Manage ASO Diagrams

About ASO Diagrams

An ASO Diagram provides a visual representation of the Asset, System, or Unit scenario being modeled, as well as the means to navigate to the supporting analyses or elements. You can use the tools in this feature to add or remove subsets of your scenario.

  • An ASO Diagram is only available when working at the system or Unit scenario level.
  • ASO only has one diagram that is shared across scenarios.

Access the ASO Diagram Workspace

Before You Begin

A Diagram represents the physical layout and construction of pieces of equipment and locations. A Diagram consists of a root System Subsystem record, which is linked to one or more System Subsystem, System Sensor, System Buffer, System Link, System Asset, and System Switch records that together make up the Diagram. When you create an ASO Analysis, the Diagram is created automatically using the strategy (and any strategies it contains) from which you created the analysis. Therefore, after you have created an ASO Analysis, there is no manual step required for creating a Diagram. You simply can build out the Diagram further by adding the necessary elements and connections.


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the Analysis Summary pane, select the Diagram tab.
    The Diagram workspace appears.

    The Diagram workspace contains the following features:
    • Diagram Hierarchy pane: Provides a hierarchical view of the elements that are included in the Diagram.
    • Diagram Canvas: Serves as an interactive drawing interface where you can build a Diagram. You can drag elements from the Diagram Palette pane to the Diagram Canvas to display the elements within the Diagram. You can then rearrange the elements by dragging them to different locations on the Diagram Canvas.
    • Diagram Palette: Displays the available Diagram elements that you can drag onto the Diagram Canvas to include in the Diagram.
      Note: The Diagram Palette feature is only available for System and Unit Strategies.
    • Properties: Displays the information associated either with the entire Diagram or a selected element.

Access a Strategy Summary via an ASO Diagram


  1. Access the ASO Diagram workspace.
  2. Select the node whose strategy you want to access.
    A red box appears around the selected node.
  3. Select , and then select View Strategy.

    In a new tab, the Strategy Summary for the selected Strategy appears.

Import Asset and System Strategies into a Diagram


  1. Access the ASO Diagram Workspace.
  2. Select .
    The Search window appears.
  3. Select the check box next to each strategy that you want to import into the diagram, and then when finished, select OK.
    The imported strategies appear on the Diagram Canvas.

Copy and Paste Nodes in ASO Diagrams


  1. Access ASO.
  2. In the left pane, select the Diagram tab.
    The Diagram workspace appears.

  3. Select the node that you want to copy.
    A red box appears around the selected node.
  4. Select , and then select .
    A message appears, confirming that the selected node has been copied.
  5. Select the place on the canvas where you would like to paste the selected node.
  6. Select , and then select .
    A message appears, confirming that the selected node has been pasted.

Delete Nodes in an ASO Diagram


  1. Access the ASO Diagram workspace.

  2. Select the node that you want to delete.
    A red box appears around the selected node.
  3. Select and then select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the node.
  4. Select OK.
    A message appears, confirming that the node is deleted.