When you save a favorite in a trend chart,
if you include a special character in the name,
the error message that appears does not specify
the issue. |
DE123967 |
In a trend chart, if you add a tag that is
identical to the one that is already plotted but
the case of the tag name does not match the case
of the tag name in Historian, a straight line
appears in the trend chart. To resolve this issue,
modify the tag name to match the case of the tag
name in Historian. |
DE123833 |
During Operations Hub installation, when you provide
the tenant user ID, the following conditions apply:
- If you are installing Operations Hub
for the first time, do not provide StudioAdmin as the tenant user ID because it
is used by Operations Hub.
- If you want to use a shared UAA to work with Operations Hub, do not provide the user ID
of an existing user of the UAA instance. If you do so, the installation
- If you are installing Operations Hub
after uninstalling it without purge, do not provide a tenant user ID that
matches any previously used user ID (including any previously used tenant ID).
This is because after you uninstall Operations Hub without purge, previous Operations Hub users (along with tenant
administrators, their groups, and privilege assignments) still exist in the
DE123770 |
Some widgets, such as a table, do not work
as expected when used with a REST query. In
particular, features which require additional
queries to fetch more data (such as pagination),
as well as features limiting data (such as row
limits) may not work. |
DE118883 |
When you create a data source, you can
provide a certificate only in the base-64-encoded
format. A DER-encoded certificate is not
supported. |
DE116706 |
Operations Hub uses Kafka, which generates a
large number of logs in the following location:
C:\tmp\kafka-logs\. To avoid consuming too much space for
these logs, we recommend that you periodically delete the logs, especially if the
system has low disk space. |
N/A |
If you encounter intermittent
responsiveness issues with the Operations Hub
runtime environment when using the Safari browser
on your mobile device, it is recommended that you
use the Chrome browser instead. |
DE131011 |
When adding environment variables to
Windows System Variables, be aware that environment variables are case-sensitive. If
your environment variables in Operations Hub
do not match the case of the ones used by the target Historian Server, the data
source will fail when tested. Be sure that you use the same case when configuring
data sources in Operations Hub. A data source
target in Operations Hub should match the
case in the environment variables, as the variables are case-sensitive. |
Historian REST response time increases
exponentially when there are over 30 users logged
into Operations Hub accessing an End app that
utilizes Historian REST queries. |
DE134904 |
When using Safari 13+ on iOS, trend card functionality like adding tags to the
trend, favorites, and annotations perform inconsistently. The workaround is to use
the Chrome browser on the iPad. |
DE136597, DE149433 |
If a Historian data point being trended transitions to a bad quality (such is the case when a collector goes down or loses communications), the trend card displays a flatline for the last known good value. If you experience one or more flatlines in your trends, and all the various requests from the same source, you should check the communication chain for an issue with Historian, a collector, or a SCADA driver, for instance. |
DE138128 |
There are currently some page printing issues. For instance, if you have iframe that spills over to a second page, that can cause an issue. |
DE146462 |
The uaa-provisioning.log file generates in a new folder if the
location path provided during Operations Hub installation contains a space in it.
For example, C:\Custom Logs. |
DE148827 |
An import of an older app containing the Trend widget will not have the Scroll Percentage property available. As a workaround, when upgrading from Operation Hub 1.7 to 2.0, delete the Trend card and then re-add it to your app. |
DE140521 |
When importing an application with plug-ins, if you choose to duplicate instead
of replacing the application, some of the bindings may need to be recreated. See
Import an Application. |
DE149914 |
If the OPC UA test connection fails with a Certificate Uri is Invalid
error, it is possible that the URI specified in the UA SDK session call does not
match with the URI in the certificate. To resolve this,
- Modify the
ServerConfig.xml file (found at
C:\Program Files\GE\Operations hub\BrowseService if
Operations Hub was installed with default location) to do the
following:Replace <ServerUri>urn:[NodeName]:proficy:webhmi:dataservices</ServerUri>
<ServerUri>urn:<machine name in capital letters>:proficy:webhmi:dataservices</ServerUri>
wherein, the node name must be replaced with the Operations Hub server machine
name in capital letters (even if the machine name is in small case or camel
- After modifying the XML file, restart GE Operations Hub UA Browse Service in
your Services console.
DE149878, DE149879 |
If there are several OPC UA data sources in Operations Hub pointing to the same URN, and if one among them is configured incorrectly (for example, an incorrect user name or password), then the data does not flow to the end application. The workaround is to eliminate the data sources with the bad configuration to allow the data to flow. |
DE149674 |
When working with Operations hub, you can open a maximum of 5 browser
tabs. |
N/A |