Configure Identity Provider (IDP) on Active Directory
About Configuring Identity Provider (IDP) on Active Directory
About This Task
You must configure IDP on Active Directory using the Active Directory Federation System (AD FS) Management Console.
Note: The strings and the URLs in AD FS are case-sensitive.
To configure IDP on Active Directory, you must perform the following tasks:
Add Relying Party Trusts
Before You Begin
- You must have administrative privileges to configure AD FS.
- Ensure that the /adfs/Is endpoint exists for SAML v2.0.Note: To add adfs/ls endpoint, refer to the AD FS documentation.
- Ensure that the token encrypting certificates exist.
What To Do Next
Add Claim Rules
Add Certificates
About This Task
Install the Service Provider certificate (sp.pfx)
Export the Public Key Certificate
Copy the Certificate to Active Directory
Install the Token Signing idp.cer Certificate on the Application Server
Federation Service Identifier from ADFS
To get Federation Service Identifier from ADFS.
- Open AD FS management console.
- Select AD FS from left navigation and select ‘Edit Federation Service Properties’ from Actions pane on the right.
- On the Federation Service Properties dialog window, you can find the Federation Service identifier value.
- Navigate to C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\api folder and open saml.json file in a text editor. Update the
Name value with the Federation Service Identifier.