About Checkpoint Condition Nodes in the Template Group Pane

In a Route, a checkpoint condition defines the circumstances in which conditional checkpoints should appear on the device if the user enters a specific reading value for the previous checkpoint. Likewise, in a Template Group, a checkpoint condition represents the checkpoint condition that will be created when the Template Group is applied to a Route. When you define a condition, you will need to define:

In a Template Group, a single condition is represented by:

In the left pane of the page for the Template Group, Checkpoint Condition nodes are displayed within the context of the Measurement Location Template node representing the initial and subsequent checkpoints. Specifically, the Checkpoint Condition node appears below the Measurement Location Template node representing the initial checkpoint. Likewise, the Measurement Location Template node representing the subsequent checkpoint appears below the Checkpoint Condition node.

Consider the following image. In this image, you can see the Checkpoint Condition node, which appears below the initial Measurement Location Template node Vent Check. Below the Checkpoint Condition node If Vent Check is Obstructed then:, you can see the subsequent Measurement Location Template nodes FUEL TANK CHECK and Check offline status.

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