Calibration Management: You can now configure the date filters used to display Calibration Tasks in the Calibration Queue section of the Calibration Management Overview page.
Policy Designer: You can now mark API Credentials entries as Private. If marked as Private, only you can access by login in the Policy Designer API node.
Record Manager: You can now export data from a Bulk Data Form or a Master Detail Form to an excel format.
RBI 581:The RBI 581 ISO-Risk Plot now displays the SHE Risk Target and Financial Risk Target lines.
Rounds Pro:
You can now update or delete a Rounds Pro Schedule.
Compliance Tracking System has been added. Using this, you can now analyse the readings, visualize the readings, and query the compliance history to identify the frequently missed readings.
Rounds Pro Mobile App: Rounds Pro mobile app is now available in a language as per your profile settings.
Performance Improvements
Inspection Mangement: Performance has been improved when loading data using either the ui or Inspection Management (IM) Functional Location data loader.
RBI 581: Performance has been improved when loading the Risk Based Inspection Overview workspace.