ASO Global Events in a Scenario

About Global Events in a Scenario

A Global Event is an optional component of a Scenario that groups together Actions requiring a shutdown so that they will be performed at the same time, thereby maximizing availability. Global Events may be either date-driven or Action-driven.

A Global Event is an optional component of an Asset Strategy Optimization Scenario that groups together Actions requiring a system shutdown so that they will be performed at the same time, thereby maximizing the availability of the system.

When you create a Global Event, you select Actions that may be rescheduled and performed as part of the Global Event. The execution of the selected Actions is called a Global Event. To be performed with the Global Event, Actions must occur during the time period defined by the Max Delay and Max Advance values in the System Global Event record. Actions assigned to the Global Event that are performed outside of this time period will not be included in the Global Event, and their occurrence is not affected by the occurrence of the Global Event. The next occurrence of any recurring Actions that have been rescheduled and performed as part of a Global Event will be performed according to the values in the Interval and Interval Units fields in the Asset Strategy Optimization Action record.

Search for Global Events


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Global Events tab.
    The Global Events section appears.
  3. Select .
    In the grid, filter boxes appear.
  4. In the filter box for any column, enter search information.
    Your results appear.

Add Global Events


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Global Events tab.
    The Global Events workspace appears.
  3. In the Global Events section, select .
    The New Global Event datasheet appears.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    Your new global event is added. To return to your analysis, select .

Align Actions in ASM


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Global Events tab.
    The Global Events workspace appears.
  3. In the Global Events section, in the grid, select the global event you want to align.
    The selected global event is highlighted.
  4. Select Show Actions to Align.
    The Align Actions subsection appears.
  5. Select Add/Edit Actions.
    The Actions grid appears with available Actions listed on the left.
  6. In the Select Actions From grid, select the check box next to each action that you want to assign to your global event.
    The actions are highlighted.
  7. Select .
    A message appears, confirming the actions were moved, and the actions appear in the Selected Actions grid.
  8. When finished, select to return to the Global Events section.

Modify Global Events


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Global Events tab.
    The Global Events section appears.
  3. In the Global Events section, in the grid, select the global event that you want to modify.
    The event is highlighted.
  4. Select .
    The Edit Global Event datasheet appears.
  5. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  6. Select .
    Your global event has been modified and saved. To return to your analysis, select .

Delete Global Events


  1. Access ASO.
  2. Select a scenario, and then, in the workspace, select the Global Events tab.
    The Global Events section appears.
  3. In the Global Events section, in the grid, select the global event that you want to delete.
    The event is highlighted.
  4. Select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the global event.
  5. Select Yes.
    A message appears, confirming that the global event is deleted.