Error Messages

A list of connection errors, their cause, and action to be taken.

These are some of the errors you may encounter when testing a data source connection:

  • Make sure your Operations Hub logged in user matches with the user configured in the CIMPLICITY project or??iFIX node.
  • For inline writes to an iFIX or CIMPLICITY mimic with direct tag bindings, make sure that your??data source matches with that of the CIMPLICITY project or iFIX node name.
Error Message Description
Test Connection Failed - Server not reachable. Cause: The hostname or the IP address of the server is incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct hostname or the IP address.

Test Connection Failed - Security mode or policy not supported. Cause: The selected security policy is not supported by the server.

Action: Select a security policy supported by the server.

Test Connection Failed - Authentication Failed. Cause: The user name or password to login to the sever is incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct user name or password.

Test Connection Failed - Server not trusted. Cause: The server certificate is not trusted by the Operations Hub client.

Action: To trust, access the untrusted server certificate, then select Trust. The server certificate gets copied to the Operations Hub trusted folder.

Test Connection Failed - Server doesn't trust this client. Cause: Operations Hub client certificate is not trusted by the server.

Action: Log in to the server, and add the Operations Hub client certificate to their trusted list.

Test Connection Failed - Certificate Uri is Invalid. Cause: If upgrading from Operations Hub 2.0 to 2.1, you need to revert the changes made to the ServerConfig.xml file.
Action: Follow these steps:
  1. Go to C:\Program Files\GE\Operations hub\BrowseService.
  2. Open ServerConfig.xml and search for:
    <ServerUri>urn:<machine name in capital letters>:proficy:webhmi:dataservices</ServerUri>

    Replace <machine name in capital letters> with [NodeName].

  3. Save and close the XML file.
  4. Go to Operations Hub trusted store C:\ProgramData\GE\Operations Hub\pki\trusted\certs and delete the existing certificate.
  5. Visit your data sources and trust them all over again to reissue the certificate.
Test Connection Failed - Connection limit on OPC UA server exceeded. Cause: You have exceeded the license limitation of clients on this server.

Action: Get a license issued for this client.

Test Connection Failed to connect the opcua endpoint. Cause: The endpoint url could be incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct endpoint URL in this format: opc.tcp://hostname:port.

Test Connection Failed - Fields are not filled properly. Cause: The information to establish a connection is either missing, or invalid.

Action: Enter the correct information.