Global Resources

About Global Resources

Global Resources are optional components in an Asset Strategy Optimization Analysis that represents physical parts or materials, such as spare bearings or seals, or human resources, such as mechanics or technicians, that you may want to use within the analysis.

Associating a Resource with an Action or Risk will create a System Resource Usage record, which is linked to the appropriate System Action or System Risk record, which will store information that specifies how the resource will be used (for example, the quantity and duration).

Search for Resources


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the Resources tab.
    The Resources section appears.
  3. Select .
    In the grid, filter boxes appear.
  4. In the appropriate filter boxes, enter search information.
    Your results appear.

Add a New Resource


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the Resources tab.
    The Resources section appears.
  3. In the Resources section, select .
    The Add New Resource Usage datasheet appears.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    Your new resource is created. To return to the Resources section, select .

Import Resources


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the Resources tab.
    The Resources section appears.
  3. Select .
    The Resource Finder window appears.
  4. In the list of resources, select the check box next to each resource that you want to import.
  5. Select Import.
    A message appears, notifying you of the import status. When the import is finished, a message appears, confirming that the import is successful.

Modify Resources


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the Resources tab.
    The Resources section appears.
  3. Select the resource that you want to modify.
    The resource is highlighted.
  4. Select .
    The Add new Resource Usage datasheet appears.
  5. As needed, modify the available fields.
  6. Select .
    A message appears, confirming that the resource was modified. To return to the Resources section, select .

Delete Resources


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select the Resources tab.
    The Resources section appears.
  3. Select the resource that you would like to delete.
    The resource is highlighted.
  4. Select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the resource.
  5. Select OK.
    A message appears, confirming that the delete was successful.