Connection Status

Working with Connection Status

An OT Source depends on multiple services in order to support its full functionality, and the Connection Status display is intended to allow you to quickly identify any loss of connectivity with your OT Sources.

In order to support subscriptions and Reading requests, the OT Connect Adapter Service must be running and must be able to do the following:
  • Connect to Redis.
  • Connect to ActiveMQ.
  • Connect its Protocol Adapter to the configured Process Historian or OPC Server.

In order to acquire configuration from APM on startup, or support Source Tag Synchronization, the OT Connect Conductor Service must also be running.

The top of the Connection Status page block shows the supported Capabilities and the status of each of these required components

Note: Redis is used to cache the status report, so the entire report will become Stale if the OT Connect Adapter Service is unable to connect to Redis.
Components can show the following three icons:
Available and connected.
Status is stale, but had no issues in the last report.
An issue was found when the status was last reported.
The bottom of the page shows the following information:
  • The status of Tag and Subscription synchronization jobs.
  • How recently Status has been reported.
  • The last time Source Tags were updated by Tag Synchronization.