KPI Benchmarking Analysis
About KPI Benchmarking Analysis
Using the KPI Benchmarking Analysis feature in Operations Performance Management, you can leverage the KPI analytical data to compare the performance of the assets, processes, and plants within an enterprise. This helps you to objectively identify high and low performing assets and take appropriate action to optimize performance across the enterprise.
For example, if your enterprise has multiple plants for which you want to analyze and improve the operational efficiency, you can create multiple KPI analytic to measure the efficiency (for example, throughput, wastage, cost to serve, first time right) and deploy them across your enterprise at various levels such as plants and assets. You can then use KPI Benchmarking Analysis to compare the performance of each plant against a specific KPI. Then, based on your analysis, you can make decisions to improve the efficiency at a plant. Decisions include implementing the best practices of high performing plants in low performing plants, shifting production to high performing plants, and other operational adjustments.
Access a KPI Benchmarking Analysis Template
About This Task
Use Analysis to Perform KPI Benchmarking Analysis
Plot the output tags generated by a KPI analytic using the APM Analysis module.
Before You Begin
- You must be logged in to an OPM tenant with access to the APM Analysis module.
- To plot KPI tags, you must deploy at least one analytic whose Primary Category value is set to KPI in the Spark runtime for the assets that you want to analyze.
- To plot the forecast data for a KPI analytic, the analytic must be configured to write the forecast data to the same output tag that is used to write the observed data for the analytic.
About This Task
- In the page, the charts for the deployments that have been plotted appear. You can hover over the charts to view the details of the data points plotted.
- Above the charts, a legend listing the color associated with each deployment that has been plotted and the name of the plotted deployment appear.
Modify the Colors used for the Plotted Charts
You can customize the charts plotted for the deployment tags by modifying the colors used for plotting the charts.
Remove the Chart for a Plotted Tag
This topic describes how to remove a chart for a plotted tag.
Delete a KPI Benchmarking Analysis Template
Structure of the KPI Browser
The KPI BROWSER section contains a list of KPIs that have been deployed in the selected asset level and in the levels within the selected level. For example, if you selected a site in the Context Browser, then all KPIs deployed in the selected site, in segments within the site, and in the assets within the segments are listed. For each KPI, the hierarchy of assets within the selected level are listed in a tree structure.
- Enterprise
- Site
- Segment or Plant
- Asset
- Segment or Plant
- Site
- Enterprise
For a KPI, the tree structure contains a list of assets only up to the hierarchy level at which an analytic for the KPI is deployed. The hierarchy levels above the listed assets may or may not have a deployed analytic for the KPI. In the KPI Browser, if the icon appears next to the asset name, it indicates that the asset has an associated deployment for the KPI. The
icon next to the asset name indicates that the asset does not have an associated deployment for the KPI and you cannot plot a chart for the asset. You can drill-down the nodes in the tree to navigate to the asset for which you want to plot the chart.
Example Structure of KPI Browser
The following image shows an example of the KPI BROWSER section.

In the example, the selected asset level, Digital WindFarm, is an enterprise. Velocity and ThroughPut are KPIs that have been deployed in one or more asset levels within Digital WindFarm.
For the KPI ThroughPut, the hierarchy of assets is listed up to the asset level. The three assets listed in the tree structure for ThroughPut, indicate that a KPI analytic for ThroughPut has been deployed for these assets. In the levels above the three assets (that is, the plant, site, and enterprise), the plant India-KA-Plant contains an associated KPI analytic deployment. The site and enterprise level assets do not contain an associated deployment for ThroughPut.
For the KPI Velocity, only the assets up to site level are listed, indicating that the segments and assets within Digital WindFarm do not have an associated KPI analytic for the KPI Velocity. The KPI analytic for Velocity has been deployed at the site level. The enterprise asset does not have an associated deployment for Velocity.