Family Field Descriptions

Compliance Policy Mapping Records

The Compliance Policy Mapping family stores information related to the Compliance policy that is mapped to the Compliance Strategy Template.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Compliance Policy Mapping family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
FamilyCharacterDefines the asset entity family to be mapped to the policy.This field is required.

This field is disabled and populated with the value of the asset family from Compliance Strategy Template records.

FK_COTE_HM_COST_T_COPO_M_NCharacterThe Foreign Key field that is used to relate the mapping to the Compliance Strategy Template. This field is disabled.

This field does not appear in the datasheet.

Policy NodeCharacterDefines the policy input node into which the defined entity will be mapped.This field is user-defined.

This field contains the node name of the input node in the mapped policy.

Template IDCharacterStores the Template ID to which the mapping is related.This field is populated with the Strategy Template ID field value.
Template CategoryCharacterStores the Template Category to which the mapping record is related.This field is populated with the Strategy Template Category field value.This field does not appear in the datasheet.

Compliance Recommendation Records

The Compliance Recommendation family stores details related to Compliance Recommendations.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Compliance Recommendation family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Applicable RegulationCharacter (255)Stores the regulation type that is applicable to a task.This field is populated from the Asset Technical Data. It contains a list of regulations which are linked to a task. This field is populated with a description of system codes stored in MI_INTGY_REGULATION system code table. This field is always disabled.
CertificationCharacter (255)Stores the certification value. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box and contains a list of system codes that exist in the MI_COMPLIANCE_STANDARDS system code table. In baseline, the Certification field populates the values which are referenced by MI_INTGY_REGULATION system code table. By default, it shows ZUS and BP.
ChamberCharacter (255)Stores information about the type of chamber.This field contains a list of system codes that exist in the MI_CHAMBER system code table. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
Note: The values are copied from Asset Technical Data.
CommentsCharacter (255)Stores the reason that a Compliance Recommendation is marked as Not Required.When a Compliance Recommendation is marked Not Required, this field stores the reason that is entered by the user.

This field is disabled when the Compliance Recommendation is in the Implemented state.

Damage MechanismCharacter (50) Stores the Damage Mechanism from the Compliance Strategy record.This field is disabled.
Inspection Strategy IDCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the Compliance Strategy record that generated the recommendation.This field is disabled.
Recommendation IDCharacter (255)The unique ID assigned to the recommendation. This field is populated automatically by business rules.

This field is disabled.

Recommended Interval ScopeNumeric (Months)Stores the Interval Scope value from the Compliance Strategy record.This field is disabled when the Compliance Recommendation is in the Implemented state.
Recommended Inspection ScopeTextStores the Inspection Scope from the Compliance Strategy record.This field is disabled when the Compliance Recommendation is in the Implemented state.
SourceCharacterStores the entity key of the source Compliance Strategy Template.This field is populated with the Compliance Strategy Template name.

This field is disabled.

Task TypeCharacter (50)Stores the Task Type from the Compliance Strategy record.This field is disabled when the Compliance Recommendation is in the Implemented state.

Compliance Strategy Records

The Compliance Strategy family stores information related to a compliance-based regulation or specification. The Compliance Strategy ID of these records are returned by policies to create Compliance Recommendations when creating or updating an Inspection Plan.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Compliance Strategy family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Compliance Strategy DescriptionCharacterStores the description of the Compliance Strategy record.This value in this field is user-defined.
Compliance Strategy IDCharacterStores the ID of the Compliance Strategy record.The value in this field must be unique.

This field is required.

This field is disabled after saving.

Degradation MechanismCharacterStores the Degradation Mechanism associated with the Compliance Strategy record.This field is populated by the MI_DEGRADATION_MECHANISM_TYPES system code table.
Inspection Task TypeCharacterStores the Task Type of the Tasks contained in the Compliance Strategy record.This field is populated by a list of values from the Task Type ID field of the Task Types family where the reference field is INSPECTION_STRATEGY.
Recommendation Inspection IntervalNumeric (Months)Stores the Inspection Interval of the Compliance Strategy Record.This field can be overridden by the user.
Recommended Inspection ScopeTextStores the Inspection Scope of the Compliance Strategy record.None

Compliance Strategy Template Records

The Compliance Strategy Template family stores information related to Compliance Strategy Templates that are created by the user. When linked to an asset, these records indicate which policy to execute to generate an Inspection Plan.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Compliance Strategy Template family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Asset FamilyCharacterLists families that are included in the Asset Has Compliance Template relationship. This field is populated by a list of families that are included in the Asset Has Compliance Template relationship. The value in this field is used to enforce asset records that are linked to that template.

When a new record is created, this field is enabled. When the record is saved, this field is disabled.

Asset Lookup QueryCharacterStores the catalog path for the query to look up assets. This field is disabled and populated automatically when you select a catalog query for a Compliance Strategy Template.
CategoryCharacterStores the name of the compliance category. This field is populated by a list of all available Compliance Strategy Template Categories. Users can add new categories using the Add Caption field.

After the user saves the Compliance Strategy Template, this field is disabled.

This field is required.

DescriptionTextContains the user-defined description for a Compliance Strategy Template. By default, this field does not contain a value.

Optionally, you can enter a value in this field.

NameCharacterDefines the name of a specific template.This field is required. This field is populated by the user-defined name of the Compliance Strategy Template. The value in this field must be unique.
Policy NameCharacterContains the name of the policy that is selected for the strategy.This field is required.

This field is populated by a list of all available policies in APM. The value in this field is the policy name of the selected policy record.

Policy LinkCharacterContains the text "View Policy".This field is formatted to provide the hyperlink that navigates to the Policy Designer page for the selected policy.

Inspection Plan Records

The Inspection Plan family stores details of Inspection Plans. This family stores the states of recommendations that are on the Inspection Plans.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Inspection Plan family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
MI_SM_STATE_ENTERED_DDateStores the date of the Inspection Plan state change.This field is populated automatically.
MI_SM_STATE_ID_CCharacterStores the ID of the current state of the Inspection Plan.This field is populated automatically.
MI_SM_STATE_KEY_NNumericStores the key of the current state of the Inspection Plan.This field is populated automatically.
MI_SM_STATE_OWNER_ID_CCharacterStores the ID of the user who has been assigned to the state.This field is populated only if a user assigns the state to another user.

Inspection Plan States

The following values are used to define the states of Inspection Plans.

State IDCaptionInitial State?

Inspection Plan State Operations

The following operations can be performed on Inspection Plans to change the states.

Operation IDCaptionPredecessor StateSuccessor StateIs Reserved

Inspection Plan Revision Records

The Inspection Plan Revision family stores information regarding revisions of Inspection Plan.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Inspection Plan Revision family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Basis for RevisionTextStores the text that is entered by the user when updating an Approved Inspection Plan.This field is populated by entering a reason for Revision in the dialog box that appears when updating an Inspection Plan that is in the Approved state.

This field is disabled in the datasheet.

FK_HAIN_PR_INPL_INPL_R_NCharacterForeign Key field that stores the entity key of the Inspection Plan,This field is disabled.

This field does not appear in the datasheet.

Revised ByCharacterStores the entity key of the user who modified the Inspection Plan.This field is populated by the name of the user who modified the Inspection Plan. This field is disabled.
Revision DateDateStores the Revision Date of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
RBI DateDateStores the RBI Date of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
Plan DateDateStores the Plan Date of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
Inspection Plan IDCharacterStores the Inspection Plan ID of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
RBI Risk CategoryCharacterStores the RBI Risk Category of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
CommentsTextStores the Comments of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
Unanalyzed RBI DataFlagStores the Unanalyzed RBI Data of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
Asset InfoTextStores the Asset Info value of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.
RBI Driving ComponentTextStores the RBI Driving Component value of the Inspection Plan.This field is disabled.

Suggested Compliance Templates Records

The Suggested Compliance Template family stores information related to assets and their suggested Compliance Strategy Templates.

The table below provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Suggested Compliance Templates family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Asset KeyCharacterThe entity key of an asset for which Compliance Strategy Templates are suggested.This field does not appear in the datasheet.
Suggested Template KeyCharacterThe entity key of the suggested Compliance Strategy Template.This field does not appear in the datasheet.

Recommendation Revision Records

The Recommendation Revision family stores information from the related RBI and Compliance Recommendation records and their related Inspection Tasks. These records store information when an Inspection Plan that is in the Approved state is moved to the Modified state.

This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Recommendation Revision family and appear in the Recommendation Revision datasheet unless otherwise specified. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData Type DescriptionBehavior and Usage
Damage MechanismCharacter (50)Stores the Damage Mechanism of the original Recommendation.This field is disabled.
Inspection Strategy IDCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the Inspection Strategy record from which the original Recommendation was generated.This field is disabled.
Inspection Task TypeCharacter (255)Stores the Task Type from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Non Recurring?BooleanIndicates whether the Recommendation is to recur.This field is disabled.
RBI Recommendation MethodologyCharacter (255)Indicates the methodology used to create the Recommendation.
  • For RBI Recommendations, the value in this field can be RBI 580 or RBI 581.
  • For Compliance, the value in this field is set to the name of the Compliance Strategy Template.
Recommendation IDCharacter (255)Indicates the unique ID that is assigned to the Recommendation. This field is populated by automatically by business rules.

This field is disabled.

Recommended Inspection ScopeTextStores the Inspection Scope that populated the original Recommendation. This field is disabled.
StateCharacter (255)Stores the State ID of the original Recommendation.This field is populated by the caption of the state.

The field is disabled and does not appear in the datasheet.

Task DescriptionTextStores the description from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Desired IntervalNumericStores the Desired Interval field value from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Desired Interval BasisCharacter (1000)Stores the Desired Interval Basis from the related Inspection Task.The value in this field is the description of the corresponding system code from the INSM System Code Table.

The field is disabled.

Task Desired Interval UOMCharacter (50)Stores the Desired Interval UOM from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task DetailsTextStores the details from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task IDCharacter (255)Stores the Task ID from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Last DateDateStores the Last Date from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Override IntervalBooleanStores the Override Interval from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task Next DateDateStores the Next Date from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.
Task ReoccurringBooleanStores the Reoccurring flag value from the related Inspection Task.This field is disabled.

Asset Technical Data Records

Asset Technical Data records store asset-related information required for certification calculation. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Asset Technical Data family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

Note: You can access the Asset Technical Data datasheet for any asset using the Search () button.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Applicable RegulationCharacter (255)Stores the regulation type that is applicable to an asset.This field is populated with a list of regulations to be linked to an asset. This field is populated with a description of system codes stored in MI_INTGY_REGULATION system code table.

For European Inspection Management, Applicable Regulation is listed as an European Inspection Regulation.

This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Steam Boiler
  • Piping
Asset IDCharacter (255)Stores the ID of an asset. This field is populated with the Equipment Record ID or with the Functional Location ID.
Asset TypeCharacter (255)Stores the type of asset.This field is populated with descriptions of the system codes that are stored in the MI_INTGY_ASSET_TYPE system code table. This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Steam Boiler
  • Piping
CertificationCharacter (255)Stores the certification value.The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box and contains a list of system codes that exist in the MI_COMPLIANCE_STANDARDS system code table. In baseline, the Certification field populates the values which are referenced by MI_INTGY_REGULATION system code table. By default, it shows ZUS and BP.
ChamberCharacter (255)Stores information about the type of chamber.This field contains a list of system codes that exist in the MI_CHAMBER system code table. You can choose from the baseline values. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box. Refer to the System Code Table for details regarding the type of chamber.
CryogenicBooleanMentions whether the asset is operated under cryogenic conditions.This field records additional information regarding the asset. Select the checkbox if the asset operates under the cryogenic conditions.
External AccessBooleanMentions whether the physical access for the asset is available externally.This field records additional information regarding the asset. Select the checkbox if external access is available for the asset inspection.
FluidCharacter (255)Specifies the name of the fluid which is stored within an asset.This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Piping
Fluid GroupCharacter (255)Stores the fluid group.This field is populated automatically when you select a fluid. The Fluid Group is Group 1 or Group 2.
Fluid PhaseCharacter (255)Specifies the fluid phase.This field is populated with relevant values from a drop-down list box when you select a fluid. The values in this field exist in the system code table. The Fluid Phase is liquid or gas.
Fluid TypeCharacter (255)Stores the fluid type.This field is populated automatically when you select a fluid. The Fluid Type is Flammable or Combustible.
InsulatedBooleanMentions whether the asset is insulated.This field can be used to record additional information about the asset. Select the check box if the asset is insulated.
Internal AccessBooleanMentions whether internal access is available for an asset.This field can be used to record additional information about the asset. Select the check box if internal access is available to inspect an asset.
Internal FillingBooleanMentions whether the fluid is filled internally.This field can be used to record additional information about the asset. Select the check box if the asset is filled internally.
Internal Inspection AccessBooleanMentions whether an asset is inspected internally.This field can be used to record additional information about the asset. Select the check box if there is access available to inspect an asset internally.
Nominal ThicknessNumericSpecifies the manufactured or the estimated thickness used as a base measurement.This field is populated automatically based on a specified piping nominal diameter value and schedule.
Operating PressureNumericSpecifies the pressure of an asset during normal operation. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.The value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet.
Operating TemperatureNumericSpecifies the temperature of an asset during a normal operation. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.The value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet.
Operational Start DateDateMentions the operational start date for an asset.Select for the Operation start date.
Outer DiameterNumericSpecifies the diameter of a piping asset from the outer wall surface. It is measured in inches.This field is populated automatically based on a specified Piping Nominal Diameter value and Schedule.

This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the Asset Type Piping.

Override CertificationBooleanSpecifies whether the calculated certification is to be overridden.If you select the Override Certification checkbox, you can override the certification field, and then select the value for the Override Certification field from a drop-down list box.
PDNNumericMentions the value of Protected Pressure x Outer Diameter. It is measured in inches.This field is populated automatically from the multiplication of Protected Pressure and Outer Diameter.
Piping Nominal Diameter - DNNumericSpecifies a nominal diameter for piping. It is measured in inches.This field populates Piping Nominal Diameter as per ISO specifications. The values in Piping Nominal Diameter field is populated by a drop-down list box. This field will be disabled if Piping is not selected as the Asset Type. When a value is selected for the Piping Nominal Diameter - NPS or the Piping Nominal Diameter - DN fields:
  • A list of possible values are generated for the Schedule field.
  • After a value is selected for the Schedule field, the Pipe Properties reference table populates the Nominal Thickness and the Outside Diameter fields.
Piping Nominal Diameter - NPSNumericSpecifies a nominal pipe size for piping. It is measured in inches.The field populates Piping Nominal Diameter according to the ASME specifications. The values in the Piping Nominal Diameter field will be populated by a drop-down list box. This field will be disabled if Piping is not selected as the Asset Type. When a value is selected for the Piping Nominal Diameter - NPS or the Piping Nominal Diameter - DN fields:
  • A list of possible values is generated for the Schedule field
  • After a value is selected for the Schedule field, the Pipe Properties reference table populates the Nominal Thickness and the Outside Diameter fields.
Protected PressureNumericStores the protected pressure of the asset. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.Value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet. This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Steam Boiler
  • Piping
PVNumericMentions the value of Protected Pressure x Volume. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.This field is populated automatically from the multiplication of Protected Pressure and Volume.
ScheduleCharacter (255)Specifies the schedule number corresponding to the wall thickness of the pipe.When a value is selected for either the Piping Nominal Diameter - NPS or the Piping Nominal Diameter - DN fields, a list of possible values is generated for the Schedule field in a drop-down list box. This field will be disabled and blank if Asset Type is not selected as Piping.
VolumeNumericSpecifies the amount of fluid stored within an asset. It is measured in Gallons.The value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet. Value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet. This field is required to calculate certification requirements for the asset of the following types:
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Simple Pressure Vessel
  • Steam Boiler

Fluid Data Records

Fluid Data records store fluid-related information required for the certification calculation. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Fluid Data family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

CategoryCharacter (255)Stores the fluid category list according to Table - F.This field contains a list of system codes which exist in the MI_INTGY_FLUID_CTGY system code table. The values in this field are populated from a drop-down list box.
DescriptionCharacter (255)Stores the fluid description.This field is populated automatically from the selected fluid name.
Flash PointNumericStores the flash point of the fluid.The value for this field can be specified manually using the datasheet.
GroupCharacter (255)Specifies the fluid group according to Table - F.This field is populated automatically according to the rules in Table - F. This field contains a list of system codes that exist in MI_INTGY_FLUID_GROUP system code table.
Maximum Permissible TemperatureNumericStores the maximum permissible temperature of the fluid. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit. Specify the value for this field manually using the datasheet.
NameCharacter (255)Stores the name of the fluid.This field contains a list of system codes that exist in the MI_INTGY_FLUID_NAME system code table. You can choose from the baseline values, populated from a drop-down list box.
TypeCharacter (255)Stores the type of fluid.This field contains a list of system codes that exist in the FLUID TYPES system code table. The fluid type is Combustible or Flammable.

Mechanical Integrity Mapping Records

Mechanical Integrity Mapping records store details related to mapping Mechanical Integrity records to other Mechanical Integrity records. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Mechanical Integrity Mapping family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

ReferenceCharacter (255)Specifies the reference to the system code.This field stores the references of a mapping record which exist in the MI_MAPPING_REFERENCE system code table.
Source FamilyCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the family from which it is mapped.This field contains the ID of the source family from which it is mapped.
Source FieldCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the field from which it is mapped.This field contains the ID of the source field from which it is mapped.
Target FamilyCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the target family from which it is mapped.This field contains the target ID of the family to which it is mapped.
Target FieldCharacter (255)Stores the ID of the target field from which it is mapped.This field contains the target ID of the family to which it is mapped.

Inspection Summary Reference Records

Inspection Summary Reference records store inspection related information required for generating an Inspection Summary Reference record. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Inspection Summary Reference family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Inspection CategoryCharacterStores the Inspection Category required for generating a report for the EU Inspection Report datasheet.This field is populated with a list of inspection categories to be linked to an asset. This field is populated with the description of system codes stored in the MI_EN_DOC_CTGY system code table.
Inspection InstructionCharacter Stores Inspection Instruction required for generating a report for the EU Inspection Report datasheet.

This field is populated with a list of Inspection instructions to be linked to an asset. This field is populated with the description of system codes stored in the EU_INSP_INST system code table.

Inspection SummaryTextStores the summary of observations that the Inspector enters for a European Inspection Event.In the EU Inspection report, based on the values selected in the Inspection Category and Inspection Instruction boxes, the summary will be auto populated with the value entered in this field.

European Admin Settings Records

European Admin Settings records store site-specific Compliance related information required for generating a European inspection task. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the European Admin Settings family. The information in the table reflects the type and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
SiteCharacter (255)User defines the site that should have the values specified in Compliance Window and Inspection Documentation Window when a new Inspection Task is created for an asset belonging to the site. The user can access only those sites that he has the access.This field contains a list of sites that are available to the user, setting up the European Admin Settings. This is a required field.
Note: After a record is created for a site, you cannot create another record for the same site.
Applicable Regulation Character (255) Stores the regulation type that is applicable to a task.This field is populated with a list of regulations to be linked to a task. This field is populated with a description of system codes stored in MI_INTGY_REGULATION system code table. This field is always disabled.
Compliance WindowNumericStores the value for Compliance Window in months.This field stores the duration in months and is copied to the Inspection Task when a new Inspection Task is created. The value for this field is specified manually.
Inspection Documentation WindowNumericStores the value for Inspection Documentation Window. The UOM is measured in Months.This field stores the duration in months is copied to the Inspection Task when a new Inspection Task is created. The value for this field is specified manually.