After you log in to Operator Rounds, you will see the Home screen.
The username of the user who is currently logged in appears at the top of the screen along with the current date.
On this screen, you can:
View all recommendations that have been created and not yet uploaded to GE Digital APM.
Select Settings to select a download query and delete existing data. This button appears only if you are logged in as a Super User or member of the MI Rounds Administrator Security Group. The following image shows what the Home screen looks like when you are logged in as one of these Security Users. The Settings button is outlined in red.
You can also see the number of Route records and Measurement Location records that were last downloaded and the number of records that are complete.
The Route Progress section displays the following information:
Note that if you try to navigate away from the Home screen before the progress indicators have been updated, the progress indicators will read Stopped Route Update and Stopped ML Update, and you can then navigate away from the screen.
When you are viewing any screen (except for the Home screen), you will see buttons along the bottom of the screen to indicate the actions that you can perform from that screen. For example, the following image shows the Routes screen.
On the Routes screen, you can:
Whenever you are viewing a screen from which you can perform more than three actions, you will see the Options button in the lower-left corner of the screen, next to buttons indicating the actions that you are most likely to perform from the current screen.
When you see the Options button, you can tap it to view a grid of buttons that represent the actions that you can perform on the current screen.
For example, in the following image, because you can do more than view the previous and next reading from this screen, the Options button appears next to the <Prev and Next > buttons.
In addition, as you are recording readings for the checkpoints on a Route, the following information will appear at the bottom of the screen:
The name of the Route appears in the lower-right corner of the screen, as shown in the following image.
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