, which contains the same ID as the System Code that is stored in the Name field. In the risk matrix, this value appears when you pause on the column heading. |
Name | Character | The name of the consequence. |
This field contains a list that is populated based upon the MI_RISK_CONSEQUENCE System Code Table. This value appears on the column heading in the risk matrix. |
Probability Records
Probability records determine the probability levels available within a Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Probability family and appear on the Probability Definition datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field | Data Type | Description |
Behavior and Usage |
Alias | Character | An alias for the probability. |
When the Use Aliases? check box is selected in the Risk Matrix record, the value in this field appears in the row heading along with the probability name. In addition, if the Alias Format Mask field in the associated Risk Matrix record contains the value {r}, the value in the Alias field in the Probability record will be displayed in the cell in the Risk Matrix (according to the complete template that is defined in the Alias Format Mask field). |
Color Code | Character | The HEX or RGB code for the specific colors used in Risk Matrix | None |
Description | Character | A description of the probability. |
This field is populated automatically based upon the value in the Name field. It is populated with the System Code in the MI_RISK_PROBABILITY System Code table, which contains the same ID as the System Code that is stored in the Name field. In the risk matrix, this value appears when you pause on the row heading. |
Failure Interval | Numeric | A numeric value that is used to define the failure rate associated with the probability value for a specific workflow within the Asset Strategy Optimization module. | None |
Failure Interval Units | Character | The unit of measure that specifies the amount of time on which the failure interval and probability values are based. |
On the datasheet, you can select a unit of measure from the Failure Interval Units list. The baseline Probability records contain the value Years by default. |
Name | Character | The name of the probability level. |
This field contains a list that is populated based upon the MI_RISK_PROBABILITY System Code Table. The value that you select appears on the row heading in the risk matrix. |
Probability | Numeric | A numeric value that represents the probability that the risk will occur. | After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it. |
Risk Category | Character | The name of the risk category to which this probability applies (stored in the Category Name field of the Risk Category record to which this Probability record is linked). | This field does not appear on the datasheet. |
Protection Level Slider
The following table provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist in the Protection Level family and that are displayed on the baseline Protection Level Definition datasheet (unless otherwise noted). The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Protection Level family and appear on the Protection Level Definition datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Alias | Character | An alias for the protection level. | If the Alias Format Mask field in the associated Risk Matrix record contains the value {pl}, the value in the Alias field in the Protection Level record will be displayed in the cell in the Risk Matrix (according to the complete template that is defined in the Alias Format Mask field). |
Description | Character | A description of the protection level. | This field is populated automatically based upon the value in the Name field. It is populated with the System Code in the MI_RISK_PROTECTION_LEVEL_DESC System Code Table, which contains the same ID as the System Code that is stored in the Name field. A Super User can modify the System Codes that are available via the Protection Level tab in the Risk Matrix record to which this Protection Level record is linked. When you pause on a level in the Protection Level Definition slider, this value appears to the right of the protection level name (separated by a colon). For example, if the name is 1 and the description is One, when you pause on that level in the slider, you will see the value 1:One. |
Factor | Number | A number by which you want to multiply the currently selected risk value. For example, if the Factor is 10 and the value selected in the Environment section is 30, the total risk value for the Environment category would be 300 (10 x 30). | This number appears below the Protection Level slider in the Unmitigated cell or the Mitigated cell, depending upon whether you are defining the unmitigated risk (e.g., from a Risk in ASM) or mitigated risk (e.g., from an Action in ASM). After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it. |
Name | Character | The name of the protection level. | This field contains a list that is populated based upon the MI_RISK_PROTECTION_LEVEL System Code Table. A Super User can modify the System Codes that are available in this list via the Protection Level section in the Risk Matrix record to which this Protection Level record is linked. This value appears when you pause on a level in the Protection Level slider. |
Risk Category Records
Risk Category records determine the tabs available within a Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Risk Category family and appear on the Risk Category datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Category Alias | Character | An alias for the category. | This value does not appear on the Risk Matrix. |
Category Description | Character | A description of the category. | This field is populated automatically based upon the value in the Category Name field. It is populated with the System Code in the MI_RISK_CATEGORY_DESC System Code Table, which contains the same ID as the System Code that is stored in the Category Name field. |
Category Name | Character | The name of the category. |
This field contains a list that is populated based on the MI_RISK_CATEGORY System Code Table. The name that you select is used as the tab name in the Risk Matrix. The name does not have to be unique. |
Index | Numeric | Specifies the order in which the tab will appear, relative to all other tabs defined for the same Risk Matrix. | Regardless of its index value, the Risk Category record with the selected Is Financial check box will always appear farthest to the right on the Risk Matrix. |
Is Financial | Boolean | A logical field that specifies that the category is financial and will therefore be displayed on the Financial tab of the Risk Matrix. |
Predix Essentials does not provide any logic to enforce that only one Risk Category record per Risk Matrix record be selected as the financial category, but we recommend that you specify only one financial category per Risk Matrix record. After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it. |
Weight | Numeric | Specifies the number by which you want to multiply each selected value in the matrix. |
When you create a new Risk Category record, the value in the Weight field is set by default to 1 (one). After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you will not able to modify it. |
Risk Matrix Records
Risk Matrix records determine how a Risk Matrix looks, as well as other information about the Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Risk Matrix family and appear on the Risk Matrix Layout datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Alias Format Mask | Character | Specifies the format in which you want to display the risk rank values in the cells on the risk matrix. |
The format must be defined using the following formula: {c} - {r} - {pl} - {t} Where:
The delimiter in this formula is a dash (-), but it can be customized. For example, you could use a colon (:), in place of a dash. You can exclude from the format any parameter that you do not want to see on the risk matrix. The default format is {c} - {r}. |
Consequence Axis | Character | Specifies the axis on which the consequence values are displayed. |
You can choose from:
When you change this value, the value in the Probability Axis field is updated automatically to display the opposite value. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the default value is X-Axis. |
Consequence Sort Order | Character | Specifies the order in which the consequence values are displayed. | In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the default value is Ascending. |
Currency | Character | Specifies the unit of measure that appears next to the Consequence box on the Financial tab of the Risk Matrix. |
After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you cannot modify the value. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the default value is USD. |
Default | Boolean | Indicates whether or not this Risk Matrix is the default Risk Matrix. |
You can specify only one Risk Matrix record as the default. In the Standard Practice Risk Matrix record, the Default check box is cleared. In the Default Risk Matrix record, the Default check box is selected. |
Dialog Title | Character | Specifies the title on the Risk Assessment window that appears when accessed from an item that uses this Risk Matrix (e.g., an Action in an Asset Strategy). | In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Dialog title box is empty, indicating that the default title is being used. |
Financial Precision | Numeric | Specifies the number of decimal places to display when rendering financial values in a Risk Matrix. |
If no Financial Precision value is specified, a Financial Precision of 2 (e.g., 1.00) will be used. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Financial Precision box is empty, indicating that the default precision value is being used. |
Hide Numeric Risk Rank? | Boolean | Indicates whether or not you want to display the numeric risk rank values in the Risk Matrix. |
If this check box is cleared, the numeric risk rank values are displayed. If this check box is selected, the numeric risk rank values are hidden in the Risk Matrix. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is cleared. |
Hide Probability and Consequence Names | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the Probability and Consequence names are hidden on the Risk Matrix. |
If the check box is cleared, the names are displayed. If the check box is selected, the names are hidden. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is cleared. |
Hide Protection Level Text | Boolean | Hide Protection Level Text. | This allows the user to hide the text boxes that normally show the unmitigated and mitigated protection level values in the Risk Assessment window. |
Lock Mitigated Consequence | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the mitigated consequence is locked. |
When this check box is selected, for mitigated risk assessments, you will be able to modify only the probability value. You will not be able to modify the consequence value. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the check box is selected. |
Logarithmic Scale | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the y-axis will use a logarithmic scale on a graph that displays risk values. | In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is selected. |
Mitigated Risk Rank | Character | Specifies the label of the section on the Risk Assessment window that displays the mitigated risk rank. |
The default label is Mitigated Risk Rank. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Mitigated Risk Rank box is empty, indicating that the default title is being used. |
Mitigation Label | Character | Specifies the label of the section on the Risk Assessment window that displays the name of the item that is mitigating the risk. |
The default label is Mitigated By. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Mitigation Label box is empty, indicating that the default title is being used. |
Probability Axis | Character | Specifies the axis on which the probability values are displayed. |
You can choose from:
If you change this value, the value in the Consequence Axis field will be updated automatically to display the opposite value. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the default value is Y-Axis. |
Probability Sort Order | Character | Specifies the order in which the probability values are displayed. | In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the default value is Descending. |
Risk Matrix Name | Character | The name of the Risk Matrix. |
This value is used to identify the record. It does not, however, appear anywhere on the Risk Assessment interface. In the baseline Risk Matrix record, the Risk Matrix name is Default. |
Show Financial Impact | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the Financial Impact field of the Risk Rank family appears on each category tab the Risk Matrix. |
This field appears on the Risk Matrix Layout and the Risk Matrix Definition datasheets. If the Show Financial Impact check box is cleared, the Financial Impact value does not appear on each category section of the Risk Matrix. If the Show Financial Impact check box is selected, then the Financial Impact value appears on each category section of the Risk Matrix. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is cleared by default. |
Unmitigated Risk Label | Character | Specifies the label of the section on the Risk Assessment window that displays the name of the risk. |
The default label is Risk Of. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Unmitigated Risk Label box is empty, indicating that the default label is being used. |
Unmitigated Risk Rank | Character | Specifies the label of the section on the Risk Assessment window that displays the unmitigated risk rank. Note: If you are using the Asset Criticality Analysis feature, this value will also be used as the label of the column that displays the unmitigated risk rank in ACA. |
The default label is Unmitigated Risk Rank. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, the Unmitigated Risk Rank box is empty, indicating that the default label is being used. |
Use Aliases? | Boolean | Indicates whether or not you want to display the aliases that have been defined for the records that are linked to the Risk Matrix record. For example, if the Alias field in the Consequence record High contains the value E, when the Use Aliases? check box is selected, instead of seeing only the value High in the Risk Matrix, the value E will appear. | In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is disabled and cleared. It becomes enabled only when you select the Use Maximum Risk Rank check box. |
Use Maximum Risk Rank | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the overall risk rank will equal the largest value of all selected values (except for the Financial value) in Risk Matrix. |
If this check box is cleared, the overall risk rank will equal the sum of all selected values (except for the Financial value). After the Risk Matrix has been used by a module in Predix Essentials, this field is disabled, and you cannot modify the selection. In the baseline Risk Matrix record and all new Risk Matrix records that you create, this check box is cleared. |
Risk Rank Records
Risk Rank records are used to determine a single instance of risk for a specific category within a Risk Assessment. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Risk Rank family and appear on the Risk datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Category | Character | The ID of the Risk Category record used to assess the Risk. |
The value in this field is populated automatically with one of the following values:
Consequence | Numeric | A numeric value representing the severity of the consequence. |
The value in this field is populated based on the selections made on the Risk Assessment window. |
Financial Impact | Numeric | The estimated monetary value attributed to a specific Risk Category. |
A value is not required. The value in this field can be configured to appear on the Risk Matrix. The default label on the Risk Matrix is Unmitigated Financial Impact. |
Probability | Numeric | A numeric value representing the probability that the risk will occur. |
The value in this field is populated based on the selections made on the Risk Assessment window. |
Risk | Numeric | Specifies the total risk of the assessment. |
The value in this field appears at the top of the Risk Matrix and is calculated as follows: Risk = Probability x Consequence |
Risk Threshold Records
Risk Threshold records determine the threshold values and colors that appear within a Risk Matrix. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Risk Threshold family and appear on the Risk Threshold datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Alias | Character | An alias for the risk threshold. |
When the Use Aliases? check box is selected in the Risk Matrix record, when you pause on a cell in the risk matrix, instead of the value in the Description field in the Risk Threshold record, this value will appear. In addition, if the Alias Format Mask field in the associated Risk Matrix record contains the value {t}, the value in the Alias field in the Risk Threshold record will be displayed in the cell in the Risk Matrix (according to the complete template that is defined in the Alias Format Mask field). |
Color | Character | A value indicating the color that will appear in all cells in the matrix that contain a number that falls within this risk boundary (according to the number in the Value box of this Risk Threshold record and other Risk Threshold records that are linked to the same Risk Matrix record). | None |
Description | Character | A description of the risk level. | This value is used to identify the record. This value appears when you pause on a cell in the risk matrix. |
Value | Numeric | A number that represents the risk level associated with the number in a cell in the matrix. |
If a cell in the matrix contains a number greater than or equal to the risk level and less than the next highest risk level in a Risk Threshold record that is linked to the same Risk Matrix record, the number will be considered to reside within this risk level. For example, if the Value field in the Risk Threshold record Medium contains the number 10, and the Value field in the Risk Threshold record High, which is linked to the same Risk Matrix record, contains the number 100, then any cell in the matrix that contains a number greater than or equal to 10 and less than 100 will be considered Medium risk. Any number greater than or equal to 100 will be considered High risk. |