Asset Hierarchy Configuration

Asset Hierarchy Configuration

APM is built on the premise that, within your company, there are multiple asset records that can be organized into a hierarchy.

The baseline Asset Hierarchy configuration consists of Functional Locations and Equipment records. The highest level of the hierarchy is represented by Functional Location records which appear below the Home level of the hierarchy. Each of these Functional Locations may have any number of levels of child Functional Locations, and Equipment is found at the lowest level of the hierarchy. For example, the top level of Functional Locations might represent different sites within the organization; the second level might represent different areas within each site; the third level might represent specific machines within each area. A location representing a machine could be comprised of three pieces of equipment that make up the machine. In this example, equipment would not be directly related to locations that represent sites or areas; equipment would only be directly related to locations representing machines.

The Asset Hierarchy configuration can be modified to reflect non-baseline asset types and supports multiple relationships between assets, subject to certain constraints.

More Details: Baseline Configuration

In the baseline configuration, there are two levels reflected in the Asset Hierarchy: the Root and a secondary level. The primary level of the Hierarchy, the Root, reflects the relationships between Functional Locations. The second level of the hierarchy reflects the relationships between Equipment and Functional Locations. The hierarchy first displays the Root Functional Location, and drills down to child Functional Locations based on your selections. The hierarchy will continue to do so until there are no child relationships for the selected Functional Location. Then, using the criteria defined in the second level, the hierarchy will display Equipment records related to the selected Functional Location.

The baseline configuration is as follows:

  • Root: The primary level of the hierarchy.
    • Parent Family: Functional Location
    • Relationship: Functional Location Has Functional Location(s)
    • Child Family: Functional Location
    • Parent Priority: 0
    • Display Field: ENTY_ID
    • Taxonomy Category: Taxonomy Category
    • Taxonomy Class: Taxonomy Class
    • Taxonomy Type: Taxonomy Type
  • Secondary Level: The second level of the hierarchy.
    • Parent Family: Functional Location
    • Relationship: Functional Location Has Equipment
    • Child Family: Equipment
    • Parent Priority: 0
    • Display Field: ENTY_ID
    • Taxonomy Category: Taxonomy Category
    • Taxonomy Class: Taxonomy Class
    • Taxonomy Type: Taxonomy Type
Important: Asset records with multiple parent records are not supported in Asset Hierarchy, except when both the following conditions are satisfied:
  • The link to each parent uses a different relationship family.
  • A priority has been defined for each relationship family in the Asset Hierarchy configuration.

Access the Asset Hierarchy Configuration Page


Access the Operations Manager page, and then select Asset Hierarchy Configuration.
The Asset Hierarchy Configuration page appears, displaying the Asset Hierarchy configuration.

Modify the Asset Hierarchy Configuration

About This Task

Note: You only need to modify the Asset Hierarchy if you want to change the baseline configuration.


  1. Access the Asset Hierarchy Configuration page.
  2. In each section, select a value for the following as necessary:
    • Root: Selected for the assets that appear at the highest level of the Asset Hierarchy. Unselected for the assets that appear at lower levels of the Asset Hierarchy.
    • Parent Family: The Entity family of parent assets. The list contains all entity families in the database.
    • Relationship: The Relationship family that links the parent asset family to the child asset family. The list contains the relationship families for the selected parent family.
    • Child Family: The Entity family of child assets. The list contains entity families that are linked to the selected parent family through the selected relationship family.
      Note: The parent family and the child family can be the same if allowed by the selected relationship.
    • Parent Priority: The number that defines which relationship is used to determine the parent record that is displayed in the Asset Hierarchy for a child record with multiple parent records.
      For example, suppose an Equipment record satisfies the following conditions:
      • It is a child to a Functional Location record using the Functional Location Has Equipment relationship family.
      • It is a child to another Equipment record using the Equipment Has Equipment relationship family.
      In this case, if the Equipment Has Equipment relationship family has the highest Parent Priority in the Asset Hierarchy configuration, the Equipment record will be displayed as the child to the parent Equipment record, but not as a child to the Functional Location record.
    • Display Field: The field that contains the value to display as the asset ID in the Asset Hierarchy. The list contains all the fields in the selected Child Family, excluding Long Text fields.
    • Taxonomy Category: The field that contains the value to use as the Taxonomy Category in the Asset Hierarchy filter section. The list contains all the fields in the selected Child Family.
    • Taxonomy Class: The field that contains the value to use as the Taxonomy Class in the Asset Hierarchy filter section. The list contains all the fields in the selected Child Family.
    • Taxonomy Type: The field that contains the value to use as the Taxonomy Type in the Asset Hierarchy filter section. The list contains all the fields in the selected Child Family.
      Tip: In APM, taxonomy refers to the classification systems used for identifying assets. Asset taxonomy is broken down into three sections: Category, Class, and Type.
  3. If you want to add another level to the Asset hierarchy, select , and then configure the settings as described in the previous step.
  4. If you want to remove a level from the Asset Hierarchy, select Delete.
    Note: You cannot delete the Root section.
  5. To save the changes, select .
    The changes are saved and an Asset Hierarchy rebuild is scheduled. The changes are applied and are reflected on the Assets page when the build is complete. Select to view the latest build status.

Schedule an Asset Hierarchy Rebuild

About This Task

You can schedule an Asset Hierarchy rebuild to occur on a one-time or recurring basis. When you schedule the rebuild, the Asset Hierarchy is rebuilt based on the schedule. If you have scheduled jobs to import asset data from an external system, we recommend that you schedule the Asset Hierarchy to rebuild when the imports are complete. Otherwise, the Asset Hierarchy will be rebuilt every time a record in an entity or relationship family in the Asset Hierarchy is created, updated, or deleted..

For information on scheduling a job, refer to Schedule a Job.


  1. In the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Operations Manager > Asset Hierarchy Configuration.
  2. Select the Enable Schedule check box.
    A message appears, stating that the schedule configuration is not found.
  3. Select .
    The Edit Schedule window appears.
  4. Provide values in the available fields.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the Asset Hierarchy Configuration page, select Save.
    The Asset Hierarchy rebuild is scheduled.

Configure the Asset Hierarchy Display

About This Task

By default, the Asset Hierarchy displays 500 assets at any given level, or in the list of search results. You can configure the number of assets to be displayed from 100 to 2500 assets.
Note: You may experience longer times to display the hierarchy if you select a higher number.


  1. In the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Operations Manager > Asset Hierarchy Configuration.
  2. In the Asset Hierarchy Browser Configuration section, enter the number of assets to be displayed.
  3. Select .
    The configuration is saved.