AdminSet the KPI Timezone PreferenceAbout This TaskYou can set your preferred timezone for a KPI. You can choose between the following options:UTC: The timezone of KPIs will be set to UTC.User Timezone: The timezone of KPIs will be set to the timezone of the logged-in user. ProcedureIn the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Application Settings > Metrics and Scorecards.The KPI Time Preferences page appears.Depending on your preference, select UTC or User Timezone.Select Save.The KPI timezone preference is set.
AdminSet the KPI Timezone PreferenceAbout This TaskYou can set your preferred timezone for a KPI. You can choose between the following options:UTC: The timezone of KPIs will be set to UTC.User Timezone: The timezone of KPIs will be set to the timezone of the logged-in user. ProcedureIn the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Application Settings > Metrics and Scorecards.The KPI Time Preferences page appears.Depending on your preference, select UTC or User Timezone.Select Save.The KPI timezone preference is set.
Set the KPI Timezone PreferenceAbout This TaskYou can set your preferred timezone for a KPI. You can choose between the following options:UTC: The timezone of KPIs will be set to UTC.User Timezone: The timezone of KPIs will be set to the timezone of the logged-in user. ProcedureIn the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Application Settings > Metrics and Scorecards.The KPI Time Preferences page appears.Depending on your preference, select UTC or User Timezone.Select Save.The KPI timezone preference is set.