Configure Operations Hub Installation in Interactive Mode

This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to continue the Operations Hub installation in interactive mode.

Before you begin

See Install Operations Hub.


  1. On the welcome screen, select Next.
    The license agreement screen appears.
  2. Select the Accept check box and select Next.
    The TCP port check screen appears.
  3. You need to verify whether the ports for Operations Hub are valid. If not, then update the ports as necessary.
    Note: Use care when changing port numbers to avoid conflict with an existing application. Generally, a port number higher than 1023 should be assigned, since ports 0 to1023 are well known ports typically already assigned on Windows systems for different purposes.
    1. Select the Show Details check box.
    2. Review the list of ports used by various components in Operations Hub. If necessary, modify the port numbers.
    3. Select Next.
      The Host Names screen appears.
  4. Update the field values as described in the following table and select Next.
    Points to consider:
    • If Proficy Authentication is already installed, the All Host Names field will be read-only.
    • The first entry in the All Host Names field is automatically the primary host name for Proficy Authentication.
    • Use the drop-down list to select a different primary host name for Operations Hub.
    All Host Names Machine details to access Operations Hub following the install. Choose from:
    • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
    • host name
    • IP address
    • If you want to provide more than one of the aforementioned values, use a comma to separate them.
    • If you want to add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) after completion of the install, the safest way to apply the FQDN is to uninstall without purge, and then reinstall with the FQDN in the Host Names screen.
    Primary Host Name This field remains in a disabled state. It is updated with the first value from All Host Names.
    Operations Hub Host Name If Proficy Authentication and Operations Hub are installed on the same server, you have the option to configure different domain names.

    Select a host name from the Operations Hub Host Name drop-down field, ensuring it is different from the host name used when Proficy Authentication was installed.

    The Proficy Authentication Service screen appears.
  5. You have the option to use either an integrated (OR) an external Proficy Authentication (UAA) service.
    1. To use the UAA service integrated with Operations Hub, update the following field values as described:
      Admin Client ID The client Id to log in to the Proficy Authentication application.
      Admin Client Secret The client secret to log in to the Proficy Authentication application.
      • Client secret should be at least 8 characters, containing at least:
        • one upper case
        • one lower case
        • one numeric
        • one special character
      • Client secret cannot contain the ampersand (&) or percent (%) special characters.
      Re-enter Secret Verifies and confirms the client secret.
    2. To use an external UAA service, select the Use External Proficy Authentication check box. Update the following field values as described:
      Proficy Authentication Base URL URL of Proficy Authentication (UAA) service.
      Admin Client ID ID of the administrator account of the Proficy Authentication client.
      Admin Client Secret Client secret of the administrator account.
      Proficy Authentication certificate file The path to the certificate file used by the Proficy Authentication service.
    3. Optional: Select the Show Advanced Settings check box and update the following field value:
      Proficy Authentication Login Session Timeout Enter the idle time for a login session in minutes. After expiry of the idle time, you must log in to the application again to resume working.
    4. Select Next.
      The Create Tenant Admin Account screen appears.
  6. Update the following tenant admin account field values as described and select Next.
    User Id User ID of the administrator account for Operations Hub. When you provide the tenant user ID, the following conditions apply:
    • If you are installing Operations Hub for the first time, do not provide StudioAdmin as the tenant user ID because it is used by Operations Hub.
    • If you want to use a shared Proficy Authentication to work with Operations Hub, do not provide the user ID of an existing user of the Proficy Authentication instance. If you do so, the installation fails.
    • If you are reinstalling Operations Hub, do not provide the tenant user ID that you previously provided. This is because even if you purged the data while uninstalling Operations Hub, the user account, along with the groups and privileges assigned to the user, still exists in the Proficy Authentication instance.
    Password Password for the administrator account.
    Re-enter Password To confirm, re-enter the password for the administrator account.
    The Select Drive for Programs and Data screen appears. This screen appears only when the host machine has multiple fixed hard drives (step 8).

    If the host machine has only one drive, then the Customize Log Files and Postgres Data Locations screen appears (step 9).

  7. Here, you have the option to specify a different drive for installing Operations Hub.
    1. Select the Customize Install Drive check box and update the following field value:
      Install to This Drive Select a drive from the dropdown list of available fixed hard drives.
    2. Select Next.
  8. Enter the following details, and then select Next.
    1. Specify location path:
      Log Files Base Folder The path to the log files generated by Operations Hub. By default, the value in this field is %ProgramData%\OphubLogs.
      Base Folder for Databases The path to the base folder for the Proficy Authentication, Operations Hub, and WebHMI databases. If you want to use the default folder, leave this field blank. Otherwise, enter the path to the folder that you want to use.
    2. To use different folders for each database, select the Customize database locations individually for subsystems check box. Update the following fields:
      Proficy Authentication Database Folder Enter the database folder that you want to use for Proficy Authentication. If you want to use the default folder, leave this field blank.
      IQP Database Folder Enter the database folder that you want to use for Operations Hub. If you want to use the default folder, leave this field blank.
      WebHMI Database Folder Enter the database folder that you want to use for WebHMI. If you want to use the default folder, leave this field blank.
    3. Select Next.
      The Install Dataflow Editor screen appears (step 10).

      If you want to skip installing Dataflow Editor, then select Next.

  9. Here, you have the option to enable the installation of the Dataflow Editor tool along with Operations Hub.
    1. Select the Install Dataflow Editor check box.
    2. Update the following field values as described:
      HTTP Node Password Password to secure the Dataflow Editor http node.
      Re-enter HTTP Node Password Verifies and confirms the password.
    3. If you want to register Dataflow Editor with Configuration Hub, then select the Register with Configuration Hub check box.
    4. Select Next.
      If you choose to register with Configuration Hub, the Configuration Hub Integration screen appears (step 11).

      If not, then You are ready to install screen appears (step 12).

  10. Update the following field values as described and select Next.
    Base URL Base URL of Configuration Hub container service, such as https://chhost:5000/container-svc/.
    Client Id Identifier of a client that has permission (authority) to register with Configuration Hub.
    Client Secret Client secret that can authenticate the client.
  11. Select Install to start the installation.