Risk Assessment Feature

About the Risk Assessment Feature

The Risk Assessment feature is a combination of:

  • The Risk Assessment window, which is an interface that displays a Risk Matrix and other risk information.


  • The Risk Matrix data model, which includes entity families, relationship families, and records that determine:

    • The values that you will see in the Risk Assessment interface.

    • The calculations that will be performed based on the values that you select.

The baseline Predix Essentials database contains a set of baseline records that determine the values that you will see on the Risk Assessment window and the calculations that are performed using those values. You can access this window through modules such as:

  • Asset Strategy Management (ASM)
  • Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)
  • Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

If you do not want to use the baseline values and calculations, you can customize them or configure your own.

Tip: Refer to the Risk Matrix section of the end user documentation for additional information about understanding the Risk Matrix.
Important: You must associate your risk matrices with the sites before you assess risks using the risk matrices in one of the following modules:
  • Asset Strategy Management (ASM)
  • Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)
  • Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

Modify the Risk Assessment Window Title

About This Task

You can modify the default title of the Risk Assessment window using the Risk Matrix record.


When you modify the title, the new title will be used everywhere that the Risk Matrix record is used to display the Risk Assessment window. For example, if an Asset Strategy and an RCM Analysis use the same Risk Matrix, if you modify the title in that Risk Matrix record, the new title will be displayed when you access the Risk Assessment interface from any of the following items:

  • An Action or Risk in that Asset Strategy
  • A Failure Effect or Recommendation in that RCM Analysis.


  1. Access the Risk Matrix record for the Risk Matrix that you want to modify.
  2. In the Risk Matrix Layout datasheet, select
  3. In the Appearance section, in the Dialog Title box, enter the new title for the Risk Assessment window.
    Note: The default title is not displayed on the datasheet. If the Dialog Title text box is empty, it indicates that the default title is being used.
  4. Select .

    Your changes are saved. The next time you view the Risk Assessment window from any item that uses this Risk Matrix (for example, an Asset Strategy or RCM Analysis), the new title will appear.

Modify Text Box Labels in the Risk Assessment Window

About This Task

If the default labels Risk Of, Mitigated By, Unmitigated Risk Rank, and Mitigated Risk Rank that appear in the Risk Assessment window are not suitable for your organization and terminology, you can modify the labels using the Risk Matrix record.


When you modify a label, the new label will be used everywhere that the Risk Matrix record is used to display the Risk Assessment window. For example, if an Asset Strategy and an RCM Analysis use the same Risk Matrix, if you modify the labels in that Risk Matrix record, the new labels will be displayed when you access the Risk Assessment interface from any of the following items:

  • An Action or Risk in that Asset Strategy.
  • A Failure Effect or Recommendation in that RCM Analysis.


  1. Access the Risk Matrix record for the Risk Matrix that you want to modify.
  2. In the Risk Matrix Layout datasheet, select
  3. In the Appearance section, in the following boxes, type the new titles:
    • Unmitigated Risk Label: The label of section that displays the name of the risk. This will be used in place of Risk Of.
    • Mitigation Label: The label of the section that displays the name of the item that is mitigating the risk. This will be used in place of Mitigated By.
    • Unmitigated Risk Rank: The label of the section that displays the unmitigated risk rank. This will be used in place of Unmitigated Risk Rank.
    • Mitigated Risk Rank: The label of the section that displays the mitigated risk rank. This will be used in place of Mitigated Risk Rank.
    Note: The default titles are not displayed on the datasheet. If the text boxes are empty, it indicates that the default titles are being used.
  4. Select .
    Your changes are saved. The next time you view the Risk Assessment window from any item that uses this Risk Matrix (for example, an Asset Strategy or RCM Analysis), the new titles will appear.