Manage Cases

About Case Actions

In the cases inbox and details page, you can perform various tasks.

You can perform the following tasks for a case that belongs to the same tenant:
  • Editing the INTERPRETATION section of a case.
  • Claiming and assigning a case.
  • Sharing the report for a claimed case that belongs to the same tenant.
  • Acknowledging a case assignment.
  • Creating a case manually for alerts that belong to the same tenant.
  • Adding or editing an external Case ID for a case that belongs to the same tenant.
  • Adding or deleting notes.
  • Adding, deleting, or downloading evidence in a case.
  • Viewing an alert analysis, asset faceplate, or asset dashboard.
  • Viewing or linking an alert to a case.
    Note: You can only view linked alert of a general visibility case that belongs to another tenant.
  • Closing, editing, or reopening a case.
  • Applying filters to a case.
  • Viewing similar cases that belong to the same tenant.

Claim a Case

Before You Begin

You must have either full Cases permission or Edit Case Detail permission to claim a case.

About This Task

Once you claim a case, you can begin to work the issue.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select the case filter set.
    The cases for the selected filter set appear.
  3. Select a case in the queue.
    The details page for the selected case appears.
  4. Select Claim Case.
    You are designated as the owner of the case.

Release Claim from a Case

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases or Edit Case Detail permission.

About This Task

Releasing the claim from a case releases you from the ownership of the case. When you release the claim from a case that you own, the case becomes available for other users to claim it, and the ownership of the case changes to the person who claims it. If the case was assigned to the user group to which you belong, the claim is released from the whole group. If needed, you can claim this case again if the case is unclaimed.
  • You can release the claim only from a case that you or your user group owns. The case can belong to the same tenant or another tenant.
  • You cannot release the claim from a closed case.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select My Cases.
    The list of cases that you have claimed or have been assigned to your user group appears.
  3. Select the case from which you want to release the claim.
    The details section for the selected case appears.
  4. Select , and then select Release Claim.


The claim on the case is released and it appears in the list of unclaimed cases. The case will not contain an owner until a user claims the case.
Additionally, the following events occur:
  • In the details page of the case, the Claim Case button becomes available.
  • The release claim information such as the name of the user who released the claim and the timestamp for the change is recorded in the timeline view of the case.
  • The subscribers of the case will receive an email notification regarding the change.

Assign a Case

Before You Begin

You must have either full Cases permission or Edit Case Detail permission to assign a case to a user or user group.

About This Task

You can assign a case to a user or user group. If you assign the case to a user, that user becomes the owner of the case. However, if you assign the case to a user group, all users in that group become owners of the case.
Note: You can assign a case to only the users and user groups that have access to the asset associated with the case.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select the case filter set that contains the case that you want to assign.
    The list of cases appears.
  3. Select the case that you want to assign.
    A section that contains the details of the case appears.
  4. Select , and then select Assign Case.
    The Assign Case window appears, displaying the User and Group options.
    Note: By default, the User option is selected.
  5. Depending on whether you want to assign the case to a user or user group, select one of the following options:
    • If you want to assign the case to a user, select User, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user, and then select Find.

        A list of all users that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user to whom you want to assign the case.

        The user is assigned as the owner of the case and the name of the user appears in the CASE INFORMATION section of the Case Details page for the case.

    • If you want to assign the case to a user group, select Group, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user group, and then select Find.

        A list of all user groups that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user group to whom you want to assign the case.

        All users in the user group are assigned as owners of the case and the name of the user group appears as the owner in the CASE INFORMATION section of the Case Details page for the case.

Notify Users About a Case

The Notify User feature allows you to easily share a case with other users from the application by sending an email notification that contains the link to the case. You can share a case that belongs to the same tenant.

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases, View Case Detail, Create Case, or Edit Case Detail permission.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select the case filter set.
    The cases for the selected filter set appears.
  3. Select the case in the queue.
    The details page for the selected case appears.
  4. Select .
    The Notify User(s) window appears, displaying the User and Group options.
    Note: By default, the User option is selected.
  5. Depending on whether you want to notify the case to a user or user group, select one of the following options:
    • If you want to notify about the case to a user, select User, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user, and then select Find.

        A list of all users that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user with whom you want to share the case.
        Note: You can select multiple users.
      3. In the ADD COMMENT box, enter any additional comments that you want to share with the users, and then select Notify.
    • If you want to notify about the case to a user group, select Group, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user group, and then select Find.

        A list of all user groups that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user group with whom you want to share the case.
        Note: You can select multiple user groups.
      3. In the ADD COMMENT box, enter any additional comments that you want to share with the users, and then select Notify.


An email notification is sent to the selected users or user groups.
Additionally, the following events occur:
  • Information such as the name of the user who shared the case report, users or user group to whom it was shared, and the timestamp of the action is recorded in the Timeline View of the case.
  • The subscribers of the case will receive an email notification regarding the action.

Share a Case Report

You can share a report for a claimed case that belongs to the same tenant through an email.

Before You Begin

You must have either Cases or Edit Case Detail permission to share the case report.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select the case filter set.
    The cases for the selected filter set appears.
  3. Select the case in the queue.
    The details page for the selected case appears.
  4. Select , and then select Share Case Report.
    The Share Case Report window appears.
  5. Depending on whether you want to share the report with a user or user group, select one of the following options:
    • If you want to share the report with a user, select User, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user, and then select Find.

        A list of all users that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user with whom you want to share the report.
    • If you want to share the report with a user group, select Group, and then perform the following steps:
      1. In the box, enter the name of the user group, and then select Find.

        A list of all user groups that match the name appears.

      2. Select the name of the user group with whom you want to share the report.
  6. Select Select File to attach the document.
  7. Select Share.
    An email with the attachment is sent to the selected users or user groups.

Create a Case

You can create a case to optimize collaboration with your customers.

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases and View Limited Visibility Cases permissions. The Edit Case Detail permission allows you to access or modify a case but does not allow you to create a case.
Note: You can create a case only for alerts that belong to the same tenant.

About This Task

You can create a case by providing an Asset ID at any level (Enterprise, Site, Segment, or Asset).


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select .
    The Create a Case window appears.
  3. In the CASE NAME box, enter a unique name for the case.
  4. In the SEVERITY drop-down list box, select the severity of the case.
  5. In the ASSET ID box, enter an ID of the asset with which the case is associated.
  6. In the SYMPTOMS box, enter the case symptoms.
    Note: The symptoms that you enter here appear in the INTERPRETATION section of the case.
  7. Select Create.
    A message appears, indicating that the case was created successfully.
    Note: By default, the created case will have limited visibility.

Change Visibility of a Case

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases or Edit Case Detail permission along with the View Limited Visibility Cases permission.
Note: The visibility icon will be available in the Case Details page only if you have the View Limited Visibility Cases permission.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select the case filter set.
    The cases for the selected filter set appears.
  3. Select the case in the queue.
    The details page for the selected case appears.
  4. In the details page for the case, select to change the visibility from Limited to General or select to change the visibility from General to Limited.
    The visibility of the case is changed.

Acknowledge a Case Assignment

Before You Begin

You must have either full Cases permissions or Edit Case Detail permission to acknowledge a case assignment.

About This Task

Once a case has been assigned to you, you must acknowledge the case before acting on it. If a case has been assigned to the user group to which you belong, you can acknowledge the case on behalf of all users in the group. This allows any user in the group to act on it.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a case inbox filter, and then select the assigned case.
  3. Select Acknowledge.
    The case is updated with you as the owner in the CASE INFORMATION section.

Modify Case Interpretation

When you create a case from the Alerts or Cases module, you may need to enter additional information for the associated case.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access or modify the INTERPRETATION section.
Note: You cannot modify the INTERPRETATION section of a case that belongs to another tenant.

About This Task

Cases inherit their severity from the original alert. You can create a case manually or apply one or more case templates.

Use the header section to change the severity of the case, change the case name, assign a case status, apply a case template, and claim a case.


  • To add or modify information in the Case Header:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
    3. Select the Severity icon at the top of the header, and then select a severity option.
      Note: Changing the severity for a case does not change the severity of the original alert.
    4. Select the case name, and then enter a new name.
    5. In the Status list, select a status option.
      Note: When you select Closed for the first time, the Close Case window appears, where you can enter the closure code and notes for the case.
  • To add or modify information in the INTERPRETATION section:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
    3. Each case contains a unique option. Select the options that apply:
      Category Indicates the type of issue. Select a category from the drop-down list box, such as Mechanical or Vibration, to apply to the case.
      LikelihoodIndicates how likely the issue is to occur in the future. Select a likelihood from the drop-down list box, where the values range from Very Unlikely to Highly Likely.
      UrgencyIndicates how quickly the issue needs to be resolved. Select an urgency option, such as At Next Opportunity or Next Maintenance, from the drop-down list box.
      Fault ModeProvides a list of possible root causes that you can select for a case, based on the associated asset for the case. You can select a value from the list to associate the fault mode with the case, save the value, and later retrieve it. The default value is None, shown as '-'
      SymptomsIndicates the symptoms that caused the alert for the case. Enter the symptoms that caused the issue as text or add a web address that appears as a link, which directs to a website that has the information about the symptoms. You can also add symptoms when creating the case.
      DiagnosisThe apparent cause of the alert, and steps taken to confirm the diagnosis. Enter the apparent cause of the issue as text or add a web address that appears as a link, which directs to a website that has the information about the Diagnosis.
      RecommendationThe recommended action to take and when the action should be scheduled. Enter the recommended action as text or add a web address that appears as a link, which directs to a website that has the information about the actions to be performed.
      Tip: You can apply case template information to a case.

Create Custom Filters for Cases

You can create custom filters for cases that have specific requirements.

About This Task

The default filter sets for cases appear in the module navigation menu. By default, cases are displayed in the cases inbox or grid based on the first filter set that appears in the cases module navigation menu.

The filter sets allow you to view specific set of cases by narrowing the entries. You can use the auto-refresh settings to display the newly added cases. You can set the frequently-used filters as favorites. When a new case is added, the auto-refresh setting considers the existing filters and assigns the case to the correct queue.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select , and then select More Filters.
    The Filter Cases window appears.
  3. Select New Filter Set.
  4. In the FILTER NAME box, enter a unique name for the filter, and then select Add Filters.
  5. Select one or more of the following filter options.
    You can apply any combination of these filters to the entries or save them as a filter set. After you select a filter option from the Attribute drop-down list box, the Value field appears. In the Value field, you can either enter multiple values separated by a comma, or select one or more options from the drop-down list. You can also select the Select All check box to select all available options.
    Filter OptionsAction to be Performed
    SeveritySelect one of the following options in the drop-down list box, and then select a severity from the drop-down list box.
    • is equal to
    • is not equal to
    • is greater than
    • is greater or equal to
    • is less than
    • is less than or equal to

    You can select multiple options simultaneously from the Value drop-down list.

    NameEnter the name of a case in the box.
    StatusSelect one of the following statuses in the drop-down list box:
    • Open
    • Closed
    • Awaiting

    You can select multiple options simultaneously from the Value drop-down list.

    Case IDSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the ID of a case in the box.
    Asset IDSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the ID of an asset in the box.

    You can enter multiple asset IDs separated by a comma. For example, <asset ID1>, <asset ID2>, <asset ID3>.

    Asset NameSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the name of an asset in the box.
    Asset AliasSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the alias name of an asset in the box.
    Customer NameSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the name of a customer in the box.
    Site NameSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter the name of a site in the box.
    Created ByEnter the name of a user or owner in the box.
    Owned ByEnter the name of a user or owner in the box.
    Creation TimeSelect one of the following options:
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months
    • Last 12 Months
    • Custom Range

    When the Custom Range option is selected, the box is enabled, and you can enter the time range in the box.

    Closed OnSelect one of the following options:
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months
    • Last 12 Months
    • Custom Range

    When the Custom Range option is selected, the box is enabled, and you can enter the time range in the box.

    Closure CodeSelect one of the values from the drop-down list box. The list of values is specific to the tenant configuration.

    You can select multiple options simultaneously from the Value drop-down list.

    VisibilitySelect either General or Limited in the drop-down list box.
    External Case IDSelect either contains or is equal to in the drop-down list box, and then enter an external case ID in the box.
    The selections appear in the Filter Cases window.
    Tip: The following table contains the combinations of operators and values that you can use to filter cases based on the null, blank, or empty values of a filter option:
    is equal toNULLFilters the cases in which the selected filter option contains a null value.
    is equal toEMPTYFilters the cases in which the selected filter option contains an empty string.
    is equal toBLANKFilters the cases in which the selected filter option contains a null value or an empty string.
    is not equal toNULLFilters the cases in which the selected filter option does not contain a null value.

    The values that can be used to filter cases based on the null, blank, or empty values of a filter option are not case sensitive.

  6. Select Save.


The custom filter is created and is available in the list of filter sets in the Filter Cases window.

Add an External Case ID

You can add an external case ID in an existing case.

Before You Begin

You must have the Edit Case Detail permission or the full Cases permissions to add an External Case ID.
Note: You cannot add an External Case ID for a case that belongs to another tenant.

About This Task

When you create a case from an alert, Predix Essentials generates a case ID, which you can modify or add a new one.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
  3. In the CASE INFORMATION section, in the EXTERNAL CASE field, select ADD.
  4. Enter the External Case ID, and then select the space outside the text box.
    The new External Case ID appears in the CASE INFORMATION section of the selected case.

Close, Edit, or Reopen a Case

You can add a closure code and note to a case when you close it.

About This Task

Closing a case adds a CLOSE CASE section to the Case Details page. When you close a case, a window appears where you can enter a closure code and add any notes.

If the case is reopened, the CLOSE CASE section remains in the Case Details page. You can modify the resolution code and notes directly in the CLOSE CASE section.


  • To close a case:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter and then select a case.
    3. From the Case Detail page, select CLOSED from the Status drop-down list.
    4. In the Close Case window, in the CLOSURE CODE drop-down list box, select a closure code for the case. The options are:
      • No Action: No action was required.
      • Sensor Repair: A sensor was repaired.
      • Operational Change: An operational change occurred.
      • Scheduled Maintenance: Scheduled maintenance was done.
      • Unplanned Maintenance: An unplanned action, done at an unfavorable time, but did not (necessarily) cause an immediate shutdown of the equipment.
      • Forced Outage: Machine or equipment was shut down immediately.
    5. Select the resolution date. The date range should be between the Case Created date and the Current date.
    6. In the NOTE box, add a closure note, and then select Close Case.
      A new CLOSE CASE section appears in the Case Details page, displaying the closure code and note.
      Note: When closing a case, if you select the Auto Close all alerts which are linked to this case check box, all alerts that are linked to the case are closed automatically and is marked as processed. However, the linked alerts are closed only if all other cases linked to that alert are already in closed state. The timeline view displays that the alert is marked as processed by Autoclose action in Case by <user name>, and an email notification is sent to the owner of the alert.
  • To modify the closure note:
    1. Access the CLOSE CASE section of the Case Details page.
    2. Next to the note, select .
      A text box containing the existing text appears.
    3. Modify the note, and then select Save.
  • To reopen a closed case, select OPEN from the Status drop-down list.
    The status is open, and the previously selected closure code and closure note remain in the case.

Create an Action for a Case

Adding an action to a case allows a user to collaborate with a client or site, as well as track the case.

Before You Begin

  • This feature is supported only in Predix Essentials and not in Predix Essentials.
  • You must have either the Edit Case Detail permission or the full Cases permission to perform this task.

About This Task

Note that you can only create actions for cases to which you have access.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter.
  3. Access a case.
    The Case Details page appears.
  4. In the ACTIONS section, select .
    The Create Action window appears.
  5. In the ACTION TITLE box, enter a title for the action.
  6. In the STAGE drop-down list box, select one of the following options:
    • Recommended (default value)
    • Planned
    • Completed
  7. In the PURPOSE drop-down list box, select Resolve (default value) or Diagnose.
  8. In the TIMEFRAME drop-down list box, select one of the following options:
    • Before Continued Operation (default value)
    • Next Available Opportunity
    • Next Scheduled Outage
  9. In the ADD COMMENT box, enter your comments.
  10. Select Create.
    The action is added in the ACTIONS section of the Case Details page.
  11. Optional: In the ACTIONS section, select Accept.
    Note: The options to accept or reject appear only if you selected Recommended as the stage value.
    The Accept Recommended Action window appears.
  12. Optional: If you select Reject, the Reject Recommended Action window appears. Enter a reason for the rejection in the Add Comment box, and then select Reject.
    The stage value changes to Reject, and is displayed in red text.


Once the action is created, you can edit the action.

Add or Delete Notes in a Case

In the NOTES section of the Case Details page, you can add clarifications, diagnoses, or recommendations.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access and modify cases.

About This Task


  • To add a note in a case:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
    3. In the NOTES section, in the text box, enter the note text.
    4. Select Add Note.
      The new note appears at the top of the list. Your name appears next to the timestamp after the note has been added.
  • To delete a note, select next to the note.
    The selected note is removed from the NOTES section. You can delete only the notes that you have added.

Add, Delete, or Download Evidence in a Case

You can add documents to a case as evidence to help diagnose an issue.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access and modify cases.

About This Task

You can add the following document types:
  • Image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF)
  • Text type files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPTX, TXT)
  • PDF files
  • Additional file types: DCA, M6B, TCW, CSV, ZIP, DCAST, TREND, MSG

You cannot add a folder or EXE, BAT CMD, MSI, BIN, or RAR files as evidence.

You can download documents after they are attached as evidence, and delete them if you originally attached them.
Note: You can add a file even if the ^ % $ characters exist in the name of file.


  • To add documents to a case:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
    3. In the EVIDENCE section of the Case Details page, select , and then select one of the following options: .
      • Attach a File

        When you select this option, the window to select an attachment appears. Select the file to attach, and then select Open.

        The selected file appears as an attachment in the EVIDENCE section.

      • Link an Alert

        When you select this option, the Select Alerts to Link window appears. Select the alert that you want to link to, and then select Link.

        The linked alert appears in the EVIDENCE section.

      • Add Link

        When you select this option, the Add Link window appears. In the text box, enter the web address, and then select Save.

        The link appears in the EVIDENCE section.

  • To delete a document or link:
    1. Select for the document that you want to delete.
      The Remove Evidence window appears.
    2. Select Remove to confirm your selection.
  • To download a document to your hard drive, select for the document that you want to download.

View an Alert from a Case

You can view the alert from which the case was created in a separate tab.

About This Task

When a case is created from an alert, Predix Essentials generates a case entry in the Cases module, and the associated alert appears as a link under EVIDENCE section of the Case Details page.

You can view the originating alert in a separate tab.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter and then select a case.
  3. In the EVIDENCE section in the Case Details page, select the alert that you want to view.
    The selected alert appears in a new tab.

View an Asset Faceplate from a Case

You can access the asset faceplate, which contains the asset details, from within a case.

Before You Begin

You must have permissions to access the Cases module.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select the case for which you want to access the asset faceplate.
    The details page of the case appears, displaying the hierarchy of the asset in the ASSET field of the CASE INFORMATION section.
  3. In the ASSET field, select the name of the asset.
    The asset faceplate appears in a new tab.
    Tip: You can view the details of the Enterprise, Site, or Segment associated with the asset by selecting the name of the Enterprise, Site, or Segment in the ASSET field.

View the Asset Dashboard from a Case

You can access the Asset Dashboard from a case.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter and then select a case.
  3. In the case header, select the Asset Dashboard link.


The Asset Dashboard appears in a new tab.

About Analysis Templates in Case Details

The Analysis templates associated with a case are displayed in a list in the ANALYSIS section of the Case Details page.

Each template is named, and the alert from which it comes is displayed inline to the right of the template name. Each analysis template is linked; clicking the link opens the template in a new browser tab. The corresponding alert name is also a link that you can select to access the Alerts module in a new page.

When an analysis template is associated with an alert type, and the alert triggers, then a case is created from that alert. In the Case Details page for the case, you can view the ANALYSIS section with a list of the analysis templates (one or more), each with the alert name as the source.

When a large number of analysis templates (for example, 20) is associated with an alert type and the alert triggers, then a case is created from that alert. In the Case Details page for the case, you can view all 20 analysis templates in the ANALYSIS section, with the alert name specified as the source for each template.

Add Analysis Templates to a Case

An analysis template contains data associated with the investigation of a case. You can add analysis templates to a case. The analysis templates appear in the ANALYSIS section of the case.

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases or Manage Case Details permission, and access permission to the Analysis feature.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select the cases filter set that contains the case for which you want to add an analysis template.
    A list of cases appears.
  3. Select the case.
    A section that contains the details of the case appears.
  4. In the ANALYSIS section, select .
    The Add Analysis Template window appears.
  5. Select for the template that you want to add.
  6. Specify the start time, end time, and data resolution for the analysis.
    The start time determines the time from the creation of the case and the end time determines the time till when you want the data for the analysis. Data resolution determines the intervals at which the data points must be considered for analysis.

    For example, if a case was created on May 24 at 10:00 AM, and if you specify the start time as 1 hour, end time as 24 hours, and then the data resolution as 5 mins, the analysis report will contain data from May 24, 11:00 AM to May 25, 11:00 AM at every 5 mins interval.

  7. Optional: Switch the SET TIME FRAME TO CURRENT toggle to set the current time to be considered as the end time.
  8. Select Add to add the selected templates.


The analysis templates are added to the ANALYSIS section of the case.
In addition, the following events occur:
  • Information such as the name of the user who added the analysis template and the timestamp for the change is recorded in the Timeline View of the case.
  • The subscribers of the case will receive an email notification regarding the change.

When you select an analysis template, the details page of the analysis template appears, which contains the charts related to the selected data points.

Modify an Analysis Template

You can modify the data points of an analysis template.

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases or Manage Case Details permission, and access permission to the Analysis feature.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select the cases filter set that contains the case for which you want to modify an analysis template.
    A list of cases appears.
  3. Select the case.
    A section that contains the details of the case appears.
  4. In the ANALYSIS section, in the row containing the template that you want to modify, select .
  5. As needed, modify the start time, end time, and data resolution.
    The start time determines the time from the creation of the case and the end time determines the time till when you want the data for the analysis. Data resolution determines the intervals at which the data points must be considered for analysis.

    For example, if a case was created on May 24 at 10:00 AM, and if you specify the start time as 1 hour, end time as 24 hours, and then the data resolution as 5 mins, the analysis report will contain data from May 24, 11:00 AM to May 25, 11:00 AM at every 5 mins interval.

  6. Optional: Switch the SET TIME FRAME TO CURRENT toggle to set the current time to be considered as the end time.
  7. Select Apply to save the changes.


The analysis template is modified.
In addition, the following events occur:
  • Information such as the name of the user who modified the analysis template and the timestamp for the change is recorded in the Timeline View of the case.
  • The subscribers of the case will receive an email notification regarding the change.

Remove an Analysis Template from a Case

You can remove an analysis template from a case.

Before You Begin

You must have the Cases or Manage Case Details permission, and access permission to the Analysis feature.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select the cases filter set that contains the case from which you want to remove an analysis template.
    A list of cases appears.
  3. Select the case.
    A section that contains the details of the case appears.
  4. In the ANALYSIS section, in the row containing the template that you want to delete, select .


The analysis template is removed from the case details.
In addition, the following events occur:
  • Information such as the name of the user who removed the analysis template and the timestamp for the change is recorded in the Timeline View of the case.
  • The subscribers of the case will receive an email notification regarding the change.

Preview, Download, or Remove Chart Evidence in a Case

When one or more analysis charts have been saved to an alert, you can preview the charts in a case created from the alert.

About This Task

The associated analysis chart is saved separately from the alert analysis in the EVIDENCE section when you create a case. This allows you to display chart evidence without navigating away from the case.


  • To preview an analysis chart in the EVIDENCE section:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
    2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
    3. In the EVIDENCE section, select the chart that you want to preview.
    Note: You can select multiple chart names to display all charts in the EVIDENCE section.
    The associated chart image appears below the chart name.
  • To download an analysis chart from the EVIDENCE section, select for the chart.
  • To remove an analysis chart from the EVIDENCE section, select for the chart.

Associate a Case with an Asset Type or Fault Type

Before You Begin

You must be assigned with the Cost Benefit Analysis permission set to perform this task.

About This Task

When a case is created for an asset instance for the first time, by default, the case is not associated with any asset type or fault type. You can associate the case with an appropriate asset type or fault type. If you associate the case with an asset type, all subsequent cases created for the asset instance will by default be associated with that asset type. However, if you associate the case with a fault type, the subsequent case created for the asset instance will not be associated with any asset type or fault type.


  1. In the Case Details page, access the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS.
  2. Select the Select Asset Type link.
    The Asset Fault Type window appears.
  3. Select the asset type or fault type that you want to be associated with the case, and then select Apply.
    Note: The fault types are listed only in the Standardized section of the Asset Fault Type window.
    The case is associated with the selected asset type or fault type and the name of the asset type or fault type appears in the Asset/Fault Type field of the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS section.

Change Asset Type or Fault Type Associated with a Case

Before You Begin

You must be assigned with the Cost Benefit Analysis permission set to perform this task.

About This Task

If the case is already associated with an asset type, you can associate it with a different asset type or a fault type. If you associate the case with a different asset type, you have the option to associate all subsequent cases created for the asset instance with that asset type. However, if you associate the case with a fault type, the subsequent case created for the asset instance will continue to be associated with the asset type that was previously associated with the case.


  1. In the Case Details page, access the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS section.
  2. Select the Change Asset Type link.
    The Asset Fault Type window appears.
  3. Select the asset type or fault type that you want to be associated with the case.
    Note: The fault types are listed only in the Standardized section of the Asset Fault Type window.
  4. Optional: Select the Overwrite Asset Type check box to associate all subsequent cases created for the asset instance with the selected asset type.
    Note: The Overwrite Asset Type check box is disabled if you select a fault type.
  5. Select Apply.
    The case is associated with the selected asset type or fault type and the name of the asset type or fault type appears in the Asset/Fault Type field of the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS section.

Create Cost Benefit Analysis

Before You Begin

You must be assigned with the Cost Benefit Analysis permission set to perform this task.

About This Task

You can create the Cost Benefit Analysis by specifying the details of the production outage that has happened because of the case and other details of the asset that is associated with the case.


  1. In the Case Details page, access the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS.
  2. Associate the case with an asset type or a fault type.
    Tip: If the case is already associated with an asset type or fault type, the name of the associated asset or fault type appears in the Asset/Fault Type field. However, you can associate the case with a different asset type or fault type.
  3. In the CURRENCY box, enter the currency in which you will specify monetary values for the analysis.
    In the CBA Dashboard module, if you access the Cost Benefit Analysis Report of the asset associated with the case, all monetary values will appear in the currency that you specify in this box.
    Note: You can enter a value in this box only if this is the first case that is created for the asset instance. If this is not the first case that is created for the asset instance, this box will be populated with the currency that is defined as a custom attribute for the asset instance at a site level and you cannot modify it in this box.
  4. In the UNIT OF MEASURE box, enter the Unit of Measure (UOM) that is applicable for the asset and that must be considered while calculating the cost benefit.
    Note: If an UOM is already defined for the asset as a custom attribute, by default, this box is populated with that UOM. However, you can modify the value in this box to update the UOM that must be considered for the Cost Benefit Analysis. If the UOM is not defined for the asset, the value that you enter in this box is updated for the asset as a custom attribute.
  5. In the COST AVOIDED section, specify appropriate values for the boxes described in the following table:
    Name of BoxDescriptionNotes
    PRODUCTION IMPACTSelect the severity of impact that the case has on the productivity of the asset and on the entire unit in which the asset is used.You can select next to the drop-down list box to view the definition of the values in the drop-down list. Additionally, you can view the percentage that each value denotes in the cost benefit calculation.
    MECHANICAL IMPACTSelect the severity of impact that the case has on the mechanical components of the asset and on the entire unit in which the asset is used.You can select next to the drop-down list box to view the definition of the values in the drop-down list. Additionally, you can view the percentage that each value denotes in the cost benefit calculation.
    EVENT LIKELIHOODSelect how likely the event that triggered the alert associated with the case was to occur.You can select next to the drop-down list box to view the definition of the values in the drop-down list. Additionally, you can view the percentage that each value denotes in the cost benefit calculation.
    MAX UNIT PER HOUREnter the maximum number of units that the asset produces in an hour.If this value is already defined for the asset as a custom attribute, by default, this box is populated with that value. However, you can modify the value in this box. If this value is not defined for the asset, the value that you enter in this box is updated for the asset as a custom attribute.
    DERATE/OUTAGEEnter the number of units whose production will be reduced or stopped in an hour because of the case.By default, this box is populated with the value specified in the Max Unit Per Hour box. However, you can modify the value in this box to specify a more accurate production outage that has occurred because of the case.
    PRICE PER UNITEnter the price of each unit that is produced by the asset.If this value is already defined as a custom attribute for the site at which the asset is located, by default, this box is populated with that value. However, you can modify the value in this box. If this value is not defined for the site, the value that you enter in this box is updated for the site as a custom attribute.
    FINE OR ADDITIONAL COSTDefines the monetary penalty and other additional costs that are incurred because of the case.None
    Note: The Audit Log Management page and the timeline view of the case, provides detailed information on all the associated fields in the COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS section, including timestamp, user name, action taken, and any additional details.
  6. Switch the Show Financial Impact toggle.
    The results of the cost benefit calculation appear and the Cost Benefit Analysis is created.
    • You can modify that values that you specified for the calculation irrespective of the status of the case. Predix Essentials will re-calculate the cost benefit based on the updated values.
    • The values in the PRODUCTION HOURS LOST and NOMINAL MECHANICAL SAVINGS boxes are populated based on the asset type or fault type associated with the case. However, you can modify the values in these boxes by selecting next to them.
  7. In the URGENCY drop-down list box, select a value other than the default value that was determined in the calculation.
  8. Select the Go to CBA Dashboard link to view the Cost Benefit Analysis in the form of a Cost Benefit Analysis Report.
    Note: The Cost Benefit Analysis Report appears in a new tab and it appears only if the case is closed.

Access Asset Criticality for Cases

You can view asset criticality for a case in the Case Details page.

About This Task

Note: This topic does not apply to Predix Essentials:


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Cases.
  2. Select a Cases Inbox filter, and then select a case.
  3. In the Case Details page, select the criticality number in the ASSET CRITICALITY field of the CASE INFORMATION section to access the details of the criticality level in the Asset Criticality Analysis page.