
Product Workflow

This workflow describes the process for:
  • Creating a Shift for a Functional Location and Team.
  • Defining a data entry form.
  • Defining a Template for the data entry form.
  • Applying the Template to the Shift.
  • Defining a log entry type record for the subfamilies of the eLog Entry family.
  • Defining a Role Configuration record for the Team Member (that is, the Team Member Role).
  • Signing in to the Shift.
  • Managing an assignment for the Shift.
  • Creating a log entry for the Shift.
  • Signing out of the Shift.

The blue text in the boxes indicates that a corresponding description has been provided in the sections that follow the workflow diagram. For more information, refer to the Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams section of the documentation.

Define Team

Persona: Solution Administrator

Create a Team comprising Team Members who belong to the eLog Security Groups. Assign a Role to each of the Team Members.

Define Shift

Persona: Solution Administrator

Create a Shift for a Functional Location.

Assign Team

Persona: Solution Administrator

Assign the Team to the Shift.

Define Data Entry Form

Persona: Solution Administrator

Create a data entry form using the Data Entry Form Definition and Data Entry Form Field records.

Define Template

Persona: Solution Administrator

Create a Template for an assignment using the data entry form.

Apply Template to Shift

Persona: Solution Administrator

Apply the Template to the Shift.

Define Log Entry Type

Persona: Solution Administrator

Modify or create a log entry type record for the subfamilies of the eLog Entry family (that is, eLog General Entry and eLog Generation Event).

Define Role Configuration

Persona: Solution Administrator

Modify or create a Role Configuration record using the Team Member Role.

Sign in to Shift

Persona: Analyst

Sign in to the Shift using the Role Configuration record.

Manage Assignment

Persona: Analyst

Complete the assignment for the Shift using the Template, and then submit the assignment for review.

If you are the reviewer, review the assignment that has been submitted for review, and then approve or reject it as needed.

If the assignment has been rejected, modify it, and then resubmit it for review.

Create Log Entry

Persona: Analyst

Create a general log entry or a generation event log entry for the Shift using the log entry type record.

Sign out of Shift

Persona: Analyst

Sign out of the Shift.