Bullet Graph

Use bullet graphs to compare the performance of any two values.

The horizontal bar in a bullet graph represents the actual value, while the vertical line represents the target value. You can add color-coded range limits to visualize the progression status of the actual value to the target value.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

Bullet Graph Properties

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title name for the bullet graph. This name appears at runtime.
Engineering Unit Enter the unit of measurement for values.
Display Engineering Unit On Graph If you select the check box, the specified unit appears next to the horizontal bar that represents the actual value in the graph. Clear the check box to hide the unit.


Use any of these options to specify the target and actual values in the graph:
  • Query: Allows to select a query.
  • Global: Allows to select a global parameter.
  • Manual: Allows manual entry of values.
  • Formula: Allows to create data formulas.

The bullet graph always compares only a single value against the target value. To compare multiple values, create multiple graphs.

When you drag and drop a query on the bullet graph, only the source value field gets updated. By default, the source target is set to 500.

Min Enter the minimum axis value for the graph.
Max Enter the maximum axis value for the graph.
Variant You have an option to use a bar graph instead of the bullet graph.
  • Bullet: The default bullet graph displays a background progress bar.
  • Bar: Displays a single bar graph.
Number Of Decimals Enter the number of decimal places to format actual and target values in the graph. The decimals do not apply to ticks.

For example, enter 1 to round off value to the nearest tenths, 2 to round off value to the nearest hundredths, so on.

Width (px) - 0 equals dynamic Enter the width of the graph in pixels. For example, 600.

If set to 0, the bullet graph widget occupies 100% of its container.

Height (px) - 0 equals dynamic Enter the height of the graph in pixels. For example, 130.
  • Horizontal: This is the default display orientation for the graph.
  • Vertical: If you select a vertical orientation, re-adjust the width and height of the graph.
Display EGU on Axis Ticks Select the check box if you want the engineering unit to appear next to each tick mark value.
Display Axis Ticks On Opposite Side Select the check box if you want the tick marks to appear above the graph.

By default, ticks appear below the graph.

Ticks Choose how to display the tick marks on the graph scale.
  • Dynamic: Dynamically selects the tick mark range to display.
  • Min/Max: Displays only min and max tick mark values.
  • Hidden: Hides the tick marks.
Font Color Select a font color for the graph text.
Color Select a color for the horizontal bar in the graph that represents the actual value.
Target Color Select a color for the vertical line in the graph that represents the target value.
Color Background Select a color to apply as a background for the graph.
Custom Limit(s) Select (+Add Item) to set up custom range limits and add plot bands to your bullet graph. The plot bands appear in the background providing a visual display of performance status.
  1. Choose a Plot Band Option.
    Manual Select this option if you want to enter from and to values to set up a range limit.
    Percentage of Total To set up a range limit, calculates the percentage of the total value (maximum axis value) provided in the bullet graph.
    Percentage of Target To set up a range limit, calculates the percentage of the target value provided in the bullet graph.
  2. Select a unique color to help identify the range in the graph.
  3. Use and to re-arrange the order of the range limits.
The order of the custom range limit impacts the graph. In the example figure, the green band represents the first applied range limit (90 -100 % target) followed by the rest of the range limits as per the order.
In bar variant graphs, whenever the value satisfies a specified range (plot band), the horizontal bar will reflect the color set for that range.
Historian REST Options Use this property to configure Historian REST queries. You can define which index of the result set to use as input data. The default Result Set Index is 0, wherein the widget uses the first tag data from the query result set. Enter 1 to consider the second tag data, 2 for third, so on.

Select the Reverse Sorting Order check box to reverse the query result set. The bottom record value is provided as input to the widget. Clear the check box to provide the top record value as input to the widget.

Hidden Select this check box if you want to hide the plug-in. To show the hidden plug-in in Operations Hub new layout, go to Page Visuals and under Action column, select for the hidden plug-in. See Page Visuals Tab.

Bullet Graph at Runtime