Rounds Designer Upgrade

Upgrade or Update Rounds to V5.

Upgrade Steps

The following table provides you the reference to procedures to upgrade from an earlier APM version to the latest version.

Upgrade from Upgrade to Procedure
V4.6.2 or a later V4.6.x releaseV5.
  1. Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
  2. Upgrade from any version V5. through V5.
V4.6.1.x or earlierV5.
  1. Upgrade from any version V4.6.1.x or earlier to V4. or a later V4.6.x release
  2. Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
  3. Upgrade from any version V5. through V5.
Note: For more information on upgrading to APM V4. or a later V4.6.x release, refer to the Upgrade documentation for the corresponding version.

Upgrade from any version V5. through V5.

This module will be upgraded to V5. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

Upgrade from any version V5. through V5.

This module will be upgraded to V5. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V5. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

1Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
2Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
3Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

4As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000032427.
5Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000032623.

Upgrade Steps for Lubrication

If you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database, complete these steps.


  • Complete the following steps prior to upgrading your database:
    Table 1. Pre-Upgrade Steps
    1Review the values in the Manufacturer field in Lubricant records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value “ABC Company” and others contain “A B C Company” to refer to the same manufacturer, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of manufacturers in alphabetical order, to review the values:
            "Lubricant Manufacturer" FROM [MI_LUBRICANT] ORDER BY [MI_LUBRICANT].[MI_LUBRICANT_MFR_C]
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubricant Manufacturer record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Manufacturer field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the value will be replaced with a reference to the corresponding Lubricant Manufacturer record).

    2Review the values in the Priority field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "High" and others contain "Hihg" to refer to the same level of priority, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of priority values in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new entry in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY will be added during the upgrade for each value in the Priority field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading.

    3Review the values in the Component field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "Bearing" and others contain "Bearings" to refer to the component, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of components in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Component record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Component field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading (and the Component Type field will be updated with a reference to the corresponding Lubrication Component record).

    4Review the values in the Method field in Lubricant records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "Grease Gun" and others contain "greasegun" to refer to the method, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of methods in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Method record will be created during the upgrade for each unique value in the Method field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the Method field will be deprecated). In addition, the new Method Type field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated with the Entity Key of the corresponding Lubrication Method record.

    5Review the values in the Capacity Unit of Measure field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches. Then, ensure that each value matches exactly the system code Description value for an entry in the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table. If a corresponding entry does not exist, and you want to use the value in your upgraded database, add an entry.
    Important: You can add an entry directly to the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table or you can add a reference to an entry in the global UOME System Code Table. However, do not add a given value to the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table using both methods.
    Tip: You can use the following queries, which return a list of Capacity Unit of Measure values in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    • Lubrication Requirement records:
                  DISTINCT [MI_LUBR_REQ].[MI_LUBR_REQ_CAPTY_UOM_C] "Capacity Unit of Measure" FROM
                  [MI_LUBR_REQ].[MI_LUBR_REQ_CAPTY_UOM_C] Asc
    • Lubrication Requirement Template records:
                  "Capacity Unit of Measure" FROM [MI_LR_TMPLT] WHERE
                  [MI_LR_TMPLT].[MI_LR_TMPLT_CAPTY_UOM_C] Asc
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because the new Capacity Unit of Measure field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated automatically with a reference to the unit of measure that corresponds to the value in the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field.

    If the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field contains a value that does not correspond to an entry in the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table, no value will be added to the new field.

  • Complete the following steps after upgrading your database:
    Table 2. Post-Upgrade Steps
    1Confirm that appropriate the Lubricant Manufacturer records were created. Add or remove records as necessary.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubricant Manufacturer records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubricant Manufacturer record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Manufacturer field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the value will be replaced with a reference to the corresponding Lubricant Manufacturer record).

    2Confirm that appropriate entries were created in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY.
    • Access the System Codes and Tables page to confirm the entries.
    • For more information, refer the System Codes and Tables documentation.
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new entry in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY will be added during the upgrade for each value in the Priority field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading.

    3Confirm that appropriate entries were created in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubrication Component records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Component record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Component field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading (and the Component Type field will be updated with a reference to the corresponding Lubrication Component record).

    4Confirm that appropriate Lubrication Method records were created. Add or remove records as necessary.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubrication Method records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Method record will be created during the upgrade for each unique value in the Method field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the Method field will be deprecated). In addition, the new Method Type field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated with the Entity Key of the corresponding Lubrication Method record.

    5For all Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records that contained a value in the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field, confirm that the new Capacity Unit of Measure field contains a reference to the corresponding unit of measure.
    Tip: You can use the following queries to locate records where the deprecated field contains a value, but the new field does not.
    • Lubrication Requirement records:
    • Lubrication Requirement Template records:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because the new Capacity Unit of Measure field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated automatically with a reference to the unit of measure that corresponds to the value in the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field.

    If the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field contains a value that does not correspond to an entry in the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table, no value will be added to the new field.

Grant Data Permissions to the Everyone Group


  1. In the Applications menu, navigate to ADMIN > Configuration Manager > Data Permissions.
  2. Select the Site Reference family.
    The workspace for the Site Reference family appears, displaying a list of assigned Security Users and Groups for the family.
  3. Select .
    The Assign Groups window appears.
  4. In the list, select the Everyone group, and then select Update.
    The Everyone group is assigned to the family and appears in the workspace.
  5. On the row containing the Everyone group, select the View check box.
  6. Select .
    The Everyone group is granted permission to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.