360 View
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now specify a Graph or Query catalog item in the Content Path field of a 360 View Tab Config record, and the selected item will be displayed as a Graph, Query, or Map in the 360 View. To facilitate this enhancement, the Query Type field has been added to the 360 View Config Tab family, with valid picklist values Query and Map. If you specify Query Type as Map, the Query results will be displayed in the 360 View using the Maps visualization. The query that you specify in this case must conform to the requirements of the Maps module. | 281869 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if you configured an Associated Pages link that used field values from the asset record as parameters, there was no response when you selected the Associated Pages link from the More Options menu in 360 View. This issue has been resolved. | 570502 |
Previously, when you selected a favorite asset in the 360 View, then removed the same asset from the favorites list, the Asset Hierarchy failed to reload and you could not select a different asset. This condition persisted even if you logged out of APM and logged in again. This issue has been resolved. | 503201 |
Asset Criticality Analysis
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to add an asset to an existing Asset Criticality Analysis using Asset Hierarchy, the performance was impacted. This issue has been resolved. Now, Asset Finder functionality is used in this workflow; as a result, the performance has improved. | 518505 |
Previously, when you imported data into APM using the Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) Data Loaders, the culture of the user loading the data was not considered for numeric values. This issue has been resolved. | 357847 |
Previously, when Risk Matrix was configured to show alias, if risk assessment was entered using the data loader, a few of the risk assessment values were not updated correctly. This issue has been resolved. | 242474 |
Asset Strategy Implementation
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if you were a Super User, you could not view Asset Strategy Implementation in the Applications menu. This issue has been resolved. | 546304 |
Previously, the Actions section in the ASI Overview page timed out. This issue has been resolved. | 528165 |
Previously, when you imported data into APM using the ASI Data Loader, the culture of the user loading the data was not considered for numeric values. This issue has been resolved. | 357847 |
Previously, when accessing ASI Packages that contained exactly 25 work management items, if you scrolled through the work management items, the system performed an infinite scroll. This issue has been resolved. | 291594 |
Asset Health Manager
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, the filters on the Asset Health Overview page were not retained if you navigated away from the page. This issue has been resolved. | 84202 |
Previously, when you selected an Asset Group in the Asset Health Summary page, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 83900 |
Asset Strategy Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, activation of an Asset Strategy or an Asset Strategy Template took longer than expected. This issue has been resolved. | 548677 |
Previously, when you attempted to look up an asset when creating a new Asset Strategy or apply an Asset Strategy Template, the performance was impacted. This issue has been resolved. Now, Asset Finder functionality is used in these workflows; as a result, the performance has improved. | 518505 |
Previously, when you imported data into APM using the Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Data Loaders, the culture of the user loading the data was not considered for numeric values. This issue has been resolved. | 357847 |
Calibration Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
When you create a Functional Test Template detail record, the value that you enter in the Expected Response field is now validated according to the selected Response Type. | 166826 |
Compliance Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to modify the catalog query, Public\Meridium\Modules\Inspection\Review Queries\Open Inspections for Bulk Review , the query was corrupted, and did not update as expected. This issue has been resolved. | 290408 |
Data Loaders
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to import data using Family Data Loader, if the same Key field values existed then duplicate records were created instead of updating the existing one. This issue has been resolved. | 541489 |
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to add an asset to an FMEA, the performance was impacted. This issue has been resolved. Now, Asset Finder functionality is used in this workflow; as a result, the performance has improved. | 518505 |
Previously, when you imported data into APM using the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Data Loaders, the culture of the user loading the data was not considered for numeric values. This issue has been resolved. | 357847 |
Previously, when you attempted to promote Recommended Actions to Asset Strategy Management, an error occurred. This issue occurred because the policy used for field mappings did not work as expected. This issue has been resolved. | 350881 |
Family Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now configure the behavior of a field to display the Asset Finder. | 148940 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if you changed the field caption of a character field, the field length was changed to the default value of 50 in the user interface. This issue has been resolved. Now, if you change the field caption, the field length does not change automatically. | 542568 |
Previously, in a PostgreSQL datasource, if you changed the field length of a character field that was propagated to child families, the length was not updated although the metadata was updated. This issue has been resolved. In addition, you can no longer change the field length by accessing the child family. | 397862 |
Family Policies
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now configure the Email Contact node to send a plain text email. | 519204 |
You can now enter values for the original value and the current entity value in the text box added, for validation of the Field Value Changing Condition node, when added in a Before Update family policy. | 367694 |
To enhance usability and simplify entity value comparison, a new input node named Previous Entity has been added in the Before Update family policy. | 367691 |
You can now configure the behavior of a field to display the Asset Finder. | 148940 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when the output from an Email node was a CSV file, for a record with multi-line text, the text spilled to the next line in the exported CSV file instead of showing in a single line. This issue has been resolved. | 546036 |
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, the session timeout was interpreted in hours instead of minutes. This issue has been resolved. Now, the session timeout is accurately calculated in minutes. | 566537 |
Hazard Analysis
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to create a LOPA from Hazards Analysis Consequence that has an unmitigated risk assigned to it, then a blank screen appeared. This issue has been resolved. | 556390 |
Import and Export
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to import files that contained Field Behaviors with Query option having Literal values, then Field Behaviors metadata were imported incorrectly. This issue has been resolved. | 285239 |
Inspection Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now view related records for Inspection Tasks within the Inspection Task page. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes have been made:
| 264264 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, in a Thickness Measurement Location, the Material Grade field was not populated based on the Material Specification, the Design Code and the Code Year fields. This issue has been resolved. | 541393 |
Previously, in the Inspection Details section, after modifying a checklist finding, if you switched tabs, the changes were not retained. This issue has been resolved. | 531219 |
Previously, in the IM Admin Preferences page, when mapping the status of an Inspection or Inspection Recommendation to a corresponding state, there was performance issue and a large amount of memory was consumed by the application server. This issue has been resolved. | 529565 |
Previously, when the database had a custom inspection family and the Event Family Name field was not derived from the parent Inspection Family, the state management control on the Inspection Details failed to load. This issue has been resolved. | 407811 |
Policy Designer
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when the output from an Email node was a CSV file, for a record with multi-line text, the text spilled to the next line in the exported CSV file instead of showing in a single line. This issue has been resolved. | 546036 |
Previously, when you attempted to delete a Case node that was copied and pasted, the Policy Designer page became unresponsive. This issue has been resolved. | 172677 |
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
A new meta-SQL function, String_Agg , has been introduced that concatenates string values and places separator values between them. This separator is not added at the end of concatenated string. | 280932 |
To enhance performance, the View Query page is no longer refreshed when you switch between pages. You must select the Run button (![]() | 541947 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if you configured picklist behavior in a query, but the query did not contain a prompt, an error occurred when you executed the query. This issue has been resolved. | 533657 |
Previously, if a query contained a DateAdd function with a prompt and a default value, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 531643 |
Previously, if a subquery contained special characters in the alias, and if the same column was used in the SELECT condition, an error occurred when you filtered the query results. This issue has been resolved. | 532767 |
Previously, when you attempted to run a query that contained the MI_SM_STATE_ID_C field from a join query, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 532764 |
Previously, when you ran a query in formatted mode, the results displayed for date values were not formatted. This issue has been resolved. | 562652 |
Previously, in the Results workspace, when you selected the search icon (![]() | 562651 |
Previously, if a query contained the ORDER BY command on a field that was not included in the SELECT list, when you filtered the query results, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 504018 |
Previously, in the Advanced section of the Expression Builder window, if you selected an incorrect data type for default prompt values, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 367892 |
Previously, when you attempted to create a query containing the COUNT function with *, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. | 159788 |
Description | Tracking ID |
If you configure a date-time field to use the RCF1123 date format behavior, and if you include that field in a formatted query, the date is displayed in English, regardless of your language preference. | 571424 |
Production Loss Analysis
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, on the PLA Administrator page, in the Codes workspace, the baseline Production Event Codes did not appear in the Event Codes section. As a result, when setting up a new commercial event, you could not select any Production Event Code. However, in Units workspace, when you selected a unit, you could view the linked Event Codes. This issue has been resolved. | 542171 |
Previously, for a user with a European culture setting, Production Plan date values were displayed in the dd/mm/yyyy format. This issue has been resolved. Now, the date value is displayed in the mm/dd/yyyy format. | 537009 |
Record Manager
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can provide the base URL in the conditionalAlertBaseURL parameter in the C:\ProgramData\Meridium\appsettings.Global.json file for the following types of APM configuration:
| 503491 |
To support future planned features, the Document Metadata (MI_REF_DOCUMENTS_METADATA_C) field has been added to the Reference Document family. | 350699 |
You can now configure a datasheet to open in a separate window using the specified datasheet. To facilitate this enhancement, you can now use the hyperlink format !datasheet-dialog/<family key>/<entity key>?datasheetID=<Datasheet ID> . | 282039 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if the Require a specific user to be assigned to a state check box was selected for a state, and if the list contained a large number of Security Users, the performance of the state management control was impacted. This issue has been resolved. | 555206 |
Previously, if a picklist that was dependent on another field in a datasheet contained more than 1000 items, you could not scroll to the end of the list. This issue has been resolved. | 550481 |
Previously, the operations in State Management were not sorted as per the operation ID. This issue has been resolved. | 547965 |
Previously, in a Bulk Data Form, when you selected values in a drop-down list box for a multi-value field, a null value was added in the list in addition to the values you selected. This issue has been resolved. | 542918 |
Previously, when you printed a datasheet, the formatting of the content was incorrect. This issue has been resolved. | 243139 |
Description | Tracking ID |
If a field is configured with a picklist containing more than 1000 items, when the field is displayed in a Bulk Data Form or in the Detail section of a Master Detail datasheet, you can select only the first 1000 items. Workaround: To modify records with fields that contain picklists with more than 1000 items, use the tabular or custom datasheet in Record Manager. | 569973 |
If a field is configured with a picklist containing more than 1000 items, picklist items are continuously loaded when you scroll to the end of the list or search for a value that was not initially displayed. In this case, when you select an item from the picklist and then save the record, you can no longer scroll or search the picklist to select an item that was not initially displayed. Workaround: You can select a different value from the picklist, and then place your cursor outside the field. When you select the field again, you can scroll or search to select any item from the picklist. | 569388 |
If you enable the Asset Finder window behavior for a field in combination with conditional Disabled behavior, for example, using the Is Not Null condition to disable the field after you select an asset, the field is never disabled. | 547982 |
When you change the Site of an existing record, the Site Key is not updated until you save the record. As a result, if you change the Site of a record, and then open the Asset Finder window, the assets that you can select do not match the Site of the record. To mitigate this issue, save the record immediately after changing the Site. | 546296 |
Reliability Analytics
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
To enhance performance, when running a scenario in System Reliability, you can now set a simulation time limit. The simulation runs for the specified time limit before initiating a timeout. To facilitate this enhancement, a new field named Simulation Time Limit has been added to the System Analysis family. | 520086 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, in a System Reliability Analysis, when you edited the Distribution Type in the TTF Distribution datasheet, an error occurred when you saved the record. This issue has been resolved. | 566272 |
Previously, in Reliability Distribution, when you attempted to modify any chart, incorrect data was displayed. This issue has been resolved. | 503400 |
Reliability Centered Maintenance
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when you attempted to add an asset to an RCM Analysis, the performance was impacted. This issue has been resolved. Now, Asset Finder functionality is used in this workflow; as a result, the performance has improved. | 518505 |
Previously, when you imported data into APM using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Data Loaders, the culture of the user loading the data was not considered for numeric values. This issue has been resolved. | 357847 |
Previously, when you attempted to promote Recommended Actions to Asset Strategy Management, an error occurred. This issue occurred because the policy used for field mappings did not work as expected. This issue has been resolved. | 350881 |
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
When you refresh a report, the report is now redeployed to the SQL Server Report Server (SSRS) and then the newly deployed report appears. | 520373 |
Description | Tracking ID |
For some reports, the formatting in the reports preview is incorrect. Workaround: Add the list of reports whose formatting you want to fix in the | 285352 |
Risk Based Inspection
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
RBI 580 and RBI 581
Description | Tracking ID |
To improve the performance of the RBI Process Unit workspace, the RBI tree has been optimized to load the first 500 RBI Assets or Corrosion Loops linked to the Process Unit. To view additional records, you can select the Load More Assets or Load More Corrosion Loop option that appears at the bottom of the tree. | 547120 |
You can now view Risk by Degradation Mechanism from the RBI Asset Overview page. To facilitate this enhancement, a new section, Degradation Mechanism Risk Overview, has been added to the RBI Asset workspace and will display the results of one of the following new catalog items:
| 365606 |
To improve usability, you can now navigate to the Asset Health Manager module for an asset from the RBI Asset Overview and RBI Inspection Plan workspace. To facilitate this enhancement, a new hyperlink, Asset Health Manager, has been added to the Asset Info Summary. | 365092 |
You can now view the RBI Component associated with an Inspection Confidence Evaluation when accessing the Inspection History of a Degradation Mechanism. | 261532 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, the performance was slow when loading the RBI Analysis page if the page contained calculated analyses from the RBI Asset or the Corrosion Loop workspace. This issue has been resolved. To facilitate this fix, the queries related to the risk assessment of an RBI Analysis have been optimized. This issue has been resolved. | 541386 |
Previously, the Degradation Mechanism field in a Potential Degradation Mechanism record was not set as a required field. As a result, if you did not enter a value in the field, you could not complete the RBI workflow. This issue has been resolved. To facilitate this fix, the Degradation Mechanism field is a required field. | 504194 |
Previously, you could not modify Alternative Inspection Plans if an Inspection Task linked to a child Inspection Plan Detail record was deleted. This issue has been resolved. Now, when an Inspection Task is deleted, the Inspection Task check box for related Inspection Plan Detail records is cleared and the parent Alternative Inspection Plan can be edited. | 504055 |
Previously, in the Recommended Actions pane in the Inspection Plan page, when you selected the link in the Source box for a consolidated Recommendation, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. Now, when you select the source hyperlink, you are navigated to the RBI Asset of the consolidated Recommendation. | 357461 |
RBI 581
Description | Tracking ID |
The Asset Outage Multiplier field in the RBI 581 Consequence Evaluation family has been updated to Outage Multiplier. | 365256 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when calculating an RBI 581 Risk Analysis with a 581-Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion Damage Mechanism, if the Selected Base Material Corrosion Rate field was set to Calculated and the AST Pad field was set to Continuous Concrete, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved. The RBI 581 Risk Analysis is now calculated successfully. In addition, a validation message has been added when the Operating Temperature is blank for a 581-Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion Degradation Mechanism Evaluation when the Selected Base Material Corrosion field contains the value Calculated. Note: This change will impact the calculation of the calculated corrosion rate for a 581-Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion Degradation Mechanism. | 417362 |
Root Cause Analysis
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
In the Cause Details section in the RCA Overview page, the Cause Type column did not display the cause type. This issue has been resolved. | 569193 |
Rounds Pro
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now create and update records in bulk using the new Rounds Pro Step Readings Data Loader. The Data Loader uses the baseline Rounds Pro data model to create Step Readings and link them with the other records used in Rounds Pro. Using the Data Loader, you can create and update Step Readings records for a Route Instance. | 366327 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when attempting to assign a user or team to a Route Master, not all the active users and teams were visible. This issue has been resolved. Now, all active users and teams will be displayed. | 290493 |
Security Manager
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
To enable exporting a query to a file and to support scheduled export a baseline Security Group, Security Group for Query Export has been assigned to the following Security Roles:
| 280212 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, if a security group contained an inactive user, you could not modify the security group details. This issue has been resolved. | 541343 |
Previously, when you searched for a Security Group, the Home option did not appear after you selected a Security Group from the search results. This issue has been resolved. | 363160 |
SIS Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
You can now modify a SIS Proof Test Template when it is only in the Development state. In addition, the State Assignments options now appear in the upper-right corner of the page instead of inside the datasheet. | 539473 |
To improve usability, you can no longer modify an SIS Trip Report if it is in the completed state. In addition, the State Assignments options now appear in the upper-right corner of the page instead of inside the datasheet. | 84017 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, when importing an .exp file, if one of the loops fails due to a configuration issue, the entire import failed. This issue has been resolved. Now, if there is an issue with a loop, that specific loop is skipped for import, and this data is captured in a log file. | 530237 |
State Management
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, in a custom family, if Hide State Transition Control was enabled, it was not propagated to the child families. This issue has been resolved. | 533629 |
Thickness Monitoring
This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module in this version.
Description | Tracking ID |
When using the piping rotation workflow, you can now add piping bands of 36 and 48 positions to piping components. Note: When using piping bands of 36 or 48 positions, you can manage the TMLs in the same way as would do for other piping components and bands. However, the capability to rotate or flip the component is not supported. | 541744 |
You can now set the result grid column preferences for the following workspaces and sections:
To facilitate this enhancement, Advanced Settings is enabled for the result grid. The column preferences set on these result grids are saved as user preferences for the logged in user. | 350600 |
Description | Tracking ID |
Previously, in the Measurements section of a TML, the grid was not sorted correctly by the measurement taken date values. This issue occurred only if you used a culture other than English (United States). This issue has been resolved. | 537210 |