Schematic View

About Schematic View

Schematic View is a feature of the Thickness Monitoring (TM) module in APM that allows you to plot Thickness Measurement Locations (TML) over a Schematic Image. It provides additional physicality of TMLs within APM in relation to their location in a physical space and adds visual and contextual awareness of your asset's health.

Supported File Types

Schematic View allows you to use the following Reference Document formats as the Schematic Image:
  • PNG Image (.png)
  • JPG/JPEG Image (.jpg, .jpeg)
  • PDF Document (.pdf)
    Note: Only the first page of a provided PDF will be used in the resulting Schematic Image.
  • DWG Drawing (.dwg)
  • SVG Image (.svg)

About Schematic Image Adapting to Updated Source Reference Document

When you select a Source Reference Document for a Schematic View, a mirror copy is created and stored within APM (referred to as the Schematic Image in subsequent documentation). Each time you navigate to the Schematic View, APM identifies whether the Source Reference Document is modified, if so, a new Schematic Image is generated from the Source Reference Document and displayed within the Schematic View.

If the Source Reference Document is moved or deleted, a new Schematic Image cannot be generated. However, the existing Schematic Image displays within the Schematic View with a warning that the Source Reference Document is not available.
Note: If the Source Reference Document is not accessible, APM attempts to retrieve it for up to 30 seconds before it loads the Schematic View with the existing Schematic Image. If the Source Reference Documents are moved or are missing, the Schematic View may take longer to load. For more information on how to replace the Source Reference Document, refer to the Swap a Schematic Image section of the documentation.

Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have the Mechanical Integrity 2D Visualization License enabled, Mechanical Integrity 2D Visualization User role applied to your user account, and have linked one or more Reference Documents to the target asset or TML Group.
Tip: For more information, refer to the Manage Reference Documents section of the Record Manager module for additional options when working with reference documents.
Note: The Schematic View section displays only if you have the Mechanical Integrity 2D Visualization License enabled and the Mechanical Integrity 2D Visualization User role applied to your user account.


  1. Access the Analysis Overview Workspace for the asset or TML Group that you want to use in the Schematic View.
  2. Select the Schematic View tab.
  3. Select Select Reference Document.
    The Select Reference Document window appears with the list of available/compatible reference documents.
  4. Select the reference document that you want to use as the Schematic Source Reference Document.
  5. Select Done.
    The Schematic View is displayed.
    Note: After selecting the Source Reference Document, the Reference Document is saved for subsequent navigations to the Schematic View section.

Plot a TML in the Schematic View

About This Task

This topic describes how to plot a Thickness Measurement Location (TML) onto the Schematic Image within the Schematic View. You can plot more than one TMLs on a Schematic Image to represent the TML in physical space.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select in the Schematic View workspace.
    The Schematic View sidebar appears.
  3. Select the desired TML from the tree.
  4. Select the location within the Schematic Image for the TML you want to plot.
    The selected TML is plotted on the Schematic Image (represented by the TML’s corresponding Health Indicator icon).
    Note: The Health Indicator icons are the color-coding categories for the Thickness Measurement Location (TML) or Thickness Measurement. For more information on Health Indicator icons, refer to the About Color-Coding section of the documentation.

Unplot a TML in the Schematic View

About This Task

This topic describes how to remove a previously plotted Thickness Measurement Location (TML) from the Schematic Image within the Schematic View.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select in the Schematic View workspace.
    The Schematic View sidebar appears.
  3. Locate the desired TML in the tree, which you want to unplot from the Schematic Image.
  4. Select from the desired TML row.
    The plotted TML will no longer be visible on the Schematic Image.

Replot a TML in the Schematic View

About This Task

This topic describes how to replot a previously plotted Thickness Measurement Location (TML) from the Schematic Image within the Schematic View.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select in the Schematic View workspace.
    The Schematic View sidebar appears.
  3. Locate and select the desired TML in the tree that you want to replot within the Schematic View.
  4. Select a new location within the Schematic Image where you want to replot the selected TML.
    The selected TML is plotted on the Schematic Image in a new location.

Search a TML in the Schematic Sidebar

About This Task

This topic describes how to search for a specific TML within the tree located in the Schematic sidebar.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select in the Schematic View workspace.
    The Schematic View sidebar appears.
  3. Select the Search box within the Schematic View sidebar.
  4. Enter the needed characters in the Search box to search for a specific TML.
    The Schematic View sidebar filters to Asset, TML Groups, and TMLs, and displays the searched term.
    Note: TMLs can be plotted or unplotted from the filtered Schematic View sidebar.

Open a TML Pop-Up in the Schematic View

About This Task

This topic describes how to open a TML pop-up for a previously plotted Thickness Measurement Location (TML) from the Schematic Image within the Schematic View.
The TML pop-up contains the following TML attributes:
  • Asset ID
  • Minimum Thickness
  • Last Thickness Measurement Date
  • Last Thickness Measurement
  • Corrosion Rate


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select the desired TML Health Indicator icon on the Schematic Image for which you want to open the TML pop-up.
    The TML pop-up is displayed on the Schematic Image.
    Note: To close the pop-up, perform one of the following actions:
    • Select outside of the pop-up on the Schematic Image.
    • Select the same TML Health Indicator icon.
    • Select another TML Health Indicator icon.
    • Plot another TML onto the Schematic Image.
    • Unplot the corresponding TML.
    • Navigate away from the Schematic View.

Delete Plotted TMLs on a Schematic Image

About This Task

This topic describes how to delete all previously plotted TMLs from a Schematic Image within the Schematic View.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select Delete Mapping.
    The Confirm Delete window appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the plotted TMLs.
  3. Select Yes.
    The plotted TMLs are deleted from the Schematic Image.

Swap a Schematic Image

About This Task

This topic describes how to change the Source Reference Document for a Schematic View, after you have already selected a Source Reference Document.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select Swap Image.
    The list of available/compatible reference documents are displayed in the Select Reference Document window.
  3. Select the reference document that you want to use as the Schematic Source Reference Document.
  4. Select Done.
    The Schematic Image representing the newly selected Source Reference Document is displayed.
    Note: The Swap Image functionality deletes all existing plotted TMLs on the Schematic Image.

Download a Schematic Image

About This Task

This topic describes how to download a copy of the Schematic Image (as it fits in the browser window), including all plotted TMLs, labels, and open TML pop-ups.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select .
    The Schematic Image is downloaded in PNG format to the local computer.

Turn TML Label Visibility On or Off

About This Task

Each TML plotted on the Schematic Image has a label below the TML Health Indicator icon, containing the TML ID template of the plotted TML. You can turn the TML labels ON or Off using the Show Labels check box.


  1. Access the Thickness Monitoring Schematic View.
  2. Select the Show Labels check box.
    The TML labels are visible on the Schematic Image.
    Note: You can turn the TML labels off by clearing the Show Labels check box.