Production Data
Access the Source Data for Production Analysis
Modify Production Analysis Data
- For an analysis that is based on manually entered data, the changes that you make via the Production Data window will be saved for the analysis.
- For an analysis that is based on a query or a dataset:
- The query or dataset will not be modified with the updated data. Additionally, any record returned by the query will not be updated with your changes. The changes will be saved to the analysis only.
- After you modify the data and save the analysis, the modified data will appear each time you open the analysis. If you want to revert to the original data, you can reload the original data to the analysis. In addition, if a query or dataset has changed in the database, you can reload the original data to the analysis in order for your analysis to contain those changes.
Group Production Data
About This Task
When a Production Analysis has been created using fields including Production Output and Date, you can color code the datapoints according to the values in any of those fields.
Consider our example of the bottled water production process. The dataset used to create our Bottled Water Production Analysis contains three columns: Date, Production, and Category. We used the Category field to record the reasons for the Production Output on a given day, such as Equipment Failure, Process Variability, Budgeted Maintenance, and so on. We can use the Group By feature to color code our datapoints for each of these categories.
Ignore Production Output Values
Reload Production Analysis Data
About This Task
When you create and save an analysis that is based on a query or dataset, the APM system saves the data that exists at the time of creation. When you open an existing analysis, changes made to the underlying query or dataset since the analysis was created will not be reflected automatically.
If you want to refresh an analysis to reflect changes to the underlying query or dataset or to load new data that has been added since the analysis was last saved (e.g., the analysis is based on a query that retrieves failures for a piece of equipment or location, and a new failure record has been added to the database), you will need to reload the analysis manually after opening it. When you reload the data, any manual changes made to the analysis data set will be deleted.