Data Loader

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader

The ACA Data Loader allows existing or new Asset Criticality Analyses to be delivered to the ACA module in Predix Essentials for further development, analysis or implementation. Customers will be able to load data from other external systems into the ACA module via the Excel workbook. They will be able to upload any existing analyses with updated risk assessment data that has been assessed outside the Predix Essentials application. Sites assignments for the ACA records that are loaded with the ACA Data Loader are inherited from the related Assets that already exist in the Predix Essentials system.

The ACA Data Loader is used in the following scenarios:

  • Users conducting an initial data load of Asset Criticality Analyses containing Assets for the purpose of completing Criticality Assessments inside the Predix Essentials application.
  • Users updating existing Asset Criticality Analyses with Criticality Assessments completed outside the Predix Essentials application.
The ACA module contains two data loaders. To determine which ACA Data Loader to use:
  • Use the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader if the Risk Matrix is your Criticality Assessment input method.
  • Use the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist) Data Loader if the Criticality Checklist is your Criticality Assessment input method.
Note: If you are using an export file generated from a version of Predix Essentials prior to V4.3.0.7, then that Excel file needs to be modified to match the current ACA Data Loader template.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader Requirements

To use the ACA Data Loader, your organization must have completed the deployment of the Asset Criticality Analysis module. The ACA Data Loader should only be used after the Asset Criticality Analysis module has been implemented, and you have defined Assets for your organization.


The ACA Data Loader maps the datasheet columns in the Excel workbook to fields in Predix Essentials families. As a minimum, the standard worksheets contain columns that match all fields in standard ACA datasheets.

Mapping exists for all standard family fields, if you have added custom fields to a family, you must ensure that mappings exist for those fields, or data may not be populated as expected following the data load. If you have a custom risk matrix, you must modify the data load worksheet to reflect the risk categories and risk values appropriate for your risk matrix.

If you have a custom risk matrix, you must modify the data load worksheet to reflect the risk categories and risk values appropriate for your risk matrix.

Security Settings

The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader. User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role, and must also be associated with the MI ACA Administrator Security Group or a Security Role that is associated with this Security Group

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader Data Model

The data for an ACA Analysis is loaded from a single Excel workbook Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA).xlsx containing multiple worksheets. This includes Analysis, Asset and Criticality Assessment data. These elements are highlighted with a red box around the relevant functional areas from the ACA data model extract shown below. Elements shown without a red border are data model elements that will not need to be loaded by the data loader. If using a Criticality Checklist, the data for an ACA Analysis is loaded from a single Excel workbook Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist).xlsx containing multiple worksheets.

Note: Asset Group is created internally and is not loaded by the data loader.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist) Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use

This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed if using the Checklist to assess criticality.

In order to import data using the ACA Data Loader, Predix Essentials provides an Excel workbook, Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist).xlsx, which supports baseline Asset Criticality Analysis in Predix Essentials. This workbook must be used to perform the data load. You can modify the Excel template to include custom fields used by your organization.

The master Excel workbook contains one worksheet for each node that will be populated in the data model.

The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA Checklist) workbook.

Worksheet Description

AnalysisThis worksheet is used to specify data for import to the Asset Criticality Analysis System family.
AssetThis worksheet is used to specify data for import as Assets related to the ACA Analysis as well as criticality assessment data for each asset.

Each worksheet in the ACA Data Loader Template workbook contains field values that must be mapped to the appropriate Predix Essentials family/field combination. The individual sections in this document specify the source and target fields and relationships required between predecessor and successor.

The list of fields tabulated is not exhaustive. The user can add additional field columns to the worksheets and still perform a successful upload, provided:

  • Column fields are properly mapped within the worksheet
  • Equivalent fields exist in ACA

Analysis Worksheet

On the Analysis worksheet, you will specify the Analysis ID to which you want to link the Assets. The Analysis ID column that appears on this worksheet also appear on the Assets worksheet, and is used to identify the records that will be linked to the analysis.
Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique analysis. You should not include the same analysis more than once.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments

Character (255)

This field is required and must be unique.
System DescriptionMI_ASCRTSYS_SYSTEM_DESCR_TTextA brief description of the analysis.
System IDMI_ASCRTSYS_SYSTEM_ID_CCharacter (50)This field is required and must match an existing Site name.
Note: If you want to set the site reference to be a Global Site Reference, enter the constant ‘*Global*’ in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet.

Asset Worksheet

On the Asset worksheet, you will specify the assets that will be created and linked to an analysis.
Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique Asset. You should not include the same asset more than once to the same analysis.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Asset IDASSET_IDCharacter (255)This field displays the value that identifies the asset.
Asset Field IDASSET_FIELD_IDCharacter (255)This field displays the identification of the field of an asset.
Asset Family IDASSET_FAMILYCharacter (255)This field is populated automatically.
Basis for AssessmentMI_CRIT_CHKLST_BASI_ASSE_TXTextThis field is populated based on the Criticality Checklist of the Site.
Environment ConsequenceMI_CRIT_CHKLST_ENVI_CONS_CHRNumericThis field is populated based on the Criticality Checklist of the Site.
Operations ConsequenceMI_CRIT_CHKLST_OPER_CONS_CHRNumericThis field is populated based on the Criticality Checklist of the Site.
Safety ConsequenceMI_CRIT_CHKLST_SAFE_CONS_SHRNumericThis field is populated based on the Criticality Checklist of the Site.
System IDMI_ASCRTSYS_SYSTEM_ID_CCharacter (255)The System ID must be unique with respect to other systems that belong to the same analysis.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader General Loading Strategy

This section describes any prerequisites to loading the data and the order in which the data will be loaded.

Note: Before reading this section, refer to the Data Model section.


  • The sites to which ACA records are to be assigned have been created.

Load Sequence

Note: If you want to set the site reference to be a Global Site Reference, enter the constant ‘*Global*’ in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet.

The ACA data load must be performed in a specific sequence to successfully populate fields, create records and link them to the predecessor and/or successor records:

  1. Create the ACA Analysis.
  2. Create and link one or more Assets to the ACA Analysis through the Asset Criticality Analysis Has Assets relationship.
  3. Create Criticality records by populating the fields for the Risk Matrix associated with the Site of the Asset. If using a criticality Checklist, then you will create criticality records by populating the fields for the Checklist associated with the Site of the Asset.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use

This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed if using the Risk Matrix to assess criticality.

In order to import data using the ACA Data Loader, Predix Essentials provides an Excel workbook, Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA).xlsx, which supports baseline Asset Criticality Analysis in Predix Essentials. This workbook must be used to perform the data load. You can modify the Excel template to include custom fields used by your organization.

The master Excel workbook contains one worksheet for each node that will be populated in the data model.

The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) workbook.




This worksheet is used to specify data for import to the Asset Criticality Analysis System family.


This worksheet is used to specify data for import as Assets related to the ACA Analysis as well as criticality assessment data for each asset.

Each worksheet in the ACA Data Loader Template workbook contains field values that must be mapped to the appropriate Predix Essentials family/field combination. The individual sections in this document specify the source and target fields and relationships required between predecessor and successor.

The list of fields tabulated is not exhaustive. The user can add additional field columns to the worksheets and still perform a successful upload, provided:

  • Column fields are properly mapped within the worksheet
  • Equivalent fields exist in ACA

Analysis Worksheet

On the Analysis worksheet, you will specify the Analysis ID to which you want link the Assets. The Analysis ID column that appears on this worksheet also appear on the Assets worksheet, and is used to identify the records that will be linked to the analysis.

Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique analysis. You should not include the same analysis more than once.

Field Caption

Field ID

Data Type (Length)


Analysis ID


Character (255)

This field is required and must be unique.

Site Reference NameMI_SITE_NAMECharacter (50)

This field is required and must match an existing Site name.

Note: If you want to set the site reference to be a Global Site Reference, enter the constant ‘*Global*’ in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet.

Analysis Description



This field contains a brief description about the Asset Criticality Analysis.

Asset Worksheet

On the Asset worksheet, you will specify the assets that will be created and linked to analysis.

Note: Each row in this worksheet represents a unique asset. You should not include the same asset more than once to the same analysis.
Note: When you enter N/A in the column for any of the Safety, Environment, Operations, or Financial values in the Data Loader, the associated Unmitigated Risk is set as Not Applicable.
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments

Analysis ID


Character (255)

This field is required and must be unique.

Asset ID


Character (255)

This field displays the value that identifies the Asset.

Asset Family ID


Character (255)

Based on the ID, this field is populates either an Equipment or a Functional Location.
Asset Field IDASSET_FIELD_IDCharacter (30)This field is the ID of the field that is used to identify the Asset.

(ENVIRONMENT) Consequence



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(ENVIRONMENT) Probability



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(ENVIRONMENT) Protection Level



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(ENVIRONMENT) Risk RankENVIRONMENT-RISK_RANKNumericMust be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Consequence



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Maintenance Cost



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Probability



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Production Loss



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Protection level



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(FINANCIAL) Risk RankFINANCIAL-RISK_RANKNumericMust be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(OPERATIONS) consequence



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(OPERATIONS) Probability



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(OPERATIONS) Protection Level



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(OPERATIONS) Risk RankOPERATIONS-RISK_RANKNumericMust be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(SAFETY) Consequence



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(SAFETY) Probability



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(SAFETY) Protection Level



Must be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

(SAFETY) Risk RankSAFETY-RISK_RANKNumericMust be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.
Basis for AssesmentMI_RISKASSE_BASIS_TTextMust be filled based on the risk matrix of the site.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loader Load Verification

About This Task

A successful data import will have the same effect as creating a new Asset Criticality Analysis in Predix Essentials. Following a successful data load, if the data loader created a new asset criticality analysis, it will appear in the Analyses section on the Asset Criticality Analysis Overview page.

A successful import can also be defined as an event in which partial data on a worksheet was loaded into Predix Essentials, and where the user was given appropriate messaging that enabled him or her to identify and correct issues resulting from the import.