You can promote an asset to ASM if all the components in the asset have an active RBI
Note: The way in which you manage the unmitigated and mitigated risk values depends on how administrative settings are configured.
You can decide on how you want to track recommended actions based on risk information in the DMs. You can choose either of the following options:
You will create or generate RBI Recommendations to record recommended actions and mitigated risk values, and then transfer them to ASM. Actions are created for these Recommendations. You will then create Inspection Tasks.
To transfer RBI Recommendations to Asset Strategies in ASM, you must promote the corresponding asset to ASM. Remember that a single asset can have multiple RBI Components, and each RBI Component can have only one active RBI
Note: You can promote an asset to ASM only if each of the associated RBI
After you promote an asset to ASM:
In the following image, Equipment A is linked to two RBI Components, Component 1 and Component 2, which are each linked to an RBI
After an Asset Strategy has been created from RBI, you can manage the Asset Strategy using ASM. Some restrictions will apply to the Asset Strategy, however, depending on how the administrative settings are configured. The following tables provide information on which actions are always allowed, which ones are always restricted, and which ones are allowed only if the appropriate administrative settings are configured.
Always Allowed | Always Restricted |
Allowed Depending on Administrative Settings
The following table describes actions that are allowed for Asset Strategies that were created from RBI and the corresponding administrative setting that allows it.
Action |
Corresponding Administration Action |
Opening the Risk Matrix to view the unmitigated risk rank for any Risk that was created from RBI. |
This action is allowed only if the Risk Assessment Enabled check box is selected. If the Risk Assessment Enabled check box is cleared and you click the hyperlinked unmitigated risk rank, a message appears, indicating that you need to view the unmitigated risk values in RBI (i.e., using the Degradation Mechanism datasheet). |
Opening the Risk Matrix to view the mitigated risk rank for any Action that was created from RBI. |
This action is allowed only if the Risk Assessment Enabled check box is selected. If the Risk Assessment Enabled check box is cleared and you click the hyperlinked mitigated risk rank, a message appears, indicating that you need to view the unmitigated risk values in RBI (i.e., using the Degradation Mechanism datasheet). |
Copying a Risk that was created from RBI. |
This action is allowed only if the Risk Assessment Enabled check box is selected. |
Unlinking a driving RBI Recommendation record from an Action. |
This action is allowed if the Recommendation Creation Enabled check box is cleared. |
Linking a new Recommendation record to an Action that was created from RBI. |
This action is allowed if the Recommendation Creation Enabled check box is cleared. |
Clearing the Drives Action check box for an RBI Recommendation record that was used to create an Action. |
This action is allowed if the Recommendation Creation Enabled check box is cleared. |
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