Dashboard URLs
There is one URL route associated with dashboards: dashboard. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each.
Element | Description | Accepted Value(s) | Notes |
dashboard: Opens the Dashboards page. | |||
dashboard/<CatalogItemKey>: Opens the <DashboardName> page for a specific dashboard. | |||
<CatalogItemKey> | Specifies the key for the dashboard that you want to open. | Any numeric Entity Key that corresponds to an existing dashboard. | This element is required to open an existing dashboard from a URL. |
Parameter Name = Parameter Value | Specifies the Parameter Name and Parameter Value of the Dashboard that you want to open. | Parameter Names and Parameter Values | #dashboard/Catalog Item Key?Parameter Name=Parameter Value |
dashboard/<CatalogItemPath>: Opens the<DashboardName>page for a specific dashboard. | |||
<CatalogItemPath> | Specifies the path for the dashboard that you want to open. | The Catalog path and name of the dashboard that you want to open. | This element is required to open an existing dashboard from a URL. |
Examples: Dashboard URLs
Example URL | Destination |
#dashboard | Dashboards page. |
#dashboard /1234567 | Dashboard page for the dashboard with the Catalog Item Key 1234567. |
#dashboard ?path=Public\AQA Registry\AQA REG Dashboards\AQA Image Dashboard | Dashboard page for the AQA Image Dashboard. |
#dashboard/64257658406?enty_key=64257667886 | Dashboard page for the dashboard with the Catalog Item Key 64257658406, Parameter Name enty_key, and Parameter Value 64257667886. |