You can define a schedule for a checkpoint via the Checkpoint Task, which is linked to the Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement representing the checkpoint. The Checkpoint Task datasheet appears in the Schedule section of the workspace for a selected Checkpoint.
When you are working with Checkpoint Tasks and schedules associated with checkpoints, it is important that you understand how the fields in the Checkpoint Tasks work and how the GE Digital APM system determines what Routes and checkpoints are due or overdue. The schedule that you define for the checkpoint determines the following dates for the reading associated with a checkpoint:
For example, if you specified that the checkpoint should be completed every 4 hours, and should not adjust for Daylight Saving Time:
As you can see, the values are separated by 4 hour increments, which is in accordance with the defined schedule.
When a new reading is taken for a checkpoint, the following fields are updated in the Checkpoint Task:
Continuing with the previous example, if you took the reading on Nov 2, 2015, at 03:30 P.M.:
As you can see, the Next Date and Non-compliance Date values are updated according to the defined schedule and not according to the Last Date value.
Note: You can also define a schedule in which the next date that a reading should be completed is a certain amount of time after the reading was last completed. With this type of schedule, the Last Date value would be used to determine the Next Date and Non-compliance Date values. For example, if the defined schedule in this example was Due 4 hours after last occurrence, the Next Date value would be Nov 2, 2015, at 07:30 P.M. (i.e., 4 hours after the date and time in the Last Date field).
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