If geolocation services are enabled on a device, relevant geolocation data will be saved automatically when you provide readings or create a recommendation.
Accessing Geolocation Data
You can view the geolocation data that is saved for readings, recommendations, and photos via a Map query delivered in the baseline GE Digital APM Catalog.
Availability of Geolocation Data
Location data will only be stored if geolocation services are able to obtain coordinates. This is contingent on the user having granted permission for the GE Digital APM website or application to access geolocation services on the device in use. In addition, geolocation services may be intermittent; if the geolocation service does not provide a valid response, no location information will be saved to the database.
Note: When using the Google Chrome browser, location data is saved only when using a secure connection over https. For more information, refer to the Google Chrome security documentation.
Accuracy of Geolocation Data
In general, for horizontal location detection when using GPS-based location services (i.e., when outdoors and using a smartphone or tablet with built-in GPS), there is >95% probability of the location being accurate within 3.5 meters.
Note: If you are indoors while taking a reading or creating a recommendation, GPS-based geolocation may not work, and accuracy will be limited.
If geolocation is inferred from IP network address, wi-fi, or a cell location, it may be significantly less accurate. For example, if using a browser, geolocation will be inferred from the IP address and wi-fi based location information. At best, a browser is only able to isolate location to a 3 to 5 mile radius, though it could be significantly less accurate. If you are accessing the internet via a corporate network, it is possible that the exposed IP address may imply a different location, possibly even a different country, than where you are physically located.
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