Getting Started

Getting Started

This API is subject to all requirements and constraints of the existing WebApi endpoints, specifically, authentication, authorization, localization, globalization, and serialization.
  • Family Key is required for each call.
  • Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) are required content for Insert (POST) and Update (PUT) API calls. They are returned for the Retrieve (GET) calls. You must maintain an array of Family DTOs to provide referential data for each call to the API.
  • This API provides option to retrieve. The API does not support search. You can, however, use the Query execution.
  • Entity Id is not required to be unique in APM. When you retrieve by the Entity Id, an array is returned.
  • Entity Key or Relationship Key must be zero for Insert.
  • You must retrieve an entity before updating the entity.
    • Fields on relationships were obsoleted prior to 4.0. You can update a relationship only if you want to change legacy relationships which have fields.
    • Entity Key or Relationship Key cannot be zero for Update.
  • If you delete an entity, any relationship the entity has is also deleted. The related entities, however, do not change.
    • Deleting a relationship does not change the related entities.
    • Entity Key or Relationship Key cannot be zero for Delete.
  • PUT and POST methods will always have a required request content, a DTO, depending on whether it is an entity or relationship.
  • The HTTP DELETE verb supports a request content, but this API does not.