
Overview of the Metrics and Scorecards Module

Metrics and Scorecards integrates performance management theory with sophisticated data analysis tools to prompt and facilitate actions that can improve organizational performance.

Using Predix Essentials Metrics and Scorecards functionality, you can measure and examine your company's work requests, locations, equipment, work orders, and task information. Through data analysis, you can regulate your maintenance and reliability measurements. Using KPIs, you can track progress by focusing on specific areas within the organization. These KPIs allow you to monitor the most important variables that reflect mission success and company performance.

The primary tools that you will use within Predix Essentials Metrics and Scorecards include:

  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A list of metrics that are identified as the most important variables reflecting mission success or organizational performance. A KPI is a measure that is monitored over time, at a predetermined frequency. You can create KPIs, schedule updates, add data sources for KPIs, and define alerts for KPIs. A KPI can also be displayed on a dashboard in a dial representation. By monitoring a list of KPIs, you can identify the performance issues.
  • Scorecards: Reports that reflect the status of the KPIs. Via Scorecards, users can organize KPIs that help the organization achieve various objectives. The tabular view summarizes the status of multiple KPIs, helping you see the overall trends in a succinct format. You can also drill down into a single KPI to view more details.
Note: You must have the Metrics Manager license to create, edit, or delete a KPI, or Scorecard.

The following table provides a list of functionality that is accessible depending on the status of the license.

FunctionalityLicense Status: ActiveLicense Status: Inactive
ScorecardCreate, Update, Delete, and ViewView
Key Performance IndicatorsCreate, Update, Delete, and View
  • View
  • Update the following features of KPI design page:
    • Limits
    • Schedule
    • Alerts
    • Privileges

Metrics and Scorecards Features

The Metrics and Scorecards module allows you to work with two distinct items: Scorecards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Predix Essentials leverages its fundamental entity and relationship family infrastructure to store data related to Scorecards, and KPIs. It may be useful to remember that Scorecards, and KPIs are simply customized views of individual records and Catalog items that work together.

A Scorecard is represented by a Scorecard record and all the records to which it is linked. Each Scorecard record can be linked to the following records:
  • One or more KPI records.
  • One or more KPI Objective records.
  • One or more KPI Perspective records.
A KPI is represented by a KPI record and all the records to which it is linked. Each KPI record can be linked to the following records:
  • One or more KPI records.
  • One or more KPI Measurement records.
  • One or more Scorecard records.

Access the Metrics and Scorecards Overview Page

About This Task

The Metrics and Scorecards page provides a quick access to Scorecard, or Key Performance Indicators (KPI).


In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Metrics and Scorecards.
The Metrics and Scorecards page appears.

Note: The query for the Scorecard and KPI list displayed on the Metrics and Scorecards page are stored in the Catalog folder(..../<filepath>). You can modify the columns displayed on the grid by editing the source query. However, you must not change the query name and the location. For KPI, the path is: public/meridium/modules/core/queries/allKpis and for Scorecard the path is: public/meridium/modules/core/queries/allScorecards.

The Metrics and Scorecards page displays the following sections:

  • Scorecards: Displays a list of existing scorecards. In the Scorecards section, you can create a new Scorecard or view an existing Scorecard.
  • Key Performance Indicators: Displays a list of existing KPIs. In the Key Performance Indicators section, you can create a new KPI or view an existing KPI.
  • Metric Views: Displays a list of existing Metric Views.
    Note: No data is available for the existing Metric Views because the SSAS cubes are not supported in Predix Essentials.

To search for a specific Scorecard, or KPI, you can select the search button (), and then enter the name of a Scorecard, or KPI.

When you select an item listed in the any of the two sections, the details appear on a new page.

Metrics and Scorecards Workflow

The following workflow provides the basic, high-level steps for using this module. The steps and links in this workflow do not necessarily reference every possible procedure.

  1. Create a KPI by providing the following details:
    1. Adding a datasource.
    2. Scheduling a KPI and setting the alerts.
  2. Create a Scorecard.
  3. Add the KPI to the dashboard as widget.