General Reference

PLA Data Model

The following diagram shows how the families used in a Production Loss Analysis are related to one another.

Note: In the diagram, boxes represent entity families and arrows represent relationship families that are configured in the baseline database. You can determine the direction of each relationship definition from the direction of the arrow head: the box from which the arrow originates is the predecessor, and the box to which the arrow head points is the successor.

PLA Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI Production Loss Accounting AdministratorMI FE Administrator

Production Loss Accounting Administrator

MI Production Loss Accounting Manager

MI APM Viewer

MI FE Administrator

MI FE PowerUser

Production Loss Accounting Viewer

MI Production Loss Accounting ServiceMI FE Administrator

Production Loss Accounting Service

MI Production Loss Accounting User

MI FE Administrator

MI FE PowerUser

MI FE User

Production Loss Accounting User

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI Production Loss Accounting AdministratorMI Production Loss Accounting ManagerMI Production Loss Accounting ServiceMI Production Loss Accounting User
Entity Families
EquipmentView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Functional LocationViewViewViewView
Impact CodeView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Interface LogView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
OEE CodeView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
ProductView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Production Analysis View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Production DataView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert
Production EventView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete

Production Event Code

View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Production Event TemplateView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Production Long Range PlanView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Production LossView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Production LossesView, Update, Insert, Delete NoneView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Production PlanView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Production TargetView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Xi ReadingNoneNoneViewNone
Xi TagViewNoneViewNone
Relationship Families
Analysis LinkView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete

Caused by Production Event

View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Base Production Event Code View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Child Production Event Code View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView View
Has Impact Code View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Losses View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has OEE Code View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Product View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Has Production Data View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Event View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Event Code View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Event Template View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Long Range Plan View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Plan View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Profile View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Target View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Production Unit View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Reference Documents View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Reliability View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Unit Profile View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Has Work History View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete
Map ImpactCode With OEECodeView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView View
Production Event Has RCA Analysis View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView, Update, Insert, Delete
Is Production Unit View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView
Xi Tag Has Production Event Template View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewViewView


There is one URL route associated with Production Loss Analysis: failure-elimination/pla. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the values that you can specify for each element in the path.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
failure-elimination/pla/dashboard/0: Displays the PLA Overview page.
failure-elimination/pla/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>/0: Displays a new or existing Production Data in the Production Data workspace.
Production Data
[ENTY KEY] Displays specified Production Data in the Production Data workspaceAny numeric Entity Key that corresponds to an existing Production Data.

Opens the specified Production Data in the Production Data workspace.

This value is required to open an existing Production Data from a URL.

0Opens a new Production Data in the Details workspace.
<WorkspaceName> Specifies the workspace in which you want to open the Production Data.dataThe specified Production Data will appear in the Production Data workspace.
Production Plans

failure-elimination/pla/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays an existing Production Plan in the Plan Details workspace.

<WorkspaceName> Specifies the workspace in which you want to open the Production Plan.planThe specified Production Plan will appear in the Plan Details workspace.
Production Events
failure-elimination/pla/0/<WorkspaceName>/<EntityKey>: Displays a new or existing Production Event datasheet in the Production Events workspace.
<WorkspaceName> Specifies the workspace in which you want to open the Production Event.eventdatasheetThe specified Production Event datasheet will appear in the Production Events workspace.
Production Analyses

reliability/production/<EntityKey>/<WorkspaceName>: Displays an existing Production Analysis in the Production Analysis workspace of Reliability Analytics.

<WorkspaceName> Specifies the workspace in which you want to open the Production Analysis.overviewThe specified Production Analysis will appear in the Production Analysis workspace of Reliability Analytics.




Production Data workspace for the Production Data with the Entity Key 64251996077.


Plan Details workspace for the Production Plan with the Entity Key 64253173383.




Production Events workspace for a new Production Event.


Production Events workspace for the Production Event with the Entity Key 64253172211.

reliability/production/64253172209/summary Production Analysis workspace for the Production Analysis with the Entity Key 64253172209 that is displayed in the Analysis Summary section.

PLA System Code Tables

The following table provides a list of the System Code Tables that are used by PLA:

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
MI_IMPACT_CODE_COLOR Impact Code Color Populates the Color list in Impact Code records.
MI_PLA_DATA_FREQ PLA Data Entry Frequency Populates the Data Entry Frequency list in Production Plan records.
MI_PLA_PLAN_BASIS PLA Plan Basis Populates the Plan Basis list in Production Plan records.
MI_PLA_PRODUCTION_MODEL PLA Production Model Populates the Production Model list in Production Plan records.
MI_PLA_RATE_UOM PLA Production Rate UOM Populates the Production Rate UOM list in Production Profile records.
MI_RCA_NeededOptions to indicate whether an RCA is required for the Production EventPopulates the RCA Needed list in Production Event records.
PESTProduction Event Status Populates the Status list in Production Event records.

PLA State Management

PLA uses the standard State Management functionality to manage Production Events and Production Plans. The following baseline states are configured for records in the Production Event and Production Plan family:
  • New/Planning: State of a Production Event and Production Plan that is new, rejected, or reopened.
  • Pending/Approval: State of a Production Event and Production Plan that is submitted for review or resubmitted for review. You cannot modify such a Production Event and Production Plan.
  • Approved: State of a Production Event and Production Plan that is approved. You cannot modify such a Production Event and Production Plan.
  • Complete: State of a Production Plan that is closed. You cannot modify such a Production Plan.
  • Only a user who is assigned to the following Security Roles can change the status of a Production Event and Production Plan from New/Planning to Pending/Approval:
    • Production Loss Accounting Administrator
    • Production Loss Accounting Service
    • Production Loss Accounting User
  • Only a user who is assigned to the following Security Roles can change the status of a Production Event and Production Plan from Pending/Approval to Approved or New/Planning:
    • Production Loss Accounting Administrator
    • Production Loss Accounting Service
  • Only a user who is assigned to the Production Loss Accounting Administrator Security Role can change the status of a Production Event and Production Plan from Approved to New/Planning.
  • Only a user who is assigned to the Production Loss Accounting Administrator Security Role can change the status of a Production Plan from Approved to Complete.
The following diagram shows the workflow of the baseline PLA State Management process for the Production Event family.

The following diagram shows the workflow of the baseline PLA State Management process for the Production Plan family.

PLA Site Filtering

In PLA, the site for the production data is assigned at the unit level (that is, the Production Unit family) and then spread to all related records, such as Production Plan records, Production Loss records, and Production Event records.

Tip: For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

In PLA, users will see only production data that is assigned to their site(s) or production data that is designated as a global record.


Site filtering is not enabled for the following families:

  • Product (MI_PRODUCT)
  • Production Event Code
  • OEE Code
  • Impact OEE Codes

Consider an organization that has three sites, Site X, Site Y, and Site Z. The following Production Unit records exist:

  • Production Unit A: Assigned to Site X
  • Production Unit B: Assigned to Site Y
  • Production Unit C: Assigned to Site Z
  • Production Unit D: No site assigned (global record)
    Tip: For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.

Scenario 1: User assigned to only Site X

This user will see Production Unit A and Production Unit D.

Scenario 2: User assigned to both Site X and Site Y

This user will see Production Units A, B, and D.

Scenario 3: Super User

This user will see Production Units A, B, C, and D.

Important: If a multi-site user, or a Super User, links child records from multiple sites to a parent record designated as Global, another user who does not have access to all sites may only see a portion of the data associated with that record. In the example above, if a child record assigned to Site X and a child record assigned to Site Y are linked to Production Unit D, the Site X user will not be able to see all the records related to Production Unit D.