In the design canvas, select the Logic Tree node that you want to copy.
In the upper portion of the workspace, in the Manage Diagram section, select .
Select the node onto which you want to paste the copied node, and then in the upper portion of the workspace, in the Manage Diagram section, select .
If the selected node is a valid location to paste the copied node, the nodes that were copied appear at the levels below the selected node.
If the selected node is not a valid node to paste the copied node, an error message appears indicating that this is not a valid location. You will need to select a different location to paste the node.
When you copy a Hypothesis node, if the RCA Hypothesis is linked to an RCA Verification, the verifications for that Hypothesis will also be copied. When you paste the Hypothesis, new RCA Hypothesis and RCA Verification will be created and will contains the same information as the sources.