RCM Analyses

Access an Analysis


  1. Access the RCM Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    A list of analyses available in the database appear.
  3. In the Analysis Name column, select the link for the analysis that you want to view.
    In a new page, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears.

    The pane contains a hierarchy of functions included in the selected analysis. When you select a function, you will be able to view the hierarchy of the function failures within the selected function.

Create a New RCM Analysis


  1. Access the RCM Overview page.
  2. In the page, select Create New Analysis.
    In a new tab, the New RCM Analysis page appears, displaying the Analysis Details section of the datasheet for the new analysis.
  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  4. Select .
    The new analysis is created.

Create an Analysis from a Template


  1. Access the RCM Overview page, and then select the Templates tab.
    The list of templates appears.
  2. Select the line in the grid containing the template from which you want to create an analysis, and then select .

    The Apply Template Builder window appears.

  3. Select Next.

    The Review Assets screen appears.

  4. Select Select Replacements.

    The Asset Finder window appears.

  5. Select beside the assets that you want to add to the template, and then select Done.
    Note: You are only able to add assets that have the same site assignment as the analysis you are creating.

    The Select Asset Replacements screen appears displaying the assets you newly added.

  6. Select Next.

    The Asset Replacement screen appears, displaying available failure modes for the template.

  7. Using the Asset Assignment drop-down lists, select how you want to replace each previous template asset, and then select Finish.

    The new analysis is created from the template.

Modify an RCM Analysis


  1. Access the analysis that you want to modify.
    In a new page, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears.
  2. Select Analysis Details section.
  3. Select Datasheet.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The changes to your analysis have been saved.

Copy and Paste Nodes in an Analysis or Template


  1. Access an Analysis if you want to copy analysis nodes.


    Access a Template if you want to copy template nodes.

    In a new page, the workspace for the selected analysis or template appears.

  2. In the pane, select the node that you want to copy.
    The is enabled.
  3. Select .
    A menu appears.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Copy Selected Node: Copies only the selected node without any of the related records attached.
    • Copy Selected Node and Related Records: Copies the selected node as well as all related child records of that node.

      A message appears, confirming that the node has been copied.

  5. Select the node where you want to place the copied node.
    The is enabled.
  6. Select .
    The copied node is pasted.

Promote an RCM Analysis to Strategy

About This Task

Promoting an RCM analysis to an ASM strategy creates risks and actions in a new strategy from corresponding failure effects and Recommended Actions in an RCM analysis, respectively. Additionally, when you make subsequent changes to the original RCM analysis, you can also promote those changes to the strategy.


  1. Access an Analysis.
  2. In the workspace, select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to promote all of the pending Recommended Actions to ASM.
  3. Select Yes.
    A progress indicator appears. Once the process is complete, the date and time of the last promotion appears.
    Note: If the process cannot be completed, an error message appears.

Use State Controls in RCM Analyses


  1. Access the analysis that you want to modify.
    In a new page, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears.
  2. Select .
    The state control menu appears.
  3. Select Complete.
    The Complete action is highlighted.
  4. Select Done.
    The analysis is now in the Complete state.

Delete an RCM Analysis


  1. Access the RCM Overview page, and then select the Analyses tab.
    The list of analyses appears.
  2. In the list of analyses, highlight the line containing the analysis that you want to delete, and then select .
    A message appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the analysis.
  3. Select Yes.
    The analysis is deleted.
    Note: You can also delete the analysis using the delete button () while viewing the analysis that you want to delete.

Export an RCM Analysis


  1. Access the RCM Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses.
  3. Select the check box next to the analyses that you want to export.
    The selected analyses are highlighted.
  4. Select , and then select Export.
    The Export to a File window appears.
  5. In the Please provide a File Name box, enter a name for the file.
  6. Select Export.
    The Jobs Log page appears, displaying a list of jobs in progress, including the export job that you have initiated just now. After the analyses are exported to an Excel workbook, the job appears in the Successful section.
    • You can also export an analysis by accessing the analysis.
    • All Secondary Actions associated with the RCM analysis are also exported.

Access a Reference Document


  1. Access the analysis whose reference documents you want to access.
  2. In the workspace, select the Reference Documents tab.

    The Reference Documents section appears, displaying a list of reference documents.

    Tip: For more information, refer to the Manage Reference Documents section of the Record Manager module for additional options when working with reference documents.

Delete a Reference Document

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have Reference Documents already attached to your RCM analysis.


  1. Access the RCM Overview page, and then select the Analyses tab.
    The list of analyses appears.
  2. Select the analysis for which you want to search reference documents.
    In a new tab, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears.
  3. Select the Reference Documents tab.
    The Reference Documents section appears.
  4. Select the Reference Document that you want to delete, and then select .
    A window appears, asking if you want to delete the entity.
  5. Select Yes.
    Your reference document has been deleted.
    Tip: For more information, refer to the Manage Reference Documents section of the Record Manager module for additional options when working with reference documents.

Access an Asset


  1. Access the analysis whose assets you want to access.
    In a new page, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears.
  2. Select Analysis Details section.
  3. Select Linked Assets.
  4. In the pane, select the asset that you want to access.
    The list of assets associated with the analysis are listed.

Filter RCM Analyses by Asset

About This Task

APM features asset-centric navigation. To filter strategies by asset, please follow the instructions below.


  1. Access the RCM Overview page, and then select the Analyses tab.
    The list of analyses appears.
  2. In the page, select .

    The Enter Parameter Values window appears.

  3. In the Asset field, select Home.

    The Hierarchy window appears.

  4. Filter the assets. You can search through both Hierarchy and Groups by selecting the tabs in the window.
    • Using the Hierarchy, you can navigate to the smallest level of asset. You can also select Search to find assets not connected to a strategy.
    • Using the Hierarchy, if you select , it will allow you to filter by Category, Class, and Type.
    • Using the Groups, if you select , it will allow you to search by Relationship and Hierarchy Filter.
  5. When you are finished filtering the assets, select Done.
    The Asset box is populated with the name of the selected asset.

Access a Template


  1. Access the RCM Overview page.
  2. In the workspace, select the Templates tab.
    The Templates section appears, displaying a list of Templates.
  3. Select the Template that you want to access.
    The template workspace for the selected template appears.

Create a Template


  1. Access the RCM Overview page.
  2. In the page, select New Template.
    The Template Builder window appears.
  3. Select Next.

    The Select Template Type screen appears.

  4. Select the template type you want to apply, and then select Next.
    The Define Root Node screen appears.
  5. As needed, enter values in the available fields, and then select Next.
    The Define Template screen appears.
  6. As needed, enter values in the available fields, and then select Finish.
    The new Template is added.

Save an RCM Analysis as a Template


  1. Access the analysis which you want to save as a template.
  2. In the workspace, select , and select Save as Template.
    The RCM Template window appears.
  3. As needed, modify the values in the available fields.
  4. Select .
    The analysis is saved as a template.

Use the Apply Template Builder

Before You Begin

  • The template with which you are creating a new Analysis must be associated with at least one RCM FMEA Asset record.
  • Link assets to the analysis.


  1. Access the analysis.
  2. In the workspace, select , and select Apply Template.
    The Apply Template Builder window appears.
  3. Select Next.
    The Select Template screen appears.
  4. Select the template that you want to apply, and then select Next.
    The Asset Assignment screen appears, displaying the Asset Assignment drop-down list box. This field contains the assets that you linked in the Linked Assets section of the analysis.
  5. In the Asset Assignment drop-down list box, select the asset that you want to associate with the failure mode, and then select Finish.
    The selected template is applied to the analysis and will be listed in the Analysis pane at the analysis level (Function, Functional Failure, or Failure Mode) that you selected.
    Note: All Secondary Actions from the template are also applied to the analysis.

Promote an RCM Template to ASM

About This Task

Promoting an RCM analysis template to an ASM template creates risks and actions in a new strategy template from corresponding failure effects and Recommended Actions in an RCM template, respectively. Additionally, when you make subsequent changes to the original RCM template, you can also promote those changes to the strategy template.


  1. Access a Template that you want to promote to ASM.
    Note: You can promote only Global templates to ASM.
  2. In the workspace, select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to promote all of the pending Recommended Actions to ASM.
  3. Select Yes.
    A progress indicator appears. Once the process is complete, the date and time of the last promotion appears.
    Note: If the process cannot be completed, an error message appears. All the Secondary Actions are also promoted from RCM to ASM.

Export an RCM Analysis Template


  1. Access the Reliability Centered Maintenance overview page.
  2. Select the Templates tab.
    The Templates section appears, displaying a list of available templates.
  3. Select , and then select Export.
    The Export to a File window appears.
  4. In the Please provide a File Name box, enter a name for the file.
  5. Select Export.
    The Jobs Log page appears, displaying a list of jobs in progress, including the export job that you have initiated just now. After the templates are exported to an Excel workbook, the job appears in the Successful section.
    Tip: You can also export a template by accessing the template.

Run Reports in RCM


  1. Access the RCM Overview page, and then select the Analyses tab.
    The list of analyses appears.
  2. Select the analysis in which you want to run a report.
    In a new tab, the Analysis workspace for the selected analysis appears, displaying the Analysis section.
  3. Select Analysis Details section.
  4. Select the Reports tab.
    The Reports workspace appears.
  5. Select the report that you want to run.
    On a new page, the report opens and runs.
    Note: Any report that is placed in the Public\Meridium\Modules\RCM\Analysis catalog folder will be shown in the list of reports. As long as the report uses the parameter ID of Entity_Key, the key of the analysis will be passed into the report automatically.